CROSSOVER! This is my first crossover of none other than Danny Phantom and Gravity Falls! Follows, favorites, and reviews are appreciated and I hope you enjoy! *cough* Caeser Cipher *cough*


Danny: A ghost in a town full of weird paranormal activity, how original. *sarcasm*

Me: Oh hush.

Mabel: *gasps* New comers?! I'll make you all sweaters! *throws glitter everywhere*

Dipper: Maaabbell *whines* not again...

Sam: At least it beats Lancer's class...

Robbie: Alright! A fellow goth.

Danny: *glares* Step away from the Sam. I will go psycho ectoblast on you.

Dipper: Do iittt!

Tucker: Come my precious PDA, I'll take you away from the crazy people. *snuggles PDA*

Stan: So does anyone want to buy some authentic(completely fraudulent) merchandise?

Dipper: *facepalms*

Me: Ughhhhh let's just start the story...

Amity Park; July 18th, 2008.

"You cannot contain me, The Box Ghost, in your cylindrical container of doom!" shouted the Box Ghost from the blue suction rays of the Fenton Thermos.

"Can't you bug some other halfa?" retorted the, now seventeen year old half ghost Danny Fenton, also known as Danny Phantom in his heroic alternate identity. He didn't even bother transforming for the Box Ghost, seeing that he was more of an annoyance than anything that could be considered a threat. Danny capped the thermos and returned to Mr. Lancer's class with about two minuted until the end of the school day.

At this point, Mr. Lancer didn't even bother to reprimand the boy, he'd just do it again anyways, so he simply ignored the teen's prescence and continued his lecture until the bell.

With a sigh, Danny sat at the desk between Sam's and Tucker's. "Just the Box Ghost," he told them quietly.

Sam nodded, "so are we still visiting Dora after school?" she asked.

"She got all the 'technology not working' problems fixed right?" Tucker questioned, glancing down at his beloved PDA.

"Yes and yes, my parents are at some ghost convention so the coast'll be clear." Danny explained before the bell rung and students began to funnel out of the classroom.

"Hopefully we can avoid Dash on our way out, after your idiotic prank pulling," Sam added as the three left the classroom.

"Fentooooonn!" they heard the yell the second they stepped out of the door.

"Oh great." Danny muttered.

"Hey, it's your fault for putting his rom-com collection in his locker." Sam said as she gave him a disapproving glance.

"It's his fault for having a rom-com collection," Danny replied with an eye roll. Tucker chuckled.

"Fenton! You're DEAD!" Dash called angrily as he neared the trio.

"Already halfway there." Danny added wittily under his breath, barely loud enough for Tucker and Sam to hear, as he took Tucker and Sam's arms and began to jog. Sam rolled her eyes with a ghost of a smile and Tucker laughed.

They made it off of Dash's trail and to FentonWorks with ease.



"Fenton Phones?"


"Map of the Ghost Zone?"




"Your girlfriend Sam?"

"Check- HEY!" Danny spoke as Tucker laughed.

"Tucker and Sam, do you have your halfa-modified Specter Deflectors?"


Sam nodded.

"Everyone got a Fenton Wrist Ray?"



"Danny, got the Speeder ready?"

"Ready to go." Danny replied smoothly as he leaned against the vehicle. He expectantly turned intangible and face planted into the floor.

After the chuckles and smirks subsided, Jazz, Tucker, Sam, and Danny boarded the Specter Speeder and took off for the ghost zone, ready for their visit to Dora's kingdom. They hadn't been there since the beauty pageant incident...

"Let's hope walker doesn't try to arrest me for yet another offense." Danny said.

"What will another couple thousand years do?" Sam joked.

"Not funny." Danny said dryly as Tucker laughed from the back of the Speeder.

"As long as we don't run into the Box Ghost, everything should be fine. It can't get much more irritating than the box ghost." Sam optimized.

"Or Klemper. I'm really not in the mood for an overdose of friendship today."

"Is someone moody today?" Sam teased as she poked Danny's cheeks. He huffed grumpily, trying to conceal a blush.

Jazz and Tucker rolled their eyes, simultaneously muttering, "Lovebirds."

"WE'RE NOT LOVEBIRDS!" The two shouted grumpily.

Tucker ignored their denial and inspected the thermos, "Wait. Occupied? Who's in there?" he asked as his finger pressed the 'release' button.

"I AM THE BOX GHOST!" bellowed the blue, and incredibly annoying, middle-aged ghost.


"Come on ghost getters! Get your weapons ready!" Jazz exclaimed as she grabbed the Fenton Bazooka and started shooting aimlessly.

"Put the weapon down, Sam coaxed her, slowly walking over as Danny took cover in the corner of the vehicle. The box ghost took this as a cue to fly away.

"Uh guys?" Tucker called to them.

"Tucker, can't you see we're busy here?"

"But Sam-"

"Not now Tucker!"

"GUYS!" he yelled.

Sam turned, ready to glare daggers at the technogeek. Danny and Jazz paused and followed her eyes, looking over at Tucker, but they all stopped short when they realized a temporary ghost portal had opened up right in front of them. In an instant, the Specter Speeder shot through and soared at least a mile through the forest, barely making it through the dense forest trees, before abruptly crashing into the Earth. The crash knocked the four passengers unconscious for around twenty minutes until Danny jolted awake, startled.

He woke up the others. "We need to get back to the temporary portal before it closes," Danny explained. "I have no idea how long we were out so hopefully it's still there." he grabbed Sam's hand, causing them to both blush, (and Tucker facepalm) and then grabbed hold of Tucker and Jazz, taking flight off in the direction from where they came.

"No, no, no, no, no! How could this happen?!" Danny paced back and fourth in a panic brushing his hands through his black hair in frustration.

"Danny, don't worry. Maybe we're in the same time period," Jazz rationalized.

"My PDA's not getting a signal anywhere!" Tucker shrieked as he walked around in search of a signal.

"Let's find the road, then get a newspaper to see where we are.. and when we are." Sam suggested as she brushed off her skirt.

And thus, they began their trek through the eerie forest. The sun had set by the time they reached a dirt road in the middle of the eternal forest. The four walked down the road tiredly until they came across a sign beside the dirt road. It read,

"Welcome to Gravity Falls."

I don't know if I should proceed with this but if you think I should, let me know! Thanks for reading and this is TotallyObsessedWithDP signing off.