Alright, so I tried counting the number of days since I last updated this. Clearly that didn't work. Sorry I guess? I simply didn't find any time to sit down and actually get this written, but here it is; Chapter 2. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh.

"Prince!" Mana shouted, eyes wide as saucers as she spotted her best friend among the crowd of people watching the fight that was going on. Blinking a few times as she looked at him, he obviously didn't look like she had him in memory. Sure, he was still standing tall and regal, being confidence incarnate. But his clothes were completely difference, and actually identical to what Yugi was wearing except bigger by the looks of it. And the fact that he was wearing something that resembled the cape he had always been wearing. If she was completely honest, he possibly looked even better than before. His change of skin tone also worked wonders in her opinion.

"Mana?" He clearly sounded surprised as they stood practically in front of each other, he taking a step towards her.

"Oh Prince!" She didn't care about anything other than her best friend as she flung her arms around his neck, nearly sending both of them tumbling to the ground. Thankfully, and that she knew, was he no slouch when it came to strength. There was a reason he had trained every day after all. Holding onto him as tightly as she could, Mana couldn't believe her luck. First she gets saved by Priest Seto's reincarnation and then she meets Yugi, the person Atem had shared body with for so long and experienced so much with. While she was hugging him, she didn't notice that Seto, not the Seto she knew, approached her and Atem.

"A happy reunion it seems to be," He spoke, arms crossed as he watch the both of them, neither wanting to let go just yet. "Sometimes I wish I didn't follow you."

These words were clearly directed at her best friend as he, much to her dismay,

let go of her and fully turned to the taller man. Before he could speak another voice entered the conversation, much to her joy.

"Dont speak to the Pharaoh like that."

"Mahad!" Mana exclaimed as she rushed to her mentor's side and hugged him as well, though obviously not lingering as long as she done earlier.

"I feel like I'm already regretting this." Kaiba, as Mana remembered, muttered while wearing a frown.

"There you-" Yugi's voice called out from behind, stopping as he took everything

in. "Atem?"

Things were getting messier by the second, so she simply grabbed her best friend's arm as a form of reassurance that she wouldn't get lost among everything going on.

"I think it's best we go inside." Atem said, letting her cling to his arm as he nodded towards the game shop where she had just come from. Yugi and his friends lead the way, while she and Atem followed them while Mahad and Kaiba trailed behind, seemingly arguing about something. What a surprise. As they entered the game shop, Yugi lead them to the room they had been in earlier. The room quickly got crowded as they all found their place on the room, Yugi and his friends sitting at the table. Kaiba leaned against the doorway while Mahad like always stood at the side of the Pharaoh. Mana, not longer holding onto the Pharaoh, looked around as she didn't know where to go. The decision was made for her as Atem put a hand on her waist and pulled her close.

"Eek!" Mana squeeked in surprise as her back collided with the chest of her best, before he guided her next to him. Everyone looked at her, prompting a blush to spread across her cheeks.

"Would you two lovebirds happen to be done with your flirting?" Kaiba asked, the frown still there. "I had plans for today, until everything went south."

She tuned out the voices, both parties retelling what had happened. Instead of listening, since she had experienced the majority of it, except Atem and Mahad's appearance, she focused on Atem's presence. Her best friend's presence had always had that effect on her, keeping her in check as she, maybe, didn't spend her time in the most productive way. At the same time she kept him away from his work so he didn't become too dull. Focusing again, Mana noticed that Yugi's friends had left. Looking up at her best friend, she sent him a questioning look.

"Some of these things don't concern them." Atem explained, smiling at her. Leaving his place, he asked Yugi something.

"What's that?" Mana wondered, watching as the Prince opened a bottle with some sort of liquid, which she assumed he would drink.

"That's beer," Yugi said, Kaiba shaking his head as he watched. "I'm not sure you should drink that."

"I definitely don't want to know what you would do if you got drunk. You were already a nuisance back then." Kaiba added.

"Ah! You remember!" Mana exclaimed, grinning at the man that never had been her biggest fan. What a relief that he remembered.

"It's not like I chose to remember. Now, why exactly are the three of you here? Since you two," Kaiba glared at Atem and Mahad. "Fell out of the sky, chances are you did the same."

"Technically none of us fell out of the sky," Mana started, but stopped the moment Kaiba glared at her. "Can I call you Seto?"

