Maxaro: *sigh* I know what you're thinking already; "Maxaro, what the hell are you doing? Why are you putting out another two-shot story when you haven't even finished Jaune and Weiss Arc yet!?"
Ugh.. okay, listen, I'm sorry about the marriage fic. We are going to finish it, we promise, we just haven't felt like it. No ideas have come beyond a few scenes, and we don't want to give you guys something that isn't up to our standards. This story is just something that felt really good to write and helped me especially to get back into writing after having a stress breakdown. don't worry about having to wait for months for chapter two either, it's already written and ready to be posted sometime this weekend most likely. Please enjoy this piece of fluff about the ship that helps me be happy.
Oh, and even though it might be redundant to say, this is an AU. The #fuckCinder'splan!AU to be exact. No Cinder plan, no Grimm invasion during Vytal, just normal Huntsmen training.
And, lastly, I dedicate this to my heroes; The hotdog man-senpai and Kuro kaze no aka kira-senpai.
Jaune had a habit. It was a habit built up from his many years of staying with his sisters, and it was a habit that all of his friends didn't particularly mind. It wasn't a bad habit by any means, and many of them actually enjoyed it; some more than others, though they would never ever admit to it. The habit in question was simply this: Playing with hair. His sisters had many ways to pass the time, but their favorite, especially when they were all younger, was dress up. And part of dress up for the Arcs was hair. The hair had to look cute, or the whole outfit was all for naught! Jaune had developed a knack for braiding, and styling, naturally, from all the years he had been happily dragged into participating in this activity.
So, of course, this stuck with him. The first time it happened, everyone was speechless. Ruby had just been talking, and everyone was listening with rapt attention, and Jaune noticed she hadn't gotten her hair cut in quite a while. At the time, Ruby's hair had actually went down past her shoulders, and he thought it looked quite nice. Another side of him thought there was something missing, though, and he had subconsciously snuck up behind her and started braiding it rather thoughtlessly. Though Ruby had blushed and sputtered at first, when it was revealed to everyone after a while that Jaune actually knew what he was doing, she had gladly sat still and let him work while he listened to whatever she wanted to talk about, thinking offhandedly that it felt rather nice having his hands comb through her hair.
That was his awakening, in a sense. He recalled, in that moment while braiding Ruby's black and red tipped hair, how much he missed getting to do this. He remembered the feeling of Noir or Violet's heavenly locks in his hands and how the simple action always let his mind calm down, even in the most tense situations. He recalled how much he loved the feeling of his hands gently combing through someone's hair right then and there, getting to feel every soft strand against his fingers, making the hair become united into a braid...
Something about it felt rather cathartic, and in reality, Jaune's hands had been very much on autopilot, muscle memory having let him create a pair of twin tails for Ruby in mere minutes, while his mind had just been focused on the softness of the girl's terasses. When he had finished, Ruby was practically glowing red, though she couldn't deny she liked the feeling of Jaune's hands playing with her hair and the twin tails he had given her looked very cute, even Weiss agreed to that.
So, from that day onward, Jaune knew he had found one of his lost treasures. He wanted to keep braiding hair, both to make sure whoever the hair belonged to looked their best, and to help him relax.
It didn't take long before even Yang gave him special permission to touch her hair, and thus followed a string of events that lead to his friends falling in love with the simple act that had recently become so commonplace. It was just as calming for them as it was him, and Jaune knew after Coco asked him to style her hair, he had a gift. A very, very odd, but special gift. If a fashionista such as Coco would come to him for something like that, he understood he had to be good. No, he had to be better than good. He held a power in his hands, and everyone knew it.
It didn't surprise him when Sun and Ren had asked, and when the girls had saw his work on their hair the amount of nosebleeds had been incredible. Jaune himself was sure he would have been bleeding if he hadn't been the one to work on them too. They were just that beautiful.
But there was one head of hair he hadn't touched up, one head of perfect, delicate, soft hair that he wanted so desperately to touch. He knew that was perhaps a creepy thought, but he didn't care, he couldn't help how he felt. Weiss just... refused. He didn't know if it was because she disliked physical contact, or for another reason, but she hadn't come to him.
