Disclaimer: You do not own Fairy Tail, it sucks, I know, because I don't own Fairy Tail either.

Ok so here is the next chapter. Hope you guys like it, Gildarts is back. Now I'm going to skip the stupid author notes until the end, let's get right to it.

It had been three months since Charr became a member of Fairy Tail. She was now reaching six months old. Over the time they spent together, Natsu had developed a routine. He would wake up and make breakfast while he let Happy and Charr sleep. He would wake them up and feed Charr, burping her afterwards. They would then head to the guild where someone would take her of his hands allowing him to rest and recuperate. They would return her for noon feeding and then he would burp her again. Afterward she would take a one to two hour nap depending on the day. She would play some more I till she was hungry or sleepy again, indicating that it was time to head home. They would do so and Matsu would feed her again. With a final burping the two of them and Happy would head of to bed. Once a month him and Happy would take a week long job that had good pay while the guild watched Charr.

Charr was at the age were she she started to get curious about the world around her. She got into everything and if you didn't watch her she would disappear. For a baby who only started crawling, she could move pretty fast. Natsu had to play with her more to get the energy out of her. Her explorations also caused Natsu to have to get a better cradle so Charr wouldn't decide to scamper off during the night and get hurt on a house hold device of some nature. At the moment, Natsu sat at he bar of the guild. He had dark bags under his eyes from a not so good sleep the night before. Charr was also on the counter crawling away. Every few second or two, Natsu would pull her back to were she started only for her to continue her quest much to Natsu's displeasure.

"Ugh, I'm to young for this," Natsu sighed.

"I told you I could watch her for a day or two," Lucy on the other side of Natsu chimed in.

"Luce, face it, Charr doesn't like you," he dead panned. Lucy gasped.

"That is not true and I'll prove it!"

"Lucy it's been three months with no improvement," Gray said as he walked over to the pair. He then walked over to Charr and picked her up by her up by the back of her pink baby dress she was currently wearing, "I mean look at this thing, how could you like a runt like this."

As if to avenge being called a brat, she sent a wave of displeasure toward the unfortunate ice mage.

"OhGod, Natsu take her, she stinks, oh my god she stinks," he cried as he shoved a very smelly Charr into his rivals arms. The smell started to travel throughout the guild causing a wide spread cries of disgust.

"My nose, someone rip of my nose"

"Oh god Natsu do something"

"She stinks so bad"

"My eyes, my eyes are burning"

Soon the guild was half unconscious from the stench and the others still crying out in pain. Who knew all you needed to take down the most powerful guild in Fiore was a dirty diaper. Charr showed great promise that day as the potential most powerful member of the guild in the near future, if not now.

"Ay Happy, where's the bag of baby supplies."

"Over here Natsu, here's one," he handed Natsu a diaper and Natsu went to the back of the guild to change the smelly monster. While doing so everyone else was already out cold besides the two. They were used to Charr's "surprises" on a daily basis. Happy brought air fresheners with the baby stuff just for occasions like this. As he got busy flying around spraying the unconscious members Natsu came back out, a now happy Charr squealing in his arms as she admired her precious work. Definitely Natsu's daughter indeed. As he went to sit back down, a noticeable bell rang over the town, shouts could be heard over the ringing signaling something happening.


"The Gildarts shift is happening"

"Everyone get ready for the Gildarts shift,"

Back at the guild many members were up from the bell sounding across the town. Some members were running around yelling orders for someone else to follow. Some of the newer members were very confused.

"What's going on," Lucy asked, "and what's the Gildarts shift."

"Ya, I don't remember anything like this," Wendy added.

All the new members gasped as they watched all the buildings shift across the town making a straight path to the guild. It was a sight to be seen, an entire city moving, and for what? As if to answer there questions, Erza walked up to them.

"This is the Gildarts shift, it hasn't happened in less then three years," she continued when all she got were confused looks, "the Gildarts shift is what you see now, it's when we move the structure of the town to create a straight path to the guild. It was created for Gildarts, reason for its name, he is the most powerful member of the guild aside from the master."

"THE MOST POWERFUL MEMBER," Lucy yelled in fright.

"Aye, he is, he can beat Natsu in less then a second." Happy chimed munching on a fish as he and Natsu walked up to the group with Charr.

"That's not true," Matsu scoffed.

"It is very true Natsu," Erza bluntly replied.

"Natsu in a second, just how powerful is this guy," Lucy shuddered.

"Juvia thinks this is a bit overboard, even for Fairy Tail," the group hadn't noticed Juvia standing with them till now, she was so mysterious, coming and going like that.

