Chapter 7

Sam, Dean, Charlie, and Cas sat in the conference room of SGC. It had taken a little pull but Hammond had been insistent that they know and share between them all.

"Welcome boys and girl" he nodded to Charlie. "Now that all the paper work is done it's time to show you what we do here in the SGC, Carter"

Carter pressed a button on the table to raise the blast doors. As they slowly rose Sam, Dean, and Charlie go to their feet.

"What is that?" Sam asked staring down at the Gate.

"It was found in Egypt in 1928 by Professor Paul Langford, it's called the StarGate. Well that's what we call it, it has a bunch of names. For instance its Astria Porta in Ancient and Chappa'ai in Goa'uld," Daniel began.

"Daniel" Jack said evenly.

"Right, on topic, the StarGates is a series of devices built by the Ancients. They create wormholes, allowing for near-instantaneous transportation between two distant points in space." Daniel explained.

"And there are Aliens, on these other worlds?" Dean asked still skeptical.

"Yep, most of them look like us with little differences. and some look like giant lizards." Jack commented. "Your turn"

Sam pulled out their fathers journal and set it on the table. "Everything you think you know about our world it a lie." Sam said opening the book.

"For instance, we were the ones that saved you from the vampire. Werewolves are real, jinns, angels, demons, wydigos, ghosts, and witches. They are all real." Dean sat back looking at Jack. "Cas is an Angel. Not a very good one these days but he is one. There are prophets, god is real, and let me tell you he has abandoned us and his damn angels are fighting a war to make earth their own. Meanwhile we have demons and Crowley up our asses. Through in the fact that our youngest brother Adam and Lucy are in the cage battling it out. We've been dead several times, and don't tell me to go to hell I've already been there done that and gotten nothing not even a t-shirt. So while you guys are dealing with the big bads out there we hunters are taking care of the supernatural big bads. We've stopped a few apocalypses, I got this damn Mark of Cain on my arm. You want to know what is out there, pick up a lore book and start looking." The more Dean talked the more agitated and animated he got.

"Easy there son" Hammond said leaning forward. "I think it's time we all start working together." he said looking at each person seated at the table. "A network of hunters and military, we will assist but not interfere and all we ask is that if you get something alien you send for us. To many hunters die because they work alone. To much happens out there that you all don't know about. We set up a task force to combat the aliens and supernatural as best we can.

"I don't think any of our hunter buddies would go for that. They have little faith in the military and even littler faith that you will do something to help." Sam spoke up.

"It will be a slow process, but we start kicking cases your way and word gets out that we are doing what we said we were and we can start saving lives and getting more bad guys." Hammond suggested.

Dean and Sam looked at each other then shrugged, "We will give it a try."

"Good, we will set it up and getting moving with it." Hammond nodded. "This could be the beginning of something amazing.


SO this is it ladies and gents at least for this story. There will be a sequel it's already in the works called Taskforce Supernatural be on the look out!