Ever wondered what an R rated KFP would look like? Well here is your answer. This may end up being one of the craziest fics known to man so if you're up to it, I hope you stick along for the ride. Lets begin.

Prologue: Brink

No one can fault your bravery, only your results

This is something she had learned; not too long ago. It was the driving force to prove this newfound revelation wrong that brought her back to the training halls everyday where she currently resides. A warrior of her caliber requires constant training to maintain strength and prowess and considering the close call they had recently, she didn't want to give that up. Which is why she chose not to rest after their recent skirmish with ex Lord Shen much to the displeasure of her Master and the famed Dragon Warrior.

The tiger grimaced, shaking any thoughts of him out of her head.

She hadn't shown it, but the battles aftereffects had taken it's toll on her. The warrior had been left with a few scars as a reminder of their event, most barely visible at all now. The physical ones at least. Gongmen's battle was still fresh in her mind, keeping her company in that empty training hall; it pushed her to the limit. What transpired back there, could not happen again.

"Master Tigress!"

Zeng's breath hitched and he jerked back at Tigress's hand, which had stopped right in front of his face. He stared at the menacing claws on her paw, one of them dangling just above his delicate eye.

"Oh, my apologies Zeng. What is the matter?"

The feeble goose quivered, still recovering from his near death experience.

"M-mmaster, Shifu needs everyone in the Hall of Heroes. It's important."

"Have you informed the Dragon Warrior?"

"I have not, Master Tigress, I was about to go down to-"

"Don't. I'll get him. Inform Master Shifu that we're on our way." And with that she started off towards the Valley, leaving Zeng by himself.

He sighed. "I don't get payed enough for this."

The image of those claws sent a shiver down his spine.

Just the prologue, there is more to come soon. Cheers!