"No," No room for arguing was left as Kaiba turned to his former rival, both in this life and his previous. "You should be dead, since all of you lived long before this. I take it you somehow got yourself here?"

"With a spell." Mahad stated, the eyes of the former high priest narrowing at his words.

"Whatever," Kaiba sighed, pinching nis nose as he pushed himself from the wall. "You two, make sure they learn everything they need to be able to live here. I will try and get them an apartment and everything they would need."

"Thanks, Kaiba!" Yugi piped up, smiling at the man he called his friend.

With that, Kaiba walked out of the room with a sigh, the bell hanging over the front door signalling his departure.

"He's still as insufferable as ever," Mahad stated, wondering why he had to put up with him again.

"I think he's alright," Mana chimed in, smiling at the 3 persons in the room. "What's so special about beer?"

"It's alcoholic, so I do agree with Kaiba that you probably shouldn't try and drink it," Atem explained, taking another sip of it. "Yugi, is alright if all of us stay here for the time being?"

Mana tuned out of the conversation again, instead taking a seat now that no one was using the chairs anymore, except Yugi. Closing her eyes, Mana didn't even register that she was dozing off.

"Mana?" Atem asked, looking down at his best friend. She had fallen asleep, if her snoring was anything to go by.

"So she fell asleep. Not completely unexpected," Mahad said as he joined his liege in watching the younger girl. "I suppose we need to explain to her the minimum knowledge she needs to survive here."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she's informed," The former Pharaoh and once king of games said. "How are you personally handling everything?"

"It's different. These clothes feel off, and a lot of things are more complicated." Mahad responded, a smile tugging at his lips. "But like everything, I can learn and adapt."

"I will help you once Mana is able to be on her own for a longer period of time," Atem said, glancing at the girl. "Why don't you go with Yugi and have him help you? I will take care of Mana in the meantime."

"As you wish, my Pharaoh."

About to be left alone, Atem spoke to his friend again.

"Mahad. I'm no pharaoh anymore and nothing I say here is an order in any way. You are free to do as you please."

"My friend, I do know that," Mahad said, now wearing a full blown smile. "My loyalty will still always lie with you."

With that, the mage left his friend alone, on the look for Yugi as he had been told to do.

"Why did I ever doubt him?" Atem asked himself more than anyone, as he kept checking on Mana. Trying to explain everything to her and make sure that she could be on her own would probably be more difficult than he thought. If her focus wouldn't waver all too often it would be quite doable, but that combined with her somewhat clumsy nature made things all the more complicated.


Atem turned his full attention to the now awake girl, smiling as she rubbed her eyes. Helping her up, he made sure that she was steady and hopefully listening.

"Come on, we got work to do." He said, guiding her out of the room she had been sleeping in.

"But, I don't want to work," Mana whined, still rubbing her eyes as she walked. "What exactly are going to do?"

"I'm going to help you get yourself integrated in this time, so I'm sure that I don't need to watch over you every second you're awake." Atem explained, chuckling at her wide-eyed expression.

"And what if I want that?" Mana got him there, as he didn't know what to say to that. He certainly wouldn't mind spending more time with her, even though most of his time in the Afterlife was spent with Mana. Remembering his father words before he left, it dawned on him what he had meant. Before he had sealed himself away, what he felt for Mana back then was coming back full force thousand of years later. He liked her, a lot.

"Prince, you still in there?" Mana asked, knocking on his head. Clearing his thoughts, he turned his attention to the girl next to him, making sure to listen attentively.

"Did you say anything?" He inquired, sensing her annoyance with him for not listening to what she said.

"I asked what you wanted to teach me." Mana repeated.

"First of you need to learn what everything is, and there is a lot that you need to be aware of. Then you need to know how things work here, differences in how to act, some new words. That's only the start though." Laughing at his friend's shocked expression, he quickly stopped as her shocked expression turned into a worrying one.

"That much?" Mana didn't dislike learning, unless there was too much studying involved.

"I never said you had to do any studying, did I?" Atem felt mich happier as her smile returned, no signs of her worrying anymore. "Instead I will help you with everything through practical means, however long it takes."

"You would do that?!" Mana couldn't believe it. She would get to learn so mich about everything around her together with her best friend. Maybe some playing could be done as well.

