A/N-Set after 10x5-Fan Fiction. Enjoy :) (Gabriel never died)

~*~Gabe's POV~*~

Sammy and I had tormented Dean-o and Cassie mercilessly about this new thing (a ship, is it called?) named Destiel. Of course, Sam being Sam, he got an account on pretty much everything just to annoy Dean more with things called Fanfiction and Fanart.

"Gabe look at this!" Sam exclaimed, searching through his Pinterest account. Sam has a Twitter, a Pinterest, a Facebook, a Youtube, a , an AO3, and a Tumblr.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to have to scratch my eyes out again. I mean, really, don't those things have filters?

"It's fan art of Dean and Cas kissing. It looks totally realistic!" Sam was overjoyed, for some odd reason.

"Okay." I took the laptop from Sam's lap and looked at the adorable art. Awwww! This is SOO cute! NO SHUT UP! SNAP OUT OF IT GABRIEL! ARCHANGELS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO GET MUSHY!

I handed the laptop back to Sam with a shrug. "It's alright. Hey what's that?"

"Um, I don't know." I had pointed to one of the pins under the one of Dean and Cas kissing. Sam clicked on the photo to enlarge it, immediately snapping his computer shut and throwing it across the room, before I could even see it.

Huh? What the hell was that?

Blush was creeping up Sam's face, and he looked away from me.

"Dude, what the hell?" I asked, mildly concerned.

"...Nothing..." Sam started to walk away, going right out the door. Dean and Cas came in as he was leaving.

"Where the hell is Sammy going? What the fuck did you do to him, Trickster?" Dean asked. 'Trickster' was the nickname Dean used on me when he thought I did something wrong.

"I don't know. I don't know." I said, still confused.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" Dean asked, Cas trailing behind him, equally confused.

"I didn't do anything." I said, looking at Dean, my face lacking the usual sassy smirk.

"Then why the hell did he run outta here? And why the hell is his laptop on the floor?" Dean demanded.

"He's the one who threw his laptop. Then he ran out of the door." I explained as best as I could.

"Sammy would never ever throw his laptop." Dean insisted, "What did you do?"

"Nothing I swear." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Tell us what happened. Don't leave out a single detail." Cas said, worry etching his features. Dean nodded.

So I recounted exactly what had happened.

~*~Sam's POV~*~

I like Gabe. Not 'I like him as a friend' kind of like, no, the 'I don't even fucking know anymore' kind of like. But that was, I don't even know what it was.

I had taken one look at the pin, it was apparently a 'Sabriel' pin. It was me and Gabe. Together. Kissing. I definitely didn't want him to see that.

I slammed my computer shut, throwing it across the room, before bolting. Dean and Cas walked in as I ran out. I have no idea where the hell I was going. I didn't care. I just needed to get as far from my laptop and Gabriel as possible.

I heard Dean's anger leak from the open doorway, and I ran faster. The library. I am going to the library.

I ran all the way across town and caught my breath before entering the land of knowledge. My escape into a fake reality where problems aren't real.

I sat down at a table and sighed, not knowing what to do.

I got up and walked over to the computers, opening . I typed 'Sabriel' into the search bar. I narrowed the results to the Supernatural book series, rated k-t.

I clicked on an AU, read it and favorited the story and author, proceeding to go on her account. 236 stories written for Supernatural. Wow.

I read a few of her fics. She seems to ship Sabriel/Destiel, but luckily not Wincest.

I left the library after an hour or two of reading fics, and went to the hotel.

~*~Gabe's POV~*~

They all sat in awkward silence, waiting for Sam to come back. Dean was pointing his strongest bitch face in Gabe's direction, and Cas was silent, probably pondering the mysteries of life or some shit like that.

What did Sam see that made him react so negatively? I walked over to pick up his laptop, and fixed the spider-web cracks along the screen. I turned it on and tried to open Sam's account. He had a password.

"Hey Dean-o, what's the password to your bro's computer?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"So I can figure out why he ran off."

"Try 'DEANHASCRAPPYTASTEINMUSIC' no space all-caps."

So I did. It worked. I looked at the pin that made Sammy flee, and I understood. I calmly shut the computer and got up silently.

"What was it?" Dean asked.

"I...I don't know?" I lied. I couldn't say the truth, it was too painful.

I've liked Sam since I first saw him. He was clearly repulsed by people shipping us.

"Fine. Don't tell me." Dean got up and snatched the computer from the floor before I could stop him. Dean opened it and typed in the password, eyes widening once he had fully taken in the sight in front of him.

Cas eased the laptop from Dean's hands and nearly dropped it, mouth ajar.

Sam burst through the door to see Cas and Dean right next to each other, both in shock, and me standing in the middle of the room with a blank expression.