A/N: This author and story assumes you are familiar with the world and backstory of the Ace Combat and Worldwar universes, including things such as geography, dates, and major events. The majority of the following timeline is taken directly from canon source material, with some altercations since a full map of the world has never been given.

UPDATE 2019: Revisions have been made to make the story more accurate to series canon now that Ace Combat 7 has come out.


Late 2006: The militant Free Erusea group is put down on the Usean Continent, putting the last remnants of both the Ulysses Disaster and Usean Continental War to rest. The Federation of Central Usea headed ISAF is dissolved and replaced by the IUN Peacekeeping forces, currently composed only of Usean troops. As part of continued de-escalations of tension, Erusea is 'convinced' by the IUN to cede it's control of the Gunther Peninsula in southern Usea to IUN oversight.

The past two years have seen a large number of refugees return to the continent as national governments reconstitute themselves. Usea also begins to resume contact with the rest of the outside world as foreign dignitaries return. By far the most momentous occasion is when recently re-elected Osean President Vincent Harling comes to tour the continent to both make amends for Osea's role in the 1998 Usean Coup and promise trade deals to boost Usea's damaged economy.

On the Anean Continent on the opposite side of the world, the countries of Emmeria, Estovakia, and Nordennavic are in the process of trying unite into one country- the Republic of Anea. The attempt is brought on by the damage inflicted to all three members, particularly Estovakia, from the same Ulysses disaster that struck Usea. Due to Estovakia's weak central government though, aid and rebuilding is difficult and slows the realization of the concept.

April 2007: A series of tropical storms destroy the Comona Space Station on the archipelago (part of the Federation of Central Usea) south of continental Usea, virtually wiping out the multinational Usean space program and the world's view into deep space. Due to rebuilding still ongoing from the recent end to the Usean Continental War, no plans are made for the reconstruction of either the facility or the program and efforts are focused exclusively of aid for the local populations.

On the Anean Contintent, the Federal Republic of Estovakia finally officially collapses into a multi-faction civil war. