

Hello all. That's right, I am back. It's been a really long time and I have been moving around a lot. In fact i have moved up to seven times since i last updated. Thats what you get when you don't take anything seriously and prefer to travel with no money. But enough excuses. I have a request. I'm not that good with titles, so if i can get some recommendations that would be great, along with plotlines you would possibly like to see in the future. Thanks so much. Also i own nothing.

Chapter 9

Harry was happy when the jet landed in London. They had left early that morning in order to get there at six in the morning London time. Bruce, Tony, and Natasha were the only ones who went with Harry. "So no napping, we can look at the scenery" Bruce said. "Sounds great, never really had a chance to explore London" Harry said excitedly.

Luckily his Hogwarts letter had arrived a couple days before, much to his relief:


Harry was pacing in the communal kitchen. It was only used on Sundays for a 'family' dinner. It was a way for them to get closer. It surprisingly worked. Tony and Bruce entered the kitchen to see the nervous child. "What's up with you" Tony asked as he got himself a drink.

Bruce stared at his son in worry. "My Hogwarts letter still hasn't shown up, I need that to get my school supplies" Harry said as he stopped pacing. "A letter, seriously" Tony said in disbelief. "No electronics Tony, did you already forget" Harry said. "I never forget anything" Tony said seriously.

"I bet that's a lie" Harry said. Bruce smiled in amusement at the two. "It will show up Harry, don't worry" Bruce assured. Harry went to retort, but a look from his father stopped him. "It comes in by owl… maybe we should check the roof" Harry said insistently.

Alarm bells went off in Bruce's head as the other guy growled. "No roof, not safe" the Other Guy snarled. "I don't know about that, it's not exactly safe" Bruce reasoned. " don't worry, will both be up there to keep him safe" Tony shrugged off. Bruce glanced at his son, who was giving him puppy dog eyes.

He was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about it. "You are to not leave my side" Bruce conceded. "Of course not, now lets go" Harry said excitedly before taking off. The two chased after the happy boy to the elevator. They were quiet for the ride up as Harry jumped up-and-down. The elevator doors opened onto the windy roof.

"I love heights, did I tell you that I fly on a Broom at school" Harry said as they walked. "Do you know how cliche that sounded" Tony scoffed. "Does it look like I care" Harry retorted smoothly. "You don't go up very high, right" Bruce demanded. Harry was silent for a few seconds before shaking his head in the negative.

"Are you lying to me" Bruce inquired seriously. "Do you really want to know the answer about my flying" Harry asked back. Bruce's eyed his son for a few seconds. "No, I really don't from the sounds of it" Bruce sighed. "Good choice" Harry said before turning his eyes back to the sky. "I don't see it" Harry said in disappointment.

"Like you said, it comes by owl, the animal is not just gonna pop out of thin air" Tony said. Clint and Steve walked out of the elevator at that moment. "What are you all doing up here" Clint asked. "Having a convention, care to join" Harry said sarcastically. Bruce gave his son a sharp glare at his words, making him grumble.

"We're bird watching for a letter" Tony said jokingly. As if by magic an owl swooped down and nailed Steve in the head, knocking him onto his butt. The owl made itself comfortable on Steve's chest, much to his dismay. Harry noticed the familiar letter attached to its leg. Immediately he took the letter and ran back to the elevator.

"It's here, lets go back inside" Harry said between chuckles.

(Flashback over)

"Well what do you want to look at" Tony asked. "Anything and everything" Harry said. "We'll do the best we can, I suggest we start with the London eye" Bruce suggested. "Sounds great" Harry said. So they all started to see all of what London had to offer.

After the London eye they went to 's Cathedral, which was amazing to Harry's eyes. In all they visited the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Hyde park, and the London zoo. When they were done they checked into their hotel rooms. It was a five star hotel called the London Marriott Hotel County. Bruce and Harry would share a room, while Tony and Natasha had connecting rooms.

