Author's Note:

Hi! Before reading this story let me state a few things. This is my first fanfiction and honestly my writing skills suck! So please forgive me if it is not that good.
I would like it if you wrote a review for the story to say what is wrong with the story and if I could make it any better. Please constructive criticism and don't bash me too hard. This story borrowed happened to borrow an element(which is kinda the beginning and I didn't even realize it until after I wrote the story.) from another fanfiction called The Return of the Betrayed Guardian. I highly recommend reading that fanfiction because it has done a wonderful job of showing Ash being betrayed. Finally this story is purely for my enjoyment and I want to do it in my spare time. So if you guys like it I would be glad to do more!

Chapter 1. Silph Co Academy.

When a train was slowly coming to a stop, an announcement was made on the intercom.

"We are approaching Silph Co. Academy. Silph Co Academy is the next and final stop. All freshmen please make your way to the entrance and please remember to take all items off the train as you depart. Thank you."

As the train comes to a stop a 17 year old boy moans and yawns.

"Finally made it." A man said after a long nap.

Flashback a few months ago.

On a man is looking over the landscape and pondering on thoughts as a lucario approaches. Despite the lucario not wanting to bother his master he needed to do something.

"Are you still thinking about what happened master? You know people shouldn't be doing that especially on their birthday." A lucario stated.

The man looked at the lucario with a face of no emotion.

"Is that so? I forgot that today was even my birthday. I guess I am seventeen now. Yes I am still thinking about what I could have done to change the outcome."

As the two were talking a delibird approached them. The lucario charged an aura sphere in case of an enemy attack. The delibird however took out a letter and handed it to the man. Once done with the task the delibird took off. Lucario then got rid of the aura sphere and went over to his master.

"What does it say master?"

"I wish you would stop calling me master lucario. I have done nothing to deserve such a title. We are friends and equals." The trainer said. The lucario chuckled a bit as the man read the letter.

Dear Ace Waller,

You have the opportunity to attend the most prestigious school known as Silph Co Academy. If you are wondering why then you shouldn't look to far my friend. I don't need to remind you of your achievements and saving the world a few times have helped you as well. Through a favor from the Academy I was able to get you the chance to attend this academy:Just as many elites and champions have to make their name. Please come attend the academy this year Ace. You earned it after all that you have done for this world.


Ps I am glad to see you are safe Ash. It took a lot time to track you down even with all my resources.

"The Silph Co Academy huh?" Ash questioned.

"What will you do master?" The lucario said but already knew the answer to.

"Let's gather everyone around! We are heading off to face the world!" Ash shouted.

End of flashback.

Silph Co Academy was a place made for only for the elite. If you were able to graduate from Silph Co you would secure a spot in the world. It was a school for those who wanted to take their Pokemon knowledge to the next who wanted to work in research, doctors, history, and co-ordinators were allowed to come to the school as well. But the Academy was most known for training pokemon to be the best in the world. Even the Pokemon League has made a tournament after the Silph Co Academy calling it The Masters Of The World. Every year they would take the top 10 students against each other for a chance to see the world. Even Champions and the elite four were always interested and would occasionally compete in the competition to show the students how harsh the world can be when it is standing against them.

As Ash stepped of the train he made sure his cloak and hood were up so that way no one can see his face. Before Ash he saw several towering buildings almost touching the clouds. The courtyard was also huge allowing for several buildings for arenas and healing centers. When he entered the building he looked to see multiple areas and one giant arena where a pokemon battle was happening. Ash approached one of the area's he was greeted with an explosion followed by a puff of smoke. When it all cleared up he saw a dragon roaring while a yellow beast was down.

"Electivire is unable to continue! The winner is Dragonitie and Lance!"

"Good work electivire you still need some training. Hmph, I would expected no less from this academy." A purple haired figure stated.

"That was a good battle Paul. You almost managed to beat two of my pokemon. However I think you would need to re-think your strategy and use better techniques for your pokemon." Lance stated.

"I thank you for your words Lance." Paul said before he did a quick bow to show respect.

"By the way Paul have you heard anything about him?" Lance asked now with a serious tone.

"As far as I know he is still dead. But I believe he is closer than we think." Paul saying with a smirk. "I wouldn't be surprised if he attended this very Academy."

"Well that's quite a statement. I will keep an eye out."

Both trainers bowed and exited off the field.

"Well that's one person who still believes I am alive. I will have to be on my guard"

He walked out of the arena started walking courtyard they approached the largest building. In bold letters it read, "SILPH CO ACADEMY MAIN BUILDING" In the main lobby he found a reception desk and a man talking to his battle brains. He still had his usual Hawaii shirt and sunglasses inside (Seriously why are you wearing glasses inside?). As he excused himself away from Brandon and the other battle brains he went up to speak with Ash.

"It's been too long Ace!" Scott said offering a hand. Ash reluctantly shook Scott's hand. This surprised the other battle brains as they wondered who this mysterious person was. "How have you been doing? Been keeping yourself busy?"