Not yet.
Laying on his bed in his room, restlessly thumbing the sheets, Jaune couldn't help but think he wanted a nice head of hair right about now. It was certainly a weird thought, but being restless was one of the few things in life that Jaune absolutely hated, and styling, especially braiding, someone's hair was, and had always been, a surefire way to remedy said restlessness. His hands needed to work, he needed mental stimulation, and most of all he needed to calm down.
Having nothing to do didn't make Jaune relaxed, it made him agitated, and for a moment he considered heading down to the gym to relieve some frustration while he waited for everyone to return from their movie trip. And when he said everyone, he meant everyone. Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, Ruby, Blake, Yang, Coco, Velvet, Sun, the list was endless it seemed. Everyone who could help his restless mind by lending him their hair so he could braid it was gone. It was only him and Weiss left, the one person he couldn't braid the hair of.
"So bored..." Jaune groaned, kicking his feet into his bed like an angry child. "This is all your fault, Noir... if you'd just let me see Planet Battle without you, I'd never be in this situation, but noooooo, I have to wait and watch it with you!" A soft knock against his door could be heard, and Jaune's attention immediately shifted towards it. Someone was here! His boredom would finally be alleviated! Mental stimulation!
"Come in!" He yelled, somewhat excitedly, and after a moment the door opened and in came Weiss, as beautiful and gentle as ever. Her entrance, though unassuming and very much shy and quiet in nature, was absolutely elegant on a level Jaune had not previously known to exist before he had met her. It was one of the things about her that he loved so much. One of the things that had made him fall in love with her in the first place. Just how graceful she did everything and anything. He supposed she owed that to her background of aristocracy, and familial perfection, but he figured it could have also just been an inherent trait.
"Um, hello, Jaune... do you mind if I just spend time in here? It's kind of lonely in my dorm without everyone else there." He knew she disliked being alone, he knew how afraid of that she was now that she didn't have to be.
"I don't mind," he assured her. She looked so small, and not in terms of height. She looked out of place, and uncomfortable, but in a very controlled way. This was Weiss' natural state. She tried so hard to hide it behind a false persona before now, the weight of which undoubtedly made her weak, and weary. He wanted so badly to make sure that her persona never needed to go up again, but he knew she wouldn't let him.
Jaune sat up on his bed as Weiss nodded gratefully, a small smile, one that Jaune loved seeing, making its way to her soft lips. "Thank you." He answered the smile with one of his own, though his was far bigger of course. He understood how bad it felt being lonely, especially when you had become used to living alongside someone for so long, so he had no intention of letting her feel such an unfortunate feeling if he could help it.
"Don't mention it, you can stay here for as long as you like." Jaune expected Weiss to sit down once she had received confirmation that she could stay, but she remained standing by the door into the room, not making any attempt to move either to a chair or one of the four beds in the room. "Umm... you want to sit down anywhere?" He asked uncertainly.
Weiss jumped slightly as he spoke up, as if her mind had been elsewhere completely, forgetting she was in this room with him at all.A soft, pink flush spread across her cheeks as she quickly sat down on the very edge of his bed, though she didn't say a word.
Her reaction wasn't anything new, the atmosphere between them was always, and had always been, somewhat awkward in the way that most atmospheres were between two people who are so different. Weiss was still trying to figure herself out; her personality, her behavior, the way she felt about things without influence from those above her. She was still developing in a way that most people were allowed to do growing up, but she never was allowed to. "I-I was thinking... Ruby can't stop talking about the last time you did her hair. You remember, right?" He certainly did, he was rather proud of that. His first time trying buns, and it had turned out so perfectly. To his, and Ruby's, delight. "Well, uh... I was thinking..."
Jaune laughed at that quietly. Weiss fumbling over her words was so cute, and still somehow she seemed so charming. Jaune wondered if it really was just a trait she had. As embarrassing as it should have been, she made it work. She made everything work. He held in a dreamy sigh, feeling like a little kid with a crush. "Thinking about what?" He asked, pressing her on in what he hoped was a helpful manner.
