Due to copy right laws I OWN NOTHING!
Now we have all seen those story's where Fleets or Armed forces get sent to the Strike Witches world and well, it gets a bit tiring NO OFFENSE OF COURSE! that kind of plot is my favorite type of fictional story genre's. But I want to something more with a bigger twist in which a Country/s is sent to Strike witches world! Now I am NO expert in Government or how things of the nature work so PLEASE bare with me! This story will be a mix of political which makes sense and action. Fare warning I'm not to great on action scenes and I'm no expert on military hard ware so please bare with that. So how will the Continental United States and Canada make it's mark in the new world? The plot idea came to me from a book series called Axis of time, and the way in which America and Canada get sent is some story I forget it's name. But the plot is a wave passes through America and Canada but instead of killing the people like in the story it transports said nations.
I won't focus on the civilian aspect for the story though. Ok MAYBE. Second the 501st and the 502nd will be the "bigger" stars in this fic. But I'll try to incorporate others as well, though I'm going to have to do some research. MAYBE an OC Wing but OC's are for a bit more experienced writers to deal with.
Also romance... Not that big of a thing in the story but I'll see.
I hope this catches on good.
I suffer from some disability's one of which affects my Grammar. so when you see mistakes or typos that, please don't jugged and bare with me please.
Don't leave reviews talking about my grammar I get it more then enough in my other story's. I welcome criticism and helpful insight but flames and other things won't do.
'thoughts' /expressions
October 8th 1941. (Operation Typhoon was Germany's attempt at taking Moscow. It started October 2nd 1941 and ended January 7th 1942. But since this is Strike witches the battles don't drag on as long. Right?
"In recent news Field Marshal Zhukov with the add of the 502nd brave witches have repelled the Neuroi assault ano have secured Moscow. Karlsland, Liberion, and Fuso men, witches, and supplies are being sent via the port in Theron and the trans-Siberian railway." "This victory has now stabilized the Eastern front just enough so that it has allowed allied command to have breathing room in dealing with the western front and the defense of Britannia. The 501st Joint fighter wing is currently stationed there in defense of the only European nation not invaded by Neuroi."
"Orussian command has yet to decided how to act with the Novgorad hive."
"This is Frank walker BBC news."
(This is taking from my first story. PS. I made this before the attack on Brussels. So in hind site this chapter was a bit creepy.)
The United States of America, a Nation of freedom and liberty, a Nation Loved, Hated, beloved, scorned, Idolized, but feared and envied. It was 2018 when the terrorist threat was finally over,
NATO was victorious in the war against the ISIS super state, and with it's destruction some Global changes have happened. Russia is on the rise again, China is solidifying it's power over Asia. When the the First large scale attack happened in Brussels Belgium in 2015 by the terrorist super state.
The Western Powers where in a state of shock, the attack claimed five thousand lives and the western world was shook to the core. Not only was Brussels the Headquarters of NATO it was the Capitol of the EU. The war was always one of technicality for years the western nations tried to suppress the rouge terrorist group but with little effect.
It was not until the War of 2013 with India and Pakistan when the terrorist group was finally considered a "nation" Pakistan angry over the western support of India as well as old rivalry's with India which lead to five hundred Pakistanis dead in India. So a dark deal was made, in exchange Isis would declare "Jihad" against the West and India if Pakistan covertly supplied the terrorist group with funds and weapons and consider them a Nation.
Pakistan and India while both were nuclear powers both sides knew they could never use them.
But Pakistan was at the disadvantage, While Iraq and Iran Supported Pakistan They held no love for the terrorist group.
That was the only thing they could agree on with the west. The war with Pakistan and India was a short one and Pakistan was thrown in turmoil. Pakistan was always going to lose but old rivals and national pride can do anything.
And when Isis turned on Pakistan well that was the war. The war lasted two years but while NATO was not involved as the organization, the U.S and U.K came to the aid for India but it was five months before the end of the Indian Pakistani war.'
The only reason they intervened was they knew with the coming defeat of Pakistan Isis would try to come in and take as much as they could in terms of armaments. And that is what they did, while the US and UK managed to secure Pakistan's Nuclear arsenal the terrorist group made off with a large amount of military equipment.
For one year the terrorist group went dark, And the US has spent that time trying too weaken them, but with little success. And it was not until the attack on Brussels did the fires of war return. Isis in the year managed to install several agents into various Middle eastern nations politics and when the attack happened the middle eastern nations while not officially recognizing them as a nation the agents ISIS implanted managed to sway just enough support in keeping them from declaring war on them.
