A/N: These are a collection of "one-shots" that I think would be cute to have in the anime. I put quotes around one-shots because each chapter is basically like an episode, but they all pretty much relate to one another like the anime. You don't have to read every chapter, but a few chapters might have continuity with one another. Enjoy!
I will add a summary of each "episode" if you're interested in reading any of them.
Summary: Ash gets into a battle with a boy named Daniel outside of Lumiose City. The boy asks for a 'favor' from him or one of his friends if he wins. This results on Serena going on a date with the trainer.
EP 01: Serena's Date.
"You can do it Ash!" Serena called out to the raven-haired boy, cupping her hands around her mouth.
Ash slightly turned his head, taking a glance at the girl who was cheering him on; a smiling curving upon his lips, "Alright Hawlucha, use Karate Chop!" Ash commanded his pokemon, turning back to give it its undivided attention.
"Haw, Hawlucha!" Hawlucha was quick to obey its trainer, and aim its attack at its current opponent.
"Dodge it Drifblim, and use Shadow Ball!" The blimp pokemon was fast to just miss Hawlucha's Karate Chop. It floated up into the air releasing a purple energy ball, and aiming it at the flying/fighting type pokemon.
"Dodge it!" Ash instructed his pokemon, but Hawlucha was just a bit too slow to get away from the ghost attack.
Ash watched as Hawlucha was thrown into the air from the attack before hitting the ground, unable to get up again.
"Hawlucha is unable to battle! Daniel is the winner!" Clemont announced the results, using his one arm to signal the winner of the battle.
"Ahh.. Hawlucha!" Ash called out to his pokemon before sending Hawlucha back into its pokeball, "You did great..." He said, looking at the pokeball in his hands before attaching it onto his belt, "Wow, you're Drifblim is pretty strong." Ash walked over to the trainer. The boy Daniel was only a few years older than him, with messy, short black hair, and hazelnut colored eyes. He had a classy sense of style as he wore a white cotton dress shirt beneath his black blazer with matching slacks, and a pair of dark brown dress shoes.
After winning his last badge from the Snowbelle City Gym, Ash still had a month till the start of the pokemon tournament, bringing him closer to becoming a pokemon master, and having another shot at battling the Kalos Champion, Diantha. Ash, and his friends were on their way to Lumiose City to pay a visit to Professor Sycamore, but were stopped by a trainer named Daniel who was keen on having a battle with Ash before reaching their destination.
"It is one of the strongest Drifblim's I've come across." Clemont said looking at Drifblim, as the group gathered to talk in a circle.
"I'm very well aware of my Drifblim's strength's." Daniel said, with a cocky grin spread across his face, "Now how about that bet?" He shot a piercing look at Ash.
"Oh right..." Ash said embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head, "I was so into having a battle I forgot that you challenged me in the first place with a wager..."
"Pikachu..." His yellow mouse-like pokemon shook its head at its trainers short term memory loss.
"Leave it to Ash to be too focused on a battle." Bonnie said shrugging her shoulders before crossing her arms over her chest, "He's been accepting battles nonstop ever since he received his last badge."
"I need to get all the training I can get to prepare me for the tournament..." Ash chuckled, a little bit embarrassed by the situation he was put in.
Daniel requested for Ash or one of his friends to do him a favor if he were to win the battle. If he lost, he were to do a favor for Ash. Without thinking about Daniel's intentions, Ash was quick to agree because he heard the word 'battle'.
Serena stood there giggling at Bonnie's comment. She admired Ash's thirst for a battle, but she found it funny how often Ash would forget about what he was doing or where he was going as soon as the battle ended.
"Who do you want to be your assistant?" Clemont asked, as Daniel began eying each of them.
"Her." Daniel was quick to point at the honey blonde haired girl, "I only requested a battle from you because her beauty caught my attention."
"Uhh... Okay..." Ash replied shifting his expression from happy to confused, "What did you want with Serena?"
"Nothing really..." Daniel walked over to the girl with gracefulness before lifting her hand, and raising it to touch his lips, "I request to take this young lady on a date."
"Wha-What!?" Serena said in complete surprise as she took a step back from the boy in front of her. Her face flushed in embarrassment by the trainer's request, "You can't be serious!?"
"I thought you wanted a favor..." Ash said, feeling a small sense of rage from the pit of his stomach.
"My favor is to take her out on a date." Daniel said with a smug expression on his face, "Unless she's your girlfriend... I'll be happy to back off."
