A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, but I got sucked into a couple other fandoms, not to mention I kinda lost my inspiration. I have also- after much thought- realized that I should not have written the 141 into this, so I love them but they will be leaving... Because there was an emergency.
*shrug* I don't think you guys mind because I have a bunch of other stories that include them, and there will be more later because ideas are attacking my brain.
Anyways, be prepared for grumpy/tired Logan! It will be kinda cute though, too... Because Logan's an adorable little babe. Have fun~
Thoughts are in italics!
Logan P.O.V
I woke up to Hesh attempting to gently pry me off of him, which- evidently- wasn't an easy task, because he managed to wake me up. I'm already a deep sleeper, but with the sedatives in my system, I was practically comatose.
How he managed to wake me up, I have no idea. Not that I cared at that point, but still.
"C'mon, Logan, let go. I have to go to school!" Hesh laughed, pulling at my arms.
I whined and tightened my grip on his midsection, burying my face in his chest. He was going to school? He was gonna leave me all alone here and go to school?!
What did I do to deserve this?
"Noooo... Stay heeere..." I begged, opening my heavy eyes to look at him pleadingly.
A quick glance around told me that we were the only people in the rec room, other than Keegan and Merrick, both of whom were silently watching us. I vaguely wondered where the members of the Task Force 141 were, but I wasn't too worried about it at the moment.
"Logan, I have to go... Winter break is over now." He sighed, ruffling my hair as he carefully released himself from my grip.
"But I d-don't feel good..."
It was a well known fact that when I didn't feel good, I wanted Hesh there. He always made me feel better. He was always there for me without fail, unlike dad. Don't get me wrong, I love dad. ...But in all honesty, I'm closer to Hesh.
He stood and my heart fell. I tried to sit up, gasping when my side pulled uncomfortably.
Oooh... that doesn't feel so good...
He put a hand on my chest, easily pushing me back down.
"Careful, Logan." Keegan warned from across the room.
"Stay down, Logan, you're gonna hurt yourself. Listen, I'll talk to dad-"
"Talk to me about what?" Elias asked, raising an eyebrow as he walked into the room with a steaming mug of coffee in one hand.
Riley barked excitedly and ran up to him, licking at his free hand when he affectionately scratched his ears.
"Dad, can I skip school today? Logan-"
"Logan will be fine, trust me. He has all of us here, Hesh, he won't be alone at any time. And you need to go to school. School is important." He said sternly.
Tears welled up in my eyes and I leaned forward, grabbing Hesh's leg around the knee and latching onto it. I don't feel good. I'm tired. My side hurts.
I don't want my brother to leave...
Hesh looked surprised, but he didn't try to pull away. Instead, he shuffled back, closer to the couch, so I didn't have to strain to reach him. A tear slid down my cheek and he gently wiped it away, giving me a reassuring smile that did nothing to lift my spirits.
He seemed to think for a moment, then he looked at Elias.
"Daaad... I don't feel good. I think Logan got me sick..." He whined.
Merrick scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. Dad sighed and set his coffee down, walking over to him and feeling his forehead. Then he examined his eyes and shook his head.
"You look fine, Hesh. Go to school."
I whined and hugged Hesh's leg tighter, hiding my face in it and crying. He patted my head comfortingly, but it didn't make me feel any better.
"Well of course I look fine. Logan looks fine too, but he's sick! ...Although I'm not having the same problem as him."
"Oh yeah? What's your problem, then?" He asked skeptically, crossing his arms as he waited for a reply.
"I... Dad, it's embarrassing." He complained, absent mindedly playing with my hair.
I sniffled and looked up at him with tear filled eyes, wondering what he was thinking.
He shouldn't lie to dad just so he can stay with me...
"Come on, Hesh, spit it out. I don't have all day, you know." Dad grumbled.
"Fine. If you must know, I have diarrhea. I've been shitting all over the damn place since-"
"Woah, woah, woah, TMI! Stop it!" He yelled, waving his hands about for emphasis.
"Well you told me to spit it out! So I did." Hesh shrugged, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment.
"Hesh, I know you're lying and you want to stay here so Logan doesn't get upset. But if you're willing to embarrass yourself just to stay here and take care of your sick little brother, I guess it's not my place to stop you." He sighed, grabbing his coffee and sipping from it.
I slumped back on the couch- releasing his leg in the process- and sighed in relief.
Thank God.
