
Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters, all belong to JK Rowling and I don't generate any money from this story.

Chapter 1

Hermione's POV

Is this right? Is the smoke meant to be that colour? In potions class we had been doing love potions for the last week, however this specific potion was tailored to Hogwarts. According to the textbook, when the potion is brewed correctly the potion turns red and then coloured smoke is emitted from the potion. The colour of the smoke depends on the brewer, the text says 'when the potion is brewed correctly the smoke will turn the house colour of the brewers soulmate'. So... that's means that my soulmate is a Slytherin! But which Slytherin?

I turn to look at the Slytherin table in the advanced NEWT class, but all their smoke's are green as well, not red. I glance around at the rest of the small class, Harry's smoke is orange (his soulmate is a Hufflepuff), Ron's smoke is red (his soulmate is a Gryffindor, most likely Lavender), Neville's smoke is blue (a Ravenclaw for Neville, again most likely Luna). As I was thinking, I didn't notice that everyone was looking at my smoke, which is still green.

"Hermione, your smoke is green." Ron points out.

"Yes Ronald, I can clearly see that my smoke is green. I don't need you to point out the obvious." I sneered back. Idiot, whatever did I see in him?

"But Hermione that means that your …... soulmate is a …... a Slytherin." He said with a confused look on his face.

"Again Ron with the obvious." I again replied. Why aren't the Slytherins joining in on the taunting? Why are they so quiet?

I turn backwards to glance at the Slytherins, however that were too busy looking towards Professor Snape. Professor Snape! I forgot that he was brewing the potion as well. I wonder what colour his smoke is? I turn towards the front again to look. To say I was surprised to see that his smoke was red, would have been an understatement. Red? Ohh yea, Lily was a Gryffindor... Wait, it cant be Lily, her soulmate was James, so... What other Gryffindor could be Professor Snape's soulmate?... I am such an idiot, he's a Slytherin, so would that make me and Professor Snape soulmates?!

Snape's POV

I hate love potions, they are so unnatural. However these dunderheads are going to need to know what they are. This specific love potion is quite precise to Hogwarts, by using the house colours to tell the brewer who their soulmate is. I might as well brew the potion, its not like I have a soulmate. I wonder what colour my smoke will turn? Oh well, only one way to find out.

Huh, seems like everyone has brewed the potion correctly... even Longbottom. Well all the Slytherin's soulmates are Slytherins. Potter's soulmate is a Hufflepuff. Weasley's soulmate is a Gryffindor, typical. Longbottom's soulmate is a Ravenclaw, most likely Miss Lovegood. I wonder what colour Hermione's smoke is? Hermione? When has it been Hermione? I scowl at the thought, wondering when she stopped being Miss Granger and turned into Hermione. Most likely when she saved my life. Little Insufferable know-it-all. Little? She has certainly grown, no longer a child with her womanly figure and white milky skin. I wonder it she tastes as good as she looks. Don't go there Severus. She would never want you. How could she?

As I was fighting my self over my feelings for a certain Gryffindor, I noticed that she was looking at my cauldron. I glance at my cauldron, and the smoke is not black like I would have guessed but RED. I quickly look at her cauldron and see that the smoke is GREEN.

Why would my smoke be red? It cant be because of Lily, her soulmate was Potter. So who? Minerva? Doubt it. Think Severus... Wait was Hermione's smoke green? I check again. Yes it is green. Shit so does that mean I and Hermione Granger are …... soulmates?!


Hermione's POV

Someone was speaking to me... Who was it?... Oh Harry.

"Hermione? Hermione? Are you ok?" Harry asked, concern written all over his face. Okay, how can I be okay?

"Bloody hell! Snape's smoke is red." Ron shouted out.

"Ronald Weasley, watch your language!" I scolded. Did he have to shout it? Everyone can clearly see that.

Harry turns to look at the Professor's desk and has shock on his face. Ron flicks his gaze from one cauldron to another and then bursts into laughter. What's he laughing at?

"What's so funny Ron?" I ask, barely keeping my temper in check.

" Hermione... you and the bat of the dungeons are …... ha ha... soulmates." He splutters out in between laughs. How dare he call him the bat of the dungeons? Especially in front of him.

All of the Slytherins, reach for their wands; however they were not quick enough. I pulled out my own wand and pointed it a Ron's face. Everyone froze. They could all feel the power radiating from Hermione.

I was about to cast a hex at Ron, when I felt I sudden warm, soothing presence come over me. Following that feeling, I noticed someone had placed their hand on my wand arm. As they gently lowered my arm I heard them whisper, "Don't" into my ear. This sending shivers down my spine.

Once my arm was at my side, that's when I began to take in my surroundings, the feel of his breath against my ear. The sensation of feeling his body pressed into mine. The feel of his hand still on my arm, made me inhale sharply. As I did this I was bombarded with fragrances, sandalwood, mint, body wash and his own unique sent. At that moment I knew, who had stopped me from hexing Ronald Weasley. But what I couldn't understand is why? Why would Severus Snape prevent me from hexing Ron? He hated him …... us. I could feel the heat radiating from him. I looked up into his eyes, expecting to see coldness, but no again I was surprised for the third time today. I saw heat, passion, lust and another emotion I couldn't identify. Love?

I sighed and replied, "Fine, spoilsport." As I turned, to grab my bag from the floor, I heard Ron began to laugh again. Before Severus could grab my arm again, I swung round and punched him in the face breaking his nose. Severus? When did Professor Snape turn into Severus? He fell to the floor clutching his nose, trying to stop the bleeding. I turned from the pitiful excuse for a friend, picked up my abandoned bag and walked out of the classroom. When I was passing the Slytherin table I muttered to Draco, "See you later", and I walked out the door.

Snape's POV

I heard shouting and laughing. Laughing? Who was laughing? I turn to the class and get a shock, to see all the Slytherins in the class with their wands drawn, however that wasn't the most shocking part, Hermione had her wand pointed at Weasley's face. Hermione looked furious with the boy. I'd better defuse the situation.

I swifty walked out from my desk and around Hermione's to stand next to her. I placed my hand on her wand arm. As I gently began to lower her arm I whispered in her ear, "Don't". When her arm was hung loosely at her side, I took in her appearance and her smell. She was thin but not too thin, that she didn't have curves. Her hair was no where as near as bushy as it was when she was younger, instead it hung wavy and finished to just past her shoulder's. And her smell, Merlin her smell, it was the most lovely and distracting smell. She smelled off peaches, mint, strawberries and her own unique smell.

She moved to look up at me, which is when I noticed that she was flush against me and that my hand was still on her arm. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes and saw passion, confusion, lust and something else. Love? Doubt it Severus. How could she love someone like you?

I was brought back to reality when she sighed and said, "Fine, spoilsport." I almost smiled at that, almost. However, when she bent down to retrieve her bag from the floor, I lost all reasonable thought as half a dozen fantasy's ran through my mind and I could feel all my blood rushing to my groin.

A sharp yelp in pain, brought me back to reality, I looked down and saw the Weasley boy on the floor, clutching a broken and bleeding nose. As I saw Hermione leaving the classroom, I heard Weasley say, "she punched me in the face and broke my nose." Which is when the bell rang, as I walked to the door intent on finding Hermione, I shouted over my shoulder, "Class dismissed."