"She's not my girlfriend..." Ash's responded, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.
"Then I don't see why I can't take her out on a date." Daniel said, the smug expression remaining on his face, "You did agree to any favor that I may ask."
"If Serena's okay with it... then I guess..." Ash trailed off.
"NO!" Serena yelled out, I will not go out with you."
"Well... You kind of have to." Clemont chose the wrong time to be smart, "Before the challenge, we all individually agreed to help him out if he won..." He began stroking his chin, analyzing the situation.
"Thank you Clemont... I'm very well aware of that." Serena shrugged, glaring at the boy with the round rimmed glasses.
"Great!" Daniel bowed down in front of Serena, "I shall have you for the day then my dear Serena." He said before taking her hand, and interlocking his fingers with hers, "I'll have her back at the Lumiose City pokemon center around eight." He said as he began leading Serena into the city. He stopped for a quick second to turn his head to look at Ash and the siblings, "If we're not back by eight, then we're obviously having a great time."
Ash's face turned red from anger, hearing Daniel's comment, "You better have her back by six!" He blurted out, his feelings were getting ahold of him. He wasn't sure, but he did not like the idea of Serena being alone with another guy. He clenched his fist in anger, wishing that he didn't agree to such a vague deal.
"Pikachu..." Pikachu said with worry in its voice.
"Oh don't worry Pikachu." Bonnie reassured the pokemon, "Serena can handle herself. If you ask me, things just got quite interesting." Bonnie finished with a grin.
"Nenene!" Dedenne popped out from Bonnie's yellow pouch.
"That Drifblim is a rather strong pokemon don't you think?" James observed through his high tech binoculars. Team Rocket was observing the group of friends from a cliffside not too far from Ash and his companions.
"Yeah, just think of all the praise we will receive if we caught it for the boss." Meowth agreed, his eyes starry from the idea of receiving praise from Giovanni.
"It seems that the one twerpette is leaving the group with that Drifblim's trainer." James said still observing the kids through his binoculars. He continued to watch Serena reluctantly walk alongside Daniel.
"That's great." Jessie said sitting up on a rock with a sly expression on her face, "We don't need to worry about the other twerps ruining our plans when we catch that Drifblim. Besides that goody-two shoes is not that great at battling. We'll be able to catch that Drifblim with ease."
"Wobbuffet!" The cyan colored pokemon was quick to stand by her side, giving her a salute.
"I sense an idea coming from you." James said, turning to look at the woman, a similar grin appearing on his face.
"Did you want to eat something Serena?" The boy who dragged Serena away from her friends asked trying to make eye contact with her.
"I think I'd rather sit here until the date is over." Serena said with contempt. She was angry about having to go on a date with a complete stranger. She was only there with him because of her morals. Ash made the bet, and Daniel won fair and square.
"I'm sorry for calling it a 'favor'…" Daniel sighed, slouching on the black metal bench, "I found you really pretty, and I wanted to get to know you when I passed by you guys, but I was too shy to approach you..." He continued shyly, "You can go back to your friends if you'd like... I didn't mean to be deceitful."
Serena turned her head, taking a peak at the messy haired boy who looked like he was genuinely sorry, "It's okay..." She sighed, turning her body to face his, "A bet is a bet, and I don't break them."She said, causing the boy to perk up, "But one tip... If you want to talk to a girl ever in the future, just say hi."
"Got it!" He said, sitting up straight, "It doesn't even have to be a date... Just think of it as two new friends hanging out!" He smiled at her.
"Only on one condition." She replied, pointing her index finger at him.
"What is it...?" His smile was quick to fade away from his face.
"We go anywhere I want and do everything I want!" She said smiling and giving him a wink before handing her hand to him to shake.
Daniel stared at the girl, his cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. Her act of cuteness took him off guard. He wanted to squeal like a fangirl, but kept it all to himself to keep his image of being cool, "Deal." He got a firm grip of her hand and shook it as a confirmation. He then stood up from the bench, bowing down to her before using his one leg as support to kneel onto the ground, "Where would you like to go first?" He asked, lending a hand out to her.
"Well..." Serena began, blinking at Daniel's gestures, "Stop acting like I'm some kind of queen!" She said in a joking manner while shooing his hand away from her personal space.
Daniel looked up at her in embarrassment, "Anything for you my-" He stopped himself before finishing his sentence, "Yeah... Sure... Of course..." He cleared his throat.
