And here is the end, the final chapter of To Fight in Love and War. It has been a long journey, and I am glad I am able to add another story to my completed list. I'll continue to talk to all of you with the rest of my stories.

Chapter 58

50 Years Later.

Kagome chuckled as her twins fought once again. It didn't matter that they were considered royalty and were expected to act a certain way. They were still siblings, and still fought any chance they got. It didn't matter what they were doing, or who may be in the way. If one did something to aggravate the other, it devolved quickly until they were wrestling on the floor.

"Hachiro, Hanako, you two get up off the floor. You know what will happen if your father finds you." Kagome walked up to the mass of her children as they stood, still playfully hitting each other. They both laughed, and immediately straightened their backs and lost all emotion on their face. They were mimicking their father.

"It is not proper to play, not when one can be training their body or mind." All three fell into giggles as Hanako snorted at her brother's antics. It didn't matter that she had said the same thing at the same exact time.

"Hn. This Sesshomaru still believes it to be a true statement." Sesshomaru walked around the corner, InuYasha on his tail laughing. "Even if some do not appreciate the wisdom of it." Kagome wrapped an arm around his waist, giving InuYasha a wave.

"Sorry Daddy." Kanako was a daddy's girl, and had Sesshomaru wrapped around her entire hand, not just a finger. One look of her puppy dog eyes, and the Lord of the West was weak and unable to say no. She giggled again as Sesshomaru waved them off with a grunt, and then grabbed her brother's hand, running off to get into some other kind of trouble.

"You ready for the next one?" InuYasha pointed to Kagome's belly, with a smirk on his face. Kagome rubbed her stomach, smiling down at the baby that was just starting to make its presence known.

"Of course. There is nothing My mate, nor I could handle." Sesshomaru held his head up in pride as Kagome chuckled, and leaned into him. Even after all this time, he was still as arrogant as ever. "Come, let us make our way to the study. We shall talk there InuYasha."

InuYasha had accepted his role as the leader of the wolves. The moment Ginta and Hakkaku had let him know what Kouga had done, he had been surprised. For a moment, he thought of turning it down, but his mate stopped him. She knew that was where they were meant to be. So InuYasha became the lord of the East.

The wolves weren't happy at first. They had lost Kouga, and InuYasha was a dog, not a wolf. But soon enough he proved himself to the wolves, and they accepted him. The East had grown in strength, and InuYasha showed all that he was more than capable of ruling over the East.

With InuYasha the lord of the east, Sesshomaru the lord of the West, and Kagome the lady of the central lands, that meant they ruled over more than half of Japan. Every few weeks Kagome would have to take a trip to her lands to make sure all was as it should be.

Kazuhiko had died ten years after the war, the flu being what killed him. It had hit Kagome hard. She knew the male had fallen in love with her, but she couldn't return his feelings. He had died, never knowing a returned love, and that pain had never left her heart. She didn't like knowing that he had wishes that couldn't be fulfilled. He had told her on his dying breath not to worry about his feelings, but she wouldn't be Kagome if she didn't.

Shakaku, the Lord of the South was in an alliance with Sesshomaru. They were best friends and had grown together. He quickly returned home after the war to mate his Yura. He had done the same as Sesshomaru, tying himself to her so she didn't die a human's life span. They reproduced more than a rabbit Yokai and were able to claim an astonishing fifteen kids. Kagome honestly wasn't sure how they did it.

Guinevere had also had a child of her own. She loved her baby, and this time she was able to be a part of its life. She made up for what was taken from her by spoiling the little brat that was InuYasha's son. Like father, like son, the boy had a set of lungs on him, and he had no problem screaming until he got what he wanted. Even InuYasha sometimes had to escape the boy, no matter how much he loved his son. Sesshomaru found it hilarious and was glad his brother lived in the east.

Shippo had found himself a mate. A little kitsune that was so shy, she didn't talk to anyone the first year after she met Shippo. Every time she tried; she ran away. Shippo had found it endearing, and he had helped her to blossom into a stronger woman. She had become the caretaker of orphaned babies and helped to find homes for those without. Kagome loved her as a daughter in law, and they often went to spend time with the children together.

Sango and Miroku had their own horde of children. Miroku hadn't changed at all and tried to keep his wife pregnant. Sango would have to put her foot down occasionally, just so she could get a break. The others joked that Miroku and Shakaku were rivals, determined to beat each other by having the highest number of children.

Daichi had grown to become a fine warrior. He fought with the strength and agility of his father but held a compassion that Sesshomaru never had. At least not until he met Kagome. He quickly became the general of the armies. All without the help of his father. He didn't want things to be handed to him, so he hadn't even told his father what he wanted to do. It was a surprise for everyone when Daichi managed to knock his father off his feet. Sesshomaru was more than happy to give Daichi the title of general.

As was expected, the lands around them were slowly changing. More and more Hanyou were appearing, and less bigotry seen. Kagome knew the world the kami had shown her would be on them in a few hundred years, but she enjoyed watching as the earth around her changed.

Peace was a calm and everyday thing for them. War was no longer an occurrence. The human's lives were slowly starting to elongate, meaning less deaths. Demons and Humans would be able to live together peacefully for all time to come. The future had been changed, and they all couldn't wait to see how it would be.