Adrien watched Marinette race around the room, taking in everything. The material, the tools, the accessories.
"It's perfect!" He smiled. He loved making his lady happy. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She finished exploring and ran at Adrien, wrapping her arms around him and nearly squeezing the life out of him. "Okay, where do I start?" Letting go, she sat at her desk.
"I suggest at the beginning." He picked up her sketchbook and opened it to the page that held the drawing of her dress. Leaving her to her devices, he looked around the room. It was perfect. It held everything Marinette would need to complete the projects.
Two days beforehand, Adrien had asked Nathalie for a room that Marinette could work in. Located in the main Agreste building, it made certain that Marinette could work effectively and quickly.
"Adrien, look at me. This is serious."
"Huh? Sorry I wasn't listening." He turned around to face the noirette.
"I noticed. Listen, you're the son of the man putting on this fashion show. You have to go to it."
"Ya. So?"
"Doesn't Chat Noir also have to be there?" Adrien's eyes widened.
"Uh-oh." He plopped down into the chair opposite of Marinette. "Do you think I could…"
"Shhh…I have to work. Go figure out your own problems." She smirked.
"Loving the support, Princess." He kissed her cheek and walked out. "I'll finish up the project."
"You do that." Her reply was distracted.
Adrien left the building and pulled his coat tighter around him against the cold. His mind was in turmoil, trying to figure out what to do. He couldn't say he wanted to spend the night with Marinette. Gabriel would just say that it was a perfect date. Adrien had already talked to Nathalie about taking Marinette who was excited to go so he couldn't say she wanted to do something else.
He got home and finished writing his portion of the interview with Chat. The project was due tomorrow, and he was super proud of what he and Marinette had been able to accomplish. It had taken countless hours to make sure it sounded like the supers had been talking to two teenagers who were doing a school project.
He started to work on studying for finals, constantly thinking of different schemes to get himself and Marinette out of the fashion show. He couldn't go out of the city. He couldn't just not want to go.
Then an idea started to form. He didn't know how well it would work. He didn't know if it would work. It all depended on how well he could act.
"Finally, we asked them if there was anything else they would like to say." Marinette looked at Adrien.
"Chat told us to (and I quote) 'stay away from my lady and stay paw-some.'" The entire class groaned. The fake interview had been filled with puns of the most awful kind only allowed by Marinette when he'd wanted Chat to say something sickly sweet and romantic.
"And Ladybug told us that it's not just the Lucky Charm that saves the city. It's also the pun-crazy, lazy, and most definitely amazing Chat Noir. There wouldn't be a city to save without the cat. Three cheers for Chat Noir!" The class seemed a little surprised by the statement. Adrien had been against it, but Marinette hated how much he was underrated. After the cheers that made Adrien grin like crazy, the duo said their last line together.
"And don't forget to stay Miraculous." Their classmates erupted into applause. Behind them, the teacher stood up. Their Power Point display ended as she stepped forward.
"Well done, you two." Holding up her hands, she started to speak. The noise died down. "Are there any questions about Chat Noir and the Miraculous Ladybug?" The switch in order of the names was not lost on anyone. Silence. Finally, Nino spoke up.
"No, man. That was perfect. Three cheers for these two." Again, cheers filled the classroom walls.
Marinette's grin grew to match Adrien's.
As they walked out of the class, Alya and Nino came up between the two who were quietly discussing the Agreste Fashion Show. Adrien had perfected his plan, and now he was trying to get Marinette to agree. Nino gave Adrien a high-five.
"Dude, that was awesome! You know more than anyone, even Alya!" Alya glared at him before giving Marinette a tight hug.
"He's right. When did you talk to them?" Marinette smiled widely.
"I caught Chat Noir after an Akuma attack and asked him to meet Adrien and me the next day in that theater you talked to Ladybug. They didn't have to charge their Miraculouses so we had a lot of time." She shrugged. "It was easy, really."
"Girl, I've wanted to do that for forever and a day. Can you hook me up next time?"
