Judy got home around 8:00 and brung my phone along with her. I was personally scared, I hoped she did not read anything I have on my phone. Maybe I still locked it.

"Hi Judy"

"Hi Nick so did you trash anything."

"No, but can you massage my tail, please. I got a cramp"

"Really?" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, I readddd…." I stopped myself for a little then continued like normal,"I meant I realized that I can't really massage my own tail." I lied

"Nick you can always reach your tail why now."

I thought quick, "Because I'm hurt remember, I thought you loved me." Shit, I thought, I didn't really know she loved me but it was implied a couple of nights ago. She just never said it.

"Um, I never said anything about that Nick." She looked at me in fear and confusion. "Why are you not looking at me now….Are you secretly blushing? Do you not want to…" she hesitated.

"Not want to what."

"Um, never mind, give me your tail." She sighed in defeat.

"Hey Nick"


"What are you hiding under the pillow."

"WHA? I'm not hiding anything, I was fixing the pillow for my head…..Owwwwww"

"Oh um sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"So how was your day Fluff."

"Don't try to change the subject slick Nick."

Shit, I thought, I guess I have to come clean. "Ok Carrots you got me" I quickly pulled out my phone (In which I secretly put there just in case) from under the pillow and showed it to her, but she quickly snatched it out of my hands, making me a little curious. "Um, can I have my phone Carrots," I said in an annoying way

"I just thought you were giving it to me" I quickly snatched it out of her hands and looked at the screen, "N, Nick, please I don't want you to rea.."

"Why did you do this! You just decided to go into my personal business, I thought you were better Carrots!"

"Ok well I didn't mean to I just" She blushed

"Haaa. You like me?"

"You're the one who said you like me."

"No carrots, I said you were cute not that I like yooooowwww"

She climbed on my stomach and lifted my head,

"Wait, Carrots I um wouldn't do that, owww my head"

"So explain to me why my journal is under the pillow"

"It flew there by magic."

"Real funny, Let us open it shall we."

"Wait no I um."

"You what" She gave me a sly face and stared at me.

"I umm."

"Let me just read this."

"Wait." I started to blush and hid my face in the pillows.

"Oh my god Nick, I knew it, come here, foxy boy."

She gave me a hug and we were eye to eye.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Oh I think you know pretty well"

She gave me a kiss that lasted what felt like forever. I finally got what I wanted. Someone to live with and be there for me.

She let me go and we forgot all about changing my bandages. I didn't think it would mind much so I decided to just fall asleep.

"I will always be here for you Judy, I will never leave your side, but let us just be honest with each other for now on."

I went to sleep and before I knew it, the next day came. Judy came home as usual, but I noticed something was off with her today.

"Hey, what's wrong Carrots?"

"Just a bad day ok."

"What happened? Why are you hiding your face..."

"listen I don't want to deal with you. I guess he was right"

"Who. Did someone pick on you? Please look at me. I was just wondering what was wrong with you."

"So there is something wrong with me now"

"Carrots why are you acting this way"

"Because I was told about how much of an ass you can be and I guess they were right."

"Judy who told you what. I don't know why you are acting like this. Just stop." I reached in for a hug but she pushed me away. "Now what was that all about. Please, Judy, don't leave me too."

"Maybe you should leave"

"What the fuck...Really. Come on Carrots." My ears were down and my voice was reluctant.

"I..It can't deal with this anymore.." She started to cry

"With what? You came home this way. I don't know what is wrong with you today. You know what fine. Maybe I'll just leave. I can't believe you would do this to me, though."

"Wait nick...:"

"Make a fucking decision carrots am I leaving or staying."

"I don't want you to…."

"Then I can stay right" I didn't notice, but my tail starting to wag as my face was trying to be serious.

"I don't want you to stay…"

"Oh my fucking god. I'm just going to leave. I don't know where I went wrong or how I was acting like a bitch, but ok. Bye Hopps."

I headed towards the door and was about to walk out when I decided to just walk into the bathroom.

"Nick the door is that way."

"Leave me alone, I got to relax and understand what just happened." I shut the door on her face and then slammed the back of my head onto the door and fell to my knees. "Why Judy...Out of all people, Why Judy?" My face started to tear up and before I could stop, I started to cry. I need to figure out why Carrots is acting this way, and deal with whoever did this to her and