All That's Left of Him

Frisk stands slowly and he backs away from Chara, "I-I won't.."

Chara tilts her head, smirking, "Is that so?"

She walks towards him until he backs into a wall. She stops, standing directly in front of him. She holds the knife towards him, "How long do you intend to run away from what you did, Frisk? You love to blame me, but it was all you. You know that, I know that, and it's time everyone else does to."

She presses the knife into his hand, "So take this and show them it's all you."

"No, I promised I wouldn't hurt anyone!" Frisk replies.

"You broke that promise," Chara reminds him.

"I.. I don't want to hurt anyone.." Frisk looks down, "Not anymore.."

"Liar," Chara laughs, "Sans may believe that sob story, but you can't trick me, partner. We're one in the same, and you know it."

"Just leave me alone, you got what you wanted!" Frisk shoves Chara back as hard as he can. The demon stumbles back, giggling, "Oh, Frisk.."

Frisk shakes and then he takes off towards the next room. Chara sighs and throws the knife at him. The knife stabs him in the back and he cries out, falling face first into the dirt.

"What the heck?!" Flowey looks confused and annoyed as Frisk runs into the room then falls down, a knife in his back. Frisk groans, shaking as Chara calmly walks into the room, a smile on her face. Flowey gasps, "Ch-Chara?"

"Hiya, bro," she grins, crouching down beside Frisk. Her grin widens as she rips the knife from Frisk's back. Frisk yelps and tries to get up. Chara grips his hair with her free hand and smacks his head back into the dirt, "Stay there, where you belong, you little worm."

Frisk groans and Flowey frowns, "What are you doing here, Chara..?"

Chara smirks at the flower, "What's wrong, Asriel? Not happy to see your little sister?"

Flowey groans, "I'm not Asriel.. And you're not Chara. Not anymore.."

Chara tilts her head, pointing the knife at Flowey, "Remember when Frisk killed you? I can do that, too, you know. So, unless you want to be an even more miserable pile of petals, I suggest you shut up."

Flowey's eyes narrow, but he doesn't move to anger the demon. Instead, he retreats into the ground. Chara chuckles, "Spineless prince. I guess some things never change."

Chara looks down at Frisk and she pulls his head up so he's looking at her. He groans, glaring at her, "Go ahead, kill me. I'm not committing genocide again."

"Kill you?" she laughs, "I have a much better plan in mind."

Frisk's eyes widen, "What are you going to do..?"

Sans sits at his sentry station, trilling his fingers against the wood. He sighs, propping his head up on his palm as he continues to trill his fingers, "Hm, wonder what the kid's up to.. He's sure taking his time in the Ruins. Though, he spent months there last time. Guess he'll move on when he's ready. Now that he has his soul again, things should get back to normal."

After awhile of sitting in silence, nothing but the howling wind to keep him company, Sans leaves the station, "Can't hurt to check on him."

He teleports to the doors leading into the Ruins. Anger fuels Sans as he sees Frisk standing there, dusty knife in hand. Frisk looks at Sans with blank, dark eyes. He slowly smiles, a soft red glow appears in his eyes as he raises his knife towards Sans. Sans shakes, "You've got to be kidding me.."

Frisk doesn't respond and Sans growls, "I gave you a chance to make it right! This is how you repay me? Another genocide?!"

"Spare me, Sans. You know you want to." Frisk and Chara's voice speak in unison.

Sans's eyes widen, "You.. You're not.."

His eyes narrow, "Let him go, Chara."

Frisk continues to smile, "Give it up, Sans. This is who I really am."

"It's not," Sans replies, "I know the real you, kid, and this ain't it. Fight her, Frisk!"

Frisk slashes the knife through the air, grinning as he takes a step forward, "Make this easy on yourself and just die. You know you won't win this, remember last time we fought? You killed me two thousand and twenty-six times, and in the end, I still killed you. The game was done and you didn't stand a chance. You still don't, so just save yourself the energy and stop trying."

Sans clenches his fists, "It may have been Frisk at the beginning, but he stopped fighting. That's when you took over, isn't it? He never killed me. It was all you."

"Humans are all the same. There's no redeeming us. Now it's time for you to die, Sans!" Frisk runs at Sans. Frisk tries to stab the skeleton and Sans's left eye glows blue as Frisk is encased in blue light. He throws Frisk into a few trees and then Frisk slowly stands back up. Sans's eyes narrow, "Kid, I don't want to kill you. you have to fight her. Don't let her control you! You're stronger than she is!"

Frisk's form flickers and Chara is standing in his place. She sneers, "On the contrary, my dear comedian. Frisk belongs to me now."

Sans glares at her, "That's not true!"

Chara's form flickers and Frisk returns. He shivers, looking at Sans with clear eyes, "Sans.. Please.. You have to kill me.."

He groans, his eyes darken and the red glow returns. He growls, his and Chara's voices speak in unison again, "Shut up!"

"Frisk!" Sans gasps, "You have to fight her! You can do it!"

Frisk runs towards Sans, raising the knife, "Your Frisk is gone! The real Frisk is here now, and I'm going to kill you!"

Sans side steps Frisk's attack, and then he throws Frisk into the doors of the Ruins. Frisk cries out, falling face first into the snow. Sans stands there, watching Frisk wearily. Worry shines in the skeleton's eyes the longer Frisk remains still. The wind blows and Sans takes a hesitant step towards Frisk, "Kid..?"

Frisk slowly sits up and he shakes, tears forming in his eyes, "Sans.. Please.. Please, kill me.. Before she wakes up.."

"Frisk.." Sans sighs, "Don't give up. You can do this, you can beat her. I know you can."

"You don't understand.." Frisk shakes his head, "Please, just take my soul, don't let us come back. Don't let me hurt anyone else!"

"Frisk, I'm not going to kill you, this is her doing, not yours." Sans replies.

"This time," Frisk shivers, "I did most of the killing last time.. I don't want.. To want to do it again.. Please.. Sans, just.. Do the world a favor and kill me.."

"Kid.." Sans's eyes widen.

Tears spill down Frisk's face, "How many times do I have to beg you to kill me?! Just take my soul, stop us from ever coming back!"

He sobs, closing his eyes. Sans sighs, shaking his head. He takes a breath and walks towards Frisk. Frisk wraps his hand around the knife as Sans leans towards him to steal the boy's soul. Frisk's eyes snap open, blank, glowing red eyes, and in one swift move, he stabs Sans before the skeleton can react. Sans gasps, eyes widening. Frisk smirks, "Too late."

Sans falls to the ground, starting to turn to dust. Frisk stands and his form flickers one last time as Chara takes control. She giggles, "I told you this would happen, didn't I? Foolish comedian. Frisk belongs to me now, and you're dead. This world is finally mine to destroy, and remake in my own image."

"Fr..isk.." Sans coughs, slowly fading to dust.

Chara looks down at him and she shakes her head, "Frisk is gone. Frisk no longer exists. It's just me, now."

Sans creates a Gaster Blaster in front of Chara, but it turns to dust almost instantly as Sans's dust is blown away in the wind. Chara laughs and continues through the forest. She pulls Frisk's soul from within her body and she crushes it in her hands, "Now, there's really nothing left of you."