"You aren't satisfied?" Alya shook her head. "I guess I can try." Alya squealed and gave Marinette an even tighter hug. "Also, you can have the interview. Ladybug said you could put it on the Ladyblog." The sheet of paper was almost instantly taken from her hands.
"I can't thank you enough."
"Don't thank me. Thank Ladybug and Chat Noir." Class started as Alya nearly exploded from excitement.
Adrien stopped off at Marinette's after school to finish discussing the plans. Everything was in place.
School ended quickly. Friends bid adieu until the next year, made Christmas plans, and made sure they could contact each other. Marinette was putting her finishing touches on the costumes, Alya and Nino were trying to figure out what she was doing nearly 24/7, and Adrien's schedule was as busy as ever. He spent every free moment with Marinette, patrolling, annoying her, or just hanging out. Every once in a while he'd brush her hair just for the sake of old times.
The day before the fashion show was a big one. Marinette took her finished designs into Gabriel who had applauded them. Adrien still hadn't seen them though he'd asked several times. Ladybug and Chat Noir had officially been invited.
All that was left was for the duo to be allowed to miss an event so big that people all over the world were coming to it. Adrien was currently outside the room that held the superheroes' costumes. Marinette was going to add a small detail to his suit.
"Come on. Just a peek!"
"No. Adrien, you saw it all when you watched me draw it."
"But that...that was a drawing! What about the actual thing?!" Marinette just smirked and slid into the room.
A solid eternity later (five minutes) she exited. "Everything is in place. You ready?" He nodded.
That day Nathalie found him coughing his brains out. He told her he was fine, but she thought he felt warm. Just to be on the safe side, he was confined to bed.
Marinette smiled when she found out that night on patrol.
The next day, Adrien woke up feeling awful. When Nathalie found him, she also found a huge pile of used tissues surrounding his bed. His nose was swollen and red from blowing, and he was still warm.
"Adrien!" He just smiled weakly and coughed.
"Hey, Nathalie." She went to his bathroom, grabbed a wet towel, and came back, placing it on his head. After a couple of minutes, she took a deep breath.
"Adrien, I can't let you go to the fashion show tonight. You're too sick." Adrien's crestfallen face made her heart stop.
"I guess Marinette can go alone. Right?" He could tell she was slowly breaking.
"No. I'll be with her." Adrien smiled and blew his nose. "I'll call her after I tell your father about your unfortunate predicament."
"Thanks Nathalie. You're the best." Seconds after she walked out to tell Gabriel, he let out a howl of laughter. Calling up Marinette, he told her the good news.
"She bought it?!"
"I told you I was a good actor." Marinette laughed.
"Okay. I'll wait for the call. See you in a couple of hours." Sure enough, two hours later, Marinette burst into his room.
"Adrien! I heard you were sick! Do you need anything? Do you need me to stay here with you?" Adrien was smothered by her hug, and then she started to feed him some soup that had been brought up.
"Marinette, I need you to go to the fashion show without me. I don't want to spoil your night. Plus, Ladybug and Chat Noir are modeling your pieces. Please."
"No, Adrien. I'm staying with you." Honey and concern dripped thickly off her voice. Adrien could tell she was trying too hard, but Nathalie still hadn't caught on.
"Marinette…" He was cut off by a bout of coughs.
"Adrien. I'm staying. That's final." And that's how the two teenagers got out of going to the huge fashion show.
Nathalie found the two asleep when she went to check on them. Believing that everything was perfect, she whispered a goodnight, and left the house with Gabriel. Immediately after the car drove away, Adrien and Marinette got out of bed. Adrien cleaned himself up. It had been exhausting keeping up the pretense. They transformed at leapt out of Adrien's home, leaping across the house-tops towards the biggest event of the year in the entire fashion industry.
They found themselves walking in amidst reporters and fans of every kind. Adrien took it in stride but Marinette found herself slightly overwhelmed. The small crowd that appeared after Akuma fights was nothing compared to this. However, after several minutes, she grew more comfortable. Adrien beamed as he saw her talking to a little girl, letting her try out the yo-yo and making all her dreams come true.
Towards the end, they came face to face with Gabriel. He smiled and nodded his head respectfully.