"Really?! That's great, because I didn't think he was going to let go of me anyways... Thanks, Dad! I'll take really good care of him!" Hesh exclaimed, smiling down at me and ruffling my hair- efficiently getting it in my eyes.
I scrunched up my nose.
Gee thanks. I really needed that.
"Oh, I don't doubt that, son. I never have. But make sure you get him to take his antibiotics. Now that I think about it, he'll probably need pain meds as well..." He said thoughtfully.
Ugh... Is he referring to those huge ass pills on the coffee table? Those things are the size of my hand! Hell no, I'm not taking those. I'd sooner DIE.
I growled and shot him a tired- but still scary- glare.
He smiled at Hesh and said, "Good luck."
With that, he left.
Hesh sighed and sat down, pulling my upper half into his lap. I laid there, my body tense as I stared at the bottle of pills on the table, wanting to keep track of them so I wouldn't be jumped when I was least expecting it.
"Relax, dude. I'm not gonna try and force feed you pills after I just woke up! We should eat breakfast first anyways. The meds will bother your stomach if you don't eat something beforehand."
"'M not hungry..." I mumbled through a yawn.
"Yes you are! You need to eat, you scrawny little thing! Besides, you owe it to me."
I raised an eyebrow, silently asking why the hell I owed him anything.
"You got my pants all wet! I don't care if you cry on me, but dude, have the decency to not make me look like I pissed myself next time, okay?" He complained, pinching my cheek.
Keegan and Merrick burst out laughing. I blushed and hid my face in the blanket that covered me.
He's so embarrassing...
A While Later...
"Okay, Logan, time for breakfast!" Hesh said cheerfully, setting a tray of food on the coffee table in front of the couch.
It held two plates filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast- the last of which was covered in butter. There was also a steaming mug of coffee- probably Hesh's- and a cup of cold milk..
"I told you I'm not hungry." I sighed, although my stomach growled as I breathed in the mouth-watering scent of the food.
He grinned and replied, "Yes, you did. And I said something along the lines of, 'Suck it up, you're eating'."
I gave him a cold stare, completely unamused.
"God, you're grumpy today, aren't you? I'm not even gonna make you eat that much! Even if you just eat a piece of toast, I'll be content, alright? Just eat something."
"Ugh... fine."
I slowly sat up, wincing as Hesh propped me up against a few pillows.
"You good?" He asked, setting a plate of food in my lap once I was settled.
I nodded and replied, "I guess... but can we talk about why my side hurts? And why there's stitches in it?"
He and Keegan shared a look.
"What is it?"
"You had a laparoscopic appendectomy." Keegan announced, grinning at me as if that were a happy thing.
It sounded more like a complex torture device to me...
"Okay, and that is...?"
"Basically what it means is- bye bye appendix."
There was a moment of silence.
"...You mean they removed my appendix?"
They all nodded.
"Well that sucks... But I suppose it means I get to miss more school, so that's nice." I shrugged, munching on a piece of toast.
"See, Merrick? I told you he wouldn't care!" Hesh laughed, sneaking more bacon onto my plate.
I scowled at him and he took it back.
"Oh, I care. Just not enough to whine about it because I'm tired and I feel half dead."
"That's probably because of the sedatives that nurse gave you last night. You'll live." Hesh replied around a mouthful of eggs.
I whacked him in the arm.
"Don't talk with food in your mouth! It's nasty!" I complained, and Kick snorted as he walked in.
My rude brother rolled his eyes.
"Shut up and eat your breakfast- before I make you."
"Don't threaten me, bitch. I'll sick Riley on you."
"Yeah, Hesh, leave my baby alone!" Kick giggled, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
I leaned forward a bit and licked his arm.
"Ewww! Don't lick my arm! Bad Logan!" He scolded, whacking me on the head.
I growled and he stepped back a few places. Merrick sighed and shook his head, seemingly thinking there was no help for us. If so, he was right.
"Oh, Keegan, are you going to remove the stitches in his hand today?" He asked, suddenly remembering that it needed to be done sometime soon.
Preferably before the stitches became a permanent part of my hand.
"I guess I should, huh? Let me go get my stuff." He said, jumping up and heading for the door.
"Hey! What kind of... stuff? You're not getting a scalpel to chop my hand off with, are you?" I asked warily, glancing at my hand as I said it.
"Of course not, silly! If I was going to chop your hand off, I would use a machete." He laughed, leaving the room.
"Gee, thanks. That makes me feel so much better."
A/N: Well, there's chapter 9! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave me reviews and tell me what you thought! :D