"I was getting to that, you dolt!" She blurted out, seeming very flustered. "I was thinking... of maybe... taking you up on that offer..." he smiled, still feeling like teasing her a bit. Just for fun.
"And what offer would that be, Weiss? I think you need to refresh my memory..." seeing Weiss huff while the pink flush on her cheeks only grew more intense was a pleasure Jaune had never before experienced up close. Even if he hadn't been smitten, badly, with the frankly amazing girl before him, he doubted he would have been able to not find her adorable.
"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about, you dunce..." she mumbled quietly, casting a glance towards the door, as if scared that it would burst open any second now and she was going to be exposed in the biggest scandal Remnant had ever known.
"Yes, I do. And I'll gladly help you, Snow Angel, but only if you spell it out for me." Jaune knew calling her Snow Angel made Weiss flustered, but she hadn't asked him to not call her that in what felt like forever, so he wanted to see if she still 'hated' the nickname he had crafted for her.
A sigh passed through the snow white heiress' lips as she resigned herself to her fate, her gaze landing on the floor as pink darkened into red and her cheeks' temperature rose steadily. "Jaune Arc... can you please braid my hair...?"
Jaune felt like screaming in joy from the rooftops. He had somehow managed to do the impossible. What he previously thought as a goal he would have to work towards his whole life, he just had accomplished. Somehow, things had worked out in his favor. She looked so dang cute he wanted to pinch her cheeks, but he also knew that in doing so he would suffer through frostbite and become a kebab. And not a delicious meaty one that people enjoy, more like a veggie kebab that was full of all the stuff kids refuse to eat at dinner.
He settled for a nod. "Weiss Schnee, I would be delighted to braid your hair." This seemed to make her even more embarrassed, and Jaune wondered if he should say her full name more often. "I'm going to need you to sit in this chair though," he said, getting up and walking over to Pyrrha and Nora's shared vanity. Weiss followed him, her hands clutched tightly to one another, held stiffly down by her waist. She sat down in the chair hesitantly, feeling old memories of Winter and her playing with makeup when they were allowed to goof off.
It made her happy.
Jaune settled down behind her on a slightly elevated stool, though he didn't exactly need it thanks to her height, and Weiss unintentionally tensed up as she could feel his presence behind her. She still had issues with physical touch, even after so many years, but she wanted to feel Jaune's, apparently, expert hands comb through her long, masterfully cared for hair. If even Yang, someone who took, if possible, even greater care of her hair could let Jaune braid it, his hands and skills must be those of a master. So Weiss took a deep breath, forcing her mind to relax while her body remained as rigid as ever, and she met Jaune's deep, sapphire gaze in the large vanity mirror before her.
Weiss couldn't deny that Jaune had very mesmerizing eyes. They were like cobalt wells, filled with so many emotions at all times. She had heard of people wearing their emotions on their sleeve, but never had she seen someone carry most, if not all, of their real emotions solely in their eyes. At least not until Jaune. She nodded for him to begin braiding her hair, taking a moment to realize that this would be the first time since her time with Winter, when she was little, that someone other than herself would intentionally touch and care for her hair.
"Just relax, Weiss. I promise you'll enjoy this." Jaune's gentle voice, his tone softer than she could ever remember hearing, soothed Weiss' nerves slightly as his nimble and extremely dextrous fingers undid her side-ponytail, letting her long, snowy white tresses fall down her back.
That was it. That was the first step done. Now, she just needed to relax even more, and let him do what he did best. She loved seeing what he did to her other friends, she loved seeing their new styles every other week. It's always someone, and it never seems to take too much time to do. Not even the really intricate styles that would take a normal stylist hours to do. Jaune was so meticulous in assuring that every detail was flawless, but he made sure to be fast as well, so as not to bore his friends.