Though the western nations and the world were split in there views on this attack. NATO worked as a Military alliance if one Nation attacks a member of NATO it is seen as an attack on all members, but most nations did not view ISIS as a Nation, while all the member nations saw this attack as an act of war, how would they fight? Brussels was the HQ for NATO but also the Capitol of the EU.
And ISIS was mostly a self declared nation the only Nations who knew what was coming was the US and the UK and they finally managed to unite NATO and the EU against ISIS. for two years they fought, the strategy was a two pronged attack, the US, Belgium, Germany, and France would focus on the fighting, while the rest of the member nations would devote in the inelegance war to root out secret cells and ISIS agents to make sure they would not rise again.
The war was short but violent and bloody. But it was won!
"This is Charlotte reporting live from Brussels The City, no the world! Is in jubilation as we celebrate the victory over terrorism and evil!' 'The war lasted three years John but it is was a war worth fighting;' 'With this victory the world can once again move forward towards peace! This is CNN correspondent Charlotte reporting live from Brussels"
"Thank you Charlotte. In other news with Isis gone the world now reels back from terrorism, but with the rise of Russia and China NATO is now focusing on countering their riseing influence. But what will this political clash amount to? It is too soon to say.
President Francis Joseph "Frank Underwood." (In this story he is a good guy, instead of being a crook for his own gains he uses that cunning to make a difference for the good of the people and the world. he's a good version Oh and he's not married) (Also I Don't own house of cards)
"I can't believe the things we have to do, it seems like the world is going to fast for us,"
Frank did not come into office until three months after the war was over but in that time he was on the path to make America great again. Through proposed Social reforms that were designed to make civil rights and equal opportunity even better, In short He was going to revive the American Dream.
"We just won a war and now China's rise is troubling and Russia is starting to be bolder and bolder after the war. Thankfully Frank also Saw the need for a Strong Armed Forces, America is still at the top of the food chain in regards of military hardware and experience in war. It is also running war games with the EU and the JSDF, The US is currently half way into it's recall for reshipment and refit's of it's Military which means 85% of it's armed forces is state side. Which is a welcoming thing for the troops and there family's after the ISIS war.
'I need to make sure that new bill for vets gets through, We need to make-'
Just as he was thinking that a Massive Wave appeared and had disrupted his thoughts
"SIR!" one of his aids yelled,
"We're losing contact with the rest of the Nation as that wave thing is approaching! What we do know is that it is over Canada as well!." His aid told him frantically
Before he could finish his sight was diverted by the Wave that looked to be going at speeds faster then he thought possible;
and as he watched this "wave" fly across the US and Canada he wondered what was going on.
And on that day The Earth lost the Greatest Power and it's sister, and with it gone the world will spiral out of control,. But in another world the Greatest and worst thing to happen would soon make it's power known.
"December 7th. 1941 a date which will live in infamy! The United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Neuroi forces." With the aid of God we will gain the inevitable victory so help us God!"
President Roosevelt looked out at his office window. 'It's been a month since the attack and already were being swamped with the demands of material and personal by the Europeans. I don't know how long this war will last but I know one thing, thank God for the Witches.' As Roosevelt sat in his wheelchair and pondered the war he can't stop but wonder 'Can we win?' Liberion was currently sending all personal it could, it already sent its witches, its generals, and what was left of it's fleet to support Fuso. But it was still lighting the coals of it's factory's and demand was already swamping.
He was about to call for an aid when he spotted a massive wave heading towards D.C. Before he could yell out Liberion and Farawayland (that's racist.) were gone, and in its place. Two similar but completely Alien nations were there. With completely different history.
Need OC prime minister for Canada! Send via Reviews ONLY!
Name. Age. Gender. Married or not. And Bio!
I KNOW I KNOW! this won't happen! I have nothing against Pakistan or any others. hey its just a prologue to the coming story don't worry I will focus on the plot. Now I just wanted to make a quick intro for the story. I will try to explain more in the next chapter. I will try to make this a ballance of political and action centered. FAV follow and review for your thoughts! I live off reviews the more you send the faster I'll post. Hope you like it.
I've tried to make the timeline a bit similar but Liberion witches and the generals were out of liberion when it vanished. I've thought about sending Farawayland and Liberion to our world but that be way to complicated. But I'm not closed to the idea. Let me know what you think.
Send nice reviews please!
I don't really do PM Much so if you have something to say do it via Review. Just personal taste and I don't want my Email to be spammed with messages about PM's thank you!