A/N: Hey guys! Now, you may call me crazy, but I think I have found the perfect ship! Wait for it…...Hermione and Embry! Now, before you just throw this Idea in the trash, Please give it a chance! And tell me what you think! All reviews are appreciated.(Does start off a little stereotypical) Also, once Bella got back from the honeymoon, none of the wolves ever made contact. Bella is still changed, but has no kid. And the pack is still whole!

Hermione POV

"Harry, we've run out of options. We need to leave the country. Maybe America or France, but either way we need to get out of here," Hermione said. She looked at her companion sadly. They were outside, both perched on top of a large log. The wind was blowing heavily, making Hermione's hair swirl around her face. All the trees around them were vacant of any leaves, and the air was crisp.

"And do what Hermione? Leave all these people to fend for themselves? We can't just run away from our problem like a bunch of scared kids. And we still have to find the rest of the horcruxes." Harry looked almost angry.

"Harry, we're not running from our problems. Nowhere around here is safe. I have a cousin who lives in the states, we could go and stay with her.."

"That makes no sense Hermione. Why would you send your parents away to keep them safe, and them put the rest of your family in danger?" Harry's eyebrows were crinkled in confusion.

"I can't explain why, but I promise you, they are more scared of Bella and her family then they are of won't have to worry about her." Hermione looked positive in her statement.

"Hermione," Harry looked tentative about what he was going to say. "What about Ron?" A look of fury and sadness flashed in Hermione's eyes, and she turned away from Harry.

"He is no longer a factor we need to worry about. He left, end of discussion." She stood up from her place on the log and made her way back inside the tent. Harry shook his head sadly. He knew Hermione missed Ron, but she was still angry at him for leaving like that.

Harry sat outside for a long time, thinking about everything Hermione had said. Would it really be so cowardice to be safe? They weren't running away, not really. Running away would be what Ron had done: Leaving your friends when they needed you must just because things got a little hard. And all they wanted was somewhere safe. Was that too much to ask for?


Bella POV

"Bella, your cousin is coming to visit. She'll be here around noon tomorrow." Alice's tinkling voice ran out.

Bella rolled her eyes. "Thanks Alice."

"She's also bring a friend, Harry Potter."

Bella remembered hearing all about her cousin's best friend. And about all the trouble they got into.

"Well, I'm sure we can welcome him with open arms," Esme said.

'"I'm sure."but her voice sounded less than positive.


Hermione POV

"Damn, it looks like we missed our target by a few miles." Hermione was standing in the thick forest of Forks, Washington, a few miles away from the Cullen's house. They were suppose to apparate straight into the yard, but apparently something went wrong.

"Well where are we then?" Harry said. He was dusting the dirt off his pants and fixing his glasses.

Hermione did a quick locator spell and found that they were further away than they thought. "Some place called La Push. We're about fifteen miles from forks and twenty-five from the Cullen's Place."

"Well, what should we do?"

"We can't apparate just yet, we're too weak. We can either walk or hitchhike." Harry thought for a minute.

"Let's find a road." The walked north, pushing limbs and rocks out of the way as they made their way to a street.

They sat there, with their thumbs put up, and waited for someone to stop. Finally, Harry broke the serious mood.

"Why don't you show some leg Hermione? We'll be sure to get a ride that way." Harry let out a chuckle at the 'your stupid' look Hermione gave him.

Just she was about to respond, a trunk pulled over beside them. The window rolled down and a smiling face greeted them.

"You guys need a ride?" and then he looked straight at Hermione He had a dazed look in his eyes and he got very quiet.

"Yeah, we're trying to get to the Cullens place. Do you know where that's at?" Harry asked the man. He was big and muscular, with a russet skin color. He had thick black hair and deep brown eyes.

"Sir?" Hermione asked. The man shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts and jumped out of the truck. Hermione and Harry both moved their hands to their back pockets, in case this guy was dangerous.

"I didn't catch your names. I'm Embry call," He extended his hand. "And you are?"

"Hermione Granger," She shook his hand. "And this is Harry Potter."

"It's nice to meet you both. Now, where did you say you were heading?"

"Oh, we're here to see the Cullens. Do you know where they live?"

She wasn't prepared for Embry's sudden change in attitude.

"Why would you want to go there? I don't think that's a good idea."

"Well, on offence, but I really don't think you are in any position to tell me what to do, And if you must know, my cousin is Bella Cullen."

Embry looked sheepish. "I apologise. I wasn't trying to overstep my bounds, it's just I've heard stories about how evil they are." Hermione's eyes softened.

"Well, thank you for being concerned. Are you willing to take us there?"

Embry paused for a moment before finally smiling and saying.

"Hop in."

A/N: I hope you guys liked it! PLease review! Also, this chapter is a little shorter just because it is the first chapter, the rest will be longer, promise! Hugs to all!