The sun had set as they prepared for bed since they had a long day tomorrow. There were two queen beds, which both father and son loved. Harry burrowed into his bed, exhausted. "Did you enjoy yourself today" Bruce asked. "It was one of the best days of my life" Harry grinned.

"That's good, I'm happy that you had fun" Bruce said. "I hope we can do this more often, I want to go everywhere" Harry said dreamily. "I'm sure we can go wherever you want, in fact my time on the run gave me a love for travel" Bruce said. "We can travel together" Harry said. "I look forward to it" Bruce said softly.

Harry let sleep take him after that.

(The next day)

Everyone was up early since they all basically had it ingrained in their system, we'll except for Natasha. Which is why she was still asleep. When they only had a little bit left to leave and she still wasn't up. Tony had an idea, one that for once didn't include him at the center. He planned to send Harry into her room to wake her up.

Natasha had a soft spot for the kid, so He wouldn't die trying to wake her up. Best part was Bruce was taking a shower so he didn't know the plan. Harry was pacing outside the door that connected her room to his. 'Just do it' Harry thought. With that thought he knocked on the door rather loudly.

He heard a muffled response, then silence. Having no other choice he began to knock repeatedly. After a few seconds there was a loud thump before someone stormed to the door. The door swung open to reveal Natasha dressed in a tank top and shorts. "Stark, I swear I will-" Natasha began, only to stop when she caught sight of Harry.

Her gaze, which was like cold steel, softened. "Tony convinced me to wake you up" Harry said quickly. She narrowed her eyes in understanding. "Of course he did" Natasha muttered under her breath. She muttered some threat under her breath before smiling at the young boy.

"I'll be ready in ten minutes" Natasha said as she closed the door. Harry walked back to his hotel room where Tony was waiting. His father exited the bathroom, dressed and ready to go. "I woke up Natasha, I told her you sent me Tony" Harry said. Bruce eyed his friend with suspicion as Tony went for the door.

"I have no idea what he's talking about" Tony said as he made a hasty retreat. Once the door closed Harry snorted. "Yeah right" Harry said. "Do you need a shower" Bruce asked. Harry shook his head in the negative as he grabbed some clothes that he packed. Harry entered the bathroom to change.

Having brand new clothes that actually fit him was a change. Tony had taken both him and his father shopping for new clothes. Harry tried to only buy a couple outfits like his father, something they had in common. But Tony pushed more clothes on them with the excuse that he has more than enough money. In fact Tony had bought him brand new game systems and a bunch of games to go with it.

Harry rarely played them, but it was the thought that counts. He changed into a dark green polo shirt with dark jeans. He washed his face real quickly before slipping on his nambrand shoes. Tony had called them Nike shoes. 'Whatever that meant' Harry thought.

He walked out of the bathroom to find everyone waiting on him. "Let's get going, we have twenty minutes to get there and you need to give directions" Tony said. The four exited the hotel and got into the car they had rented for their stay. Harry gave the driver directions to the leaky cauldron. Once they got there he got some confused looks from the three adults.

"Where is it" Tony asked, looking around. Harry glanced at them and looked towards the leaky cauldron across the street. "It's right there… you can't see it" Harry said, pointing towards it. "We can't see what you're seeing" Bruce said. "Must be a muggle thing, a spell of sorts" Harry said. Suddenly Harry got an idea. "Put your hand on my shoulder, Dad" Harry said.

Bruce looked at his son in confusion for a few seconds before doing as requested. Out of nowhere he suddenly saw the sign to the leaky cauldron. He stared in shock for a few minutes, unable to believe what just happened good. 'That shouldn't surprise me, after all my son has magic, hence why we're here' Bruce thought sarcastically. "Do you see it" Harry asked expectantly.

"Yes, I see it now, seems like we have to be in physical contact was someone who can use magic" Bruce said. "That makes sense since they're trying to hide from us" Natasha said in understanding. "Still not fair, so we have to hitch a ride with mini-banner" Tony mumbled. Harry released an aggravated sigh. "Grab my hands, Tony and Natasha" Harry said as he held out his two hands.

