TITLE: The 15th Olympian

Summary: After Annabeth tries to kill the savior of Olympus he becomes a god and the ex-girlfriend shunned and with no love to keep him sane at times, Percy has to find love that will last and with another having love problems are the compatible?

Percy Jackson Characters: Percy J, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Poseidon, Zeus

Main Pairings: Apollo/Percy J

Rated T


My first attempt at slash

Enjoy, by Jaylene Olebar

Chapter one: Feelings


The thing I loved the most was running through the streets of Olympus, dodging through all the gods, nymphs and you get the idea right? The other was the freedom of running, the wind through my hair which was getting to long; it was past my eyes…. But running wasn't better than been in the ocean and you see. My father was Poseidon, third Olympian, king of the oceans and my father the other one he was, was god of the ocean.

I saw my father more since I had become a god and I was happy, since I never saw him as a child or much when I was still a demigod. Since Hestia was my favorite goddess and Uncle Hades, I managed to get them back on the council. Telling the others it was stupid to not have them;

Because Hestia was the hearth and once all the other gods went to war, she would be the only on left;

Because Hades was a powerful person/god on our side because he controlled the whole Underworld, and the dead.

My power was too much to be considered a minor god: god of Time, Roman and Greek Demigods, god of Emotions and Guardian of the Sea.

I was brought out of my thoughts as the sun dulled; it was doing that a lot. So I decided to go and confront the god of the sun. Apollo's emotions cried out to me and it was really loud and of course I had to go see what was happening. I wasn't heartless and plus 'Pollo was my best friend.

Finding Apollo was easy, since I was the guardian of the oceans I could sense him at Camp Half Blood and I zapped there.

Apollo sat with his knees up to his chest, his wavy blond hair hiding his eyes and face. His ripped jeans showing his knees and his button up yellow shirt showed the muscles he hid underneath, and he wore simple sandals.

"Hey 'Pollo you alright?" I ask and sit down next to the god of the sun, who hastily fixes clothes and cleans his face of the slight sweat on it.

"Hey Perce, and I am now" he says and I laugh.

"Hmmm…" I say and poke his chest, right where his heart was. "No, your heart is crying out. Now tell me what is wrong?"

"No honestly I am fine."

With a sigh I nod, "Apollo I am the god of Emotions." And for my sacred animal, it was a wolf, because it was an emotional animal and when they played music it was sad and very emotional, you could also hear the music in them.

My friend chuckles and leans back onto his hands and start to tell me what was on his mind.

"The fates love messing with my life, my love life. They killed Marry, and I had to turn her into a laurel tree so she could live…" he says.

I feel like I had just drowned, I wasn't entirely sure why, but I pushed the emotions away and watch as the sun god stands up and walks away and I am entirely left alone to deal with my own emotions. It had happened after the second Titan war…


I was sitting on the edge of Olympus, just listening to all the sounds in the city and on earth. My hair was in the need of a haircut, it kept falling in my eyes. But I would ignore it for now, Annabeth would be finished with work and we would go on our date.

Mostly the dates consisted of pizza and movies; I wasn't the most romantic type….

There she was walking towards me with her blond princess curls turning golden as Apollo's sun fell on her curls, she wore a simple pair of jeans and a matching pair of shirt, her feet bare. Annabeth, to me was perfection…

"Hello Annabeth how is my wise girl?" I smile and look up; she was staring at me but was that…. Was that disgust?

I wouldn't know why she was, I had made her room the way she wanted right? I mean she lives in my apartment.


"Tell you what?" I was worried; I told my girlfriend everything… well except the time with what had happened with Gabe Ugliano…

Now THAT I was NEVER going to tell anyone, I had only told Uncle Hades, so he'd get eternal punishment.

"About your relationship with Gabe Ugliano!" she yelled louder.

"It wasn't-" I never got to finish what I was going to say, Annabeth was on a roll, telling me I was a slut and all those other horrible names and it brought memories back… ones I thought I had hidden and forgot.

"Stop!" I cry out and hold my hands to my head and look up. "Please!" I was hyperventilating.

"You don't deserve mercy" the girl snarled at me and with that I fell, well she pushed me over the edge and I fell, and fell. I don't know where I landed but it was near water, not enough to help me, but enough.

It was rain water, or something, and any water helped heal me.

I was also surprised I wasn't dead, I should have been, and it was a long fall anyways.

Annabeth was going to pay, and it was going to be with her life I didn't care what the other gods did to me what Annabeth did was unacceptable.

I stormed to the empire state building and stormed up to Olympus where I knew Annabeth would be. There she stood with a group of gods and goddess surrounding her and chatting.

"ANNABETH!" I snarled and walked up to her and punched her so hard and the water lashed out at her with my emotions.

The earth trembled in my rage, but I didn't know and all I could focus on was the girl who had held my sanity but now tried to kill me, I saw red and it wasn't helping that I was my father's son, when in a rage he could destroy cities, everything, since his domain was so big.

"YOU!" she snarls and started," Don't belong on Olympus and in the god's presence!"

"Neither do you trying to kill me and" by than I couldn't get any words out.

Annabeth was trying to kill me and my Achilles mark was still there because I wasn't god, or immortal. I used my ice to protect my back, since Annabeth knew where my weakness was.

The gods were shouting and a voice yelled out to me, but I couldn't hear anyone, my only mission was: Kill Annabeth, the punishments… is dammed.

Riptide was flung out of my hand and I only used the water around me as a sword, by turning it into ice.

I was just aiming for the kill when I fell not towards the girl but beside her. Sanity flew back into me and I stood up, I was panting for breath and was staring at the crowd around me.

"Don't EVER talk to me, don't EVER come near me, and don't EVER call my name. You, you're a disgrace to all the Athena's children!" I snarl at Annabeth and walk off, aware of five others following me; Poseidon, Dionysus, Hermes, Apollo and Artemis

*Flash back over*


"Perce, snap out of it" a voice calls me and I see my Olympian family, all of them are in there Roman form, the more darker side of them.

"Sorry" I manage and get a hold of my emotions and the gods turn back to their normal Greek selves. Since I was the god of emotions, I could control all the others, and I tended to get lost in mine, and that wasn't good.

A/N: Okay I have rewritten this and I hope you will review. I had some flamers for my other chapter, so I hope this is better!