Author's Note: Tax season is officially over so I had time for a new story!

I hope you all enjoy.

"Hang on, brute. Just give me one second." The white-haired huntress growled at her teammate while she tried to get a proper grip underneath the dresser in front of her.

"Sorry, Princess." Yang smiled back over the top of the dresser. "I am just a little excited is all. It isn't everyday I get to move in with my sister."

"No, you just lived with her at home for fifteen years, then moved to Beacon together and lived there for four years." Weiss exclaimed, exasperated by both her sister-in-law's attitude and fatigue from moving several large and heavy items. "After that, she only had four years away from you before you came barging back in."

"Yeah!" The blonde retorted with a huge grin. "This is the first time I have ever had the chance to move into a place my little sis is already living at."

"Ugh… You're incorrigible."

"Of course I am!"

"Why did I get stuck with helping you?" Weiss groaned irritably.

"You offered!"

Weiss groaned again.

"Well, Blake and I had already packed everything into the moving truck by ourselves, so this is the second time that I am doing this." Yang explained, slightly enjoying the misery she was putting her friend through. "Plus, you wanted this to be a surprise for Ruby, and Blake is at the doctors right now getting a check up, or she'd be here too."

"The things I do for you girls." Weiss continued to complain. "How is Blake doing anyways? I know there has been some complications since most of the medical research into artificially producing a child from a same-sex couple has been done Schnee Medical, and they don't exactly have a lot of experience in improving life for faunus."

Yang leaned onto the top of the dresser that they were supposed to be moving, making sure that her mechanical arm didn't scratch the wood finish. Despite her perpetual grin, her eyes showed the weariness of her ordeals.

"Like you said, they don't have a lot experience with faunus. Most of the doctors there, while they won't be openly racist, aren't putting the time and effort into helping us out." The brawler sighed, showing a weary side to her that she normally kept hidden. "Its makes me feel so helpless. This is the fourth time now that we have been through this. Every time we just get a doctor shrugging at us, no tests or any explanation, and telling us we should just try again."

Weiss looked absolutely floored at what she heard her friend say. Even after years of incremental progress; raising faunus wages to be competitive with their human counterparts, alleviating the hellish working conditions, even funding sensitivity training for police and military forces. It wasn't surprising racism existed, but in the company that was trying to spearhead the changes was confounding to the young Schnee. Though she was grateful to how the changes came to be.

During their final year at Beacon, Weiss' father had tried to pressure her into dropping out of Beacon and return to work for the Schnee Dust Company. If Weiss didn't officially graduate then she wouldn't be bound by the huntsman obligatory term of service. He had almost succeeded in his task too, if it hadn't been for Winter's intervention. At the time Winter had just finished her mandated stint in the Atlesian military and staged a coup within the company. Blackmailing most of the board with information she dug up on their corrupt deals with other companies, and the Atlas military and government, she managed to force most of the directors out and replaced them with people more supportive of progressive ideals. Keeping her father as the CEO to manage the workload, Winter instituted changes across the board to improve both the faunus lifestyle and the image of the company.

Even Weiss had been surprised at this news. Winter had pulled the coup off so fast that the younger Schnee only heard about it after it was complete. No one had known about Winter's pro-faunus beliefs up until that point, but it seemed to have worked out for the best. Weiss was free to finish her Huntsman training and was even brought on as a part time advisor to the SDC when it didn't interfere with her huntsman duties and the SDC had become even more profitable than ever before.

"What about Winter?" Weiss inquired. "Have you asked her for help?"

"Yeah." Yang sighed back. "I sent her a message recently, I didn't want to take up her time or try to get preferential treatment. I mean we were already bumped up on the list to use the facilities to begin with..."

The brawlers voice trailed off as though she was thinking of what to say next. Weiss decided to fill the gap in the conversation with her reassurances.

"I will reach out to both Winter and Schnee Medical tomorrow and see if we can't get this fixed. It's abhorrent that this behavior is occurring." Weiss smiled at the blonde. "Plus Blake may get good news at the clinic today."



"Hmm…?" The brawler locked eyes with her teammate. "Oh, it's just. Well, me and Blake, we can afford it, but other faunus, or human-faunus, couples would be out of luck. Especially if they have to go multiple times because the doctors don't care to get it right the first time, or learn how to fix it."

"Winter and I will definitely be having a chat about this, tomorrow." Weiss repeated herself tersely, trying to keep her frustration under control. "This sort of behavior will not be tolerated."

Looking for a way to lighten the mood so they could continue their task, she tried to joke with the blonde and feigning protest. "If you and Blake make so much, why are you moving in with your little sister? Shouldn't we be moving in with you?"

Despite its awkward delivery, it did its job, successfully moving Yang's mind off of the previous conversation and causing her to give a genuine smile. "Well, that's only because you guys leave easy money on the table. Ruby has been asked to do just as many, if not more, public appearances than I have. I just say yes to them. It isn't my fault they pay ridiculously well." The blonde's smile grew. "But I guess that, due to Blake, I am a favorite for faunus groups when they want a human speaker."

