Gabriel kept his eyes closed waiting for the cold blade to hit till he felt the grip around him loosen. Opening his eyes to have a yellow ceiling instead of a dagger to be his sight, recoiling back to his senses getting on his feet to see he was in a giant yellow room. The walls were yellow and scattered around the room was garbage and filthy clothes scattered about. The stench of the room was unbearable bringing his shirt up to breath through it to feel the stabbing pain in his shoulder. "I'm still bleeding." Gabriel questioned to immediately reach for his face and throat attempting to find where the stab wound was to find none.

Looking around seeing a few exits up on the walls. Gathering his strength levitating off the ground towards the hole on the wall. Once inside Gabriel walked forward towards the outside the square exit getting larger as he walked beginning to see that it was dark outside for the night sky could be seen. Walking steadily faster to reach the exit. Gabriel stood there baffled of what he was seeing trash floated endlessly around along with floating rocks with what seemed like tents attached to them. Looking downwards to see the place he was standing on was floating on thin air. He feared what would happen if he let go and would simply fall to his death.

Resting against the wall feeling slightly cold as the blood continued to flow out his wound leaving a small trail behind him to where he stood. Gabriel laid against the walls till sliding down towards the ground till he was sitting on the floor slowly drifting in and out of reality. Letting out a small groan running his bloody hand through his hair looking towards the ceiling attempting to make sense of his current situation. Where was he? Is this the Nightosphere? Glob World? As Gabriel's mind raced with questions a weird sound was heard near him, groggily he moved his head to see a medical kit box right in front of him.

Looking around trying to see who placed it in front of him to see the hall empty of life. Too weak to reach Gabriel grabbed it with his feet dragging it towards him. Opening the box to see needles, thread, anesthetic, bandages, pain killer pills and a bunch of lollipops in a jar. The pain in his shoulder reminding him of how grave his situation was got to work. Biting down on his shirt ripping it apart till the wound was visible. Gabbing the bottle of anesthetic and a bandage opened the bottle to have it fall from his grip. Taking a better look to see his hands were trembling uncontrollably. Having no other choice but to grab the bottle and pour the drug on his wound. Letting out a howling yell for placing the drug on his open wound burning his inner skin as tears ran down his cheeks.

Breathing heavily as he pushed his bloody shirt into his mouth and dealt with the pain till he remembered the pain killers. Grabbing the pain killer pills swallowing them down forcibly. He remained in the floor for a bit waiting till the pills took affect pushing his ripped shirt and placing pressure on his wound while waiting.

Time passed as Gabriel watched the debris floating aimlessly around till he felt the pain go numb and once his hand steadied himself and grabbed the needle and thread in the box as he began his work closing the wound. Thankfully the pain was all gone and was able to work at it in a hurry. Once closing the wound he bandaged it up and placing anesthetic on the bandages for just in case of anything else. Once he was fully done he got up on his feet while popping a lollipop in his mouth and heard the same weird noise again to see a clean blue shirt on the ground.

Looking around still trying to see who gave him the materials to find no one once more. Picking up the shirt and placing it on to have from the corner of his eye see a pink object move from the inside of the room he appeared in. "Hey, wait." Gabriel yelled out running back towards the room still using the wall for support attempting to make it back to the inside to see no one in sight. Gathering his strength once more he levitated downwards till reaching the ground and immediately rummaging through the piles of garbage and clothing attempting to find the person who saved him and to have answers he most desperately needed.

"Y-youre not gonna find me in there." A soft voice spoke out stopping his movements spinning around wildly looking for the voice. Getting frustrated Gabriel levitated off the ground looking around the room frantically clenching his hands to fists till the knuckles turned white his anger reaching its breaking point.

"COME OUT HERE. WHERE AM I? DID YOU SAVE ME? IF YOU DID, WHY?" Gabriel yelled out as his voice echoed out the room to the outside as it continued to travel out into space. The room was quiet nothing made a sound as though nobody was even there.

"Well I never was hiding you simply couldn't see me." The voice spoke again the voice coming from above him. Gabriel looked up to see a pink figure literally on the walls. The figure was looking at him as it moved from the wall to another wall nearer to the ground. The figure motioned him to come closer, hesitant Gabriel levitated down till facing the figure. "Hi." The figure spoke nervously and at closer look he had solemn eyes his posture though was 2 dimensional was off like a scared cat hiding in a corner. And his voice was nervous and timid.

"Hey." Gabriel responded back slightly hesitant and guessing what he was doing.

