In Starlight's Shadow

The sun is old, and large and red,

Yet still shining, not yet dead.

But its life is nearing end,

Exodus, the star does rend.

Yet another light is snuffed,

For the varelsi, not enough.

Stars still shine in empty black.

Ones Lothar Rendain will attack.

I think of stars both white and blue,

How their light will be purged too.

I think of stars yellow and gold.

How for them this fate unfolds.

So few stars left in the sky,

And I'm still here standing by.

Making lists within the dark.

As Lothar laughs, all tall and stark.

I have to leave, I have to flee,

Must escape this misery.

Go to Solus, Battleborn,

Yet all the while, hope's forlorn.