Okay here she is, '50 shades of Chiba'. Please read and review and also note that this story has no beta reader so sorry for any errors!

Mamoru POV

I groaned at getting up. I sighed at the everyday weekday routine I went through… it was the same. Get up, have coffee, pick out appropriate suit and tie ensemble make sure shoes were polished, then leave for the office. Everything was meticulously done to the point where half asleep or not I could do it. It was ridiculous to be completely honest. Right now I was getting my tie on since my suit was done. I went over things I needed to get done for the day. "Darling where are you?" I heard my mother announce herself.

I groaned. I disliked how she could gain access through the doorman so easily. Helps to be my mother I guess. I sometimes regret giving her the keys to my apartment. I knew I better show myself to her lest she start searching my whole apartment for me. I didn't need that. What child at any age wants their parents to scour their apartment looking for them? So I figure that there could only be one reason for her visit today… and it wasn't good.

"I'll see you in the living room mother." I called out. I could hear her heels clicking towards the living room as she no doubt checked my apartment for any signs of female life. I shook my head at that thought. I didn't get much along with my mother, she ruined my first relationship before I could figure out how to handle things. I know I shouldn't but old habits die hard. I met her in my living room sitting by my press representative.

Mother as I came to learn growing up came from old money. She had hired half my board when my father was in charge of the company. She had wanted to have some say in the company she had 40% stocks in, father didn't argue. It became mine years back when my father decided to retire. Now how you ask does a man of only thirty gain leadership of a multimillion dollar company? My father had had me when he was in his forties. That is prior to my taking it over and running it currently.

With two years and the right investments I made it into a billion-dollar industry compared to the multimillion dollar one under my father's rule and thumb. Not that he didn't do a good job he and mother took it from nearby nothing and made it what it is today. I increased the revenue and built more alliances between not only domestic investors but foreign ones to. Truth was it was unheard of and it made me more sought after as a business man and as husband material but I just wish a woman could be more interested in me over my bank accounts.

All my investors insisted I settle down with a family. Some of them even insisted on their own daughters, it nearly sounded like I was buying into an investment and not a date. I obviously declined. So I asked about love and they'd literally laughed and said 'good one'. Safe to say I don't go to them anymore about my love life or lack thereof. So I made them believe that I agreed and never broached the topic again. Reality was I wanted someone that wasn't tainted by my world. Someone not handcuffed to their parents will or power.

Question is where would I find a girl like that? "Oh honey there you are." My mother Lilly. Sweet woman, though she wouldn't win a mother of the year award. She was still sweet. It was all I could really say about her as a person. She attended many social gatherings to promote awareness for under educated children. It was a strong vision of hers to have a well-rounded education. Old money she maybe but it had to come from somewhere.

She ensured all her kids had the best education. My sister, my brother and I were made sure to get it and be tested thoroughly to make sure we weren't trying to buy our grades the way some of the other students were back in school. Made us learn the value of education and what could happen. Many of my high school and college friends that did that were now starting from the bottom and had yet to still get their degrees and know how to properly do their jobs. In the end we were all grateful for her pushing us to do our best.

"Mother." I answer her. "I hear you're finally doing an interview… oh how exciting." She remarked, my PR agent looked to me in a 'I didn't tell her' fashion. It's my mother, she somehow finds out everything that's going on. I'd love to know her connection system. It works almost like the damned CIA…if not better. "It'll only be for ten minutes." I tell her. My PR agent coughed. Oh great, "Yes?" "It's been changed, twenty minutes with three different college students. Their mixing it in with a journalism course at the university." I sighed.

Honestly I didn't want to do it to begin with and here I was not only doing it but now by three different people. My PR agent booked it to give me more press. "Good for your image." she said. Bullshit. She did it to try and increase more chances of getting me out there publicly. She wanted to humanize me. I didn't mind but I didn't like interviews. The words you spoke had the tendency to get altered even if by a fraction and demonize you.

But it's already been promised and scheduled, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and try to avoid actual sentences. Yes, or no only. It'd be the only sure fired way to avoid my words being used against me. So as bad as it was nothing short of a broken bone, apocalypse or death would stop this from happening. "It'll be tomorrow at noon." My agent tells me before walking out the door. I nod and waive her off.

