[This story will be marked as completed now, but wait! There's more! (If you feel like reading it) The co-writer and I decided to do another part that deals with when the Doctor regenerates. It won't be up online for another few weeks, but keep an eye out for it by following my work!]

Ch 77

Toby and Arthur's faces were inches away from River's, breathing in her face in anticipation for her to wake up.

"Doctor..." River grumbled, eyes still closed and half asleep, thinking the thing above her was the Doctor.

Toby snorted and Arthur giggled, putting a hand over his mouth. River made a face, eyes opening slowly, a moment of confusion passed over her face before she smiled, "You're not Daddy..."

"That's Daddy!" He pointed to his father, a sleeping lump on River's other side.

"Shall we wake him up?" She asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

He nodded excitedly, climbing up on the bed. River beckoned Toby up on the bed as well, "Let's have Toby give him some good morning kisses." River whispered, tapping her husband's lips lightly so the dog would know where to lick.

Toby joyfully started slobbering all over the Doctor's mouth, jolting the man awake with a disgusted noise. "Augh! Toby, no!"

River laughed, covering her mouth. As the Doctor spat, he looked over at his giggling counterparts. "Not funny, you two."

"I'm sorry, my love." River tried to suppress her laughter, "Would you like a real good morning kiss?"

"Not before I brush my teeth. I don't think you want dog slobber, too." He said, getting up to the loo.

River smiled at Arthur, kissing the top of his head.

He looked up at her. "I'm going to school today."

"I know you are. Is that's why you've woken us all up so early?"

He nodded. "I'm ready!"

"Oh really?" She laughed softly, "Is your lunch packed?"

"Um... no." He admitted.

"Ah, I see. Well, I can certainly help with that."

He perked up. "Can Terra come to school with me?"

"No, my love, I'm afraid not. Terra's going to stay home today." She murmured.

He pouted. "But I wanna eat lunch with her."

"I'm sorry, my love, you can't, but you'll be able to do that on the weekends."

He still didn't look too pleased. "Can we wake her up?"

"No, sweetie, it's very early."

The Doctor emerged from the bathroom. "What's got you in a pout, little man?"

"Terra can't come to school." He frowned.

"She's not old enough yet, sweetheart." He sat on the bed with them.

"But I want her to come." Arthur pouted.

"She'll come with us to drop you off and she'll be with us when we pick you up." He tried to assure.

"But I won't get to eat lunch with her."

"Hm... How about you help make her a lunch when we make yours? That way when she eats her lunch she'll think of you."

He nodded slowly, the idea making him feel a bit better, "Okay."

The Doctor smiled. "Now, it's too early to wake any of your sisters, but you can stay here and cuddle with Mummy and I if you want to."

Arthur nodded again, snuggling into the bed. The Doctor looked up at his wife. "Can I have my 'good morning' kiss now?"

"Well, I suppose so." She smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

Arthur stuck his tongue out as his parents kissed over his head. "Ew!"

River laughed softly once they had broken apart. Arthur looked up at them. "Why can't I go to school now?"

"Because it's too early, my love. I promise you'll be off very soon."

"I want to get up now." He insisted.

"Arthur, if you get up now you'll wake everyone else up."

"I can be quiet!" He protested loudly.

"Arthur..." River warned.

"Tell you what, Arthur," the Doctor butted in, "I'll get up and start making pancakes for everyone if you sit tight with Mummy until they're done."

"I wanna come!"

"If you stay with Mummy you can have extra chocolate chips." He bribed.

He hesitated, then agreed. The Doctor kissed the boy's forehead and went to go downstairs.

River wrapped her arms around the boy, kissing his head, and wrapping the blanket around him. He snuggled against her. "Is school scary?"

"No, school is very very fun." She beamed, "You know, you went to school once? Before you were born you went to my University classes all the time."

"How could I go if I wasn't borned yet?"

"You were in my belly." She murmured, "And you would listen to all my lessons."

"How come you don't teach anymore?"

"Because I have you and Terra now."

