First thank you to Just-Some-Guy90, and DEVGRU1919 for your reviews.

And now we reached the epilogue of our story. so far I have one request for a sequel and there is room for one but I have plans for another story so we'll see how it goes and if there is enough demand.

Zootopia: Ghosts of you and me

Chapter: 17


Six months later...

A couple mammals were busy preparing a office in part of an older building in Savannah Central, a couple of wolves in cleaning gear walked out of the room as a gazelle, dear and a bear walked in with some equipment to put in the flooring. Watching on was a gray and orange fox next to her was an orange fox her fiancé. "So Judy, this is a step in a different direction but with the support of Bogo you pulled it off." She smiled softly as she leaned against him nuzzling him softly feeling the fur of his neck and cheek. She sighed softly as had to step out of the way for another mammal as he went to work putting some wording on the glass potion of the door that was on the top third of the door. Using tools to carefully place the lettering he started to read Private Detectives Julia and Nick Wilde. Nick got his first look at the name on the door as it was completed. "Mrs. Wilde? Didn't I just barely propose to you?" he teased her as the mammal finished up and walked away, Judy traced her paws along the sign. "I didn't want to go through the trouble of redoing it." She turned around and wrapped her arms around his mid section embracing him for a hug. "Very fitting for starting a life don't you think?" She asked him as she admired the sign on the door. "Yes 100% " he said as he turned to her and smiled and kissed her but was interrupted as the door opened seeing several mammals all wearing dirtied up jump suits looking tired and exhausted. "Sorry for interrupting, but the office is finished, but if you two would like a moment." Said the bear with a form of new jersey accent. Nick and Judy puleld back from each other to regain their composure as Judy smiled and nodded. "Thank you very much." They packed up their tool boxes and gear and headed out of the building to their van parked on the street.

Once the office was clear they each walked inside checking out the interior of the rooms, there was a mini lobby where some mammal could work the front and take calls while a door led to actual office. Inside was a large empty space enough for two work spaces and to the left of the door was a small half bath for convince and part of the building code that each officer of a certain size was given its own half bath. larger ones that could fit multiple stalls and even have two, one for each gender. But for their needs this size office was perfect, she walked toward the center "We'll put the desks here facing each other." She looked at Nick for his opinion seeing his usual smug face. "Not only do you look at this face at home but want to face it at work all day?" he joked with her. "Better then a picture frame." she said smiling at him causing him to smile uncontrollably. He went in for a close hug pulling her close pressing his muzzle against her neck taking a deep breath enjoying her scent. They held onto each other for what felt like hours before Nick pulled away. "The moving van will be here soon, I'll order some take out for when its all set up and we can have our dinner here." "Good plan." she said as she walked out of the office to be greeted by a certain badger.

"Hey Honey what brings you here?" asked Nick as she took a step inside having dressed mostly formal considering her taste for more survivalist clothing. "I heard you might need some help." Nick looked to Judy who was already smiling and nodded at him while she took a step forward shaking paws with Honey. "Glad to have you aboard." Honey pulled her paw away and pulled Judy into a hug then gestured Nick to come closer and surprised him by pulling into the hug feeling both of them in her grasp. Nick and Judy were hugged tightly before being let go. A knock a the door drew their attention as Judy went to answer it, opening the door she saw the movers. Once she signed the paper work the various mammals came in carrying all the things they would need. Once the heavier items were set up they were soon joined by other mammals to set up the computers, phone and internet services with help of smaller mammals handling the wiring as they were able to get into smaller spaces. It was a couple hours before everything was set up and Judy signed the rest of the paper work as Nick called for take out on the new phone system.

Very soon the three of them were telling jokes and retelling stories of the past. Judy nearly spit out some of her drink as Honey told her an embarrassing story about Nick while he tried to pull his ears down in shame in a poor attempt to hide his face. "Ah come on Nick, its all in good fun." Honey reassured him as she lightly punched him in the shoulder, he just furrowed his brow making Judy laugh even harder as it reminded of when she hustled him for tax evasion. "Aww he looks so cute when he's angry." Said Judy trying to give a cute face of her own to cheer him up. He tried to remain stubborn as long as he could but couldn't and broke out into a smile. "Okay, okay enough. How about we head home and get some sleep for tomorrow for our first client has an appointment for tomorrow." The other two nodded as they got up and cleaned up the plates, when Honey got her things she excused herself first leaving Nick and Judy alone. "Lets go home name Wilde" Judy liked the sound of that and couldn't wait for it to be official. The two of them shared another kiss before locking up the office and heading home.

Four months later...

Nick was rushing to wrap up some paper work at the office as Finnick was yelling at him to pick up the pace. "I know I know, I'll be right there." Filing away the last of the paper work he stopped when the short fox blocked his path confusing Nick. "What?" he asked looking at his old friend. "Did you have the ring?" he asked causing Nick's eyes to go wide and search his pockets. "Where, where, where..." He looked back at the desk about to make a mess looking for it till Finnick whistled getting his attention and spotted the ring box in his paw giving Nick a cause for relief. "Your a life saver bud." He just shrugged as they rushed out of the building and locked up the office. They each piled into his trademark van and drove off. Finnick had his favorite music playing a type of hip hop music composed of a foreign language that Nick wasn't familiar with. "Go, go, go." he yelled panicking at his friend. "Calm down Nick, geez." he said rolling his eyes as he pulled into traffic to get to the Zootopia Regional Park where they agreed early on to hold the wedding.

