Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or their personalities. They belong to Rooster Teeth. I simply hope that I do the characters justice.

Warning: major spoilers for Volume 3 and lots of feels, with a side of feels.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Nikos (or her guardians),

My name is Jaune Arc and your daughter saved my life.

It's almost pointless to say it like that 'cause she saved my life every chance she had since the day I met her. It seemed every time I turned around that she was there. She was always there supporting me and convincing me that I was somehow worthy of her time.

I still have trouble believing I ever was. See, your daughter - your beautiful, sweet, amazing daughter - deserved someone better than me. I don't know - faster, stronger, better trained. All I know is that when she needed me to protect her back, I wasn't there. I was too weak to stop her and too untrained to help her on top of that tower.

So I apologize. Even though I'm sure it won't help anything. Even though this will not relieve any of the hurt at least know that many out here are hurting just as much as you. She was the hero of our class: The Invincible Girl. Everyone was shattered when they heard that she...

I wish I could say she taked a lot about you guys but she didn't. I never knew why. I always thought we'd get around to talking about it. I guess I was just selfish, wanting to get stronger. It was always about my problems. Even in those last days I couldn't really be there for her. She was dealing with some really heavy stuff. Stuff about destiny and saving the world.

And what did I do? I… I messed up. I just didn't understand.

If I knew then what I know now… Honestly I wish I could say I would save her. I really do. But if saving the world was what she wanted to do I would never be able to stand in her way. If I even tried to seriously stop her I know what would happen. From school bullies to lost kids, she was always the hero. And I was ever her number one sidekick.

It would just feel so wrong to stop her. But on that day that didn't stop me from trying. Even though I knew it was futile. Even her own life being at stake was not enough to stop her. Why did I think my feeble words would?

And then sh… she sent me away. I don't know if she didn't want me in her way or wanted to make sure I was safe but again I am sorry. Your daughter d… they were too late to save her.


The woman who…

There's… There's nothing to bury. I went back to the tower and all I found was her circlet. I'll send it with this letter. I hope you don't mind but I took the strings of jewels off it. I tied them on the hilt of Crocea Mors. To, you know, keep her with me.

I never found her b… Miló was shattered beyond recognition and Akoúo̱ was nowhere to be found.

Ruby mentioned that there was something weird about that final… encounter. Something about dust and wind and that being the reason why we couldn't find anything. But if Cinder went to such elaborate lengths to erase…. You can bet your weight in gold that if there is the slightest chance she is alive I will scour the world to find her.

In the meantime I need to do what your daughter would have wanted me to do. I have to lead. Did you know that somehow within a few seconds of meeting me she had enough confidence to declare that I'd make a good team leader? I still don't know why she would even have spoken up for me. I mean I'm me and she's….

Nora and Ren are still relying on me. I've gotta be strong for them. I'm the leader and it's my job. I've got to keep us together and moving forward. For all our sakes.

She wouldn't want me to give up.

I keep remembering all of the times she would encourage me during our training lessons. Whenever I would slump to the ground in utter defeat she was always there with a brilliant smile and a hand up.

She's still giving me that hand isn't she? With that smile saying "I'm sorry but you are improving". I can always almost see her. I wish I could really see her.

I will forever and always remember your daughter.

She was the kind, selfless, and fearless friend I had never even hoped for because I was sure it was never going to happen. She became the irreplaceable teammate I am having trouble living without. There will never be a day when I do not still care for her no matter where life may take me. And if I'm lucky and I am able to accomplish some good in this terrible world it will all be because of her.

Your daughter Pyrrha was the best thing that ever happened to me and I will never be able to repay that.

Her unworthy partner and luckless leader,

Jaune Arc