The redhead boy let out a large huff as he walked into the gym doors. He already changed into his sports attire and let out a satisfied smirk seeing the team practicing. Everything seems normal as for now. Joining his teammates, he still didn't fail to notice a single detail that didn't belong in his normal day.

Piercing red eyes.

There was a taller male talking to his coach that was staring right at him. Who did he think he was? The other male held a smirk similar to his, but more sinister, more daring. Its familiar red eyes was, without a doubt, reading his every move carefully and analyzing his steps. The more he thought about it, the more the red headed male got frustrated inside. Maybe he should wait until the match was over.

The floor creaked as he watched the raven headed male now giving him a smile of acknowledgment, seeing that he was coming closer. The whole team sweat dropped noticing something was off with their strict captain.

"Who are you?"

His voice rung loud and clear through the whole gym. Some members of the club gulped. Still, the other male smile only grew wider, unaffected by the tone or look of Akashi's. Rage filled up in the shorter male as the informant said no word in reply. The teenager's commanding voice got even louder and more demanding.

"I'll ask you again, who are you?"

This time he spoke.

"Is that any way to ask a person for something? My, I thought they taught you better."

Instinct taking over, the redhead raised his hand prepared to gouge out at least one of the red eyes that the raven male possessed. Nobody defied or insulted him like this. Not even his own parents.

"Planning to take my eye out? I rather not have that. Drop your hand Seijuro."

His hand dropped. Everyone in the gym except for a certain male had their eyes wide open from shock. It was not only surprising that their captain listened to another person, but what was even more shocking was how the raven headed male looked down at the shorter one. It wasn't exactly mocking, although it held the look as if saying "Don't-mess-with-me."

Glaring up, Akashi felt himself feeling submitting to the other command. What? This is absurd.

"You must be thinking how absurd this situation must be. You were like that since you were young. Always wanting to be top and above all others, good times."

"… What are you talking about?"

Did he… read what I was thinking? No, that's impossible.

Slinging his arm around the other male's shoulder Izaya grinned and dragged the other out before pushing him into the changing room before his younger brother can even protest and do something. Going back to the gym he was greeted with faces with their mouths open, disbelieving eyes, and weird stares. Letting out a loud grin, he gave one final wave before skipping out waiting for a certain redhead.

On the other hand, Akashi wasn't having such a fun time. He ended up in the locker room, now with his normal school uniform, and a random guy that seems to know him. Walking up, he looked sharply at the older male.

"I demand an explanation from you."

"Of course, of course lets head somewhere quiet first."

And by someplace quiet, it really just turned out to be a nearby café as the student watched the older male ogle over the menu.

"So, Akashi Izaya, there is still something you haven't told me yet."

"Ah there is. Its Orihara Izaya."

"Orihara…? That's.."

"Your mother's name, yes."

He looked up at the menu and into his brother's eye.

"I might believe you're a fake if you didn't piece the puzzle yet."

"Are you telling me you're my biological brother?"

"Indeed I am. It has been a while since I saw you. It doesn't seem your doing too bad."

Akashi examined the other male noticing that they did definitely share some of the same features despite the hair color and such.

"I'm assuming you are the one on the phone call then."

"I'm the one that's supposed to confirm that."

Although many questions were already answered in Akashi's mind, he realized that he now had even more questions than before. It seems like the saying of obtaining more information will only lead to more questions is true.

"That doesn't make sense. How did you find me, why did you leave?"

"Hm, I'll tell you the answer to the first question. I work as an information broker after all, it would be odd if I couldn't find you. You're the son of one of the most wealthiest people you know."

"So are you."

"Were. I left on my own a little while ago. It must have been tough on you being treated as the first son."

The younger male stayed silent pondering on all the things the informant had said. So he reunited with his long lost brother… was he supposed to feel happy? If he was, he was definitely not feeling that. In fact, anger and hate started to pile up.

"It must have been nice for you Izaya. Running away from your duties like that, making your younger sibling do it Didn't you like me doing all your dirty work? No wonder I had double of just about everything, I was doing your part too. Father used to say how I'm so much like a useless child he knows of, was that supposed to be you? So was it YOU that made my life like this?"'

His voice got louder and louder before he found himself standing in front of the older male with his hand slammed on the table. Group of people stared at their direction was when he decided to sit back down again to not cause any more ruckus than he already had.

It made him more furious when he saw the uninterested expression on his face. But Izaya soon closed his eyes and let out a small sigh.

"Have you ever thought about why you're so good and your parents are so bad? If you'd so kindly let me give away the answer; it's because even if you're cheating on someone or you're being cheated on, everyone laughs at bad jokes and eats over-sweet boiled vegetables."

His frown got deeper. "You don't make sense."

"You would know over time. I might consider visiting the old man sometime. Pass him my hello."

Forgetting to order anything he got up ready to leave. He was stopped by yet another question.

"Why did you even decide to meet me?"

"I was planning to when you're a tad bit older. But now is a good time, you already know more than you should. But as long as I exist, I don't care if there's hell."


With a smile, the raven headed male blended and disappeared in the crowd.

((I definitely rushed this one. Forgive me for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I didn't bother checking. Well, I wasn't planning to write any more but I then I went like "nah" after reading just two reviews. Thanks guys!))