The Secret Trio: Unleashed - The Ties of Fate
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, American Dragon Jake Long, or Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja. They all belong to their respective creators.
"The once in a lifetime event is coming close. Heroes of the past return as people of the present. Fate has brought them together. I wonder if it will drive them apart."
Meanwhile in the Fenton household a distressed raven haired 14 year old yells unintentionally, "What do you mean we're moving?!"
His father Jack Fenton simply pointed to his Ghost Radar where a cluster of dots that trail off the screen blink. The dots at the center seem to be faded while the ones leading of screen are brighter. "Danny, Lately there have been Ghost appearances outside Amity Park!" He says as His wife Maddie Fenton comes up behind him, holding gadgets. "We're moving to a new town to find the cause of it. Don't worry dear we already took care of the papers." She says with a smile, "now Jack can you help me with these?" He takes all the gadgets out of her hands. "I'll take care of this, Danny go downstairs and help Jazz with the other tools we'll need."
Danny could only hold his head in frustration as he goes downstairs to see Jazz neatly packing things away in boxes. "Are we really going?" Her sister turned to him and said, "Yeah I don't see why it's a big deal. You'll still be getting an education. Mom and Dad will be able to track Ghosts. I get to see the world out of Amity some more. It's a win-win." The ginger said.
Danny shook his head walking up to the Ghost portal. "But what about here what if Ghosts come through the portal and wreck Amity Park? I mean I know there haven't been any ghost attacks in a long time but you can never be sure." Jazz just holds his shoulder.
"Well you heard Dad before right. The are more Ghosts outside of Amity now. That's probably why. And you can't just fly out of Amity you'll miss school more than you already do. You may be Half-Ghost but don't forget you're Half-Human too." Danny hates it when she's right. "But my friends, what Abo-" Danny gets cut off by Jazz. "I know how much Tucker and Sam mean to you but you'll have to make new friends. Plus you could always videochat with them!" Danny turns around to face Jazz with a saddened look. "Can I at least know what the place I'm going to is and the school?" Jazz didn't notice his expression and answered. "Sure it's called-"
"-Norrisville High in Norrisville!" Fu Dog explained. "Norrisville? How come I haven't heard of this place?" The black haired 14 year old with green highlights said in the Long household.
"Well Jake, I didn't think you'd be interested in Geography now, AH GA GOO" The Chinese Shar Pei laughed at his joke.
"Ha ha. Now for real what's this school about, I need to know what I'm getting into." Jake said with a solemn face. "Relax kid I'm sure it's not too different from your school… Oh" Fu stopped typing. "What's wrong?" Jake looked at the screen to see the school website full of things like 'What the Juice' and 'That's totally Bruce' "Uhhh. Please tell me this is what Teachers think Kids say these days?" Jake said turning to Fu who said, "I don't know kid but you better hope so because fitting in won't be easy if you have to say things like shoob. It's like a made up language!"
Jake walks away from the laptop "Gramps has got to be against this. The NYC is like, Magical Creature central! In fact I'll go ask right now!" Jake races into the Shop where Spud, Tracie, and Lao Shi are hanging.
"Yo G I haven't asked you yet but you're against us moving too right? Plus my friends are here and You have a shop to maintain!" Jake said hopefully to have someone on his side. Gramps just shook his head and said, "AYE-YA! As the American Dragon you must see the rest of the world with your own eyes! Besides its good air for you, you've been in New York all your life!"
Trixie and Spud turn to each other then Jake. "Listen Jake we'll be fine. Besides Gramps is staying here to defend New York in your place. We just hope you'll be okay." The black haired girl said. "But how am I going to be okay without my best friends!?" Jake said raising his voice a bit.
Sud stood up and said, "Dude we can just Videochat it's all the rage. Also could you imagine the kind of off screen set ups to make on screen jokes it would be awesome!" The tall kid with the beanie said. Jake just shook his head an smiled a bit. Who else but Spud to lighten the mood.
"Jake. I hope you remember why we are going to Norrisville." Once Gramps said this Jake blinked and thought for a second, then said. "Psh, of course I know Gramps the Am Drag's got this." Gramps only looked at him sternly when he said this. "Okay so maybe I need a refresher."
Gramps turn his back and spoke, "After the defeat of the Dark Dragon magical creatures couldn't help but have chills of New York and decided to move to a place just as lively. After all Norrisville is protected by the Norrisville Ninja. They'll be hidden just fine. Meaning you'll have to protect them. I'll stay here in New York. Spud and Trixie were a big help in the battle against the Dark Dragon."
In Danny's room Danny was packing up his clothes. Tucker was on a chair typing away on his PDA. Sam just looked worried.
"After looking them up I found out that Norrisville has its own Hero. His name is The Ninja and has been around for 800 years!" Tucker said. He had a red hat and nerdy glasses.
"800 years? He must be combat ready. Who knows, if there's a ghost attack he could take care of it." Danny said zipping up his bag.
"I don't know. If it's a ghost he couldn't touch it. Wait why are we talking about that can't we convince your parents to stay or-" Danny cut his Goth friend Sam off. "They won't listen. Plus they already got through the paperwork. No turning back now…" Sam looked down. "So this is it?..." She said. "I guess so…" Danny replied. "... Oh What the juice! This isn't fair!" Tucker exclaimed. Danny and Sam looked at him strangely. "What exactly does, 'What The Juice' mean?" Danny asked, confused. "No idea but everyone over there says it. Might as well get used to it now I suppose." Tucker says putting his PDA in his pocket.
"Son we're leaving now!" Maddie yelled up the stairs. "Coming!... This is goodbye guys…" Danny said sadly.
After one final group hug Danny went downstairs putting his bag in the Fenton Ghost Assault RV. His final moments in his childhood home and with his friends.
Jake finishes tying his bags to the top of the car. Just full of the essentials like hair gel. Comb. 3 identical red jackets. And his book bag I suppose.
"This is it guys. Anything we need to say." Jake said. "Yeah." Trixie held her fist out and they did a 3 way handshake fist bump.
But after a bit Spud started tearing up, "We're gonna miss you man." Jake looked at him and said, "I'm gonna miss you guys too." Trixie puts them all in a group hug. "Aw man, You guys are gonna make me cry too" Jake and Spud struggle a bit. "Hey… Trixie could you… Chill out with the bear hugs…" Jake said out of breath. Trixie let them go. Jake got into the family car and they drove off.
In unison, unknowingly Jake and Danny said, "Goodbye Home…-"
Meanwhile in Norrisville
"-HELLOOO NORRISVILLE" A tall purple haired 14 year old exclaimed out the window. "Today just feels like those days that can't go wrong! Am I right Nomicon or am I right?"
That's the end of this chapter guys. Hope you liked it. I read these and couldn't help myself. So I made a fanfiction in it. It's different from my main series but I might dump it for this.