"So? We can come with you!" He grinned.

She laughed softly, "No, I'm afraid if I went back to teaching you'd have to stay home with your father."

"Oh." He nodded. "Did you have school friends?"

"Yes, I did." She nodded.

"Do they miss you?"

"I don't know." River murmured, "I haven't really talked to anyone from the University since I left"

"You should so I can meet them." He said.

"Well if you really want to, perhaps we could think about going for a visit one day."

"Yes!" He nodded excitedly.

She smiled, "Alright, we'll think about it."

"I'm gonna make friends and then they can come on adventures with us and have sleepovers and I can eat lunch with them."

"At your school?"

He nodded. "Mia and Freya said they met Matty on their first day."

"Yes, they did, and I'm sure you'll meet lots and lots of friends too."

He beamed. "I wanna go now."

"We still have a few hours..."

"We have a time machine!"

"I know, but you want Terra to come and drop you off, right?" He nodded slowly. "Well she's sleeping right now, and she'll be tired and grumpy if we wake her up too early."

He sighed and grumbled. "Fine."

"Daddy's pancakes will be ready soon."

He nodded and closed his eyes. She kissed his head. Soon enough, he did fall back asleep.

The Doctor crept back into the room, smiling to see his plan had worked. River smiled back, stroking Arthur's hair, "Good job." She murmured.

He settled carefully back in bed. "I made a batter, but pancakes can happen when it really is time to get up."

River nodded slowly, "Good thinking."

He looked at her. "Something on your mind?"

"I was just...thinking. About something you said to me a long time ago."

"What did I say?" He asked.

"You told me that you were looking for Gallifrey..."

He nodded, reaching over to take her hand. "Yes. Still am."

She nodded slowly, "Okay."

"Was there a question behind that thought?"

"Well, I was wondering if you had made any progress."

"I'm getting closer, but there's an awful lot of universe to look through." He murmured.

"I know." She murmured, holding her hand out for him.

He squeezed it and smiled softly. "I can't believe Arthur's starting school today."

"I know. Where has the time gone?"

"Raising our beautiful children." He smiled, leaning over to kiss her temple.

"Is that a gray hair I see, Mr. Song?" She teased.

"What? Where?" He frowned, running his hands quickly through his hair.

"I'm only teasing." She laughed softly.

He relaxed. "Cheeky."

She smiled, nuzzling his cheek, "Worried about going gray?"

"It's possible." He admitted.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be handsome, gray or not." She said knowingly.

He smiled. "I'm glad you think so." Hers was the only opinion he cared about.

She nipped his ear lightly, "I love you."

His cheeks pinked up and he turned to her to kiss her. "I love you, too."

"My silver fox." She teased.

"My golden goddess." He countered, bouncing one of her blonde curls. She laughed softly, careful not to disrupt the sleeping boy between them.

They talked quietly while the sun slowly made it's way above the horizon, neither of them seeming to want the few hours of extra sleep.

River re-woke Arthur once it finally was time for him to wake. "Good morning, my sweet. It's time for school."

The boy woke very quickly, nearly jumping out of bed.

"Shall we go wake your sisters?" She laughed softly.

He nodded eagerly, already scurrying to the door. She followed him down the hall.

Arthur ran into Terra's room, clambering onto her bed and tapping her shoulder impatiently. Terra pouted batting his hand away.

"[Wake up!]" He tried again, frowning.

She looked up at him, yawning sleepily.

"[Daddy made pancakes!]" He informed her.

Her eyes grew wide, and a smile widened. He pulled on her arm to get her out of bed. She wiggled out of bed, following him.

Terra paused in the doorway where her mother had been watching. "[Can we have chocolate milk, too?]"

River nodded, walking over to kiss her daughter's forehead.

The little girl smiled. "[Are my sisters awake?]"

River shook her head, "[Not yet, but I'm going to wake them up now. Would you like to help?]"

Terra nodded, raising her arms up to be lifted. River scooped her up, hugging her close and carrying her to the girls' room. Arthur didn't join, heading downstairs for breakfast.

