Chapter 22:
"I'm going now" Dick called out and before Bruce had time to stop him, he entered the batcave and walked into the zeta-beam.
"Robin B-01"
"Robin B-01"
Robin found everyone in the living room and they were about to start watching Terminator
"Hey guys"
Everyone turned their head to see Robin standing there
"I wanted to uh tell you all something" he started to explain
Artemis and Conner were smiling a tiny bit, Wally looked extremely confused while Kaldur and Megan were intrigued, Robin was a very secretive person what could he be about to tell them?
"I wanted to tell you my identity"
Everyone except Artemis and Conner gasped
"DUde!" Wally half yelled
"It's okay I got Batman's permission, i'm not an idiot, well not a complete idiot anyway"
"Your also the only person i've met that isn't affected by Batman's wrath"
"Anyway as I was saying, this is actually a lot harder than it should be" Dick took a deep breath "I'm Dick Grayson" he blurted out. At first everyone was quiet then Megan spoke
"So it was you that we rescued? How couldn't we tell that it was you!?"
"Hey that's the whole point of wearing a mask, so you can't figure out who I am"
"But your our best friend our-our brother! We should be able to recognize you, the mask only covers your eyes!"
"Thank you for being so concerned but i'm fine really, and I have been through worse"
Kaldur decided to speak up now "How much worse?"
"Physically, when the Joker got me in my first year as Robin or when Two-Face beat me, or maybe the second time I was kidnapped that wasn't much fun, emotionally-" Dick hesitated "Emotionally, I don't know, when my parents died, after I was fired, or everynight when i'm plagued by nightmares, there's actually quite a lot" Dick laughed a little
The team looked horrified at what Robin had just told them, more horrified with how casually he said it.
"How can you talk about all of that like it's a normal thing?" Conner asked
"Because for me it is pretty normal"
"That should not be considered normal" Artemis spoke quietly
"Now you just sound like Bats" Dick sighed
"If Batman doesn't agree with this kind of lifestyle why does he let you continue?" Kaldur asked Dick
"Because the only way to stop me from living this like this is if I lose my limbs or my life, besides i'm usually quite capable of taking care of myself"
For a short while there was a silence which Dick broke
"So you guys up for an action movie marathon starting with the Terminator series?" Dick asked taking his sunglasses off and walking over to the couch. Everyone shared a glance and jumped onto the couch
"I'll get the snacks!" Wally called out
"You'd better get enough for us not just yourself!" Artemis yelled out as he zoomed away returning with lots of chocolates, popcorn, etc. It took about 7 trips.
"So everyone ready for an epic day of action films?" Wally asked and not waiting for an answer put Terminator on. Dick leaned back against the couch happy that he could walk around the cave without having to hide who he is.
"Hey Artie?"
"Yeah, Dick?"
"I just wanted to know what you weren't telling me earlier"
"You said that you started searching things up about me because you felt bad about ignoring me, but you were holding something back, what was it?"
"I was also trying to forget something"
"Just family stuff"
"I already know who your family is, but it doesn't matter, you are your own person, what was it?"
"My training which started when I was five, I nearly died, a lot"
Dick smiled "Well i'm glad you didn't die"
"And i'm glad you didn't either"
Conner smiled having heard their entire conversation.