She let out a shaky breath as his fingers softly, slowly ran from her scalp, and through the downy snowfall that was her so treasured hair. Jaune himself felt like letting out a satisfied sound at the feel of it. It was comparable to the softness of a kitten, and he loved every second of it. He oh so gently began his work, and Weiss felt a little bit more relaxed at just how delicately he was treating her. She didn't feel any apprehension at letting him do it, not anymore, but there was a small layer of fear that was still there. Unfortunately, she didn't think that layer would ever be eased. It was buried too deep.
This was such an intimate thing to her, and she knew that was subjective. It probably wasn't as intimate for Jaune, or really any of the others, sans Ruby, who seemed so embarrassed when he did it. To her, it was something she had only ever imagined letting someone do if she loved them.
Which was really one of the many things that made this, letting Jaune oh so delicately transform her hair into something new, uncomfortable for Weiss. She didn't know how she felt about the Knight. He made her feel... odd, but also treasured, revered even. She knew Jaune had feelings for her, real feelings, despite what she may have thought in the beginning, and he honestly didn't care about her Schnee name. At first he had acted like a complete dunce, much like the idiots and brutes who had tried to court her on the many galas and events she had been made to go to while growing up, but after what had happened with Neptune, how he had gone out of his way to make sure she was happy, even if it meant she wouldn't be with him, while she had acted just like Jaune himself had when he first saw her, Weiss started to understand the depth of Jaune's feelings.
Another sigh escaped her lips, though this one was not one of discomfort, quite the opposite actually. The gentle, careful tugs on her white locks felt nice. Jaune certainly knew what was he was doing, though Weiss had never doubted that fact. He was much more than meets the eye.
Every twist, every tug, every single move he made felt good. Extremely good. So good that she didn't even realize her eyes were slowly falling. She relaxed further into the chair and hummed happily as Jaune kept on doing one specific motion hat felt really good. Braiding was kind of like getting a massage in a weird way, or, at least, it felt like it to her. When Jaune's fingers brushed up against her scalp, she honestly felt heaven. A part of her urged her mouth to speak out for more, to maybe, potentially get more than just her hair braided. To go further and get an actual massage. She probably would have if the thought wasn't so embarrassing.
"Weiss, have I ever told you that your hair is beautiful? It's clear that you take very good care of it, I don't even think Yang's is as soft as yours, now that I'm feeling it. What kind of products do you use?" She wanted to speak the truth, but how snobbish would it sound if she answered back with every single brand of organic, natural hair care product that she had lining her specific shelf in her dorm's bathroom? Probably so snobby that he would laugh at her. Why he would, she had no clue, but she felt very self conscious around Jaune. She didn't want to seem like such a... rich girl. She didn't want to seem like another one of those rich celebrities that relied on their daddies' money.
But in truth, wasn't that what she was? She knew she didn't rely on the money, but she certainly put it to use when it came to stuff like personal health, and not so much with things like fashion. Maybe that wasn't so bad, and, in fact, could be seen as commendable, but she didn't want to say it all the same. Because what if he did laugh at her? And why did she even care so much?
The soft chuckle that made its way from Jaune's throat after her silence caused Weiss to feel a very unnerving mixture of elated and nervous. The sound itself made her insides feel warm in a way that she hadn't felt since Winter, but the reason for why he was laughing was a unknown to Weiss. And she hated unknowns. "I'll take your silence to mean 'Too many to list off' and just assume that your hair is somehow infused with snow Dust." Jaune's words, his reason for laughing, made the knot in Weiss' stomach unwind. He wasn't laughing at her, he was laughing with her.
It made her feel warm inside, even more so than before.
She didn't dare answer him, letting herself become lost in his touch again to make her mind and heart stop beating and hurting. She had no idea just how her hair looked at the moment, not having opened her eyes since she had shut them the first time, but she knew Jaune was making her look beautiful. Had he not been trying to become a Huntsman, Weiss might have considered hiring him as her personal hair stylist. His touch, the precision he worked with, put even the most expensive hairdressers she had had work on her hair to shame.