The two grabbed his hands and were surprised just like his father. "Lead the way kid" Tony said encouragingly. Harry pushed on forward awkwardly since he had passengers. Once they were inside the pub he shook them off. "I think we're good now" Harry said.

"It's dark in here" Tony complained per usual. "Of course it is, its all candlelight" Harry said in an duh tone. "Behave" Bruce scolded lightly. Harry led them into the back where they met with a brick wall. "A brick wall, really" Tony said.

"Be quiet and let me open the entry way" Harry snapped as he pulled out his wand. He ran his wand along the wall in the familiar pattern. As he tapped the last brick he took a step back. The bricks folded away until the entrance to diagon alley was there. The three stared in awe at what they saw.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley" Harry said with a huge grin. He entered the alley with the three adults in step behind him. Tony was sighing in relief that his starkphone still worked, a test. Of course the three examined the different shops as they walked. "We need to go to Gringotts first to pull out some money, then we need to head to Flourish and Blotts to meet up with everyone" Harry said calmly.

"Well lead the way, you're the only one who knows this place" Tony said. Harry led them on silently till they got inside gringotts. "What are these things" Tony asked in shock as he looked at all the goblins. Harry didn't stop walking. "Goblins, greedy things, but good with money" Harry said.

The four made their way to the front. The goblin looked down at them with a sneer. "I want access to my vault, please" Harry said as pulled the key off his neck. He had decided to wear the key as a necklace so as not to lose it. He handed the key to the goblin, who stared at it for a few seconds.

The goblin summoned another one as he handed the key back. "Take to his vault" the goblin commanded. The four followed the other goblin to the carts. "I should warn you that these carts are really fast, might make you sick" Harry warned. The five climbed into the cart.

"Keep all limbs inside the cart at all times, we are not held responsible for any losses" the goblin said before he started the cart. Harry's stomach lurched like the last time, but he was otherwise fine. Soon enough they arrived at his vault. Thankfully the adults were fine, just sort've winded. The vault was easily opened to reveal what was inside.

"Woah, you're not that bad off kid" Tony said. "This is a trust fund that is meant to last through my school years, might as well use it" Harry said as he filled a pouch he carried with him. Once he was satisfied he left the vault. "Ready to head back up" Harry asked.

(Little bit later)

Once back above ground they immediately made their way to Flourish and Blotts. "So I need to get my books, some new robes, restock my potions supplies, and get some ice cream" Harry said. Bruce eyed his son suspiciously. "You don't need ice cream" Bruce said. "Besides, we have ice cream at the tower" Tony said.

"But its not wizard ice cream" Harry pointed out. "You guys have your own ice cream flavors" Tony asked in disbelief. "No ice cream, so you'll never know" Harry sighed in fake sadness. "Maybe we can get some after we take care of your school shopping" Bruce said. They reached Flourish and Blotts to see a clan of redheads standing outside.

Harry caught sight of Ron, who was speaking with Hermione as her parents spoke with the weasley patriarch. "Ron, Hermione" Harry called. His two friends turned towards his voice, smiling at the sight of him. The two kids ran over to the small group in happiness. "Heya mate, Hermione told me everything, its great that your Dad's alive" Ron greeted.

"Thanks Ron, its great to see you" Harry said. Hermione gave him a short hug. "It's good to see you in one piece" Hermione said. A red headed couple made their way over to the group. "Oh Harry dear, its so good to see you, you're looking good" said happily as she hugged the young boy.

"Thanks " Harry said. The red headed man held his hand out towards Harry with a smile. "It is wonderful to meet you Harry, Ron has told us all about you" greeted. Harry took his hand respectfully. "Nice to meet you, " Harry said as he let him go.

