*Updated Edit: I rewrote the last chapter, it just didn't mesh well. I'm up to nearly 4,000 words for the last five minutes of the first episode, and the first ten minutes of the second episode.

...send help.


Beautiful Readers!

First, I hope you are all doing well during this chaotic and stressful time. Well wishes to you and yours, for your health and general livelihoods when it seems like the world is slowing to a stop, or coming apart at the seams. I know I've been absent, but if any of you wish to reach out when it is so easy to feel like you're all on your own, my inbox is always open. Much love.

In the meantime, those of you who love Elisabeth and her story might want to go back to the beginning and read through once more...I may or may not have looked over every chapter. Completed some editing...added a few new things in.

(Insert wicked smirk here!)

Also, some of you have been asking about the possibility of a Tumblr blog being recreated for HOR. I'm happy to say that is in the works! I'll let you know at the bottom of a new chapter when it is time. Right now, I'm in the process of recreating a main blog under my username and then a side blog devoted to Heart Of Runes only. I'll be posting all manners of content and looking forward to hopefully interacting with you all even more!

During this time, I'm able to devote more time to writing, a small silver lining in all the harsh reality of the present time. I'm determined to get Ellie's story out there, especially now that the final season has ended. Can I just say, it's so weird in a cool way to see some things you thought up back before a third season was even a thing, come to life on the screen? Can't believe I actually think like a show-writer. So cool!

Love, blessings, and safety to you all!