After a few moments I hear my mother say, "So I hear Beryl is available. She'll even be one of the interviewees there. Imagine that." I looked at her skeptically. "It was nice of her father to ensure her placement on the panel." She explained. She knew the look I had on my face. I groaned at her attempts of match making with that red headed witch. The first time had been enough. Beryl had a way of getting under my skin in an annoying fashion. She thought I liked her. She couldn't be further from the truth no matter how you looked at it.

Beryl was the picture of power hungry. Just like her father. Not her fault really. I didn't blame her for that, only in letting herself continue on the path she was on. I even offered her a position but that went south fast. She was groomed to be a honey trap since her father found out she held hardly any real brains and only used what little she had to manipulate other men to her control. Not that he would admit to it.

Hell anyone with half a brain could see what she was doing half the time. "Was that really necessary? Taking away that opportunity from another student just to let Beryl in?" I asked. My mother acted to waive it off but in reality I knew it was because she didn't like my dislike for the woman. Didn't even care to admit that Beryl had her wrapped around her proverbial finger. The first meeting and my mother fell for the lies hook line and sinker. She didn't want to believe it so as smart as mother was she didn't see through the lies.

Me I almost fell till I set up the date with her and found out the real her. I'm so grateful that I've always been good with people. I read Beryl like a book and ended further communications to avoid her getting the wrong idea. Didn't help as our parents had mutual interests so I avoid by becoming too busy. Easy right up until now. If she only believed the amount of times Beryl had already spread her legs to ensure different factions for her father's success.

"Her father is very prominent. It would be a good match." She tells me. "For whom? You? Dad? Oh wait he's retired and living handsomely off of it to. Cause it certainly isn't me." I retort. She swats me upside the head, "For you. You need to settle down… or people will start to talk." A pristine image to uphold was mother's true golden child at the end of the day. We as her kids and our accomplishment are her trophies to show off.

"I could care less… people will always talk, good or bad." I tell her. She swats my head again, you'd think after all these years I'd learn to duck... "Mind your manners, now you'll at least give that sweet, young Beryl a chance, talk to her. Open up to her. And you must help to dismiss those ridiculous repulsive rumors. It's not fair to her." I sighed. If only she knew those were the truth. She took my silence as acceptance of her words.

I didn't have the heart nor the patience to tell her different, to get into that argument again. It was pointless, she refused to believe anyone else. Maybe if Beryl waived the boxers of every male she had slept with it would finally skin in. So in the end what good would it do? "I love you." She kissed my cheek before leaving. I fell back onto my couch and felt mentally drained already. It wasn't even eight am yet…I just want this interview to be over with now.

Usagi POV

Why is it whenever you work your ass off for something it's always the financial set ones that win regardless of everything? My conundrum you ask I'm a student. I work hard every semester as do a lot of college bound students do. I pull all-nighter's and work two different jobs just to keep my butt financial stable in school. Yet I resign to seeing the queen of all drama and money Beryl on a daily basis but I digress.

I wouldn't be surprised that if you looked up bitch in the dictionary you'd see her face, not that she cares. As long as its queen bitch she doesn't care, but she's careful regarding her reputation and her presentation as anything more than a bitchy, rich student with daddy's money running the show. It's her truly only admirable quality to be honest… if that can be consider one which is bad. She does have daddy's image to maintain and to ensure its infallible and stellar achievement after all.

Doesn't mean that everyone and their brother doesn't know about her personal life. She just ensures her secrecy by having the right people paid off or expelled. Its why I don't say shit unless provoked. Beryl however avoids me as I do her. Why you ask? Because in a weird twist of fate she happens to be related to me on a marital level. Cousins husband is her exiled brother. I guess daddy didn't like him settling for a commoner so he cut him off.

Beryl doesn't talk to him but he and I are in good terms. Malachite is a good man with a good heart. Its why my cousin is with him. But due to those relations she's considerably humane to me. There's only one class we share together and that's enough for me. Everyone knows how she earns her grades and it isn't by cracking open a book either. Trust me I work part time at the book store and nearly all of her books were miraculously in perfect condition.