"Of course I would." Atem would be enjoying that for completely different reasons. But could he tell Mana that he was liking her more than a best friend should? How would she react? Was it worth possibly putting a strain on their friendship?

"Let's go then!" She exclaimed taking his hand in both of her's and dragging him along. It would be a long day.

"Mana, you know that you can let go off my hand bow." Atem pointed out as they had entered the game shop again. The entire day, all the way into the late evening had been spent outside, talking her through things. Obviously, he had skipped a lot of things, either because it would have been sinply too much or it wouldn't be relevant until later. Many words were still hard for her to grasp, replacing old words they had used in their time or being completely new words.

"Oops!" Mana quickly let go of his hand as they ventured deeper into the shop.

"Yugi, we're back!" He called into the shop, looking for his former partner. He found him and Mahad sitting at a table eating dinner. Pizza, by the looks of it.

"How was your day?" Yugi asked, mouth full of pizza, already having another slice in hand. Mahad, in conparison, was taking it slower as he carefully chewed on his slice.

"It was great! Atem taught me so many new things!" Mana told Yugi excitedly, as she kept glancing at the pizza lying on the table. "Could I have some of it?"

Mahad handed her one of his slices, the girl taking a seat before devouring it as fast as she possibly could.

"You actually learnt something?" Mahad knew that Mana was capable of great things, if she tried hard enough and didn't get distracted as she had done in the past.

"Will we continue tomorrow, Prince?" Mana inquired, as she took another slice of Mahad's pizza.

"I would have liked that, but me and Yugi have some catching up to do. Mahad, do you think you can teach her some more?" Atem responded, earning a pout from her.

"Of course. I do not know what you managed to teach her today, but it doesn't matter since repetition has never hurt anyone. Isn't that so, Mana?" Mahad stared at his former student, once again taking up the role of teacher.

"Yes." Mana agreed after a long silence, still pouting at the fact that she didn't get to spend as much time as she had wanted with Atem. Who was she though to deny him a chance to reconnect with his former host?

"Don't worry," Atem reassured her, putting his hand over her hand, the entire action sending a jolt through his body. "I will take you out to a treat tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay!" Mana's pout transformed into a grin quicker than any of them could blink, pushing her chair back as she stretched her entire body. "So, where do I get to sleep?"

Blinking at the unexpected question, Yugi had to think for a while.

"Since Grandpa isn't here I guess you can take his room. The three of us," Yugi said, gesturing to Atem and Mahad. "Can share a room. I got another bed I could get in there for one of you and the other one would get a sleeping bag for the floor."

"I will sleep on the floor." Mahad quickly said, not giving his friend a chance of saying anything else. With the sleeping arrangements decided, Mana left them to explore, Mahad following her.

"You got some great friends there." Yugi pointed out, smiling as he watched his friend.

"I'm not sure what I would do without them, if I'm completely honest," Atem admitted, getting used to the clothes he was wearing. "Would you happen to know what became of my deck after our duel?"

"Actually, I found it inside my room once I got back from Egypt. I have locked it away since then." Yugi answered, standing up as he lead Atem to his room. Taking the key out of its hiding place, he inserted it into the lock of the drawer where the deck had been placed. It had been many years ago since he locked it away, only looking through it every now and then, remembering what had once been. Grabbing the deck, he carefully handed it over to Atem.

"They're still there," Atem breathed out as he looked at his deck. Noticing Yugi's questioning look, he decided to explain. "Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are still there, even with the presence of Mahad and Mana."

Atem kept looking through his deck, all of the cards still there since last time had used it. The only cards missing were the God Cards. He could feel them. Maybe he could simply call on them and they would appear? That was definitely something he needed to figure out.

"So how things been going here since I left?" He inquired as he placed his deck into the deckholder that sat on his belt, putting on the jacket properly again.

"Thing have been going great. Joey has improved massively as a duelist, Tristan and Serenity are dating and Duke is in America promoting Dungeon Dice Monsters," His former host said, sitting on his desk watching him. "And I just asked Tea out yesterday."

Atem wasn't sure if he had heard that correctly. Yugi had asked Tea out? He had known, for a long time, that Yugi was interested in Tea but simply didn't have the courage to ask her out.

"Never thought you would pull yourself together and ask her out." Atem pointed out, all the same keeping his mind on the God Cards.