"And this must be your father, I can definitely see the resemblance" said as he looked at Bruce with his hand raised for a hand shake. Bruce shook the the man's hand with a nod. " Banner" Bruce said. "Arthur Weasley, and this is my wife, Molly" introduced. Tony stepped forward with a grin. "Tony Stark, Harry's godfather" Tony introduced.

"Good to meet you" Arthur said. "Natasha Romanoff" Natasha said simply. The couple nodded at her with a smile. "You got here just in time, your new defense against the dark arts teacher is here doing a book signing" said. Harry saw the moving picture in front of the store with a man that looked really stupid in it.

"According to the sign his name is Gilderoy Lockhart" Harry said. "Mum fancys him" Ron said, earning him a light slap on the shoulder from said woman. A red headed young girl walked up to the group. "Mummy, shouldn't we get inside" the little girl said. "Of course Ginny dear" said.

"Harry, this is my little sister Ginny" Ron introduced. The girl turned to Harry with a smile, only to freeze in shock. A blush covered her cheeks as she just stared at him. "Hello" Harry greeted kindly. The girl took off towards the rest of her family without saying a word. "What I'd do" Harry asked obliviously.

Natasha and Tony smiled, while Bruce just shook his head. "Have you heard the word oblivious" Tony asked. "Yes I have" Harry snapped. Tony just chuckled in amusement. "Stop laughing at me" Harry spat. Bruce elbowed Tony in the ribs, which made him stop.

"Enough Tony" Bruce said. "Why don't we get inside now" said. The group went inside to see a huge crowd awaiting Lockhart. The crowd was made up of mostly witches around 's age. Hermione squealed and said "We can actually meet him, after all he wrote most of this years book list". Harry was squeezed between his two best friends, having left the adults, besides the weasley matriarch, near the front. A long line wound around to the the back of the shop where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing his books.

The three friends each grabbed a copy of The Standard book of Spells, Grade 2 and sneaked up to where the rest of the Weasley's were standing. Harry glanced back to find his father and companions examining the book shelves. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so he left them to it. Harry took note of Gilderoy Lockhart, who was currently wooing the masses with his overly charming smile and smarmy looks. The mans blonde hair was styled in over exaggerated waves with his blindingly annoying white teeth. Harry gave a derisive snort under his breath, "If he tried any harder to whiten his teeth we'd all be blind".

Ron bit back a chuckle, while Hermione shot him a warning look. 'If it isn't her getting on to me, its my father… my humor is so under appreciated' Harry sighed. Blue robes the same shade as his eyes was making Harry want to vomit. A short irritable looking man was prancing around taking photos with a large black camera that was emitting smoke with each shot. The man was ramming into people at random, trying to get different angles of the Lockhart idot. The small man rammed into Ron while backing up, stepping on his foot. "Out of the way, this is for the daily prophet" the man snarled. Harry stepped forward with a sneer, ready to shove the man away from his friend.

When out of nowhere he heard a loud shout of "It can't be, Harry Potter". Harry swung around to face Lockhart, who was hurriedly making his way over to him. 'Ah bloody hell' Harry thought in exasperation. Harry tried to disappear into the crowd, but as if the world was against him they stuck close together, leaving him no room to escape. The front of the crowd parted like the red sea though, which was completely unfair in his opinion. Lockhart dived forward, snatching him by the arm and dragging him towards the back of the store to where his table was at. The crowd was applauding as he was held against Lockharts side, his arm wound around him and holding him in place.

His face burned as the photographer wildly took pictures of the two. "Nice big smile Harry, together we'll make the front page"Lockhart said with a huge smile. The bright light of the camera blinded him, making him see white. Suddenly the flashes stopped and Harry was able to see again. Harry noticed that his father right in front of the table, the clunky camera in hand. The short man had been pushed into the crowd, but was completely fine. The Other Guy was roaring and snarling in the back of his head, furious at the handling what was his. 'Harry in danger, Hulk's boy' Hulk growled. Bruce was agreeing with him, by the fact that his eyes were a deep green.