The professors she either slept with or gave money to for passing grades or the females she gave money to. I guess even she drew the line on what she was willing to do for her grades physically. I sighed. It must be nice to be an uninhibited female with daddy's cash flow to carry them where ever they need to be. Or I could just be lame for not opening my legs as casually as she does. She should have an ad in the paper, 'willing to spread them for a good grade female'.

For instance, you couldn't go anywhere with seeing her without a designer bag or clothes. Keep it honey. Doesn't do me any good nor do I care. I can find much better things to do with my cash flow even if I was rich. Labels don't make a person the person makes the labels. One day the money her daddy has won't silence one guy she's screwed, he'll want more, when he doesn't get it 'ring, ring, hello enquirer?' I knew it would happen it was just a matter of when. Till then I just bid my time.

As it was I was currently going to have to put up with her through this interview. Some rich guy… probably from the same circle she pranced around in. Supposed to be a smart businessman and wealthy to. Good for him. My main focus was getting through the interview without asking the wrong questions. Sitting with my two class mates Beryl and Flora in the group session we got stuck in. I wanted to laugh but I thought it was off that Beryl didn't try to fuck her way out of the assignment we had.

Maybe she was trying to land the interviewee as her own. Who knew. Who cared? As long as our questions weren't the same and I got a good test score from them at the end of the day I didn't care one bit. The interviewee was Chiba, Mamoru. In his previous interviews he always seemed to be proper, and respectful in public and was mostly quiet. Sounds like an okay type of guy… "Wealthy, powerful…" I put the paper down.

"Hopefully he wasn't another asshole that I would have to play nice with. Civil yes, nice, don't hold your breath. Don't get me wrong I'm a nice person but certain people or certain types of people get on my nerves. Take Diamond Lathrop. Nice looking businessman, also happens to hit on anything he thinks is hot with open legs. Correction on legs he thinks he can open. He learned the hard way that mine don't, it brought a smile to my face on that recollection.

Mamoru POV

I ensured my suit and tie was nice and ready for this train wreck to commence. I walked into the medium sized room and found the three students sitting on chairs facing a softer chair for myself to sit on. The room was medium light and the student chairs look more like bar seats that were worn down. I didn't say anything then I saw Beryl. Sitting on the far left with a push up bra that was easy to spot. She was trying to give me her best seductive wave that I wish I found attractive. Her slutty demeanor was a turn off.

There was an ice blue haired girl sitting next to her. Her expression was dreamy eyed. Her clothes were at least moderate. I could actually look down and not see instant cleavage. For that I had to smile. I had dealt with dreamy eyed before, that was nothing new. Her skirt was a little high on the chair though. Lastly I saw the blonde towards the end. She looked at me with contempt. As if deliberating on her questions. It told me she might actually have a brain.

I took a perusal of her clothing. Casual. She had some jeans in, and judging from the material appearance a tank top with an ivory cream colored cowl neck sweater over it. Her hair was up in two buns and for some reason I felt drawn to her. Probably due to the lack of provocative clothing and abundance of actual thought to be professional here today. She held my attention image wise which wasn't often these days. Pretty girls were a dime a dozen. This blonde wasn't merely pretty. As I was trying to find out who she was the professor signaled to go.

I signaled for the questions to start. Beryl as you can image goes first. "So how are you still single? Or is there a girl out there you have in mind?" I sigh internally at the directionality of her questions but outward I give off cool and professional, "I work extensively long hours. Doesn't leave me a lot of free time." I answer honestly. Her smiled faltered a bit. The ice blue haired girl took the lead after that, "Are you gay." I laugh out loud at that.

I wondered if all of the questions would be like this. I hoped not or else this – actually maybe so because then this interview would be over more quickly than I thought it would. "Far from it." I felt the need to amend myself. "Though I do support the community. After all whose right is it for anyone to judge on another for loving who they love or fall for?" she smiled and wrote it down vigorously.