"What about you? How have things been for you?" Yugi now asked, lying on his bed. He sighed at the thought of carrying the bed they had somewhere stored away into his room, even if he got help.

"Things are as exciting as you can expect in the Afterlife. I certainly won't complain how life was there, seeing how it was peaceful for a change. But still, I missed this." Atem told Yugi, remembering the things he had done in the Afterlife. While it may have lacked the excitement of his life here, it was by no means bad. Fighting Seto, spending time with his father, Mahad's company and Mana. All things that he had enjoyed in the Afterlife.

"Hey, since I told you that I asked Tea, has there ever been anyone that you have taken interest in?" It was a question Atem hadn't expected.

"Well, no." Blatant lie on his part, something he didn't care about in the slightest.

"No one? I would have thought you would be interested in Mana, with how much time you spend together."

"What?" Atem had not thought that Yugi of all people would take notice of something like that. "I think that's enough talking for today. I'm feeling quite tired and we still need to get that bed you mentioned in here."

Accepting the fact that he wouldn't get any clear answer on his observation, he lead Atem out of the room so they could get the bed fixed.

"Seto?" Mokuba asked as he peaked into his the office of his brother. Spotting his brother sitting in his chair, turned away from him, he entered as he saw Seto wave him in with his hand.

"Mokuba, has Pegasus sent the new cards?" Turning around, Kaiba looked Mokuba in the eyes. Since the return of the Pharaoh he had been looking through his cards, trying to find a way on how to beat him. Yugi had managed to do the impossible; beating all three Gods. Maybe there was no chance of him replicating that feat. But did he need that? The Gods, on their own, were more than beatable, so instead of trying to figure out a way on beating all of the Gods he just needed to focus on beating his rival.

"Yeah, they arrived not too long ago," Mokuba responded. "Should I get them?"

"Yes, do that. I am currently in need of them." Kaiba said, closing his eyes as he was alone again. Beating the Pharaoh was a tall task. He had done it once, through less than fair means he would admit, but not again. Maybe, just maybe the new cards would give him the edge he needed. Especially the card he had personally requested from Pegasus.

"Here they are." Mokuba announced as he reentered the room, placing the box with the new cards on his desk. "Why do you need them?"

"He's back," Kaiba didn't need to say more. "The Pharaoh's back and I am going to try my damn hardest to beat him."

Mokuba smiled at his brother's determination, deciding to leave him alone in putting his deck together. Opening the box, Kaiba carefully brought the new cards Pegasus had created out, spreading them out on the desk with his current deck off to the side. The cards that immeadiately got his eye was the 'Maiden with Eyes of Blue'. It was the card he had requested from Pegasus, both how it should look and what it should do. Its appearace was based on Kisara, while still being different enough. Its ability was unchanged from what Kisara had done though. If in danger, the Maiden could call on a Blue-Eyes in order to defend itself. The other cards, with there being quite a few, had all been designed by Pegasus. Looking through them, he had to admit that Pegasus had done a good job on them. All of them would find a place in his deck, supporting his Blue-Eyes even further. Then there was a card that definitely caught his eyes. 'Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. An even stronger Ultimate Dragon than the current one he used. He slowly started to pick apart his old deck, going through different strategies and combinations and tried to fit in the new cards while figuring out the many ways he could be using them. After many hours of mentally going through as many possibilties as he could, Kaiba was more than satisfied with his deck. It might just be the strongest deck he had ever had.

"Prepare yourself, Atem. I may have lost in my past life to you and I may have lost multiple times in this life," Kaiba spoke to himself. "But, this time things will be different."

Atem couldn't sleep. It was a simple fact and the reasons why weren't particularly complicated either. The one that woke him up was the Gods. He could feel them, lying dormant in the city, waiting for him to call upon them and their powers. Why he couldn't fall asleep was a completely different reason.

"Hey Prince." Mana called out to him, standing in the doorway. Nodding at the chair next to him, Mana quietly sat down.

"How did you know I was outside?" Atem wondered. Something had obviously given him away.

"Well, I couldn't sleep so I left my room and found the door ajar. Then I found you out here."

"Couldn't sleep, huh? Maybe I can help with that," He replied, moving his chair closer to her's, surprised as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I could maybe help you falling asleep. How about I tell you about the constellations?"

Mana's expression lighted up at that, nodding eagerly at the prospect. So, he started telling her. Eventually both of them fell asleep.