"There's a reason for that," Erza continued, "You see, Gildarts uses a very powerful magic known as Crash. It has the ability to eradicate and destroy everything around him. It's a very dangerous magic that takes years of training to use properly. It also takes a lot of concentration. Gildarts has a wandering personality, so his thought usually wander too, making him not very observant of his surroundings. Before the shift was created he had a bad habit of accidentally walking through houses buildings and other private property. The Gildarts shift was made to help diminish the damage done."

Everyone of the new members jaws dropped at the end of Erza's explanation. The same thought running through every new members head except Gajeel, who felt the need to say everyone's thoughts for them.

"How big of an idiot is this guy." All he got was an "Aye" from Happy, if you could call it an answer or not, who knows. They looked out to he long stone street leading to the guild. The small dark silhouette of a person could be seen slowly trekking toward them. It seemed like forever till Natsu broke the silence.

"It's been forever since I last fought

Gildarts." He cheered.

"You will not be fighting Gildarts anytime soon," Erza scolded with a dark aura hovering over her, "you have bigger responsibilities anyway", she finished pointing at he child in his arms. Natsu looked down at Charr and then back at Erza while he scratched the back of his head and smiled his famous grin.

"Oops, sorry Erza."

They waited for what seemed like forever, but it was only because of the suspense. Gildarts hadn't been back in three years. Everyone was dying to see him and figure out why he was gone so long. Yes, the older members knew he was going on a very long and hard job, but only the master knew what it was exactly. There wait was finally over as the guild doors opened reveling a middle aged man with dark orange hair and a brown, old, rugged cape covering the majority of his body. He looked around for the longest time with a confused look. He then asked the person closest to him, which happened to be Mirajane, a question.

"Hey miss, I'm looking for a guild called Fairy Tail, could you point me in the right direction." Mira giggled at this and replied,

"This is Fairy Tail, welcome back Gildarts"she smiled her famous smile and added, "oh, by the way, I'm Mirajane." Silence until,





"WHAAAAAAAT," he yelled and got into a scared position were he stood on one leg and had his arms in front of his body. He then grabbed Mirajane and looked at her closely,

"Are you seriously Mira," everyone just laughed in response.

The guild had a big party to celebrate Gildarts' return. People were being loud and obnoxious while dancing on tables and drinking beer. Everyone had a big smile on there face. Well not everyone, if you looked closely you could see Cana sitting in the back of the guild. She was silently starring at Gildarts with a sad and grim expression. Gildarts sat at the bar next to Macarov drinking. They were talking about random stuff and most likely catching up on all that had transpired. After some time a troubling expression covered his face. He looked around the guild trying to find something, or someone. Master noticed this and decided to ask.

"Gildarts, is something wrong"

"No," he paused before he continued, "I just feel like something is missing."

Macarov was confused by this as well. He looked around the guild to aid in Gildarts' quest, then it dawned on him, he had been gone for three years of course he wouldn't know. Natsu was nowhere in sight. Where could he be? Macarov thought. As if fate had planned it the doors of the guild slightly opened. Due to the loud ruckus of partying mages, no one noticed but Master. He saw Charr on his hip with one arm wrapped around her. In Charrs arms was a purple dragon plushy. She was grabbing onto as if it was going to be taken from her. It wasn't the first time he saw he stuffed toy, whenever Charr had a tantrum, it was always the plushy that helped. He suspected Charr had a tantrum because of the chaos and he had to run and get it before Gildarts was back. Natsu headed over to the two and sat down by them. He put Charr in his lap and turned so he was facing Gildarts. He rested on elbow on the counter and put his head on his hand. An amused grin formed on his face as he watched a confused Gildarts scour the hall.

"Whatcha looking for Gildarts" he said after a while. Charr curious about the new man stayed quiet.

"I don't know, something seems missing," he replied," don't bother me now Natsu."





"NATSU," it hit Gildarts like a load of bricks. Natsu was what was missing. How could he forget Natsu, wow he must be really tired, "we're have you been all thi-" he stopped talking as he looked at Natsu. Charr was currently pulling on Natsus hair one hand holding the plushy in the other. Natsu was carefully trying to untangle her fingers from his "salmon" locks.

"Natsu why do you have a baby with you" Gildarts said bluntly.

"Oh, this is Charr Dragneel, my daughter," He replied forgetting to add the adopted part.

"Daughter! Aren't you a little young," he laughed getting the wrong idea, "or did you and Lisanna finally hook up."

His comment left Natsu with an unreadable expression. His hair shadowed his eyes as he looked down, his sight falling on Charr.

