Disclaimer: All canon characters, plots and situations from the Harry Potter series belong to JK Rowling. I make no profit from this story.

A/N: My sincerest apologies for how late this chapter is. To those of you still hanging on for me to update - this is for you! Thank you for sticking with me on this journey. I've been on a bit of a hiatus while I work on The Baby Shower (a work in progress that is being posted on my joint account with the lovely Natasha - EmeraldBlackChaos) but I promise I haven't totally abandoned you!

She Keeps Me Warm

Chapter Twelve

"... You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me …"

( Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion )

Hermione stood at the end of a long, familiar lane with Pansy at her side. The Slytherin witch was scanning the area anxiously, taking in the houses lining the road on either side. People were milling about in the afternoon sunshine, oblivious to the awestruck witch.

Pansy was clearly nervous, if her stiff posture and facial expression were any indication. Her lips were pulled downwards in a deep frown, and her hand had begun to sweat against Hermione's own. This was her first trip into the Muggle world, and Hermione hadn't missed the way her fingers seemed to hover just over her thigh, where she kept her wand hidden.

"You okay, love?" Hermione asked gently.

"What? Yes… Of course!" Pansy spoke with exaggeration. "Why wouldn't I be?" She chuckled awkwardly, discreetly wiping her clammy palm against the front of her jeans. She'd dressed in muggle attire, not wanting to give herself any more reason to stand out.

"It's okay to be nervous, you know - though I'm the one who should be," Hermione reassured her with a wink.

They stood a moment longer while Pansy controlled her breathing. "Fine. I'm bloody terrified, okay? I've not much experience with this whole coming out of the broom closet shite, but what I do have wasn't… well, you know." Hermione visibly stiffened at the words, the harsh memory not one that had been brought up in detail for quite a while.

"You're safe here." She took pansy's hand before heading down the lane towards a fairly large home. The walkway was lined with flowers in various shades of red and pink, and a tiny sign stuck at the base of the porch read "The Granger's". Hermione glanced at the girl once more, squeezing her hand in reassurance before tapping on the door twice and stepping through.

"Mum? Dad?" she called out across the expanse of the small foyer.

Hermione chuckled as Pansy eyed her incredulously when she begun to kickoff her trainers. "It's more comfortable, Pans. Muggles don't generally dress immaculately to lounge around."

The witch shrugged awkwardly before leaning down and removing one boot, then the other. She slipped out of her cloak and handed it to Hermione just as her father came through the doorway.

"Daddy!" the girl gushed, moving into the man's arms for a tight hug. Pansy watched on, somewhat uneasy as her stomach clenched slightly at the embrace. She couldn't remember the last time she'd received that sort of warmth from family.

Hermione's father was fairly tall, though shorter than her own, and much more inviting in appearance. He radiated warmth, his beaming smile drawing a smirk of her own, even through her discomfort.

"Hermione Jean Granger, if that isn't you! Have you grown?" He rubbed his hand through her massive curls, ruffling them further and pulling a groan from his daughter. "Helen? Helen, dear! Come in here."

"This is quite the Sunday surprise, isn't it? How did you manage to—"

"Darling, what on Earth are you doing here! Oh, my girl…" Her voice muffled as Hermione's mother pulled her into another embrace. Her mother was shorter than her, Hermione's head able to rest comfortably atop the small woman's. Pansy understood now how the righteous mass of curls came about. Helen Granger sported a 'do nearly identical.

"And who is this, dear?" Her father gestured at Pansy, moving forward to clasp her hand in a firm, yet gentle shake. "Richard. It's a pleasure!"

"Hello, sir. My name Pansy. Pansy Parkinson," she spoke politely, her upbringing shining through.

"Mum, Dad… Pansy is a… um.. friend from Hogwarts." She smiled, catching Pansy's eye while trying to convey a silent apology for her choice words.

"Oh, how lovely. Well come on in, then. Let's not dilly dally in the doorway all day." Helen spoke. wrapping her arms around Pansy and squeezing her tight before ushering them through to the rest of the house.

The four made their way down the hall, and Pansy noted that the house, while quaint, was fairly large. "What is you do for work again, Mr. Granger?"

He smiled at the question, and Hermione chuckled knowing how much her father loved to delve into the world of dentistry to anyone willing to listen. "Mrs. Granger and I—"

"Helen," the woman in question interrupted.

"Helen and I are partners in Dentistry. We own a building in the center of town."

"... I... dentistry?" All of three of the Grangers laughed then, amused with her confusion.

"She's a Pureblood, dad. They don't quite understand how some of the Muggle world operates. And yes, that includes dentists." Hermione punched her father lightly on the arm, skirting around his large frame to plop down on one of the comfortable looking sofas. Pansy followed, taking the seat directly next to her, not bothering to leave much space between them.

"Oh, you simply must let us give you a check up, dear!"

"I've got an extra set of tools just in my office there. If you'd just let me grab them we could—"

"Dad! Mum! Stop. No, you aren't prying your way into Pansy's mouth."

Pansy looked horrified, not understanding what it was they wanted to do.