"Great!" Serena smiled, standing up from the bench, "I heard that a fashion event is taking place at the mall today. Let's go!" Serena said as she skipped her way along the sidewalk.
"Alright Pikachu use Iron tail!" Ash called out to his favorite companion.
"Pikachu?" Pikachu questioned as it stopped chasing dedenne to stare at Ash. It was playing with the other pokemon while waiting for its turn to be groomed by Bonnie.
"Pikachu?" Clemont questioned taking his place on the other side of the battlefield, "Ash... I thought we were having a battle with your Hawlucha." Clemont scratched his head in confusion.
"Hawlucha cha Hawlucha!" Hawlucha nodded its head at its trainer, trying to get him to focus. He's been out of it for an hour now.
"You're right... I just..." Ash was feeling embarrassed. Luckily it was just a training session and not an actual battle.
"Sounds to me like you've been training too much!" Bonnie commented from the bench, using Serena's brush to comb through the fur of Serena's Sylveon, "I think it's time for you to take a break!"
"That sounds like a plan." Clemont agreed, walking over to his Luxeray that he used to help with Ash's training, "Good job Luxeray." He praised his pokemon, while petting its mane.
"You're probably right..." Ash mumbled underneath his breath, as him and Hawlucha walked over to join Bonnie, and the rest of the pokemon, "I can definitely go for a snack!" Ash placed his hand on his now growling stomach. He was hungry the entire time, but was too focused on his training too notice.
"I guess I should go and prepare ourselves some snacks." Clemont said heading towards the sliding glass doors of the pokemon center, "Do any of you guys want to help me?" He asked looking at Bonnie and Ash.
"I'll give you a hand." Ash was quick to offer his assistance before walking through the glass doors.
"Bonnie?" Clemont questioned before walking through the doors, "Are you going to continue grooming them inside?"
"No. It's a nice day out." Bonnie replied as she busily moved onto combing through Serena's Braxien, "I'll stay outside. Just call me when it's ready."
"Okay. Suit yourself." Clemont walked into the pokemon center, meeting Ash in the kitchen who was pulling out a couple of plates from a cupboard.
"Clemont...?" Ash uttered the name of the young engineer who was busy taking out a few ingredients from his knapsack, "Do you think Serena is having a good time?"
"Daniel may have been a bit tricky, but he didn't look like a bad guy to me. I'm sure Serena is enjoying her time with him." Clemont replied after a minute of deciding what to say.
"You think so?" There was a tinge of disappointed in Ash's voice, " Aww man... I feel a little worried because it was all my fault. I wish there was a way for me to see if she was okay."
"Well, just leave it all to me!" Clemont pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his frames gleaming with a bright light. " The future is now thanks to science! Clemontic Gear on!" He pulled out a device from his knapsack that looked like a robotic fletchling. He held it above his head, "I call it the Fletchling Aroma Finder! You place an item that contains the scent of who or what you're looking for into here..." Clemont opened up the beak, revealing a small storage slot, "And then my device memorizes the scent and flies off to find what or who you're looking for and whatever my robotic fletching sees will appear on this screen." Clemont pointed at the miniature television with a few dials on it that he placed on the kitchen counter.
"Wow! Science is so amazing!" Ash praised his friends device with starry eyes.
"We just need something that belongs to Serena." Clemont said opening up the compartment on his robotic fletching.
"How about this?" Ash pulled a pink handkerchief from his backpack, "She gave it to me this morning."
"That's perfect!" Clemont grabbed the handkerchief from Ash's grasp and placed it into the compartment before hearing a click after snapping it shut, "Now let me just turn this dial to human scents... and.." Clemont bit his lip focusing on his current task, "Here we go!" He ran towards the nearest window, opening it to let his device out, "Now we just wait!" He said as him and Ash stood there staring at the TV screen. They watched from the robotic fletching's point of view as it flew to a few people trying to match Serena's scent. In a matter of minutes the fletching landed on a black iron fence with Serena in its view.
"There she is!" Ash said as he watched Serena take a swig of her drink. They were either eating a late lunch or an early dinner.
"She looks like she's having a good time." Clemont said removing a small remote attached to the side of the TV to manually control his invention.
"Well that's a relief..." Ash said staring at the girl who was now laughing at something Daniel just said, "Is there a way to hear what they're saying?" Ash asked, feeling something unpleasant coming from his chest. He didn't like whatever he was feeling.