The van rushed through the streets of Zootopia on the way to the park. Finnick narrowly dodged a few cars scarring Nick as he clutched onto the dashboard. "Watch it man." He yelled out as he felt his heart pounding a mile a minute for the wrong reason. Turning down a few more streets they could see park in the distance as Nick readied himself to jump out when the van stopped. Rushing out of the van he just picked up Finnick despite his protests and plopped him down next to the other grooms mammals in the lead place as the best mammal. Nick would make some quick adjustments to his suit as he handed the ring box to Finnick so he could hand it to him at the right time hoping he wouldn't try anything with it.

The progression music soon started up as Bonnie and Stu walked up the aisle first, with Judy's new identity her parents signed up as her god parents so they could still retain the right to give her away at the right part of the ceremony. Soon after Stu and Bonnie sat down the grooms mammals walked along side the brides maids. Clawhauser was first up next to a female leopard soon followed by wolford and a orange vixen then followed by other friends they had made over the past few months. Once they were up at the front, Honey and Finnick came up as Nick's best mammal and Judy's maid of honor. The smaller fox couldn't stand being in a suit but he weathered on for his friends sake., while Honey was starting to get used to more formal and professional wear from her new job with Nick and Judy. Soon after Nick walked up on his own looking around seeing all the smiling faces looking up at him from the benches. In a few moments he made it to the front to await his bride. The music kicked up as he turned his attention to the start of the aisle to see Judy as the fox she had become. He had thought he would see her as she was before a rabbit in a wedding gown but life threw that curveball and they were lucky to have another chance at life together. He felt his face beam with pride as Judy began to walk down the aisle. A couple of her siblings who didn't know it was her walked in front letting down rose pedals in her path. Once they cleared out of her path she walked up to Nick who seemed to have a permanent smile his face.

Before them stood the foreboding stature of Chief Bogo. It took some coaxing but they had managed to convince Bogo to lead the services he held out of a old book that contained the words he would need to recite. For the younger ones they couldn't wait to get out of there but for Nick and Judy and their friends it was the happiest day ever. Bogo began to say the usual words for the gathering which went for a while till he came to the moment for each of them to say their vows. "Nick, would you like to read your vows first?" He nodded he had wrote his words a while back and had them memorized by now. "Julia, since the first day I meant you I never thought my life could be the same, you came in and rescued me and for that I will be eternally thankful to you. You have brought joy into my life when I believed there to be only misery of being alone. Every time I lay my eyes on you I think of all times we had and the times we have yet to come and I want to spend every last moment with you, I love you Name." Judy felt herself tear up as Nick finished saying his vows as Judy went over her vows. "Nick, when I found you I didn't know that one day you would be here in front of me now and what seemed liked pure chance would turn out to be fate and you improved my life and added to how I see the world around me and for the better and I will and forever love you Nick."

Getting to the last part of the ceremony "I chief of police for the ZPD and by power vested in me by the city of Zootopia I now pronounce you mane and bride, you may kiss the bride." Nick leaned forward kissed Judy gently on the lips for several moments before pulling away smiling awkwardly at Bogo. "And now it is my pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Wilde." The mammals in the both sides of the seats stood up and cheered as Nick and Judy made their way down the aisle while avoid rice being thrown at them by some of the attendees despite the tradition varying from mammal to mammal. After which they made their way to the reception area that was set up in the same park. They were lead to the cake for the cutting and feeding. Many of the mammals were snapping photos of them as they sliced a piece of cake and each picked up a piece of cake. Before Nick could gently feed the piece to Judy she shoved her piece into his snout causing him to shake his head trying to get the cake off his nose and then licked it off as he laughed and returned the favor missing her nose as she tried to dodge and hit her upper cheek with the cake she burst into laugher then went silent as she felt the long tongue of a fox licking off the cake and gave her a smile, she rolled her eyes at him. After they cleaned up they walked over to the head table and proceeded to have the other guests give their toasts.

First up was Nicks mother and proceeded to embarrass him with old childhood stories and when he joined the force, right after was Bonnie and Stu speaking officially Judy's god parents but slipped in some metaphors for when she was a rabbit. Soon after was their friends as Nick tried to hide himself when Finnick gave his toast but soon got through it, right after was Honey and she talked about her times with Nick and the events that followed when she was hired on to work for him and Judy. Bog was last to mention Nick and how Judy's new self rescued him from the dark and now formed a new relationship together despite how he knew it was her. The rest of the night went smoothly as Nick and Judy shared their first dance and everyone watched on intently as they felt the world fade away around them for a time when they danced with each other. The music came down and Nick dipped Judy for a small passionate kiss as he would save the rest for later. Things began to wrap up as the couple made their way to the limo provided by Mr. Big and their limo took them onto their honey moon in Tundra Town the back of the limo had writing on it. "Just Married" on the back window and drove off with everyone waving goodbye to them as they set on to the start of a new life together.

The End.

Thanks for reading.

For the time being this story will be counted as complete.