Monster: hey everybody i'm back with a new chapter of Another way Out. Danny will you do the copyright stuff please?
Danny Phantom: Monster doesn't own anything except her oc Shannon Pines
Monster: Thanks Danny :) anyway hope you like this next chapter of Another Way Out
Gravity Falls, Oregon USA
4:30 a.m.
This sound is what woke Shannon Pines early morning hours. she quickly and quietly slips her flipflops on and hurries downstairs and out the door to see where the sound came from. She really didn't noticed the grey walls in the shack because of it being very dark in there. Shannon notcied nobody was up during this time of the morning. she thought it might have been from outside of the shack, so she quietly opened the front door and walked outside.
Shannon hears it again.
{It must be coming from the woods, i should bought my flashlight with me damn it!} She thinks to herself as she looks around in the dark.
After a few minutes of looking around the noises stopped at the edge of the woods near the shack. Shannon ran her hand through her orange-red hair and wondered what had cause those noises. what she didn't know was that a certain "Dream Demon" was watching her every move and he finally came out of hiding.
"WELL, WELL Look who it is another Pines family member. Haven't seen you around here before. who are you oh wait your Shannon Pines, Pine tree and Shooting star cousin." says a male voice behind Shannon.
Shannon looks behind her and sees a yellow triangle with one eye with a bow-tie and holding a cane in one of it's hands and it also had a top hat. This kinda freaks Shannon out there was no such things as floating talking Triangles. This triangle floats down next to her.
"Who are you and how do you know my name and why do you know my younger cousins?" Shannon asked
"slow down too many questions. First off my name is William Cipher, Secondly i know a pines when I see one and lastly lets just say me and the pines family are friends." William(Bill) says
"Well, William what are you doing here in the middle of the night making noises, i was trying to sleep you know and how come nobody else heard it except me?" Shannon asked
"Well, you are in the mindscape, arrowhead. Meaning that everybody else is asleep and only you can see or hear me." William(Bill) says
"So, I'm dreaming, Right? and Why did you called me Arrowhead?" Shannon asked as he circled around her.
"Because the necklace you wear and you being a little bit of indian on your mother's side of the family and all." William(Bill) says
"How do you know that i didn't tell you that?" Shannon says looking at him weird
"Because I know lots of things about you and the Pines Family. Hey you wanna know what age you will be when you died?" William(Bill) says
"No, Thank you. So what are you doing here anyway?" Shannon asked
{This is very strange meeting a floating talking Triangle and how the hell does he know my family} Shannon thinks
"Such language for 17 year old girl. didn't your mother teach you nothing about saying cuss words?" William(Bill) says
"You can read my mind?" Shannon says
"Yes i can when I'm in the mindscape. Hate to cut this short but you have to wake up now. see ya, Arrowhead. William(Bill)
~Outside World~
"Shannon, wake up!" says Mabel as she shakes her older cousin awake
"Hi, Mabel what's up?" Shannon says as she wakes up noticing she wasn't in her bed
"What are you doing out here on the outside couch?" Mabel asked
"I sleepwalk sometimes sorry for the scare." Shannon says
"Ohh that's okay. Anyway, you wanna go to the dinner with us to get breakfast this morning?" Mabel says
"Sure, let me go change and be right down." Shannon says as she heads inside to her room.
Shannon made it to her room and change into her dark green sundress and black knee leggings and put on her flipflops and her arrowhead necklace her Nanna. She headed downstairs to go with her cousins and grunkles to the dinner down the road from the shack, it was a beautiful Saturday morning. The ride to the dinner was quietly, Shannon was listening to her favorite rock band metallica and humming to the beat. Mabel looked at her older and wondered what she was listening to be humming the beat.
"Shannon, what are you listening to?" Mabel asked
"Oh, a rock band called Metallica you might not know it. You wanna listen to it with me." Shannon asked as she handed an earbud to her.
Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land
Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Mabel listened to the Lyrics of the song and started humming as well and Her older cousin smiles down at her and goes back to humming. Meanwhile, Dipper was reading his journal(i know the journals were destory but i wanted to put them in this story) wondering if he will discover anything new this summer. after a few minutes of riding in the car, the pines family finally made it to the Greasy's diner. Everybody got out and went in. They climbed into a U booth. A older lady came to their table.
"Hello, Stan and Ford Pines. it's good to see you kids again and who is this?" Lazy Susan says
"This is Shannon Pines. She is gonna be staying with us this summer. Shannon this is Lazy Susan the best damn cook there is." Stan says as Lazy Susan blushes a little.
"I'm not that good Stan. It's good to meet you, hope you like your stay here in this little town. What would you guys like to order?" Lazy Susan
Gravity Falls, Oregon USA
Forest Area
~Danny's POV (Human Form)~
I walked into the portal that Clockwork said would lead straight to Gravity Falls. At the halfway point I see the forest of this town and stepped out of the green portal. I looked around and saw that i was in the middle of a forest. I wondered around the forest until i see a clearing and a old shack.
{Didn't Clockwork say to look for place called "Mystery Shack" and a man named Ford.} i think to myself as i walk towards the Shack.
I knocked on the door and a young lady with orange red hair and brown eyes opened the front door.
"Hello, I'm danny Phan i mean Fenton and i'm hear to see Mr. Ford Pines is he around by any chance?" i say to the girl.
"Yeah let me go and get him. I'm Shannon Pines by the way." The girl named Shannon says as walks somewhere in the house.
I waited a few minutes for the girl to return back with Mr. Ford. a few seconds later an older man was at the door. This must have been Ford Pines.
~End of Danny's POV~
"Hello, and who might you be young man?" Ford asked
"I'm Danny Fenton and I was sent here by a man named Clockwork, would happen to know Clockwork Mr. Pines?" Danny says
"Yes i do, but we cant talked out here come inside and i will show you where we can talk at. and Please call me Ford no need to be formal around here Danny." Ford says
Danny looked around and saw all kind of strange in this shack. Two twins came running out of one being followed by Shannon, who looked really mad about something.
"Give me back my cellphone now, Dipper & Mabel!" Shannon yells as she chases the twins and the two younger teens were giggling while running away from their older cousin.
"Sorry about the kids they have been like this since breakfast this morning." Ford says as they enter a secret passageway to his workshop.
"It's not a problem, Ford." Danny says
"So, Ford and Clockwork think they can stop me by letting this halfa come here. Well they have another thing coming. I could trick Arrowhead into thinking I'm good and make a deal with her and take over her body and destroy those damn journals once and for all!" Bill says as he laughs evilly.
Monster: Well that's the end of this chapter for another way out
Danny&The Pine Twins: We hope you enjoyed this chapter, because we sure did!
Monster: AWWW Thank you guys!
Danny&Twins: ur welcome!
Wendy & Soos: So, when are we gonna be in this story!
Gideon, Robbie, Pacifica: Yeah,what they said!
Monster: Calm down everybody i'm trying my best here. i will add you guys in the next chapter.
Wendy & the others: Thank you, Monster!
Monster: okay.. well i hope you guys like this chapter. see you guys in the next chapter :3