River set Terra down in the doorway of the twins' bedroom, letting her wake them up. She stumbled over to Freya's bed and tried to climb up. It was too high for her, so she just ended up pulling the blanket off. Freya, still sleeping soundly, didn't notice.

River crept over, lifting Terra onto the bed. Freya was lying on her stomach, so Terra crawled over and sat on her back with a wide grin.

Freya groaned, wiggling to try and get the sudden weight off her. Terra started giggling. "Go away," Freya grumbled, thinking it was Arthur.

Terra couldn't hear her sister's complaint, pushing on her shoulders. Freya finally wiggled her arms out to show her sister that she was awake.

Delighted, Terra finally got off her back and sat next to her face. "[Pancakes!]"


"[Daddy's making them.]" She nodded.

Freya wiggled out of bed, going to wake Amelia.

"[No! I wanna wake her!]" Terra frowned.

Freya sighed, "[We can do it together.]"

She hesitated, looking up at River.

"[It's alright, you can do it together, but be gentle.]"

Terra nodded and went to wake her other sister. Amelia woke a bit faster than Freya, just as excited about the pancakes as the rest of her siblings.

The twins raced downstairs ahead of Terra who stumbled to keep up with them. River stayed next to Terra, making sure she made it safely down the stairs. Soon enough, the entire family was seated at the table and enjoying their food.

River smiled at the Doctor from across the table, thinking back to the days when it was just the two of them at the table. He looked back at her with adoration and joy. "How time flies."

"I love you." She beamed.

"I love you, too." He said, looking over their family; big, messy, and wonderful.

Toby barked, wanting to be a part of breakfast. Arthur snuck him a piece of his food, less discreetly than he knew. Toby immediately retrieved the piece of food, licking Arthur's fingers.

Arthur finished his pancakes before everyone else. "Can I go to school now?"

"Well, we still have to make your lunch and everyone else has to get dressed, but after that, I promise we can go."

He sighed impatiently while Terra asked what they'd said. River signed for Terra so she would also know what was happening.

The family finished breakfast and the twins went upstairs to get dressed, chattering about the day to come.

River went with Terra to pick out her clothes, helping her get changed before changing herself.

Downstairs, the Doctor made four bagged lunches, Arthur helping with Terra's.

As the children went to put their shoes on, River crept up behind her husband, wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing his shoulder. "The kids have school, and Terra has her speech class, it looks like we're going to have some time alone this morning."

"Now there's a rare treat. Can I interest you in date, Professor Song?" He hummed.

"Oh, a date? I'd like that, Mr. Song." She smiled.

He turned to face her, giving her a quick kiss on the nose.

"What, that's it?" She raised an eyebrow.

He chuckled, then gave her a more proper kiss on the lips. She smiled into the kiss, "That's better."

Terra came over and tugged on River's shirt. River looked down, smiling at the girl.

"[Can I go to school, too?]"

"[Well, you have speech class today.]"

"[Tomorrow?]" Terra hoped.

River hesitated, looking up at the Doctor. She hated having to tell her daughter that she wouldn't get to go to school for another few years, and even then, it would be different from the school her siblings were attending.

"[I'm sorry, lovie, but you can't go to school until you're older.]" The Doctor admitted to her. "[But you can come with us to drop your brother and sisters off every day]."

She pouted, "[But I want to go.]"

"[Don't you want to spend time with Mummy and me?]"

She nodded slowly.

"[I promise we'll have lots of fun today. Your siblings will be back before you know it.]"

"[I don't want to go to talk school today.]" She looked teary eyed at her Father.

"[Why not, sweetheart?]"

"[Too hard.]" She whimpered, then started to cry.

River quickly bent down and wrapped her arms around the girl. "[I know it's hard to love, but you'll get the hang of it soon]."

Terra clung to her mother. Oral training made her feel rather alienated from the hearing world, especially since there was no singing allowed during class. It was difficult and she could barely say hello without stumbling.

