Me: Hi~! So this is my 3rd overall fic, I haven't finished my second one XD So Updates will be slow but not very slow ^^

Momoko: Ice-chan! It's nice to see you again


Me: *falls* Y-you g-guys a-are h-heavy


Miyako: So the pairings are?

Me:... :X

Kaoru: Let me guess, it's counter part X counter part again?

Me: *nods* So I do hope a lot of you will review ^^ Every author needs reviews from people in order for them to update quickly ^^ favorite and follow both story and author ^^ I don't own PPGZ or RRBZ, or the Shirogane or the songs

Kaoru's POV

What a boring day! Momoko, Miyako and I are just here in the bench sulking.

"Excuse me, are you Akatsutsumi-san, Gotokuji-san and Matsubara-san?" a pretty girl asked

"Yes why?" we asked

"You see, I want to be a manager of a band and I was hoping that you could help me out, Onegai" the girl pleased and bowed her head

"We accept,-" Momoko said

"Ah Arigatou! My name is Miko Shirogane," SHIROGANE!?

"Shirogane? Could you be-" I asked yet cutted

"Yes I'm the first daughter of the Shirogane. My father was having a hard time on deciding on whom shall handle the Shirogane Corp. so he decided that if we (Himeko and Miko) had a successful band then the Shirogane throne will be passed down to the most successful manager." Miko said with a sad face.

"When do we start?" I asked. Miko, Miyako and Momoko looked at me strangely


"Nothing, it's weird that Kaoru-chan agreed to join," Miyako pointed out

I just shut my mouth up and Miko led the way to her studio


This studio is quite big, and most of the stuffs are purple T.T

"Pick any instruments you like," Miko said with a smile

I picked bass guitar, Miyako's on drums, Momoko's on keyboard

"Skater boy" I told the both of them and they nodded, then we started to play

(This song is called Skater boy by Avril Lavigne, Do listen while imagining the PPGZ's singing by their part)

bold for Kaoru

Italic for Miyako

underline for Momoko

all for the 3 of them

He was a boy, she was a girl

Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk, she did ballet

What more can I say?

He wanted her, she'd never tell

Secretly she wanted him as well

But all of her friends, stuck up their nose

They had a problem with his baggy clothes

He was a skater boy, she said, "See ya later boy"

He was not good enough for her, she had a pretty face

But her head was up in space

She needed to come back down to earth

Five years from now, she sits at home

Feeding the baby, she's all alone

She turns on TV, guess who she sees

Skater boy rocking up MTV

She calls up her friends, they already know

And they've all got tickets to see his show

She tags along, stands in the crowd

Looks up at the man that she turned down

He was a skater boy, she said "See ya later boy"

He wasn't good enough for her, now he's a superstar

Slamming on his guitar

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

He was a skater boy, she said "See ya later boy"

He wasn't good enough for her, now he's a superstar

Slamming on his guitar

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

Sorry girl, but you missed out

Well, tough luck, that boy's mine now

We are more than just good friends

This is how the story ends

Too bad that you couldn't see

See the man that boy could be

There is more than meets the eye

I see the soul that is inside

He's just a boy and I'm just a girl

Can I make it anymore obvious?

We are in love, haven't you heard

How we rock each others world?

I'm with the skater boy, I said "See ya later boy"

I'll be backstage after the show, I'll be at the studio

Singing that song we wrote

About that girl you used to know

I'm with the skater boy, I said "see ya later boy"

I'll be backstage after the show, I'll be at the studio

Singing that song we wrote

About that girl you used to know

*Clap clap clap*

"YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!" Miko exclaimed while clapping her hands

"Now, do you know how to make songs?" Miko asked

"I did wrote once," I said

"REALLY!? Play it/ What title/ You can write songs?" Miko, Miyako and Momoko said in chorus

"Yes, really, Sure I'll play it, it's called Angel with a shotgun, yes I can write songs," I replied then started playing

(This song is called Angel with a shotgun by The cab, do listen to it ^^)

(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun

An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun)

Get out your guns, battles begun

Are you a saint, or a sinner?

If loves a fight, than I shall die

With my heart on a trigger

They say before you start a war

You better know what you're fighting for

Well baby, you are all that I adore

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting til' the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight

Sometimes to win, you've got to sin

Don't mean I'm not a believer

And major Tom, will sing along

Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer

They say before you start a war

You better know what you're fighting for

Well baby, you are all that I adore

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting til' the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight

Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting til' the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting til' the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe

Don't you know you're everything I have?

(I'm an angel with a shotgun)

And I, want to live, not just survive, tonight

(Live, not just survive)

And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight

They say before you start a war

You better know what you're fighting for

Well baby, you are all that I adore

If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

I stopped playing and look at them and seriously, is it unbelievable for me to write my own song?

"Kaoru, you really wrote that song?" Miko asked as her eyes sparkled

"Uh yes?" I said quiestioningly

"RECORD IT RIGHT NOW! I'M SURE IT WILL MAKE A HUGE HIT! So you will be the Powerpuff girls z NO OBJECTIONS! Ahhh! If this single will be a huge success then we can start moving on with your music video~ Omg! I can totally imagine you doing your music video~" Miko said dreamily.

We started to do our recording and then Miko suddenly rushed off to submit the song.

Tomorrow, our lives can change

Momoko's POV

Yesterday really is tiring, I told my mom, dad and Kuriko about the band thingy


"Depends, if the song is a huge hit," I explained calming her down

"Why don't we check the morning news?" Mom said then switched the T.V on

"Good morning everyone! Miko Shirogane has introduced us to a new band called Powerpuff Girls Z. The band members are Momoko Akatsutsumi, Miyako Gotokuji and Kaoru Matsubara. Angel With a Shotgun made a huge hit! It went straight to top 1 for Most played, Most downloaded and Most popular song! Amazing! We have interviewed a few instant fans, What do you think about the PPGZ?"



"Good bye normal life!" I whined

*ring ring*


"Momoko-san! Hurry up! We are at the studio, we are going to make Angel with a shotgun's music video!"

"Hai hai, the two are there? How about the clothes?"

"Yes! Your clothes are ready hurry up!"


I rushed to the studio and readied myself to face my new life

Me: So whaddya think?

Kaoru: Not bad

Miko: Wahhhh~ I'm in this story ^^

Himeko: WHAT!? Onee-chama is in this story and I'm not in it?


Miyako: Waaah I didn't know that I can play drums

Momoko: I'm hungry

Me: Thank you Kaoru ^^, Yes Miko I haven't seen you in any fic so I decided to bring you up, Himeko you'll be here too! Just wait, you'll appear with the RRBZ! RRBZ, it's because you'll be in the second chapter, Miyako Well you play drums in other fanfic, Momoko, YOU'RE ALWAYS HUNGRY *huff huff* Review~ Also I decided to do something, I won't update until I'll have 3 reviews for every chapter I make ^^ Favorite and follow both story and author ^^ This rule will apply with my other PPGZ fanfic called "Let's play a game"