Screw that he was making a scene, his son was not safe. The anger from the Other Guy fed into his, increasing his brought him increased strength, allowing him to crush the camera with one of his bare hands, turning into small pieces. The reporter made a squeak, but otherwise stayed back. Harry watched in silence as his father reached over the table and removed Lockharts arm from around his son. It took all his power to not rip the damn thing right off. "Get away from my son" Bruce said angrily, a deep rumble in his tone. Harry could tell that the Hulk was close to the surface. Harry happily made his way around the table towards his father, putting his hand on his wrist.

His father immediately gently guided his son behind him, taking a protective stance in front of him. Harry was met by Natasha and Tony, who were calmly standing there, but on alert in case there was a Hulk out. Natasha put a hand on Harry's shoulder, checking him over discreetly for any injuries. He nodded at her to reassure her that he was fine, if not a little freaked out from the publicity. Natasha pulled him closer to her front, guiding an arm around his shoulders. Unlike Lockhart's forceful embrace this one was calming and comforting.

Lockhart was basically shaking in his boots from the glare that was pinned at him. "Ah yes, my apologies… in fact I will cover the bill of your books" Lockhart stuttered out, trying to diffuse the situation. That's when Tony stepped forward with a big stack of books. "A set of your books and these" Tony ordered. The store owner nodded frantically, handing Harry a stack of books. Harry broke away from the three adults as his father walked off to a stack of shelves to calm down. Tony and Natasha followed after him. Harry reached the youngest weasley, who was now back near the front of the store with Ronald and Hermione.

He proceeded to dump the books into her new cauldron. "You can have these, I'll buy my own" Harry said kindly. Ginny blushed slightly and nodded in thanks. Suddenly he heard a voice he hated come towards him. "Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter" a blonde boy his age sneered as he came down a set of stairs towards them. It was Draco Malfoy, his school nemesis. "Famous Harry Potter… can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page" Draco drawled.

'I don't have time for this' Harry thought angrily as he spun around to confront Malfoy. "So you got a new family, adopted by filthy muggles" Draco scoffed as he examined the three adults vaguely. Harry was irked slightly by his words, but didn't let it show. "For your information Malfoy, one of them is his real father, so shut up" Ron defended him. Draco's eyes lit up with horror and delight. "James Potter isn't your father" Draco said with a happy sneer.

Harry knew that the truth would come out, but not like this, and especially not to Malfoy of all people. But he was gonna own it, he wasn't ashamed of his parentage. "The names now Harry Banner, remember it" Harry spat. Draco took a step closer, invading his space. "Should've known, father often spoke of how much of a slag your mother was" Draco laughed cruelly. At that word against his mother he saw red. Harry launched himself at the blonde with a cry of rage. Nobody spoke badly about his mother, NOBODY.

Harry knocked him to the ground with ease as the Malfoy heir released a fearful shriek. They hit the ground with a hard thud as Harry began wailing on him, punch after punch hitting its mark. Harry spoke through clenched teeth, "Don't talk about my mother". Vaguely he could hear Ron and Ginny cheering him on as Hermione ran off, presumably to get help. But he didn't care, all that mattered was Malfoy.

(Across the room)

"Deep breaths Banner, this isn't the place nor the time" Tony said. Bruce could feel the anger recededing, finally. Natasha was keeping look out, while Tony was helping him relax. Or at least trying to. But he wasn't really good at it though. "I'm fine" Bruce assured, pushing away from the book shelves. As if perfect timing Hermione sped over to them. "Harry is in fight with Malfoy" Hermione said loudly. The three swerved around to find a small gap in the crowd. Just in time to see Harry knock a blonde kid to the ground.

Punches were being pulled on the kid, who was screaming in fear and trying to squirm away. The Other Guy immediately receded to the back of his mind. The four raced over there. Tony was the first to reach him, who was cheering Harry on. "Go kid, kick his ass" Tony yelled. Bruce sighed in aggravation as he was the second one to reach them. "Harry, stop it, now" Bruce said in a serious tone as he grabbed his son by the arms. With ease he pulled him off of the blonde.