The blonde that I wanted to hear the voice on spoke up, "What was it like to take over a company that your father once ran?" that had me stunned in a positive manner. Yup she had brains. "Not easy. But his retirement was necessary due to his age and he has been wanting me to take over for a few years now. He's happy now living the retired life. Spending it with my mother." Then I asked myself… why did I elaborate that fact? It was five more rounds of questions before my agent stopped it.

I looked up to find Usagi wasn't within my eye sights anymore, Beryl was standing close enough to block out my view of her. I had to work my way around her to see the blonde beauty again. I was only half paying attention to Beryl. I felt off balanced now that Usagi was no longer speaking to me. Like a hypnotic drug she put me under just by looking at me. I liked it and disliked it all at once. It had been years since I had felt that sensation.

However, the truth was I felt a little intrigued and perplexed that a girl that I didn't even know the last name of had me curious to know more. I knew it was a good feeling that I felt with her. It had a positive energy in it that Beryl couldn't even come close to portraying. I never had the need to know more unless it was a client and even then it was strictly professional. But this girl made me want to know more.

Her hypnotic blue eyes as I determined through the interview placed me under an enchantment I would happily fall under again, "I have a date that day but I'm sure our parents would love a chance to chat." I tell Beryl, barely getting all of what she was dribbling out. Half of what came out of her mouth was gossip that held no useful information anyways. She looked a taken aback, "A date? With who?" she near demanded.

"Not you." I answered. Trying to avoid sounding exasperated. I got into a position to see Usagi. Beryl was now going on about something so intensely that she didn't see my now obvious sign of ignorance to her while looking at the blonde. The name I managed to over hear her friend call her. It fit her somehow. "It would only be worthwhile if it were us. Whatever date you have can't be that important." I was brought back in by Beryl's callas words.

Only ever about herself. Her cooing sounded too much like whining on a smaller scale. It grated on my nerve endings. How did her parents put up with her? How did a man put up with her in bed? Thankfully I won't ever have to find out, "I said our parents not us, excuse me." Despite her rudeness to my 'date' to which I planned for that to be Usagi, I still wished to be polite. I had years of it being bred into me from childhood it was integrated into my persona.

I managed to escape her exaggerated, over the top, red fake nailed clutches and sent a look to my PR agent to keep her back lest she make a scene. I doubted she would. Daddy's reputation and all that usually kept her quiet. I had a feeling that if daddy's reputation wasn't on the line she'd be give my PR agent a run for her money on damage control. I send a quick wave of thanks to my PR agent for keeping the over zealous tramp Beryl away and silent.

The look in her eyes said she wasn't done with me yet. She wanted me… or rather my power and money. I bet she's mentally cataloged everything she doesn't have that she can get with my money and her fathers if she can get the companies to join via marriage. Fat chance. I entertained no false illusions on who she was or how her mind worked. I've known the disillusioned woman for years. And I've managed to keep my dick free of her wide open legs. I plan to keep it that way forever.

If her father wasn't a power hungry dick he would be a good guy. But he was and he had his only daughter, when he found she held no desire for the family business nor good at a lot of things, spread her legs for the right business deals. It was rumored that he slept with some wives to ensure it to but no proof other than hearsay or an upset former wife could convince anyone of the truth. He would however maintain his reputation and avoid people finding out about both of their indiscretions. Paid silence was his game.

If it went for the connections his business held and the million-dollar empire, he had I wouldn't even bother with trying to merge. But if the only way was by marriage then we had a serious problem on our hands. "You have a three o'clock at Vestal Towers." My press agent told me, "Move it to four pm. I have a more pressing matter that requires my attention." She doesn't question me on it. Only makes a call to ensure its taken care of.

Usagi POV

The rounds of questions went on fairly quickly but he did seem to favor mine over all. It gave me insight on the factor that he wanted to be interviewed by someone with a brain and not some nonsensical one that Beryl was hitting on him with. I thought my last one 'what do you see for the future of your company?' he answered with 'while I can't predict the future I have hopes of international expansion. It would be nice to breach the western hemisphere'.

