Thomas's POV

The sun shines through the smelly bus window, I look up to meet eye to eye with dark chocolate eyes from one of my good friends Chuck.

"Man, I wonder how school's gonna be this year you know being a Sophomore and all." Chuck says. I met Chuck in middle school, he was in 6th Grade when I was in 8th Grade, he moved to town a month before me, so we were both "greenies", or newbies.

Being a foster kid, I move around a lot, so you learn to pack really light so its way easier to move around, but I've been staying in this foster home for about 5 years now. I don't exactly remember my parents or anything from my past as much. All I remember is meeting my best friends, in the 8th grade, Minho and Newt. I start off the bus, waving to Chuck as he goes into the Sophomore hall. Newt, Minho, and I are Seniors now.

I pop open my locker that I got four years ago, when I close my locker, I jump up to see my dirty blonde friend, Newt.

"Hey Tommy." He says casually.

"Hey Newt." I say we do our complicated handshake that I somehow remembered over the summer.

Newt is a very understanding and loyal friend, I learned that the first day I met him. He is the most selfless guy I've ever met, and you can trust him with anything.

"Ahh isn't great to be back and see all the klunkheads here?" Gally asks in a sarcastic tone, looking at Newt and only Newt.

Gally always bullied Newt, the reason for that, I have no idea, but it always got on my nerves. Gally starts to push Newt into the lockers I try to pull him away but, fail miserably. Since there's no classrooms nearby I can't run to any teachers, and compared to Gally's strength I can't do anything until...

"Hey you shuckface." The really familiar voice sounds behind Gally.

Minho, an Asian athlete, with muscular arms (You know I had to add that part in) somewhat towers over Gally (somewhat)... Minho starts to grab Gally's collar.

"You stay the shuck away from my friend you got that, ya shank?" Minho spat.

Gally nods and pushed Minho away and started for the Senior hallway.

"You guys okay?" Minho looked back at us with a smirk.

"Yeah, thanks Minho..." Newt quietly said, Minho helps him get up from the lockers.

Minho is like the sarcastic, sassy protector friend, where you know, you can trust him and he will be beside through thick and thin. Minho was in foster care like me but, because he went started school when he was six, he is 18 years old, he has his own apartment. Long story, short both of our parents abandoned us when we were really young.

"So what's you guys' schedule?" I ask as we walk to Minho and Newt's lockers.

"Track, Math, Science, Lunch, History, Football, and English." Minho said quickly.

"Someone's memorized his schedule." Newt said smirking.

"Yet I can't remember what year Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Minho said popping his locker open.

"1492" I replied.

"Mhm." Minho nodded.

"Newt what's your schedule?" I ask, walking towards him and his open locker.

"Math, English, Science, Lunch, History, Student Council, P.E, and Art." Newt said shoving his backpack in his locker.

"Oh well we all have Science, Lunch, and History together." I say.

Then the bell ringed.

"Well I'll see you guys in Science." Newt said.

"See ya." Minho said walking off to the track.

"Hey Minho wait up." I say.

Last year is when I joined the track team, Minho wanted me to. I'm actually not that bad, I usually get 3rd or 4th in the mile, while Minho is in almost all the events, getting 1st and 2nd places for all of them.

"Hey what up Minho, Thomas!" Ben said walking towards us coming from the track.

"Nothing much..." Minho said.

When I joined track is when I realized Minho is really into this sport, he doesn't joke around the second he steps on the track, its like he's a different person, but in a good way.

A long 3 periods later...

Still Thomas's POV

Minho began munching on a PB&J sandwich during lunch, Newt was reading a book, and I was eating the nasty cafeteria food.

"Why can't home ec. cook the lunch?" I asked.

"Man that would be so great, Frypan can cook anything and make it taste good." Minho said finishing his sandwich.

"If you vote for me as your student council president I can make it happen." Newt said putting his book down, looking at us.

"Well, you got my vote." Minho said, smirking

"Same here." I said after.

The bell rings, "Hmm President Newt, it does have a good ring to it huh?" Minho says looking at Newt.

"Ha yeah." Newt says scratching his head.

4 Long, long periods after

"Ughh school." Minho groaned walking out the school doors.

"To my apartment?" Minho suggested, looking back at Newt and me.

"Yeah." We said in unison.

We all walked to Minho's car and we were off.

As we arrived at the apartment complex, there was a billboard near the road saying, "WE NEED YOU!" and an Uncle Sam cartoon pointing.

Right at this moment, there are battles being fought, between our government, The Right Arm, and W.I.C.K.E.D. W.I.C.K.E.D is an organization where they believe experimenting teens is the answer to basically anything, The Right Arm is trying its best to get rid of this organization, but W.I.C.K.E.D are very powerful. (This is why this story is an AU haha)

When we arrive at Minho's apartment, it is neat, as usual, and the exact same from when I visited countless times during the summer with Newt. Minho grabbed 2 Cokes and a water from his fridge, putting the Cokes in front of Newt and me, he collapses on one of his couches and turns on his T.V. already gulping down some of his water.

Newt and I watch the news as Minho fake yawns and looks at his phone.

"So how's Student Council going?" I ask Newt.

"Well, I think I'm going to be Vice President this year because, you know Alby." Newt says looking down.

"Nah I think this year you'll make President for sure." I say with a reassuring smile, he smiles back.

We hear quiet breathing from the couch beside us, I look over to see a sleeping Minho. His feet hanging out at the end of the couch and one of his hands over his stomach, the other behind his head, his mouth open a gap.

"Already sleeping eh?" Newt says smirking.

"Huh, can't believe this is our last year in high school." I say pondering more over the thought.

"Yeah." Newt sighs sitting back on the couch.

"Hey do you guys want to sleep over?" Minho asks probably half asleep.

"Uh I'll ask my brother." Newt says pulling out his phone.

Newt's mom died in a car accident, but I have no idea what happened with his dad, this leaves Newt with his older brother.

"I'm pretty sure Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery will let me." I say leaning back on the couch.

Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are my foster parents, they were Minho's foster parents until last September when Minho turned 18.

"Mmmm cool." Minho said already sleeping again.

"Okay my bro let me, what do you want to do?" Newt asks putting his phone on the coffee table.

"Well I was thinking we can, maybe play some Mario Kart or somethin" I say pulling out Minho's Wii U. (Fun Fact: The Maze Runner cast played Mario Kart all the time when they were done with shooting the Scorch Trials.)

"Okay, I call Mario." Newt says grabbing the Wii control.

We played Mario Kart for at least 2 hours until Newt finally fell asleep while playing the game. I walk over to Newt and Minho, who are on the same couch, and put a blanket over both of them. Then I realize I'm really tired, and can't stand up from where I was because of how tired I was.

I then fall asleep on the ground leaning on the couch where Minho and Newt were sleeping.

Minho's POV

I woke up to the sound of Mario Kart music. I tiredly groan and notice Newt is sleeping next to me and Thomas was on the ground. I get up quietly trying not to wake them, I push Newt gently more on the couch and lift Thomas up onto the couch, pulling the blanket over both of them. I sit on my single recliner and switch the T.V to regular T.V.

"What exactly is WICKED Vince?" The news reporter asks our president.

"They are a very dangerous organization, they think very different from us, and they are not to be trusted. That is why I am asking anyone who wants to fight for this country-" I cut "Mr. President" off and look at the clock 5 am.

I get up and go into my room. I change into my running clothes and go towards the door put on my running shoes, doing my normal routine, before I have to go to school.

To Be Continued...

Hooray! First chapter! Please comment if you have any...Suggestions, questions, complaints, and compliments... Thominewt will come guys just wait...