"I guess you could say that. I want to offer my thanks Scott. It is a honor to meet your battle brains as well." Ash said bowing before them quickly and returning to the conversation. "So where can I get registered?"

"All taken care of Ace. Here I have your paperwork right here" Scott told Ash as he pulled out a packet of information. "Here is your schedule and what classes you are going to take. Obviously most will be about Pokemon but you also need to take some other classes to graduate."

"Thank you Scott. Um Scott? Not that I want to be rude but your battle brains are kinda staring."

"Ah of course. I haven't told them who you are. Everyone this is Ace. He worked some with the Pokemon Rangers and is a very gifted trainer."

All the battle brains at this point star at Ace in shock. The Pokemon Rangers are one of the most respected groups out there. Not to mention you have to have exceptional skills as a trainer and be at an extremely high level. This all coming from someone who was only 17 years old?

"Nice to meet you Ace! I am Arena Tycoon Greta, this is Pike queen Lucy, and this is Salon Maiden Anabel!" Greta shouted to the top of her lungs. "We are also going to be attending this Academy as well. I look forward to battling you!"

"Looking forward to battling you as well Ace. You must be strong if you were with the Rangers." Lucy stated

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ace. I hope that we are able to battle soon." Anabel shyly said.

"I am looking forward to when we battle" Ash stated with a smirk.

Before any of the other battle brains could speak with Ash,Scott decided get them off of Ash's back.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to talk with Ace alone if you don't mind. Why don't you guys get ready for the opening ceremony? The other brains can show you around the place to."

"EHHH? Fine come on Lucy and Anabel." Greta said disappointed that she couldn't stick around longer. Lucy was following behind but Anabel was in deep thought. "What's wrong Anabel?"

"Huh? Oh nothing! Just thinking about what the year as in store for us!"

"You were thinking about Ace weren't you? Man Anabel you really know how to pick them!" Greta said smirkly.

"It's not like that!" Anabel shouted as her face filled with embarrassment. Then a certain memory came into the Salon Maiden's face like a slap to the face and she had to run to the bathroom before any of the frontier brains could stop her. She cried very violently in the bathroom as she was remembering a certain black haired trainer. Anabel couldn't help but thinking that she had known who Ace was. He looked familiar to Ash... He couldn't have been Ash.

"Ash... Where are you?" Anabel said as the tears didn't stop.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about Scott?" Ash asked now being in the clear.

"First of all it is great to see you again. I am glad that you were able to come out of that incident unharmed. It was a real shame though what happened though."

"Look Scott I am grateful for having me here,but why is Anabel attending this school?"

"So you are only concerned about Anabel then?" Scott said trying to hold in his laughter.

"That's not what I meant Scott!" Ash now looking as red as a tomato.

"Well those two are still quite young and with their battle frontier status I figured more training

and more exposure to the battle frontier wouldn't be too bad at all. But there is another reason to why I had her attend this school."Scott said with a more serious tone.

"What is that reason is that Scott?"

"Out of everyone that heard about your death, Anabel took it the hardest. She would always cry in her room and would lose battles all the time as a battle brain. I eventually had to have the challengers sent to Brandon to have her recover for a bit. If I didn't know better Ash..."

"You can stop right there Scott. I know.. Believe me I know."

Flashback after Ash conquered the battle frontier near a certain lake..

The sun shined brightly and the breeze was a gentle as a feather. It was a perfect day to be outside and two trainers easily took advantage of it. They were lying down on the grass and relaxing in the nice shade a tree provided. They watched their Pokemon run around and play.

"Hey Ash?" A purple haired girl asked.

"What's up Anabel? Something on your mind?"

"You are going to the Sinnoh region soon aren't you? Do you really have to go?" Anabel was hoping that Ash would want to stay, but then he wouldn't be Ash if he didn't go.

"Hmmm. Yeah I want to keep exploring and trying to become the best Pokemon master!" Ash exclaimed.

Ash's face glowed with enthusiasm. She knew it wasn't fair to keep Ash tied down and keep him from realizing his dream. And yet Annabel didn't want to see him leave yet. She wanted to stay with him for the rest of his life. Unexpectedly,Anabel started to cry.

"Whoa hey Anabel? What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?" Ash,now worried that he hurt Anabel's feelings somehow. He grabbed her chin to make sure she stared right into his Amber eyes.

"I... Just... Don't... Want...You... To... Leave..." Anabel said between sobs.

Ash pulled Anabel into an embrace and patted her back to try and calm her down. Her tears took a long time but eventually she calmed down. He didn't realize that her feelings with him were so intense. He wanted to stay with her, but he wanted to at least travel to Sinnoh first and be done with the region before he came back to her.

"Anabel. Once I finish with the Sinnoh region. I will come back to you okay?" Ash asked with his signature smile.

"Promise me. Ash Ketchum promise me you will come back to me."

"I promise I will come back to you Salon Maiden Anabel."