It was true. Due to their energy and outgoing nature, as well as their tendency to decimate grimm populations wherever they were hired for a job, the sisters always went above and beyond the task they were hired for. This earned them a celebrity status among Huntsmen and Huntresses and made them desirable for guest lectures or public appearances. Ruby tended to shy away from those events, instead using her free time to fulfill weapons research contracts for Vale, Mistral, and Vacuo. After the robot incident with Atlas, Ruby was firmly against performing any sort of work for their military and, by extension, their government.

"The main fact is, your house is so cool!" Yang continued. "I mean we just had a little townhouse on the shadier side of town. You have multiple staircases, live in the right neighborhood, and fantastic in home gym. Who wouldn't want to live here? Ruby and I could play tag all day and never end up in a dead end or without an escape rou... I am going to stop talking."

The glare the icy woman gave her reaffirmed her decision.

"So…" Yang started tentatively. "This dresser still needs to be moved."

The duo made quick work of moving most of the smaller items from the moving truck into the house and getting them placed in the correct rooms. Unboxing and organizing everything could take place at a later time, but they wanted to make sure to avoid having to be outside in the afternoon heat. As they got to the back of the truck they faced their last few obstacles, just a few large heavy pieces of furniture. The sight of the remaining items spurred both women to take a quick break. Yang went into the kitchen to get some ice water for them while Weiss made a quick trip up to her bedroom.

When she came back down the main staircase Yang noticed that Weiss was putting her eyepatch over her left eye, covering the colorless orb and the multitude of of scars around it. Weiss caught her teammates gaze and sighed.

"Even after five years, it still can be sensitive to the sunlight." She huffed out.

"Too bad." Yang shrugged back before winking. "Scars on a lady are sexy. And I know that Ruby definitely agrees with that."

"Thanks." The heiress whispered back.

It was times like these that reminded her why she was thankful that she made her decision to go to beacon. To befriend a quiet faunus, a blonde oaf, and a bumbling child.

"Plus!" Yang exclaimed, snapping the heiress out of her thoughts. "I would be hypocrite otherwise."

The blonde set her water down and flexed both arms, the sunlight streaming through the large windows glinted off the metallic surface of the brawlers artificial right arm.

"With this badboy I am even hotter than before!"

Weiss groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. It was then times like these that she remembered why she opposed Ruby in her wishes to let Yang and Blake live with them.

"Right now I wish I had a mechanical arm too. It would make moving all your superfluous belongings easier."

"Careful what you wish for, Princess."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh, I know, Snowflake." Yang grinned. "Don't worry about it. After all, you're the reason I was able to get such a high quality arm. If I wasn't able to get the 'Schnee family discount' then I would have had to choose between an arm that could either punch an Ursa to death or hug my baby sister. I think I would have given up on being a huntress in that case. I mean, lots of people can fight the grimm, but only one knows how to hug Ruby properly." Yang drummed her real fingers against the metal arm, basking in the killing glare of her friends scowl. "But, I have an arm that can do both. And it can feel pressure and temperature now. So while not quite the real thing, it is better than nothing."

"I am just glad you have taken such good care of it." Weiss dropped her scowl gave a slight smile, letting her feel a bit of pride towards her impulsive friend.

"Well… For the most part" Yang said sheepishly, demonstrating that pride was a bit premature. "I may have bent it one time when I… Let's just say I was stopping some White Fang members and I was showing off a bit. Lucky, that the arm is actually detachable."

"Really?" Weiss was surprised.

For surgeries that used more basic prosthetics, the nerves were capped off and fed into a computer chip. When a prosthetic was attached, the chip in the prosthetic would communicate with the chip in the cap. It was cheaper and less risky of a procedure, but it tended to reduce dexterity and response time in the prosthetic. Those prosthetics couldn't provide the same kind of sensory feedback to the wearer either. The more advanced prosthetics, like what Yang had, tied the nerve endings of the severed limb directly into artificial nerves that ran the length of the prosthetic. These tended to be permanent limb replacements.

"Yup." Yang responded emphatically, popping the 'p'. "It was experimental at the time and I think I am the only person who actually has one like it. The put a logging chip in there and I send them data once a week, or if something happens to it. But apparently it can cap off the artificial nerves and it lets me use a regular removable prosthetic in its place. However, it can be painful if it isn't put on exactly correct. Uh, the first time they put it on it may have set off my semblance and caught part of the lab on fire…"

Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose again and started to shake her head. For a moment it looked as though she was going to try to respond, but the brawler cut her off.

"Then they taught Ruby how to do the repairs and taught me how to take the arm off and put it back on by myself." Yang thought for a moment, still sustaining her cheery smile. "I asked them, since I can change my arm out, if I could get different arm attachments. You know, for special occasions. Imagine if I had a flamethrower arm, or one with spinning saw blades, or a rocket launcher. But for some reason Blake was opposed to it, so I didn't get those, she did give into one request for me."

