NCIS: LOS ANGELES HIATUS FIC CHALLENGE Theme 2: Season Seven Speculation - The challenge is to write a drabble, one-shot, or multi-chapter story about something you think might happen in season seven.

Laying the first brick on the road to Repair is always the hardest.

The last time they sat in front of this desk, he remembered, "Why do I feel we've been called into the principal's office?" "Have you done something wrong?" asked Hetty. "Well that could be a trick question" he smirked. Kensi inserted, "No! We've done nothing wrong." "Not that we know of, have we?" he answered.

It was a lighter, happier time. Kensi twirling her wedding set nervously, and that god awful kackle that he loved. "Those rings looked so perfect on her", he thought. Since then a roller coaster of moles, torture, tacos, frozen lakes, ghurkas, Afghanistan, torture, 3 hearts, knives. But in the end, a chance to be bold and they grabbed it. And except for Thapa dying, it had almost been perfect. He had found his home in her smile. And even with their team figuring out that their thing was real, work was going well.

Until today.

"You ignored my request" Hetty admonished. Kensi quick to defend answered, "Well we're partners and partners work together, so…". Deeks watched the exchange between them. Proud of his Kensi for standing up for them, and the sadness at the erosion of his relationship with Hetty. Once upon a time, he trusted her with everything. He missed the banter with her when he teased her that he knew he was her favorite. Late evening or early morning conversations on anything from books, to travel locations to past lives. But she committed the ultimate betrayal when she sent Kensi half a world away and let him think it was his fault.

"Detective Jacqueline Rivera, LAPD, Internal affairs. Why didn't you tell me?" Deeks asked as he slid her card across Hetty's desk. "I didn't want to worry you Mr. Deeks until I knew more." Was her answer. "Hmph, and so do you know more now" he asked? Hetty let out a sigh. "It would seem that the LAPD either on their own or with some outside influence have decided to open up an investigation into you." Kensi looking stunned asked "Why?, What for?" Hetty looked first at Kensi then to Deeks, "for now they seem to be playing their cards verrry close to the vest. But, make no mistake. They are hunting and they will use everything they have against you."

Kensi, whispered "me".

Hetty continued, "I will protect both the best I can. But, if there is anything else that the LAPD can use against you Mr. Deeks, NOW, is the time to speak up." He could hear the emphasis on the "p" when she finished.

Deeks had his chin in his hands, took a deep breath, raised his blue eyes, darker than usual and without their sparkle, looked straight in Hetty's eyes, without blinking and said, "there's nothing". Kensi tried not to be startled, but her head snapped to her partner at his response and said nothing. Hetty sighed, disappointed but understood the lack of trust. She deserved it, but it didn't make it hurt any less. She dismissed them with a warning to "mind the shadows". The partners left without another word spoken.

Kensi knew Deeks was hiding something. But she knew him well enough not to push. In the following weeks, they managed to ignored the elephant in their relationship. They had been busy chasing oil tankers to Russia among other things. At one point, Kensi snapped at Deeks for killing a suspect that was aiming a gun at her. That had not happened since before she was sent away. They needed to talk and she was willing to take the risk and push. Their relationship depended on it.

When they got back from Russia, she took advantage of a trip to the beach on a lazy weekend to broach the subject again. They were stretched out on towels, he was on his stomach reading, Monty lying between them. "Hey Marty?", she almost whispered, "Yeah", he mumbled, "I need a very special favor from you. I need you to trust me like you never have before and I need to know why you lied to Hetty."

His head dropped. He knew he could never fool her and actually surprised that she gave him that much space but he had felt the tension building between them and knew that he would have to talk to her about it even though he still wasn't sure what it could be that started the investigation. She could see him let out a slow breath, and look out toward the ocean. He didn't change positions, felt safer trying to gather his thoughts out of her view. "Kens, I have gone over everything that I could think of, but, I have spent the last 5 years with you and NCIS. And other than when you came to help with the human trafficking ring early on and the case with Fisk, I don't know what it could be unless it's related to them. Scarli was dirty cop, he tried to make LAPD believe that Jess was dirty, maybe it has to do with that. Lasik had deep pockets, maybe someone is trying drag me into that as payback. I admit that I have had to do things, walk the thin line, undercover. God knows Max Gentry has done things that were borderline. But you know me."

"I do know you" she says warmly, "but, I think we need Hetty's help or at least the Wonder Twins to start digging. I think you need to address the issues you have with Hetty. I think she has paid the price for what she did. None of us trust her like we used to. I have seen it age her and it's sad." Deeks knew she was right and he had seen it too. The warmth had slipped from Hetty's eyes. Even Callen doesn't staunchly defend her like he used to. Kensi was safe, they were together and maybe this was the last step of healing for all of them. Marty looked back at his beautiful partner, sat up and thanked her with a slow sweet kiss. "I do owe Hetty everything." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, without her, I never would have met you!"

Deeks sends Hetty a message asking to meet with her early the following Monday. As they sat in her office, he remembered all the times they had spent with long talks after the mission emptied. He listened to stories of her past adventures. She knew that he carefully guarded his past and how smart and gifted he really was from the team. She was relieved when he was finally letting down some of those defenses. She had hoped that he would have signed the agent papers, but knew him well enough that he worked on his own schedule. She deeply regretted sending Kensi away to save Jack. And even more, letting him think it was his fault. Didn't he realize that he was brought in specifically for Kensi. Hetty had hoped they would connect, they were the perfect ying and yang.

But all that didn't matter now. Hetty moved the chessboard one too many times and it backfired, horribly. A congressional investigation, and worse, her team losing faith and trust. And as bad as it was that Callen called her out, it hurt worse from Marty Deeks. He was the sunshine the team desperately needed all those years ago and he needed the stability of a family. She felt his anger and mistrust daily while Kensi was away and not even a SAT phone at Christmas seem to help repair the damage. Now when he needed help most, he looked her in the eye and lied. She never felt more useless in her entire life.

"Good morning Mr. Deeks". "Hetty" he responded. "What can I do for you?" Deeks took a deep breath. "I want to talk to you about IAB, I may need your help". A small smile crept across her weathered, tired face and for the first time in a very long time, maybe a glimmer of hope. She missed him and will do anything to help keep him safe.

A second brick goes down easier when it has the first brick for support.