A/N in the "Civil War" comic, it is the death of Colossus by a life model decoy (LMD) of Thor that stops the heroes from fighting- yeah, comics. Also, in CACW interviews, S. Stan has been very blunt about the only thing holding Bucky together is the fact Steve is alive. Because they can't cast everyone in CACW, perhaps a different loss will stop the argument.

Vision's fiery yellow blast was an incandescence of light and sublime pain. Bucky caught the beam in the gut as it ricocheted off a wall, spinning him like a child's top. A loud groan escaped him as if he'd been sucker punched like Steve used to be in those Brooklyn back alleys.

Red began to flow like the beginning of a summer's rain on dry land; soft at first but then building as if a flash flood was impending. Dropping to his hands and knees, his metal hand clutching his abdomen, Barnes bent forward. Sweat drenched hair hung like thick vines before his eyes as he glanced down briefly at the dripping gore.

Sucking breath, fighting waves of agony and nausea, Bucky looked up slowly for Rogers. The heroes fought on oblivious to his grievous wounds. He couldn't let Steve see him die. No, he couldn't do that again to him; he already died in front of Cap once. Twice would send him over the edge. Best friends don't do that to each other.

Hauling himself drunkenly to his feet with supreme effort, Bucky bounced and staggered bloodily off walls, leaving a dripping trail of red and smeared handprints on the rough concrete walls as he lost his balance time and time again.

Finally, a place not too far away but not in Steve's line of sight, Bucky crumpled into a heap. He could die in peace. The only thing Barnes wanted to tell him was none of this was his fault.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, Bucky waited for his life to flash before his eyes like everybody says it does when you're dying. He waited. Nothing came. A cruel smile picked at his lips as the light began to fade from his eyes. Hydra took all that away.

Slowly, he began to feel sleepy and cooler. It started in his feet losing sensation with them and then cold ropes began to climb up his legs. Occasionally a spasm of torture would shoot through him as he bled out and his body clung desperately to life. Under his left hand he felt the red pulsing between the metal plates with each heartbeat. The mortician would have a heck of a time cleaning that up. No, he corrected himself exhaustedly, he wanted to be cremated. Would they give him a twenty-one-gun salute after all he's done?

"Bucky!" Steve's voice echoed over the concrete structure like the call of an infantry bugle, "BUCKY!"

Barnes listened for the direction and gasped, "—Steve?"

Steve ran towards the sigh of his name like rolling thunder after lightening, "Bucky!" Skidding to a stop, ripping off his helmet, he looked Barnes over, horrified. Cap felt the air sucked from his lungs in shock. His worst nightmare was happening. This was all just a bad dream, he was almost sure of it. Glancing over his shoulder, hoping when he looked back Bucky would be ok and not lying in a pool of his own blood, face pale as death, he barked. "C'mon. Stark will be here any minute. Gotta get you outta here." Rogers kneeled to pick up his best friend.

"No. I'm right where I belong. It's ok. Now." Bucky responded, weakly holding up his right hand to stop Rogers.

Cap looked down at his friend, dumbfounded, "What do you mean?"

"You're here." A wave of pain washed over Barnes's face then he tried to smile. Steve's heart cracked in his chest. "I found you again. But you got to clear my name. I didn't bomb the UN." Bucky's eyebrows frowned for emphasis as the pain sent tight lines across his mouth.

Cap looked confused but then replied, "Sure Buck… Whatever you want. We can do it. C'mon let's get out of here." Tears began to gather in Cap's eyes about to be blinked out.

"I can … finally rest." Barnes sighed and turned his face away, eyelids sliding closed.

"Don't talk like that." Steve sounded angry as drops began to fall to his cheeks, "I'm getting you out of here. Now."

Bucky's eyes snapped open at those words and glowed with the steely gaze of the dying, "None of it is your fault." He coughed his breath, "I'll be free. I can die now like I should have 70 years ago."

Cap's resolve fractured like glass and he began openly sobbing, grabbing Bucky up in his arms as if he could tether Barnes to this earth by holding on to him, "You can't go, Buck. I just got you back." He buried his face in the sweat stained mop of Barnes's head.

"Remember—you're a good man. Never forget that." Bucky whispered to Rogers, working his right hand loose and pointing a finger into Steve's' chest, weakly.

"Bucky." Cap hiccupped and sniffled, holding onto his best friend for life.

"It's not your fault. You're a good man. Remember." was all Steve heard before the silence.

Rogers shook violently with grief with Barnes in his arms. His head fell back as an enormous howl of anguish tore itself from his body.

There was only one person who could fix this, if it could be fixed at all.

"STARK!" Steve roared like a bear, gathering Bucky in his arms carrying him out to the fighting Avengers.

They all stopped mid strike, realizing who Steve was holding into the light of day.

A/N 2… this came to me after a conversation with another excellent writer, cairistiona7, who was afraid of Marvel killing off Bucky (again). I don't that will happen, but the idea appealed to me (I have a dark sense of humor) and so at 11pm last night, this dialogue appeared in my head dragging me out of bed for it.