I had smiled, I had wanted to shock him. 'yes it would be interesting to see how your company could change or adjust to new forms and bring about change is such a vastly different culture compared to ours'. I swore he smirked at me for my words. 'after all you want others to benefit from you as well as you to them'. It was a statement. He had agreed then the questions went on back to Beryl whom had a frown on her face. She almost looked to me as if I were competition for her guy. Last I checked they weren't dating…then again…why do I even care?

The professor, the whole reason for this pet project, had stood up and excused Mr. Chiba but it seemed the business man got in a conversation with Beryl. I felt bad that he was stuck with 'miss. Wide open legs' but I had things to do after this interview commenced, ones that required my presence. I gathered my notepad and books that were to the side of me. Flora walked with me as we both looked back over to Mr. Chiba.

She twirled the ends of her ice blue hair a bit. "He is cutie…" she commented. I made a grunt in the form of an answer. Hopefully it sounded like an agreement without stipulating into an admission. Yes, he was cutie, he was hot in fact, didn't mean he needed to know it or have a larger fan club than he probably had. Men that know that tend to be egotistical and let it get to their heads.

"What I wouldn't mind doing to him if he were interested." She muttered. I rolled my eyes and nearly smarted off not caring as I wondered briefly if he was a womanizer. He was still talking with Beryl. "Guys like him go for one thing…." I begin. I indicate Beryl. "Easy tramps like that." She looked to me in astonishment. Touching my arm as if in near shock that I didn't sense something earlier.

"You must be joking. Usagi-chan his focus on that interview was mostly on you." I scrunched my face at the idea. "Yeah… right… and next you'll tell me happy ever after is possible." She tried to give me her best 'you know I'm right' look before I cut the conversation short. "I need to get to work." I explained. "The arcade manager needs his best huh?" she asked me. Gathering her own materials up.

At least she wasn't shamelessly flirting with Chiba. Beryl was already doing enough of it for all three of us. It was easy and honestly she was acting desperate now that it was ridiculous and embarrassing to see. So I ignored. "You mean someone who actually shows up and doesn't call off once a week every week? Yeah." I asked in a serious but joking manner. She laughed at my words… that and it was the truth. I can't help that I was raised with a work ethic that most of our youth hasn't been.

Flora was okay. Just flirted with a few guys, not like Beryl was though. "After my next class I'll catch up to you. It's on fourth street right?" she asked confirming. I ignored the sense that Mr. Chiba was listening in on our conversation. Why would he? I nodded, "I'll see you in two hours." I tell her then leave out. Making sure to pay respect to both the teacher and Mr. Chiba. It was only Mr. Chiba however that I felt the eyes of on me I turned and saw him before he diverted his attention away. I'm imagining things…I have to be.

Mamoru POV

My focus left to the blonde's conversation with the ice blue haired girl. I memorized the arcades area to go to it later on today. I found my agent re-routing my schedule as asked. I knew every person for every meeting. I knew which ones would understand and which ones would require condolence for my lateness of the hour. I knew how they were and how to take care of them. You always had to make sure to know your investors and business associates.

Having Mr. Mizuagi wait thirty minutes won't hurt. It's not pressing business. Getting to know this Usagi is. It just feels right. I don't normally go off of gut but in this case I think it would be in my best interest to pursue this feeling I got from her. Once gone I take care of one business client before the time passes up. I leave out of the office and have my driver take me to her place of work.

Walking in through the front sliding doors to reveal her aiding some kids at a video game console. He had a little tongue sticking out to work the controllers as Usagi smiled in pride while he got a higher score. At least that's what the loud sounds I presumed told me. It's all around adorable and there's something about it that lures me inside the rest of the way. I don't want to over think it. I go inside to speak with her.

Hands in my pockets I call out her name, "Usagi." Benefits of being nosey. She turns fast to see me, "Mr. Chiba nice to see you again." Her response is polite and cordial. As if unsure as to my reason for being there. "So what's the best thing on the menu?" I asked noticing the counter and booths. As if testing me out she replies, "Jalapeño cheese and chili fries." I smile, "I'll take two." I order. "One for me and one for you. Come join me." It was more of a polite order rather than an invite; she went to protest when I see her boss.