"So, you're the result of my intervening? Kinda makes me responsible you exist. Like you're grandpa or something" The figure spoke to have Gabriel become uneasy with his words. "Sorry. I just don't know how to deal with people. Been a while seen people have been here. Or rather care for anything." The figure spoke.

"Let's start with a name how about that." Gabriel told towards the figure.

"Uh, yeah, my name is Prismo. The being who makes wishes." Prismo spoke. Gabriel stood there baffled by the beings response. "Yeah. Not much how you expected a being like me to look right." Prismo told looking towards the pile of junk and garbage piled around the room.

"Why am I here?" Gabriel asked.

"Cause I felt responsible." Prismo told bluntly but vaguely. "You're confused. I can understand that, uh, do you have time. Well I guess you do considering in this room time is irrelevant and cause back home you're being hunted down by your brother" Prismo told as Gabriel's anger rose again.

"Answers now. How do you know so much about me?" Gabriel demanded.

"I made a wish of your father come true in a way beginning a domino effect. In a way caused your world to go topsy-turvy and in a way cause of me you exist in a matter of speaking." Prismo spoke as Gabriel looked at him uneasy of what he just heard. "I think it's best to show you." Prismo told as a screen showed up on one of the walls. Gabriel stood there as Prismo showed videos and clips showing everything Finn has experienced from when Prismo granted Finn's wish to the current events. As well as how he and Adrian were related though Prismo left out some parts and told him other than showing him with a video on that part. And once Prismo was done with his presentation Adrian remained silent just letting the knowledge settle for a bit.

"So, you could have fixed everything. You-you could have simply flicked your fingers and everything could have gone back to normal so why didn't you?" Gabriel yelled after a while of silence.

"Once I messed up your fathers wish I stopped making wishes. That fact is me helping you out was literally the biggest thing I've done in years. Well ever since I helped those people and let them stay here. I've been keeping an eye on you cause I figured you'd need help and I was right. But it was a good thing that I've been keeping an eye on your brother as well." Prismo told showing a live image of what showed was his brother standing on a hill watching the library he was in burn to the ground.

"Well?" Adrian's voice boomed towards the soldiers.

"Uh, nothing has come out of the building sir and heat signatures don't show him leaving. We're trying to track him down using his ragged hoodie but there seems to be no trace of him anywhere." One of the soldiers spoke.

"Stay alert he obviously shape shifted to a small creature then turned invisible. No one rests till he is before me dead or alive. I want to see a body." Adrian yelled out as the screen turned black.

"Yikes." Prismo spoke out.

"What now?" Gabriel asked to have Prismo remain silent for not having a real answer. "I go home I'm pretty much going to die. I got no where to go, unless you can send me to a planet where I can hide for the rest of my life." Gabriel spoke. Prismo looked aimlessly into space not having a real answer for any of his questions.

"I really don't have an answer to anything. I can't really interfere, the fact what I'm doing isn't really allowed I really shouldn't have. I wish I didn't interfere." Prismo told but suddenly an idea flashed right through his mind.

"That's it." Gabriel yelled out scaring Prismo in the process. "Prismo." Gabriel spoke getting his attention. "I got a way to fix everything." Gabriel told. "But you need to get involved one more time."

"According by what you're gonna ask, you know things could still go wrong. You're chance of succeeding this is close to zero but everything will get fixed with this simple command. If you succeed that is." Prismo told while Gabriel popped one more lollipop in his mouth. "But, you do realize that..."

"Everything gets fixed and my chances aren't completely zero. As far as everything else goes I could care less. Cause from my point of view a world where people don't get massacred by my father is better than what's waiting for me back home." Gabriel told preparing himself for the worse.

"OK, but this is the last time. I make a wish for someone." Prismo told.

"Unless this works in that case you might go back to doing your job." Gabriel corrected gaining a smirk from Prismo.

"Back to making wishes for people. Huh. I just realized how long its been since I've done a wish. I'm surprised I haven't been fired for slacking off this whole time." Prismo told smiling for the first time in who knows how long. "Ready?"

"Yup. I wish to go back in time in my own universe to fix an issue. And if events tend to swing towards the worse I want my wish to be revoked and to appear before you here with all my memories from wish world to try again." Gabriel wished. "Is that wish liable."

"Yup, I can work with that. Be safe." Prismo told to have Gabriel's body be transported away. Prismo remained on the wall looking around his room. "I should really start cleaning this place up. In case his wish goes bad and comes back here. Oh wait it will still be dirty, or will it? I'll just wait and see."

Ugh, finally. Just one more chapter and this trilogy story is over. I'm so tired. Keep an eye out for this thing in two weeks I'll post it to finally have something cross off and finish this after, fuck, its been so many years. Review Please.