"Yea just let me..." Clemont began turning a dial on his device.
"I didn't know you were... That's great... !" Ash and Clemont barely heard Serena through the microphone.
"It's kind of... be honest..." They heard a few words come from Daniel's mouth. Ash and Clemont couldn't hear much because of the other noises coming from the other people.
Ash reached towards the dial, cranking it to its highest setting. He had a need to hear what they were talking about. The sounds of cars and chatting people got much louder before the device sitting on the countertop began to malfunction. The images on the screen became distorted before blowing up in their faces.
"And another failure..." Clemont remarked, stunned by his machines explosion.
"It doesn't take that long to make a few snacks!" Bonnie's voice was being heard from the kitchen.
"Coming Bonnie!" Clemont called out as him and Ash began rushing with their finger sandwiches, "It'll only be another minute!"
"There are too many guards around this place." Jessie commented observing the mall from behind her newspaper. Team Rocket was sitting at a nearby cafe scouting the area, waiting for the perfect opportunity to put their plan into motion, "It's not very helpful with Officer Jenny walking around the area either." She watched as the commanding officer paced herself around the entrance of the mall.
"So much for your plan..." Meowth shrugged sharing Jessie's observation.
"It appears there's a fashion show today." James replied actually reading the newspaper, "...with one of a kind designs by Valerie the Laverre City Gym Leader."
"Those designs must be quite extraordinary if they need that many guards for a fashion show." Meowth pointed out, taking a sip from its cup of coffee.
"Indeed." James replied, bringing the newspaper closer to his face to get a better look at the caption beneath the picture of designs, "It says the outfits she designed are made with the finest gems the Kalos region has to offer."
"Oooooh!" Jessie flipped her own newspaper to the same page as James', "That's perfect! We can steal ourselves those dresses and make a lifetimes worth of money while grabbing a powerful Drifblim for the boss!"
"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet came out from its pokeball to agree with its trainer.
"Don't attract any attention!" Jessie scolded her pokemon while the people around her began to stare.
"Wow there's so many cute trinkets!" Serena said in awe, eying the booths set up for people to browse just before the start of the fashion show.
"Did you want anything?" Daniel asked taking a step forward to stand beside her, "I can buy you something if you'd like." He offered while using his hand as a gesture to point at all the stands.
"No it's okay. You already paid for lunch. I can buy my own things." Serena declined his offer as she walked over to a booth selling different kinds of hats.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!" A voice was heard from the walkway that was set up in the middle of the mall.
Serena placed the blue hat she just picked up back onto table to look at the man on the stage start up the fashion show. He had green hair with the front styled upwards, and matching green eyes. He wore what looked to be like what a first class waiter would wear at a fancy restaurant, and tied it all together with a green bowtie.
"I hope you are all enjoying yourselves!" He said through the microphone as people began to walk away from the booths and crowd around the stage.
Serena walked alongside Daniel as the lights around the stage began to dim with an upbeat song playing in the background, "I know everyone is here to view the beautiful gemstone dresses that Valerie designed, but Valerie wanted to introduce you guys all to her new spring collection, so we shall begin the show with that!" The man with the green hair announced before walking off the stage.
Serena watched excitedly amongst the crowd, as the first model walked onto the stage with a floral printed dress.
"I already know that all her designs are going to be great!" Serena squealed already deciding on buying herself a few outfits from Valerie's clothing line.
"Me too!" Daniel stood beside her, eager to see the next model and her outfit.
"Why is she taking so long?" Ash asked pacing himself around the pokemon center lobby before stopping to look at the clock hanging up on the wall, "It's already seven forty five!" He complained. He didn't think that Serena would be out that long. She reluctantly left with Daniel because of Ash's loss, so he thought that she would at least be back by six.
"I told you Daniel wasn't a bad guy. She's probably having a great time." Clemont said while fiddling with his own trinkets on a table, "Besides you still have fifteen minutes until eight."
"But she..." Ash stopped not knowing what to say. He wanted her back at the pokemon center sitting next to her while he polished his badges.
"Pikachu..." Pikachu said with worry in its voice. It was sad to see Ash in such a stressful mood.
"Sounds like someone is jeeealoous~" Bonnie hummed the words coming out of her mouth.
"Nenene~" Dedenne tried its best to follow Bonnie's tune.
"I am not!" Ash crossed his arms over his chest, pouting, "I'm just worried because it's my fault she had to go off with him in the first place!"
