Naruto stared into the mirror in his apartment, checking for any flaws in his appearance. He had finally summoned the courage to ask Hinata on a date; they were to take a stroll around the village. It was a simple way to pass the time together, but it had taken a lot out of the knucklehead ninja to even gather the nerve to propose such a thing. Look at me…I'm a nervous wreck! I think I can finally understand why Hinata always acted so weird around me back in the day, he thought to himself, plopping onto his bed. Before he could get too wrapped up in his own thoughts, a voice erupted from somewhere in the back of his mind.
"You've taken on opponents that you had almost no chance of beating, but you're going to let one measly date get you all worked up?" The voice belonged to Kurama, the nine-tailed fox sealed within Naruto's body. Despite him having been given the chance to live free of his bondage to the young jinchuriki following the Fourth Great Ninja War, he had chosen to remain within him as an ever-present ally and friend.
"Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly trying to impress any of my enemies. This is wayyyyyyy different!" Naruto exaggerated.
"I've come far in my understanding of human emotion; however, I don't think I'll ever quite understand romantic infatuations."
"Good for you, buddy. Look, can't ya give me any advice? Just somethin' to take the edge off!" The knucklehead ninja's outburst earned a chuckle from his demon companion.
"The only piece of wisdom I can offer you is this: Get to know her. Don't focus too much on yourself. The entire village basically knows you and your life's story, but she has led a less remarkable existence. You remember how much effort you put into saving her from the clutches of the Ōtsutsuki brat? Well, take that effort and multiply it by ten—that's how much energy you need to put into getting to know her."
Naruto placed a finger on his chin and narrowed his eyes in a thinking gesture; he thought back to a couple of months previously when the ninja world was in danger from yet another enemy: Toneri Ōtsutsuki. He was the son of Hamura and the grandson of the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya. He had attempted to take Hinata as his wife, calling her his "Byakugan Princess" and causing a lot of trouble for Naruto and his allies. In the end, he relented his corrupted ways, and everyone was able to continue on with their lives. Amongst the chaos of the event, the hyperactive hero and the shy young woman had realized and reciprocated their feelings for each other, leading him to eventually ask her out when things had completely calmed down once more. Although the two expressed their feelings and even kissed, the current situation was still awkward and nerve-racking for him.
"Right, I understand. I'll try my hardest!" Naruto exclaimed, jumping up and punching his fist at the air. "Thanks a ton, Kurama! I thought you said you don't understand romantic feelings or whatever, so how'd you come up with such good advice?"
"I don't personally have experience in the matter, but I have experienced love through someone else's eyes," the nine-tailed fox explained, smiling slightly in his vessel's subconscious.
"Really? Through whose?"
"Your mother's." Naruto began beaming at Kurama's words, placing a hand over his heart and clenching his fist tightly. His mom and dad had truly loved one another, and they passed their hopes and dreams onto him. He could not help but to wonder what it would be like for his parents to meet his first love. He imagined it would be kind of embarrassing, but he wished he could experience the sensation nonetheless. The hyperactive hero was pulled from his thoughts once again by the demon fox speaking up. "I hate to interrupt your sweet inner musings, but what time were you supposed to meet the girl at the Hyuga residence?"
Naruto glanced over at his alarm clock and nearly passed out; the hands read 6:56, and he was expected to meet Hinata by 7:00 that evening. "Ah, crap!" he shouted, stumbling out of his apartment and rushing off in the direction of the Hyuga estate. He traveled as fast as he could, fumbling through crowded streets and jumping across rooftops, until landing at his destination.
Hinata made her way out of her residence to find Naruto leaning over and panting heavily. "What's up, Hinata?" he asked as casually as he could, not wanting to admit that he was almost late in picking her up.
"N-not much…Is everything alright? Y-you seem…um…out of breath," the Byakugan user inquired innocently.
"Yeah, yeah! Don't worry about it!" The knucklehead ninja waved a hand in front of his face in an attempt to dismiss his condition from the conversation. "So, whaddya say we get going?"
"Y-yes," Hinata replied before making her way to the jinchuriki's side, ready to begin their date.
The two companions strolled in silence for a while, taking in the beauty of their village; it was peaceful, almost as if it had not been nearly destroyed multiple times over the past few years. Naruto glanced over at the young woman walking next to him out of the corner of his eye. He gulped as her beauty struck him; how had he taken so long to realize his own feelings for her? She was everything he could ever ask for—intelligent, strong, gentle, kind…At the very thought of how perfect she was, a sweet smile made its way onto the hyperactive hero's face.
Hinata gazed over at Naruto, noticing the grin that was plastered on his face. "Well, you seem h-happy this evening."
"How could I not be?!" The jinchuriki scratched the back of his head nervously. "Ya know…I mean…I don't know if I've told you this or not, but…uh…You're breathtaking, Hinata."
The Byakugan user's cheeks went deep red. It was a familiar sight to Naruto, as this had often been her reaction to being around him when they were younger. He completely expected her to faint, but to his surprise, she merely stuttered out a gracious "thank you".
The sky was quickly darkening, and the horizon had been almost completely engulfed in blackness. The stars were beginning to shine through the darkness overhead, but Naruto was much too focused on the woman strolling along next to him to pay much attention to his surroundings. Upon once again getting lost in thought, he let something slip that had made its way into his mind. "Byakugan Princess…" he whispered, his eyes sparkling.
"W-what did you say?" Hinata questioned, obviously having heard his remark. Her grey eyes were wide, indicating that she was shocked at his words.
"O-oh! Sorry! I just…I was thinking about Toneri. He called you his 'Byakugan Princess', remember?"
"Hm…Now that you mention it, I do recall that…"
"Sorry to bring up something like that!" Naruto struggled to redeem the situation, assuming he had made it awkward. "I was just thinking about how that was kind of a fitting title for you! You're…You're…"
The blush that had previously overtaken Hinata's face reappeared. The hyperactive hero seemed to startle her slightly as he placed a hand on her cheek. "N-Naruto…What—"
"You're my very own Byakugan Princess…" Naruto interrupted, looking deep into his companion's grey eyes. In his years of intense training, he had become the sun—a symbol of a bright future—and Hinata…Well, she had become a beautiful flower that grew strong even when the sun was absent but that found its true strength when under its light and warmth; she had become a reflection of what love and strength could be when they came together, and above all else, she had become everything that he could ever want.