"I don't think I even want to ask."

"They gave me a reinforced middle finger." Yang rambled through her friends protest. "And let me tell you, that it has come in handy."

"I said I didn't want to know."

"Why? It's a fun story!"


"What? I was at some seedy bar trying to get information for a client and flipped some guy off. He and his buddy tried cutting my finger off with a sword." Yang started laughing. "What were you expecting?"

"I don't know anymore." Weiss looked exasperated, motioning to the truck in the driveway. "Can we finish moving the last items in?"

With that they struggled to move the last few items. Well, it was a partial struggle as Yang managed to pick her end of the items up quite easily, Weiss on the other hand had some difficulties. They managed to complete it without any mishaps, but agreed to leave things where they were until Ruby or Blake got home to assist. After a quick trip to return the moving truck, and a somewhat tense ride on Bumblebee back to the Rose-Schnee household, they were able to enjoy the rest of their afternoon. Yang had sprawled herself on the couch, watching an animated show from her youth, while Weiss had curled up in an arm chair and dozed off.

After an hour they heard a car door open and slam shut, followed by the familiar yip of a small dog. Weiss jolted from her slumber, sitting upright and listening carefully. The tromping of heavy combat on the pathway leading up to the front door was the only inspiration that the white-haired girl needed. Yang watched as Weiss bolted unceremoniously to the door while the jangling of keys filled the air. Instead of unlocking the door and opening it for the newcomer, Weiss patiently waited just inside. As the lock turned and the door swung open, revealing the smiling face of one other than Ruby Rose-Schnee. Standing on the threshold, holding her travel back with Zwei sitting at her feet, both the younger girl and the dog were covered in mud stains, looking fatigued yet happy.

"You're finally home." Weiss stated matter-of-factly.

"Yup." The brunette smiled back. "Must've missed me if you were waiting by the door."

"I just happened to be walking by when I heard you pull your keys out." The shorter girl retorted indignantly.

The scene was too much for Yang to handle. With a light groan she heaved herself up off the couch and walked over to her little sister, who finally took note of the brawler's presence.

"She was waiting by the door for you for the last hour." Yang helpfully supplied. "And bolted over the moment she heard you coming."

"Aww, Weiss. You do miss me when I am gone." Ruby stepped forward to hug her wife only to have the white-haired woman hold her hands up defensively.

"Of course I do, Dolt!" She replied indignantly. "But don't think about touching me until you've showered, and clean him too."

Weiss pointed to the small dog at Ruby's feet, her eyes glimmering with prospect of being able to play with animal.

"Fine… But dad will be here to pick up Zwei soon, he only let me borrow him for my hunt." The brunette called over her shoulder as she trudged past her wife.

Ruby froze as her eyes darted around observing the various boxes that were piled in random places in the living room.

"Yaaaaannnngggg!" the young woman squeaked as she turned, dropping her bag and hurling herself onto her older sister. "You moved in with us? Where's Blake? Ohmygodyouguysdidn'tgetadivorcedidyoubecausethatwouldbeawfulandIreallylikeBlakebutIlikeyoumorebutitwouldstillsuckand...mmmpphhh"

"Hang on, Little Sis." Yang patiently waited for her sister to stop struggling and hold still before removing her hand from the younger girl's mouth. "Both Blake and I are moving in. She should be here soon." Yang lightly sniffed the air and recoiled away, trying to push her sister off. "You smell awful, get off me."

"No." Ruby gave her adamant reply, clutching to her older sister like a koala. "This is gonna be so awesome Yang! This house has the perfect layout to play tag and… mmmpphhh."

Yang clamped her over her sister's mouth.

"Not in front of the wife." She joked, nodding her head to a rather unimpressed looking Weiss and removing her hand from the brunette's mouth again.

"Ok.." Ruby sighed back, getting off of her older sister. "Can I atleast look at your arm to see if it needs any repairs?"

"Sure thing, Rubes." Yang smiled at her sister, ruffling her dirty hair. "Once you've showered and had some rest."

Ruby turned and trudged once again towards the mudroom and the shower it contained. While Weiss and Yang exchanged glances at each other and the new mess on the floor.

"It is never too early for you to start doing chores." Weiss quipped. "I am going to get dinner started." Looking the brawler up and down one last time. "You probably want to take a shower too."

After everyone and everything was clean again, Ruby crashed on the couch laying next to her sister who had resumed her former sprawled position. The sisters idly chatted while Weiss was finishing up dinner preparations when they heard another set of keys jingle outside.

"Is that?" Ruby asked both the sisters jumped off the couch and darted over to the door, meeting Weiss as she came out of the kitchen to find out what was causing the girls to be so excited. All three reached the door as it opened, the faunus on the other side looked somewhat surprised at her greeting party but pleased nonetheless.

"Guess what?" Blake asked as she walked in to give her blonde wife a hug. "It's official, I'm pregnant!"

This is my second attempt at a longer story. So reviews are very helpful!