(Back with Harry)

Harry felt someone grab him by the arms and yank him back. He slammed back into a strong, firm body. He struggled to get back to Malfoy, to defend his mother's honor. Malfoy was bleeding from the nose, a black eye and split lip forming. He was crying and screaming, whether from fear or pain or both, he didn't know and he didn't care. "I said that's enough, right now young man" the person holding him snapped. Harry immediately recognized it as his father's voice. Harry stopped his struggle to see that it was his father holding him.

The Weasley's had gathered around them, along with the Grangers. A blonde man who looked like an older version of Draco stormed forward with a regal grace to him. The man grabbed Draco by the arm and pulled him gently to his feet. "It hurts father" Draco whined. "Go outside Draco, find your mother and have her tend to your wounds" the man ordered strictly. Draco left quietly, looking down at the floor the entire time. The man turned on Harry, who glared ruthlessly at him.

Before a word could be spoken, stepped in between them. "Hello Lucius" said coldly. "Arthur" the man, Lucius, said just as coldly. "As you can see there was a bit of rough housing, but boys will be boys after all" said. Lucius examined the crowd with a sneer for a few seconds before storming away, knocking the cauldron out of Ginny's hand. Books scattered everywhere as the cauldron rolled away. Lucius shot Harry a baleful glare before fully leaving the store. Ron made his way over to Harry, who was calming down now that Draco was out of sight.

There was a huge grin on his face as he laughed. "That was amazing mate, that should teach Malfoy" Ron cheered. Harry gave his best mate a tired smile. His arms were released, in which he was ambushed by Ginny. "Are you alright Harry" Ginny asked worriedly. Harry nodded towards her in the affirmative. Fred and George clapped him on the shoulders in rejoice. But before Harry could bask in the excitement he was turned around to face his father. There was a disappointed look on his face, making him deflate with shame.

Harry lowered his head in shame, unable to look his father in the eye. "Say goodbye to your friends, we need to get the rest of your things and go" Brue said in a no nonsense tone. Harry nodded silently as he turned to face his friends. Hermione was giving him an apologetic smile, along with Ron. "See you guys at school" Harry said in a subdued tone. The two nodded in the affirmative. Harry allowed his father and two companions to lead him out of the bookshop. It was completely silent as they fitted him for his new robes, which passed quickly. There last stop was the potions shop, in which they quickly retrieved what they needed.

Soon enough they were back in muggle london, heading back to the hotel to collect their things, ready to make the trip back to New York. Tony and Natasha made their way to their rooms, while Bruce and Harry went to theirs. It was quiet as they slowly packed their things. Harry couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at the bookshop, hating himself for his anger. Bruises were forming on his knuckles from where he had hit Malfoy repeatedly. Harry turned around to grab a book he had been reading from the night before off of the bed when he smacked his side against his suitcase. He released a pained hiss, grabbing onto his right side.

Bruce immediately turned towards his son, abandoning his packing. "Are you alright" Bruce asked calmly. Harry lifted up his shirt to seem a huge cut with blood leaking with bruises forming around the edges. It was obviously a few hours old, somehow Malfoy had gotten a hit in on him without him noticing. Bruce noticed the injury and began towards his son. Harry took a step back, dropping his shirt. "I'm fine" Harry insisted harshly. Bruce stared at his son for a few second before sighing. "Let me help you" Bruce said.

When his father began for him again Harry lashed out, throwing the book against the wall, nearly hitting his father in the head. Bruce stopped in his tracks. "I don't need your help, I don't need anyone" Harry yelled. Bruce just stood there as he stared at his son, concerned. Harry turned away from his father, fists clenched in anger. His body stance was stiff and closed off. "He insulted my mother, called her a whore" Harry spat. Bruce was irked by the insult towards Lily, but didn't let it show.

