I'll be honest, of the non crap stories I've written, this is the one I have the least interest in. This chapter is short, but it gives the gods reaction to Natsu and has them learn who he is and how he came to be.


'He found out faster than expected.' Hestia thought to herself when she heard her youngest brother's call. Less than an hour ago she had claimed Natsu as her son and had known that as soon as word of such a thing reached Olympus the god of thunder would call a council meeting to express his rage.

Slowly making her way out of her modest temple, the goddess of the hearth made her way up the winding streets of Mount Olympus to the pantheon that served as the council of the gods' meeting place and throne room.

Stepping through the ornate doors of the temple Hestia looked around at the twelve immortals gathered within. These were twelve of the strongest gods of ancient Greece and rulers of the western world along with the ruler of the Underworld Hades, and they were her family.

"You called little brother?" The young looking goddess asked the seemingly middle aged blond man that sat on the centermost throne.

"What in the name of Chaos is this we heard about you claiming a demigod as your son?" Zeus demanded, thunder booming in the background.

Hestia remained calm, "I thought it would be obvious brother. My son has learned of his godly lineage and resides within Camp Half-Blood so I decided to claim him as my decedent like he deserves."

"That is not what I meant and you know it Hestia!" Zeus bellowed, "When did you have a child? How could you break your oath? And how in Tartarus did none of us sense his power like we can other demigods?" He ranted, his anger rising with each question.

Hestia sighed, 'I guess it would be easiest if I just tell them now.' She decided, "You didn't sense him because he is from a different dimension." She told them. The counsel gasped, a different dimension? They knew of the existence of different earths, but none of them had ever actually been to one for fear of angering the rulers of those realms.

"How long ago was this?" Athena questioned her aunt.

"For us almost 3000 years ago. For him, about 415 years." Hestia told her.

"So time moves differently in their world compared to ours." Poseidon deduced, "Did you know about this when you left to retrieve your son or did you only find out when you saw him alive?" He asked his sister.

"I knew that the flow of time was different from our own, but I never knew how much until I saw my child."

"You forgot to mention how he was still alive after more than 400 years." Artemis spoke up.

"To be honest I do not know." Hestia admitted, "But I believe that Natsu's mortal brother had something to do with it."

"A mortal was able to give a child eternal youth?" Apollo questioned shocked.

The family goddess shook her head, "No, when I found him he was in his late teens. Part of the agreement I made with him when I brought him to our world was that I would recess him back to the age of a child so that when I return him to his home dimension in seven years he will be the age he would be if he stayed there."

"You had to make a deal with your child for him to come here? I would have thought that a child of yours would be more than eager to be closer to their mother." Demeter spoke up, her confusion evident.

Hestia winced, "From what I was able to gather from sources around his home world before bringing him here you would normally be right. To an extent anyways. It seems that due to being raised by a foster father of no blood relation and later joining a tight nit organization when he was still young, my son puts very little weight into blood ties. In fact, when I told him I am a goddess he was enraged, it turns out that his foster father who went by the name Igneel was recently murdered in a rather grotesque way mere days before and he wanted to know why I- a being supposedly above mortal limits stood by and did nothing to save him or protect my child."

"You are avoiding the true question Hestia." Zeus made himself heard, "How could you break your oath and bear a child?"

The virgin goddess sighed, "I didn't bear him," she revealed to the confusion of those there. Could she have had a brain child like Athena?
"I found Natsu and his elder brother Zeref in the remains of their burned down village." She began, "Zeref was a magic user and was attempting to heal his dying brother but he wasn't strong or skilled enough to save him. He saw me when I arrived and begged me to help save his brother, I couldn't just let the boy die so I infused Zeref's healing magic with my power. Normally this would merely increase the potency of the magic, but even as a child Natsu had an unparalleled affinity for the element of fire and ended up absorbing my power and integrating it into his very being, giving him the aura of a demigod but not the body." She explained.

Ares snorted, "So the brat is a weak mortal that attracts the attention of monsters, why the hell did you bother to bring him here?"

Hestia glared at the war god, "I wouldn't call my son weak nephew, seeing as he can beat all of your children with ease even in his current state."

The god glared, "Oh ya? And how is a freakin' mortal able to supposedly beat twenty-six children of the god of war?" He asked her condescendingly.

"By using the strength of a dragon." She told him.

"What!?" Hera exclaimed, "How is that possible?"

"Natsu's foster father Igneel was not human, but a powerful dragon that was known as the king of all fire dragons, he taught my son an ancient magic that allows him to become a dragon in human form able to use the draconic version of the element of the dragon who trained him and increasing all of his physical abilities." She told her sister, "It is called Dragon Slayer magic and with it he is both one of the strongest and one of the most magically gifted demigods ever born." She said with pride.

"So you have a son who is strong enough to warp steel, knows a magic powerful enough to slay one of the only creatures capable of matching a god's power, the magical capacity of a demigod and currently sees you as a reason his father was killed?" Hephaestus questioned, "That doesn't sound good to me." He admitted, "How do you know we can trust someone like that?"

"Because of how he was raised," Hestia answered simply. "The group he joined when he was younger was called Fairy Tail, a wizard guild that let magic users find different jobs for them to do."

"He joined a magical band of mercenaries?" Artemis asked shocked and more than a little distressed, she had run into more than a few mercenary groups since her becoming an Olympian and more often than not they were not exactly what one would call 'good people'.

"Don't worry Artemis, magic guilds in his world are regulated by a council that makes sure they don't do anything unsavory." Hestia assured her niece, "Natsu himself has actually taken down several human trafficking rings saved many more lives besides."

While this calmed the youngest virgin goddess somewhat she wasn't going to trust the boy anytime soon, even if he was Hestia's child.

"Is there anything else we should know about the boy?" Zeus questioned growling.

"… He knows a magic that can kill gods and negates our natural defenses against magic."

"… What."

"He fought a Fire God Slayer named Zancrow and assimilated his power into his own."

"So your son who hates you is immune to your powers over fire- which are your only means of combat- and can make you fade." Poseidon said slowly, "And you aren't worried at all?"

"Like I was saying earlier, the group that he grew up in- Fairy Tail- taught him that hate should never be what drives you and you should always be willing to give second chances to those who have wronged you, which is a philosophy that Natsu has deeply embraced. He may hate me now, but given time I know that at the very least he will forgive me and may even one day call me mother, until then his pride won't let him fail the job I gave him."

"And what would that be?" Athena asked.

"To save our family. The Great Prophesy will soon come to pass, it is already well known that Zeus broke his oath at least once, who is to say Poseidon or Hades hasn't done the same? A child of the Big Three is soon to arise soon and when they do we will need all the help we can get."

Her words were met with silence, none of those present wanting to admit just how right the goddess' words were- or how scared they were because of that.

Okay that's that. If you like this be sure to leave a review telling me why, if you don't leave one saying why not. And if you want to see what one of the stories I actually have an interest in when I write them looks like check out one of these:

Reborn Dragon: A Fairy Tail/ RWBY crossover that is good enough to rank #1 in its category.

Return of the Sinner: A Chrono Crusade/ Highschool DxD crossover that is the only one of its kind and has gotten good feedback all around so far.


Vanguard of the Dream Dragon: A Fairy Tail/ Highschool DxD crossover that's plot is decided by polls that are put up every chapter- the fans decide what they want to happen and I put my own twist on how it comes to pass (you pick what, I pick how).

Please check these out and leave a review there too.

Okay, that's it.

Wingd Knight out.