Dirty blonde hair, height around my own. Not as muscular though. I can tell his is from more box lifting that actual weight lifting. "Usagi-chan table three needs refreshments." He orders, I intervene. "I was ordering a lunch from her." He looks to me in recognition and speaks, "Okay but then get to table three." She nods her acceptance to her boss, "Allow me to get you your order Mr. Chiba." Again polite with a hint of curiosity mixed now with confusion. I want to get more time in with her though.

Signaling her boss over to me as she goes to the kitchen for the order in I speak, "Motoki-san correct?" I ask seeing the name tag on his shirt. He nods in affirmation, "Yes." I offer over the necessary amount for bribing yen, "Take care of table three yourself and let Usagi-chan have lunch with me." He seemed skeptical, even to the point in looking back to where she was with the plates of food but accepted. He pocketed the yen and moments after he left Usagi-chan brought the food out. After a quick talk with him Usagi got to the table.

"That must have been some bribe to have won Motoki over. He usually doesn't let up on me during my shifts here. He watches me like a damned hawk." She sounded confused by it but unable to ask or say anything she stays silent on the subject, "So it seems." I see Motoki's eyes shift over to her for a moment before turning away again. I saw the body language though. Motoki was protective but it was unclear now if it was in a brotherly manner or in a love interest manner. The latter wouldn't matter; I'd ensure that one myself.

"So what brings you here?" she asks. I answer honestly, "You do." I want to have her entrapped by me, mentally and physical down the line. She tilts her head to the side, "Not following." She replies, "You seem like you have a brain to start with something I'm not Beryl even has…" I mock, she laughs in agreement. "Yet you two seemed to be in deep conversation earlier." She counters. She was looking over as well… "It's called deflection for alternative motives. I want to get to know you more." I didn't want to allude to eavesdropping on her.

"Meaning that since I don't flaunt my sexuality it peaks your interest?" she made it sound as if it were foreign. After all what man doesn't like a woman who throws herself at them? Me. At least not like that. "So tell me about yourself?" I ask, evading her question. She'd had enough it was my turn now to be inquisitive. "Not much to tell, student, arcade worker, I also work in a book store to aid in discount for my own books." She explains. "Clever." I tell her. "There's no drama in my life. It's pretty boring. I like drama free." She tells me.

Almost as if she's warding me off from her. "Why do I doubt that?" I remake with a grin on my face, she begins to munch on the cheesy fries. "So tell me about yourself then?" switching the conversation back around, clever. "You know about my business; my work is my life." I explain. She shakes her head, "All work and no play make workaholic's dull people." I watch her suck down the drink she brought with the straw and suddenly became filled with a need to replace that straw with something else way less innocent to suck.

Images of her sucking in my hard cock come to mind. A wet rim of her saliva around her lips as she takes me all the way inside down to my balls. Her wide innocent blue eyes looking to me with need and want. Her tongue doing things I can only imagine her doing. I suddenly became very uncomfortable in my pants. I hadn't anticipated how I would be effected by her in such simple circumstances.

Without thought to where I am or her reaction I tell her, "I do get to have my fun. Though it's not A typical type of fun." She takes a bit of the food as if it also digest what I've just said and to ponder over her response. Maybe she doesn't believe me. "I doubt that." She remarks casually, dismissing my words. I couldn't help but smile. She had no idea what went on behind closed doors but she would.

I would love nothing more than to show her that fun now. To let her see what I can do for her and to her. I resist the urge to caress the area above my pants here. It wouldn't bode well in the end, not with kids around. Very few women have seen what I'm truly capable of and I want her to see all of it. I want her to see whom I really am when I wasn't in the public eye. "Come with me then when your off shift." I offered. "Where?" she asks taking another bit.

I don't think she even realized how much she was putting in her mouth. The look of her mouth being so full when I'd love to make it full with me was making me pleasantly uncomfortable… again. It seems once again she has that bizarre effect on me to get hot at the most inconvenient times. My finger toys with the zipper of my pants briefly before taking both hands and placing them on the table. It's safer that way. "To my place. I'd like to have you over for dinner." I told her. She seemed skeptical.