"Before that he called you guys filth as if you were beneath him because you didn't have magic and your not pure of blood" Harry said coldly as he clenched his fists harder. "I didn't mean to hurt him" Harry whispered softly. "I know that, but it doesn't excuse what you did" Bruce reasoned calmly. Harry turned on his father, tears in his eyes. "What can I say, I'm a freak who loves fighting and trouble" Harry snorted bitterly. "You are not a freak" Bruce insisted angrily.

Tears streamed down his face slowly, unable to stop them. Shame and self-hate flowed through him. He hated this feeling, it's always been there. Granted when he was with his relatives it was deep down where he couldn't feel it. These were feelings he pushed down when he realized that his relatives would never love him no matter what he did. Harry had settled for the abuse, letting it wash over him. But in truth he had just buried that pain inside to where it wouldn't bother him anymore.

"I'm a freak… nothing more than a bastard and a monster" Harry cried out. Bruce slammed his hands against a wall, startling Harry from his self-hatred. "Don't… you ever say that" Bruce loudly, ending in a dark growl. Harry could see the green flecks in his fathers brown eyes. But he wasn't afraid, he knew that neither of them would hurt him. The green retreated from his eyes as he took calming deep breaths. "You are not a freak or a monster or a bastard, do you hear me" Bruce insisted harshly.

Harry stared at his father silently, eyes red from crying. Bruce walked over to his son and kneeled down in front of him, gripping his shoulders softly. "I don't want to hear you say that about yourself ever again" Bruce ordered. Harry didn't respond, making his father pull him into a hug. It was strong and tight, knocking the breath out of him. But he didn't care, it was a sign of strong love. "Promise me Harry, no matter what you will never insult yourself again" Bruce pleaded softly in his ear. Harry nodded into his father's shoulder. "Don't just shake your head, I want to hear you promise me" Bruce ordered seriously. Harry cried into his father's shoulder as he whispered, "I promise, Dad".

The two hugged until Harry's cries turned into hiccups and sniffles. The two pulled away from each other, allowing Harry to wipe at his eyes with his shirt. "Now… how about we take care of that" Bruce said, gesturing to his son's side. Harry laughed slightly though his hiccups as he nodded. His father led him into the bathroom and helped him onto the counter. He disappeared for a few seconds, only to come back with a first aid kit. Harry removed his shirt slowly, still shy about all the scars. His father had seen them before, having given his son a check-up. But it was still shameful to reveal his past, the pain from his relatives.

Bruce began to clean the wound, thankful that it didn't need stitches. Harry was watching his father's hands work, noting the experience in his movements. What he didn't notice was his father taking in his son's scars. Belt marks on his back that had scarred over from the years. Marks along his collarbone from when it had shattered when he was around six years old from being pushed down the stairs. There were many scars, most of which were a mystery as to what caused them. All he knew was that it was from the abuse. Bruce couldn't get over how scarred his son was, even though he made sure his son didn't notice his glances.

It filled him with anger, he wanted to let the Other Guy out to smash his son's relatives into bloody pulps. No child deserved to be hurt, no matter what. "Can you teach me how to do that" Harry asked, knocking Bruce out of his thoughts. "You want to learn about medicine" Bruce asked in surprise. Harry was smiling as he nodded. "I always thought doctors and nurses were cool… so can you" Harry asked with a pout. Bruce gave a chuckle at the act. "You don't need to pout, I can teach you the basics for now" Bruce said. Harry paid diligent attention as Bruce slowly walked him through what he was doing.

Once the bandages were secured around his torso he climbed off of the counter. "So am I still in trouble" Harry asked innocently. Bruce stared at his son with a thoughtful look on his face. "Oh yeah, when we get back you are grounded" Bruce said before walking out of the bathroom. Harry groaned in annoyance. 'Wonder what being grounded feels like… shouldn't be that bad' Harry thought. With that he made his way back into the hotel room to help his father finish packing.