"Lisanna" Natsu started

"Lisanna?" Gildarts stopped laughing looking up at Natsu's serious face, "what happened to Lisanna." She was like a daughter to him, something couldn't have happened.

"Lisanna…" Natsu started again,"she… She died"

This shocked Gildarts. How? Why? When? Questions flew through his head faster then he could process any of them. The small cute innocent Lisanna, dead? Gone? Forever? He wanted to ask so many things, but he knew hey would be answered in time. Macarov was the one who broke the always silence.

"Two years ago," Master began, Gildarts knew that baby was not two years, not even a year probably. Then who's was it? His thoughts were inturupted when Macarov continued.

"Two years ago on an S-class mission. Mirajane Elfman and Lisanna went. Mira was the only S-class Mage in the guild and it was a emergency mission. The mission was to eradicate a monster known as the Beast. It seemed simple, like any other beast extermination request. But during the battle they were beaten horribly. Elfman tried to do a take-over on the monster but failed. The Beast instead took over Elfmans body. Mira was injured and Lisanna tried to reason with the Beast believing Elfman was still in there. She was killed when the beast flung her into some cliffs with his hand. Elfman later ran out of magic and returned to his normal state. But Mira blamed herself for the mishap and changed her personality completely. She only recently began to recover."

Gildarts was stunned. So much has happened when he was gone. Phantom attacking, Oracion Seis and Nirvana, Laxus going berserk, not to mention all the new faces he didn't recognize. I should come around more often, he mentally laughed at himself.

"So… Who's the kid?" He said trying to change the topic, "where's the mom."

"Dead," Natsu said, not really understanding what Gildarts was applying. Macarov just shook his head at the start of this conversation and downed another mug of alcohol.

"I didn't know, sorry for your loss."

"It's not that big of a deal, I only met her once." Gildarts jaw hit the counter, his imagination running wild,

"I didn't know you were the kind of guy who was into one-night stands."

"One-night stand? What's that?" A confused Natsu asked. Gildarts cleared his throat. This was not the kind of coming home conversation he was expecting. But he had a mission to do and that was educate Natsu into a proper male.

"Well a one-night stand usually happens at bars or stuff when people get wasted and want to have a little bedtime fun, but afterwards they never see each other again," he continued as Natsu's face got even more confused, "two people.. Together.. Drunk.. In Bed…. Oh come on Natsu do I have to spell it out for you."

"Yes please" Gildarts face palmed and sighed.

"How did such an uneducated kid like yourself ever get laid?"


"Natsu Natsu Natsu," Gildarts then used his finger to motion Natsu closer. He leaned in and used his hand to cover his mouth from the rest of the guild, not that anyone was looking. By the time Gildarts leaned back indicating he was finished, Natsu face matched the color of Erza's hair.

"I-i-it's not like that," He stuttered pointing to the baby in his lap he said, "she's adopted."

Realization dawned on him. Adopted? I. Am. Such. An. Idiot. He thought.

"I know" Natsu said, his blush was almost gone but still noticeable.

"Did I say that out loud"

"No but the look on your face said it all."

Gildarts smiled. The guild continued to party late into the night. He waved to Natsu and wished him farewell. It was late and Natsu needed to get Charr to bed. She was already way past her bedtime and dosing off in his arms. He got Happy and headed toward the doors. Most of the guild was already asleep laying sprawled across the tables chairs and floor. He had to be careful not to step on any of them as he left. Before he exited the door Gildarts yelled at him.

"Natsu, I want to talk to you tomorrow, it's important."

Natsu looked back to see Gildarts staring at him with a serious expression on his face. It amazed him how he could be so serious after all the alcohol he drank that evening. Natsu returned the look with a aorta serious one of his own and said,

"Ok Gildarts, see you tomorrow, goodnight,"

"Goodnight Natsu," and with that Natsu headed to his new house to head to bed for a good night sleep. Both Happy and Charr had already hit the hay as Happy laid across Natsu's shoulder. He couldn't help but think, What would Gildarts want to talk to me about that's so important? He shrugged it off and headed home, he would find out in the morning.

Done with that chapter. Next chapter I introduce Lisanna. Remember this is not romance. But I have a big announcement. Ok it's not that big. But I will not be doing the Edolas Arc. Why? I greatly despise that Arc. It is my least favorite in the entire series. Sorry to those who like it but I will not be doing it. Next chapter will skip to when Lisanna is found by panther lily. I will say what happens to Charr in the beginning author notes of next chapter.

See you next time, peace ✌