"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu shared Ash's anger.
"If you say so." Bonnie grinned enjoying the situation she put Ash in, "So if Daniel were to kiss her before the dates over, you'd be okay with that right?"
"What?!" Ash said taken aback by Bonnie's words. An image of Serena kissing Daniel popped up in his imagination, "She can kiss whoever she wants." He gritted through his teeth.
Bonnie placed her hand over her mouth to contain her giggles.
"If you're worried so much why don't you just look for her outside? She's probably close by." Clemont suggested, looking up at the grinning Bonnie and the pouting Ash.
"Y-ye-yes." Ash hesitated, "I just want to make sure she's okay..."
"Jeaaaaalous!" Bonnie hummed out in the same tone as Ash exited the pokemon center.
"And now... Valerie's gemstone line!" The green haired man announced as everyone cheered in excitement.
"I can't wait to see the dress made from rubies." Serena looked at the fashion brochure containing each design and a small description.
"Sorry everyone.. It appears we're having a problem." The host announced as one of the assistants whispered into his ear, "We will just be a second." He said before disappearing behind the lavish curtains.
Kabooom! Everyone looked up to see an explosion at the side of the mall.
"What's going on!?" Daniel questioned with concern as everyone around the mall started running off in different directions.
Serena looked up to see a familiar balloon floating up into the giant hole in the ceiling, "Team Rocket!" She said out loud before running towards the exit.
"Team Rocket?" Daniel questioned as he followed behind her, maneuvering himself around the crowd.
"They are a group of bad guys who try to steal other peoples pokemon!" Serena said out loud, running out of the exit, "They must be up to no good if they are already trying to escape!" She stopped outside, scanning the skies for the Meowth hot air balloon,"Over there!" She pointed ahead at the hooligans who weren't too far.
"Come on out Drifblim!" Daniel threw his pokeball in front of him as he ran towards the balloon. "Use Shadow Ball at the balloon!" He instructed his pokemon.
"Looks like your plan worked Jessie!" Meowth praised his crimson colored haired comrade.
"Of course it did!" She said with a cocky tone before sending out her Gourgeist, "Counter it with shadow ball!" She commanded.
"Gourgeist!" Her pumpkin pokemon sent an energy ball to the energy ball heading in their direction. The two attacks collided into an explosion emitting a huge cloud of smoke.
"Drifblim use it again!" Daniel instructed, but Drifblim was not responding to his commands, "Drifblim!" Daniel called out through the smoke above them.
"Sorry! Your Drifblim is ours!" James called out from above them.
The cloud of smoke dissipated to reveal drifblim trapped in a cage attached at the bottom of the basket.
"Prepare for trouble, We finally came up with a great plan!" Jessie began.
"And make it double, looks like I'll live to be an old and rich man!" James continued their motto.
"What are they doing?" Daniel asked in confusion.
"They have this need to say this lame motto every time me and the others come across them." Serena shrugged her shoulders, "It's pretty tiring if you ask me..."
"HEY!" Jessie said, irritated, "Don't call our motto lame while we're saying it!"
"Yeah! How dare you stop us from completing it!" James agreed, holding a fist up into the air.
"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet once again came from out of its owners pokeball, causing the basket to tilt and drop one of the gemstone dresses.
"You stole the dresses too!?" Serena said outraged by their shenanigans, "Alright Sylveon come on-" She stopped realizing that she gave all her pokeballs to Bonnie that same morning because she asked her if she could groom them. Oh no... Serena thought as she slouched in disappointment.
"What's the matter?!" Jessie taunted her, "Forgot your pokemon?" She cackled at the honey blonde haired girls short term memory.
"I'm still not letting you get away!" Serena called out before running towards the balloon at full speed and using a bench on the side to help her jump up into the air. She was quick to grab onto some rope hanging out from Team Rocket's basket.
"How is that going to solve anything!?" Jessie questioned, laughing at the girl who was hanging onto the rope, the balloon rising much higher into the night sky.
"I don't know..." Serena said in fear, looking at the ground that was getting further away from her. Why did I do this? Why did I do this?!
"Gourgeist, use dark pulse on the rope!" She instructed, and gourgeist was happy to oblige.
"Not so fast!" Serena heard Ash's voice. She looked below her to see the boy standing beside Daniel, "Talonflame save Serena and Pikachu use Iron Tail on the cage!" He instructed.