She really needed this—to just relax for a moment. To unwind and let the stress of her everyday life fade away, even if it was for just that, a mere moment. Though, she couldn't escape her feelings now. Not with Jaune so close to her. While they were completely alone. And with him so lovingly braiding her hair.
This was a moment. It was like a scene set in a romance film. The gentle, loving, selfless guy braiding her hair, and she, the girl who was probably too good from him in the eyes of many, accepting his gentle ministrations happily. There was no tension in the air, no stress, no expectations for how this moment could end, there was only relief. How was she able to deny her feelings now? Jaune relaxed her, deep down she always knew she felt better in his presence. It wasn't that she felt safe with him around‒she could defend herself after all and she always felt safe unless it was clear she was in over her head‒but she did feel serene.
All of the troubles that plagued her mind were gone when she was near him. She felt like maybe, just maybe she could spend more time with him, let him get to know her more. They already did know a lot about each other. They had talked perhaps a billion times since the ball, they had talked alone without interference, and they had learned so much about one another. They broke through the awkward air every time they did talk, because they wanted to talk. She knew the only reason that awkwardness existed between them was because they were both clearly holding something back, and now she knew what that something might be.
She was content to just let it happen, now. To see how it all ended up playing out.
They were a lot alike in some ways, she and Jaune, while in others they were as different as could be. They were both from big, well known, powerful families and they both felt the pressure and weight of such a heritage pushing them down each and every day. But Jaune had different pressure than her. Weiss knew her pressure came from her father and her upbringing, making her want to always be perfect, making her always feel like she wasn't good enough when she strived for anything short of perfection. Jaune's pressure, however, came from him and him only. He had told her about his family many times, and not once had he ever mentioned anything about them having high expectations for him. Jaune wanted to be a 'hero' because he felt he needed to uphold his family's legacy. He was here, right now, because he wanted to be here, not because someone forced or pushed him to come here.
And Weiss respected that. It was self-destructive, he wanted more from himself than was humanly possible for someone without any prior training, but Weiss understood why he pushed himself so hard. Because he, just like her, felt the weight of a legacy on his shoulders.
"And I think we're done. What do you think, Snow Angel? Do you like it?" Jaune's voice broke Weiss out of her musings, bringing her back to the here and now. Her eyes opened, first meeting Jaune's before she looked at her hair, and the hopeful shimmer within them tugged at her heart. She felt nervous about what might happen after this, but Weiss knew that she wanted to take this further. She wanted to know how Jaune really felt so she could tell him how she really felt.
Her gaze wandered downward on the mirror until she was staring into her own ice-blue eyes, though, to be fair, that wasn't what she was staring at. She was staring at her hair, or what Jaune had made her hair into.
It was like something she had seen once in a bridal magazine she had looked through out of curiosity, and it absolutely stole her breath away. Her hair was up, neatly, cleanly, not a single hair was out of place. It was as if she were wearing a crown of her own hair, but it still didn't look weird. It looked natural, and beautiful. There was something that made her blush though, when had Jaune managed to sneak the flower into her hair? She nearly pulled her hands up to caress her own hair out of disbelief, but she refused to touch it, she didn't want to risk even coming close to ruining it in any way.
There was just something so mesmerizing about it, and she adored it. "I love it, I-... it's really beautiful, thank you so much, Jaune." Weiss almost felt like crying. She didn't know why, she wasn't sad, she wasn't feeling emotional due to any‒as Ruby called them‒'lady problems', she was just happy. As happy as she could possibly be, and what Jaune did to her hair was the cherry on the ice cream sundae. As Ruby would also say.
"I'm really glad you like it, Snow Angel," Jaune spoke softly. There was something that Weiss wanted to say, but she couldn't force it out. She didn't think friends should say it to other friends, but she also didn't want to hold back from it. She wordlessly stood up, and embraced Jaune tightly. He wasn't expecting it, and stumbled back a little bit from the force of the comfortable collision.
