To the Slaughter

These deeds of evil that you do,

Know they make me happy too.

Demons give me a chance to vent,

To slaughter without recompense.

Zombies slow while imps throw fire,

Hellish barons feel my ire.

In swathes lost souls are all mowed down,

Cacodemons fall to ground.

The mancubus, the revenant,

Such delightful fellows Hell has sent.

The cyberdemons standing tall,

They in turn must also fall.

And then there's spider masterminds,

Most deadly of demonkind.

But even they taste lead from gun,

Allows me to keep having fun.

So Hell, don't stop your waves of hordes,

For boredom is what I abhor.

Give me meat to grind, and give it soon,

Must keep out dishing taste of doom.