"Pikaa Chuuuuuuuu!" Pikachu jumped up from Ash's shoulder readying its attack, "Piiikaa!" Pikachu hit the cage, causing it to crack and break.
"Drifblim!" Daniel ran towards his pokemon giving it a hug as Talonflame flew up to Serena's side as she grabbed ahold of its feathers.
"Alright Drifblim use Shadow Ball!" Daniel commanded his pokemon. Drifblim sent a purple orb at the balloon, piercing it in the process.
"Uh oh..." Jessie said knowing what was coming after them, "Don't tell me-"
"We're blasting off again!" The balloon exploded, sending Team Rocket high into the sky.
Daniel tried his best to run towards all of the falling dresses with his Driflim, trying to save them all from hitting the ground.
"Serena!" Ash called out to the girl as talonflame descended and made a safe landing, "Are you okay?" He asked, pulling her into a hug as soon as she stepped off of his pokemon.
"I'm fine..." Serena mumbled, her face turning red by Ash's sudden sign of affection.
"Serena!" Bonnie called out, running towards the pair.
"Ash!" Clemont tried to say, out of breath, but was having a hard time keeping up with his younger sister.
Ash was quick to pull away from Serena knowing that Bonnie was going to have to say something about it.
"Are you guys alright?" Bonnie questioned standing in front of the pair.
"Yeah..." Serena smiled, happy to see that her friends were all worrying for her, "How did you guys know where to find me?"
"Well Bonnie and I saw you in the background running when an urgent news report came up on the television screen." Clemont said still out of breath, answering her question.
"...And Ash was just looking for you the entire time." Bonnie teased the boy standing beside her.
"Huh?" Serena blinked in surprise by Bonnie's words.
"I was training too much and just needed some fresh air..." Ash began as Pikachu climbed back onto his shoulder, "Then I saw an explosion, and went to check it out..."
"Of course you'd be the one to run towards it instead of away from it." Serena laughed.
"Where's Daniel?" Clemont questioned looking around, "Weren't you with him the entire time?"
"Yeah.. He's-"
"A little help..." Daniel interrupted Serena, and the group of friends turned their head to see that he managed to save all of the gemstone dresses from hitting the ground, but ended up standing in an awkward and uncomfortable pose.
The group laughed at boy, walking towards him to lend him their help.
"Thank you so much for saving all of the dresses." Officer Jenny thanked the heroes as a group of her officers took the dresses from them to rightfully return them for the show, "If there is anything I could do for you guys, just let me know."
"No we're just happy to see that the dresses are safe." Serena replied, "I hope none of them are scratched up or anything though... considering they are made out of gems."
"Actually these ones are fakes... We put them there in case something like this happened." Officer Jenny said with a smile on her face.
"No wonder why they felt kind of light..." Daniel mumbled beneath his breath.
"Well the real ones are perfectly safe and sound, so once again I thank you all. Please enjoy the rest of the fashion show and shopping stands." Officer Jenny said before giving them a nod and walking away from them.
"Cool let's check out the booth over there!" Bonnie said grabbing a hold of Serena's wrist in her one hand and Clemont's in her other before dragging them towards the booth.
"Nenene!" Dedenne agreed in excitement.
"Bonnie I can walk by myself!" Clemont complained.
Ash turned around to follow the others, but stopped when Daniel tugged on his shirt.
"Huh?" Ash turned around to look at Daniel who had a serious expression on his face.
"I'm sorry for using you to get to Serena." He apologized, "She's so pretty... I just wanted to get to know her."
"It's alright." Ash smiled, "She is something..." Ash turned to look at Serena who was holding up two necklaces in front of her.
"You're lucky to have a girl like that around you... She wouldn't even stop talking about you the entire time that I was with her."
"What are you talking about?" Ash blinked, his cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. She was talking about me...?
"It's nothing..." Daniel smiled to himself noticing something about the way Ash was staring at Serena, "You should do something soon before someone else swoops down and takes her..." He said before walking pass him to join the others.
"Pikachu?" Pikachu questioned, confused by Daniel's words.
"I don't know …" Ash mumbled, not understanding them either. He stared at Serena who was looking at a bunch of other pieces of jewelry laying around the table. He shook his head before running to join her and the others, "What are you guys looking at!?" He asked as he reached the table.
And so, Ash learned to not always accept battles especially when there was a vague deal on the line. He might have also learned a thing or two about the feelings of love... As the journey continues.