She was analyzing the situation and in a mental debate. "Nothing more?" she asked finally. I leaned forward as I got up to leave. My meal untouched. I was finding the aspect of nibbling on parts of her body so much more delicious right now that jalapeno cheese fries. "Only if you want there to be." I wrote down really fast the address to my place, "Here, it'd love to see you again, once your free from work." I leave out making sure to not look back but still took a peak through the reflection of the sliding glass doors to make sure she took the napkin with her.

Usagi POV

Wow I was not expecting that. He doesn't so far seem to be your average snooty, 'higher than thou' asshole of a rich dude…I wonder. Seeing the napkin, I quickly take it before another waitress sees it. He is a highly sought after bachelor after all. It would be rude and neglectful of me not to take it and in the process me taking him up on the offer. After all what kind of budgeting girl would turn down a free none high in excessive salt frozen dinner meal? Banquet meals… good to eat, high in salt. I look down at the food in front of me.

I take another cheesy fry and loose interest in it. I have more interesting things occupying my mind frame now. It was the last one I ate before grabbing both meals and putting them in to go containers and into our company fridge. My dinner for later on if things go south with him. Plus, it doesn't hurt to have dinner for tomorrow night taken care of to. Besides he seems gentlemanly enough. I'll give him a shot. "Usagi-chan."

I look over to find a frowning Motoki, "Where's Mr. Chiba?" he asked me. "He had to go business. I'll take care of the plates to be cleaned no worries." I assure him. He walked off but not without eyeing the door. I went to go clean up the rest of the table when I spotted the yen he left behind, "Cutie, he even tipped me." I smirked… then I was stunned, he left behind twice the amount needed to pay for the meal and tip. I pocketed the cash and smiled on the events that this evening, may provide for me, "This should be interesting." I mutter.

Taking the remaining yen, I put it into the register as Motoki looks at me, "What can I say I gave good service." A joke that he frowns at. I waive him off but keep my wits about me. I didn't want Mr. Chiba nor Motoki to get the wrong idea about me. I wasn't the type of girl to be bedded so easily, none had so far. The guys I dated before once we got past the first month usually turned into whom they truly were and made me glad I had yet to have sex yet.

Though I will admit Mr. Chiba made me wonder about his own sexual prowess in the bedroom, "Oh kami, I'm already thinking about him in bed." I mutter to myself. "Nani?" Motoki asks me, "Gomen. I was just thinking out loud don't mind me." I waive off and ignore his odd look before helping some more customers out nearby. This is turning out to be a very interesting day if I do say so myself, and it hasn't even ended yet.

It was for a few more hours till I found myself leaving out for the day. Motoki offered me a ride home, something he hadn't done before. I figured he was just being nice since my car was in the shop. I got the car super cheap but with lots of problems attached to it. It was already costing me several thousand yen just being in the shop taking up space waiting to be repaired as they assessed the repairs needed. More like the assessing how much yen they wanted for me in exchange for a functioning car.

Till it was done it was the bus for me. Or in this case a ride back to my place. A free one, those didn't come along to often without some other form of payment attached to it. As he got to my apartment building Motoki asked, "So is Mr. Chiba a friend?" not understanding I replied, "I'd say more of an acquaintance that I've just met today." I laugh it off and get out of the car, this conversation not making too much sense to me.

I hear the car drive off but not before I hear him attempt to finish before giving up and going home himself. Going up the stairs I go into my apartment and change into an off white mid length sleeve shirt and a nice pair of jeans. Freshening up I head out to the nearest bus stop, it would take me to within five walking minutes to his place. I deal with the casual bumps and people on the bus as I come to the destination. A half hour passes and I find myself in front of his apartment complex. It looked prestigious. Nice.

I take a look at the area around me, money well spent, before pressing the button on the intercom to buzz him, "Mr. Chiba its Usagi-chan." I announce before a case of nerves fully hits me. I swallow it back down and instead throw myself into the moment, you only live once right? "Come on up." Was his simple response. The door buzzes to let me in through bottom door. It reveals plush carpeted hallways and ornate fixtures.

