Disclaimer: This goes for every chapter to come - I do not own Blue Exorcist or any of it characters!

Alright! My nest fanfiction is up! For those of you who don't know, this will be the 100 theme challenge all about Blue Exorcist. Just a warning, there will be A LOT of Bon x Rin in these chapters. If you don't like it, don't read. I don't need reviews saying you don't like Bon and Rin together; I am giving you a warning. I'm not saying everyone has to like this pairing. As far as any other pairings, I'm not sure yet. So, each chapter will be a different theme. The chapters could be really short or pretty long; it just depends on how inspired I am for that theme. Some will be funny or quirky whereas others may be serious, sad, or angry. Another fair warning… I like to torture Rin a bit. ^.^ Sorry. I'm mean to my characters, I know. :P

Title: New Girl

Theme: Introduction

"Gggrrr. What the hell does he think he's doing?"

"Uh, Bon?" Konekomaru asked, uncertainly. "Who are you talking about?"

"That freakin' blueberry, who else!"

Koneko looked around and saw Rin talking to someone.

"Uh… Rin? What's wrong with what he's doing?"

"He's flirting with that new girl!" Bon replied, irritatedly.

"How do you know he's flirting? What if they are just talking?" Koneko tried to reason.

"No," Bon said flatly, "he's got too big of a grin on his face not to be flirting."

"He… always has that grin," Koneko said quietly.

"Aw come on, Bon." Shima just walked up. "Give him a break. The new girl is pretty hot." He began to drool.

This just made Bon angrier. He stomped over to Rin and the girl. The other two followed after him. Rin noticed them coming and waved them over.

"Hey guys, this is Rize. This is her first day at the academy." Rin's smile spread across his face. Then he noticed Bon a bit red. "hey, uh, what's wrong? You look mad about something."

"Of course I'm mad! You're over here flirting with the new girl!"

"No, I'm just… Wait. What do you care if I'm flirting?" he asked with a suspicious look.

"I… uh…" Bon stammered then his whole face turned red. He looked away. "Well… I… thought you liked…" he hesitated, "Moriyama," he finished.

Rin seemed to accept this answer. Shima and Koneko, however, knew better. "Oh! No. Just as a friend." Rin smiled.

"He's completely oblivious," Shima whispered to Koneko.

"Which one?" Koneko whispered back.

"Both." They both snickered.

"Oh, I just remembered!" Rin turned back to Rize.

"Rize, this is Suguro Ryuji, Konekomaru Miwa, and Shima Renzo."

"Hi, I'm Rize." She waved.

"Hi," Koneko waved back.

"Hey," Bon grumbled.

Shima just stared and drooled a bit.

"Don't mind him," Koneko said, "he does that to any girl he sees that he likes."

"Oh." Rize blushed. "Well, I hate to burst your bubble but… I like girls. Sorry." She smiled sheepishly.

Shima's bubble did burst. For a second he had a shocked expression then slumped into a depressed haze.

Rin and Koneko laughed.

Bon looked a bit stunned. "Wait! Then what were you two talking about?!" Bon finally asked Rin.

"I was just introducing myself," Rin answered.

So there it is. One down, 99 to go! I hope you enjoyed the first one. Please review. The more reviews, the more I write, and the faster I update! Until next chapter,