"I think I'll pass, if you don't mind," she whispered, barely concealed horror lacing her words.

"Ah, well… maybe next time?" Richard spoke.

"Now tell us, Hermione. How did you manage to make it here? You didn't mention any trips. We didn't expect to see you until Christmas holiday."

Hermione and Pansy shared a glance, silently asking the other if they were ready. Hermione knew it was now or never. She hated to lie - it just wasn't who she was. Keeping this new life revelation from her parents felt wrong, and she was ready to feel the sweet relief of freedom.

"Well, you see… I asked for leave so that I might come and speak with you both."

It was her parents turn to share a glance, both curious as to what she would need to see them in person for. "An owl wouldn't suffice? Not that we don't love this surprise visit, darling. It's just… well, you have me worried now!"

"Oh, mum! Don't. Please don't worry. I'm fine. Absolutely perfect, actually. But… I do need to confess something to you both. And I thought it best be done in person."

Helen smiled, albeit wanly, and nodded, gesturing Hermione to continue. She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts from the jumble in her mind and trying to relax before she began.

"I've done a lot of growing up in the past years, not just as a witch, but as a person in general. I think that being away from home has really given me the opportunity to explore who I am as a human being, and the last few months have been eye opening for me." Her eyes darted back and forth between her parents, searching their expressions.

"I brought Pansy with me today to introduce you to her, not as my friend, but as my… my girlfriend." With the words free, she moved her right hand out to find Pansy's, lacing their fingers together as they anxiously awaited any type of response.

Helen moved from her spot by the window to sit in the chair directly across from the pair. "Your girlfriend?" Hermione felt Pansy's grip tighten, as if she were waiting for the fallout, the explosion.

Hermione knew it wouldn't come.

"Oh, Helen… you know the terms! Girlfriend, eh! So you fancy yourself this woman, Hermione?" Her father smiled, cocking a brow at his daughter. Hermione blushed at the words.

"Well, yes… I suppose I do… fancy her." She winced, peeking a glance at Pansy, who's face mirrored her own shade of red.


"Ok?" Hermione echoed.

"Ok! That's lovely, dear," Helen spoke up.

"You're not… mad?" That was Pansy, hesitant to enter the conversation, but dying to know that she wasn't hearing things incorrectly, morphing the words into what she hoped she'd hear.

"Mad?" Helen and Richard both laughed, and the sound was a soothing relief to both girls.

"Of course not. Why would we be? We want what's best for our little witch here. If that's you, then we support her."

Pansy sat, barely daring to breath as their words sunk home, releasing any notion that this confession would bring pain or heartache. These people… these muggles, genuinely accepted her.

Hermione chuckled, softly at first, and quickly growing as Pansy joined in.

"What on Earth has gotten into you lot?" Richard grinned, eyeing the girls incredulously.

"Wewe…" Hermione spat, trying to catch her breath. "We thought this was going to go terribly. And you, you don't even care!"

"Well it's not like we didn't know, darling." Helen shrugged.

"Oh, mum! You couldn't have."

"No, she didn't even know herself, truly. I had to coax the feelings out of her," Pansy whispered, her eyes lingering on Hermione as they shared a secret smile.

"Mother's Intuition, we'll call it. I know all."

"And that - I see - is where you get it, love," Pansy snorted, making light of Hermione's typical know-it-all behavior and earning herself a smack to the thigh.

"Gods, this is fantastic. Truly, I feel wonderful. I love you both so much," Hermione rushed, moving from her spot on the couch to wrap her mum in a hug.

Helen smoothed the hair from her face before placing a kiss to her forehead, shaking her head softly at her daughter. "We will always support you, Hermione."

"That, we will, Dear. We raised you well," Richard paused, laying a hand atop her shoulder and squeezing lightly. "We trust your choices, and it seems you've made a good one." He tilted his head to left in a quick movement, motioning towards Pansy.

"Tell us you'll stay for lunch. Both of you." Helen beamed, walking backwards slowly to make her way towards the kitchen.

"It would be my honour, Mrs. Granger."


"Thank you, Helen," Pansy whispered, looking away from the mother figure who made her clench with both warmth and longing.

"Then that's settled. I'll just go see what I can pull together, eh?" Helen headed out of the room, followed by Richard, who so obviously wanted to leave the girls a moment to their own.

"That went well…" Pansy spoke, taking Hermione's hand. "Your parents are lovely. And kind! And—"

Her words were cut off as Hermione captured her lips, kissing her urgently as though she couldn't wait another moment. Pansy relaxed into her embrace, smoothing her lips with feverish pecks.

"Thank you," Hermione whispered, her hand running down Pansy's cheek to cup her chin. "I couldn't have done this without you."

"No, you didn't need me," she shrugged, casting her eyes to the floor.

"I do. Need you… want you…"

Pansy wiped at her eyes, bidding the tears that formed to go away. "You're all I've ever wanted, Hermione. Do you see that now?"

"You're all I see."

A/N: Ahh! Young love. Leave a review! Tell me what you'd like to see. It would be a blessing to know someone is still out there!