"Welcome, Ladybug and Chat Noir. I hope that you find everything to your liking. Later tonight the official show will begin, and you will be shown your outfits. The designer, Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng, apologizes that she cannot be here tonight. An...emergency cropped up." Marinette smiled.
"Thank you, Mr. Agreste. We extend our forgiveness to Miss Dupain-Cheng and hope that everything turns out well." Adrien took her arm.
"Well, m'lady. Let's not just stand here." And he led her out into the fray.
They spent the first few hours just having a good time. They danced. They ate. They had their first taste of champagne. (Well, Marinette's first taste. Adrien had tried some not too long ago after begging Nathalie for some.) Alya freaked at meeting the two without the worry of the transformation wearing off. They congratulated her on the Ladyblog and told her to keep on doing what she was doing.
Soon it was time for the show. New designers and models, seasoned designers and models, everyone was here to show off their talents and hopefully get noticed by someone. Marinette and Adrien were shown to the dressing rooms. They both insisted on getting dressed themselves due to their hidden identities. Their plea was reluctantly accepted.
Adrien couldn't believe it. Marinette had really outdone herself. The tuxedo had a tail-coat jacket with notched lapels, the tips decorated with elaborate gold designs. The shirt was a dark green, matching his paw print color. The vest was gold as was the pocket square which had a ladybug crawling on it. He smiled and slipped into it. He spotted the ears and tail and laughed, attaching those in their proper positions. Tightening the mask, he looked in the mirror. Everything was perfect except...he mussed up his hair a bit before stepping out.
Immediately he was whisked away for makeup and hair styling. He wouldn't let anyone touch the ears or the mask so they worked around the two features. They finally released him and set him up near the runway. He messed with his hair again before hearing a small someone clear her voice behind him. Spinning, he caught sight of his stunning Princess.
Her dress hadn't changed much from the original design. The sweetheart-neckline no longer had the embroidery. Instead, that ringed the bottom of the dress that reached about mid-thigh. The red seemed to shimmer and black polkadots covered it from top to bottom. The sleeves hung loosely off the shoulder, and he couldn't help but stare.
"Wow. Princess, you've really outdone yourself." She blushed slightly.
"Kitty, stop. We're about to go on. I can't go on like a tomato!" Slowly, the corners of his mouth twitched up mischievously. He edged closer so that their faces were inches from each other.
"Is this helping?" Her blush nearly matched her dress as she pushed him away.
"Chat! Stop it!" He got real serious real fast.
"Do you think the Kwami Charm will work?" He held up his ring that had a faint edge of color on it signifying a small amount of magic being used.
"You don't trust my kwami?"
"I trust her, but I'm scared. What if it's too much for them to only siphon that much energy? What if Plagg thinks it's funny to slip?!" Three days earlier, their kwamis had explained that only magic kept everyone from knowing who they were. The Kwami Charm could be activated for emergencies like this. However, it was not recommended.
"Kitty, relax." She straightened his bow-tie and pecked his cheek. "It'll be fine." Someone announced their entrance. Nathalie came behind them and shoved them on the runway. Adrien's hand found Marinette's as they stepped out of the shadows.
An instant hush fell over the crowd. No one had ever seen the two heroes out of their regular costumes. No one had ever seen such stunning work. Then the room erupted. Someone had noticed the clasped hands.
They sauntered down the runway. Well, Adrien sauntered. Marinette kind of shuffled. They reached the end and started the turn around when Adrien grabbed Marinette's other arm, pulling her to him.
"Chaton, what do you think you're doing?" His hand cupped her face.
"Why, stealing a kiss from my Princess." Their lips met none too gently.
Neither of them noticed the noise of the fans and the media.
And there you have it! It's finished!
I would like to apologize for the late update. A family emergency came up.
Storylady35 did some beautiful fanart for Adrien's suit on DeviantArt. I suggest you go check it out. Her username there is the same as her username here.
Thank you all for sticking with the story! Hopefully you'll stick around! If there's a fic you've wanted to see but haven't found it, send me the prompt. I'll see if I can work with it.
Don't forget to review!