The discomfort Weiss usually felt when touching someone or when someone was touching her was nowhere to be seen. She didn't feel it with Jaune, not now at least. Carefully, she angled herself so she could bury her face in Jaune's shoulder without risking damaging the beautiful piece of art he had made her hair into. Her arms pulled her as close to him as she possibly could, letting the entirety of Jaune wash over her. His scent, his warmth, the feeling of him pressed against her chest, everything.
It had taken almost two years for her to get to this Point, to be able to say the words that she had tried to deny or rationalize for what now felt like forever. She could finally say them, knowing that they were true. Something about Jaune making her look perfect, making her hair look beyond beautiful... it was like it was the missing piece to a puzzle that had been waiting to be finished inside her heart. And now it was complete, once and for all.
"I love you, Jaune... I haven't been able to say it until now, but I do. I love you..." Weiss' voice was a mere whisper, silent as could be as she pushed herself closer against Jaune, standing up on her toes to make up for the over one foot height difference between them. And, for a moment, they just stood there, Weiss embracing Jaune tightly, Jaune too stunned to do something, but when his mind actually caught up to them and he hugged her back, any and all irrational fears Weiss had about Jaune having moved on and not being in love with her anymore were put to rest.
"I love you too, Weiss..."
For the longest time, there was just silence, and comfort. Weiss opened her mouth to speak, feeling the need to bring it up, though she didn't know why. It could be as simple as she wanted it to be. She could just keep it this way, and say 'I love you'. They could just become something together and pretend like there wasn't an absurdly long time between them saying it, but that wasn't how it had to happen.
"I thought you moved on, I wasn't sure if you-"
"I could never. I tried, I really did, but talking to you every day it made it so much harder for me to do that. A-and then we ended up getting so close, and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to be able to, it just seemed to get worse..."
"Weiss, you are the hardest person in the world to get over, you know that? Every time I thought I was going to be able to stop loving you, I ended up loving you more." Weiss laughed at his confession, feeling happy, yet saddened that it took so long to get here. But maybe that was how things needed to be.
"Yeah, I guess it didn't really make It easy, did I?"
Jaune gave her a deadpan look, though his lips were upturned in a smirk, as he squeezed her a little tighter. "No, Snow Angel. No you didn't." Weiss just let out a soft giggle in reply. "And, you know what? I think I deserve a reward for all my troubles. You don't think I braided that heavenly silk you call hair just because I've wanted to run my fingers through it since the day I recalled how to braid, right? You don't think I didn't have an evil ulterior motive for making you happy, did you?"
Weiss, once again, giggled at her silly Knight's words. Whether or not he had an ulterior motive or not for braiding her hair, she would let him or make him braid and style it many, many more times in the coming future. Though Jaune was right on one account. She did agree that he deserved a reward, even if the reward itself was just as, well, rewarding for her as it was for him.
Standing up higher on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck, Weiss slowly pulled Jaune down into a soft, gentle kiss. Her first kiss. It was just a meeting of the lips, there was no deepening of it, and both Weiss and Jaune felt it was enough. Just getting to feel the person they loved's lips move against their own was more than enough for both of them. At least for now.
"Do you think we could get away with a small nap?" Weiss asked, suddenly feeling a lot more cuddly. Which was a very new experience for her. Maybe just this one time she would be fine with being so close to someone. It didn't feel like it usually did, there was no trigger here. There was just peacefulness. She didn't know if this was going to be a constant thing, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to take advantage of it while she could.
"Maybe, the other's should be back soon, but I don't think they'll mind." Jaune answered as she pushed him back, and they both crawled onto Jaune's bed. It felt foreign to her. So different from her own, even though they were technically the same. It was odd, but when he wrapped his arms around her, she felt that feeling dissipate, at least a little. She could probably get used to it, if she tried hard to do so.
"I'm sorry it took so long for me to figure things out..." she said one last time, and Jaune answered back with another kiss, this time on her cheek.
"Don't worry about it, I understand." Those words made Weiss feel even more comfortable then when Jaune was braiding her hair, and with that, she felt confident she could find a little sleep before the others came back.
Maxaro: Reviews are very welcome.