End flashback.

"Well why didn't you return to Anabel then? You could have prevented her from having a rough time and you also knew her feelings for you." Scott asked.

"Well I would have if I could have. But something has been keeping me busy.

"I was also going to ask what you have been up to these past 7 years? The whole world thought you were dead."

"Yeah I know. Well after my loss at Sinnoh I was going to start on a new journey. That's when team rocket showed up and almost destroyed me. Since the accident I really didn't have many options... After what they did I swore that I would destroy Team Rocket so I went off training and started to learn about aura. With the help of a lucario,sensing that I had the legendary aura of Sir Aaron we trained to take team rocket down. I was able to defeat Giovanni with no problem and thus team rocket came to an end."

"Okay but that was only 4 years after your disappearance why didn't you go back? After all you defeating them was one of the greatest achievements ever known to man. I mean a 14 year old boy defeating a criminal organization all by themselves. Yet the papers said a 14 year old boy died with them."

"I just couldn't. Hey guys I left to destroy team Rocket and didn't even say anything to them. Not to mention that the papers told the world that a 14 year old boy died and a certain hat was left there. Everyone assumed it was me because of the hat. How could I just return and act like nothing happened? They have lives too. I couldn't just jump back in so I decided to help the Pokemon Rangers."

"How could they keep quiet about you by the way? Surely someone would have spotted you and should have called you out as Ash."

"I spoke with the boss and explained by situation. Eventually he agreed to give me the alias of Ace. Known as Ace to the organization I was accepted pretty easily and everyone didn't mind me keeping my identity a mystery. There was far too much crime to stop."

"What about Anabel? Didn't you promise her that you would return?"

"Yeah I did. It's just...I don't know. I wasn't sure how she would look at me now. I hurt her badly Scott. With my aura I am almost a different person from back then. I didn't know how she would take it all. Even now... I sensed that someone is after me Scott. I can't involve Anabel into someone trying to come after me."

"Well either way Ash they are worried about you. I hope that you will tell them that you are okay."

"Thanks Scott I think I need to head to the opening ceremony now so I will talk to you in a bit."

"Okay Ash I will try and find you after the ceremony then. Have fun out there. I look forward to the battle."Scott left with a grin on his face.

"I wonder what he meant by that..." Ash thought as he left the main reception area. Ash was walking to the main hall he didn't notice that there were others that were coming around the corner.


All of a sudden a blue haired figure crashed into Ash sending him straight onto the ground and the figure with him.

"Ouch. Sorry about that... Wait who are you?" The figure asked

"It's no problem. Now if you will excuse me I need to head to the ceremony." Ash stated.

"Dawn are you ok? I heard a thud and thought you may have fallen... Who the hell are you?" A purple haired figure asked.

"Oh for the love of..." Ash thought.

"PAUL! It's not what you think! I was just rushing to get back to you guys when I ran into this person!"

"Hmph. Well you going to tell us your name or you going to keep that cloak on?"

"It's Ace. My name is Ace."

"Ace huh. I will be sure to remember you. Come Dawn we are going to miss the ceremony."

"Ok Paul geez! Sorry about running into you Ace!"

As Paul and Dawn walked away Ash was still in shock on what he saw.

"Paul and Dawn huh. Dawn must have done something to him because he has changed a lot."

In the main hall over 300 students were standing and chatting away waiting for the actual ceremony to start. As Ash suspected,he saw a lot of old faces. He also saw a lot of older people sitting in the stands of the hall. Before he could identify all of them the lights went out and the main monitor began to shine.

"Hello freshmen. I would like to welcome you to my academy. I am the president of this academy. My name is Taylor Sen. For those who don't know I will explain what you are going to be doing for the next 3 years. For most of you, training, battling, and winning. This is the most elite academy and I intend to keep it that way. Moving on we are going a quick exhibition match between a teacher and a student to determine how your generation fairs against the world."

This confused main of the students. "There is no way we can talk on a teacher at this school! How do they expect us to beat an elite teacher at this school?"

"Will Ace please come to the main stage?"

"Shit. Figures, I knew Scott was up to something but I didn't expect this. Thankfully I have three Pokemon that nobody could recognize." Ash thought as he was walking up to the main stage.

"Who is that? Why is he wearing a cloak? Is he a criminal? No way a criminal couldn't come to this school." The hall said watching the mysterious trainer walk up to the main stage.

"Ace, I will just say this now. You better show me your worth to this academy." A distinct figure stated. He was rather old yet had an aura that the entire room felt. His green outfit and stern face was known throughout the Academy.

"Whoa seriously? There is no way we can beat that guy! The difference in skill is too much!"

"Well well. I never expected we would face so soon. So tell me, should I expected the same Pyramid King?" Ash asked.

Author's Note:Well how was the first chapter? I hope that it was good enough because I spent many times thinking about how I should go about the story. Yes this is abilityshipping and for now I don't plan on it being anything else. See you guys next time!