River stroked her hair, pressing a kiss to her temple. "[We love you, and we know you can do it. Do you want to know a secret?]"

She sniffed and nodded.

"[When I was learning to sign, I had lots of trouble. There were so many times that I wanted to give up, but I didn't. Daddy kept giving me lessons and after a while, I started to learn and it got easier and easier. So I promise, talking will get easier for you. If you want, Daddy and I will help you practice on the days you don't have class.]" She dried her daughter's cheeks.

This seemed to make the girl feel a lot better because she gave a small smile and nod and hugged her mum.

River hugged her tightly, giving her another kiss on the forehead, "[So, are you going to go to class today?]"

She hesitated, the but Doctor bribed her with ice cream afterward and she soon agreed. Once Terra had agreed, they gathered the backpacks. River double checked each one before they headed out with Toby.

The walk was short and even with all the time they'd spent prepping, they were still early to the school grounds. The children spent their extra time playing on the playground, promising not to get too dirty. Amelia and Freya were delighted to introduce their little siblings to the friends that they ran into. Arthur was ecstatic, telling practically everyone who he met that he was starting school that day. Terra stuck close to her siblings.

Their parents proudly watched them play. "Do you think Terra's alright?" River asked softly.

The Doctor watched Arthur translate between her and a boy he'd met. "She seems alright."

She nodded slowly, still ready to jump in at any moment. River had become known for being very protective of her children, Terra especially.

As other parents showed up they made conversation with the Timelords, talking about their summers and other human-y things. The two kept their answers to normal human-y answers, not mentioning any of their otherworldly adventures.

Terra made her way back to her parents when more children arrived, shying away from all the moving lips. River kept her close, protective as ever of her little girl. The Doctor kept up the conversation with the other adults until the bell rang and all the kids stopped playing to say goodbye to their parents.

"Goodbye, my loves. Have a wonderful day." River kissed the girls first. They gave her hugs and hurried off to their class.

Arthur was next. She leaned down and kissed his cheek, "Have a fun, my love. Be good."

"I will!" He smiled, turning to his sister. "[I'll be back really soon.]"

Terra waved to him. Arthur hugged her before going off in the same direction the twins had gone. River and Terra waved as he ran off.

"I still can't believe he's five already."

"Neither can I." River murmured.

"Eleven years of this, almost." He looked at River as other parents left. "I wouldn't take it back for the world."

"Neither would I." She smiled. "Not a moment."

He smiled and stepped into her space to kiss her. She smiled back, kissing him back and touching his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and their little girl, not caring what the future brought.

They didn't need to know about any of the challenges they had waiting for them, like that Arthur would soon meet a boy named William and the Doctor would explain to his son of the brother he never knew while River cried in their bedroom, and soon after the family would visit his grave for the first time since the cremation.

It didn't matter that in just a few years the Doctor would find his home planet and return to River a grey-haired, confused, Scottish man, or that cracks in the wall would bring his next face to meet a scared and irrational River on Dundenbar in a crumbled timeline.

They might have even laughed if they knew River would go back to Luna to clear everything up and teach a once a week elective class, or that when River would deter Jack's invitation next year to come drinking with him, the message would end up eleven years earlier in the very hands of the River Song who soon after drunkenly stumbled into the TARDIS and started their wonderful family with the Doctor.

It didn't matter to River. It didn't matter to the Doctor. He knew that everything he'd worked for, his family, would be there. His brilliant wife would always be there. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie." She whispered, "No matter what."

He reached down to take her hand and give it a soft squeeze, holding it firmly as they started the walk home.

[I'd just like to thank all of you who've stuck by this fic for over two full years. I'm really glad I got to share this with you all because it was such a big part of what I've done with my time for so long. I loved writing this and honestly being able to come home from a shitty day and be able to escape through means of writing this fic helped me a lot. I'm so lucky to have found a writing partner with such great ideas and who liked my ideas, too. Thank you all for your amazing comments and support 3]