"Wow…" I admit I was amazed. I walk up to the elevator and find it already closing to move me up. Perhaps Mr. Chiba hit the button up where he was since he only buzzed me in and didn't tell me where to go…I wondered. The doors open to reveal him waiting for me. His attire is work slacks and a partially unbuttoned work shirt. "I was handling business before you got here… now that you're here though that can be set aside." He tells me.

I smiled at the respectable courtesy he gave me; I knew he must be an exceptionally busy business man. "Arigato." I walked inside, slipping off my sandals to avoid anything being scuffed in his hard wood floors. The whole place was refined and spoke of him. I looked about but found hardly anything that spoke of family or having had a personal life at any point. Nothing to indicate he even lived there.

I mean really lived in the place. Though I did notice that the rooms were nearly right out of a magazine. You know the sections you longed to have in warmer colors as you envied the person who could afford it. I was caught staring at the place before I looked down sheepishly. I was looking at the place as if it were a magazine. In desolate longing. Not that I would do something to get this but it was really nice looking.

He leads me into another room. It gave me a chance to peruse the area. It looked to be the finest of everything, furniture, electronics, art…I felt like in was in a 'look no touch' museum. The kind that if you break it you buy it. "Make yourself at home." He tells me as he leads me further into the dining room area. "Go ahead dig in." he gestures to the food. I moan at the delightful taste. It's enough to keep me full for three days with the quantity he made up.

I start in the rice and shrimp before taking simple sips of my wine. The actual meal is thick, rich steak that I see him eating with finesse. I know it's his home but I feel like I'm in a five-star restaurant. I feel more nervous about how to eat and what I'm wearing than before. "Your home is beautiful." I complement my surroundings. "Hai, I know but the beauty in front of me is what I'm interested in." he states with no problem. I blush.

"I don't understand why, there's really not much to me." Before I can say more he interrupts. "There's always something more I just have to find it… and I will." We eat in silence for five minutes before he stands up. "Come with me." I take his hand and make sure the first place he's not presumably taking me isn't the bedroom. Though sex isn't confined to that room it still is the room with the highest ratio for sexual acts to be in.

He takes me in front of an impressively large mirror. From one who's studied the arts a bit in the beginning of her college career I knew of the background…a bit, "American, neo-classic…." I look around the frame, "Gold leaf detail…" something like this could fetch two to three grand easily. I think to myself. He takes my face into his left hand. I remain calm and tell myself not to lean back into his embrace. "Not the mirror Usagi-chan you…" he begins.

I remain quiet. "Your beautiful in ways that I can't get out of my head… that enthrall me." He gets closer… "I want to know everything there is to know about you." He whispers in my ear. I turn my head partially to the side, wanting to face him in some way but not wanting him to think I was angling for a kiss. Even though I admit to myself that I was now. "Why?" I asked. He leans in closer, "Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you… second…." He gently kisses me lips. It's so soft if it weren't for the barest hint of pressure I'd think I imagined it.

My heart pounds in my throat. I look into his eyes and imagine such romantic things that what he says next takes the air right out of the room in a shocking manner, "If I'm going to make love to a woman it'd rather her have brains and not just a convenient set of spreadable legs.". The air leaves my lungs in a deflated manner befitting being appalled at rather than he stole it away romantically. "Excuse me?" I ask, begging to have heard him wrong. He kisses me again. I'm to stumped to stop to stop that one. "I prefer brains - " so I didn't hear wrong.

I stop him. Now that I know his type I have to put a stop to this. "If that's what your plan is I'm out. I'm not a convenient set of spreadable legs I'm a human being. I came for dinner and to get to know you, not to let you do that when we just met. I'm not that type of girl." I dart out to grab my purse and shoes. I step into the elevator as I hear him calling out my name. "Usagi-chan!" that gets my attention, "Mr. Chiba." I make it sound final as the elevator doors close up. I hit the button before he can call the elevator back up.

The nerve of such a repulsive man. I was nearly grinding my teeth in an effort to remain calm. "And he made it sound so casual to." I felt repulsed now. "At least I kept him from getting any more sugar from me. I walked out with my head held high and proud for not giving in. Though I would refuse to admit the remanding night that his touch still sent shivers down my body. That his kiss left my lips tingling… and that part of me had wanted him to do as promised.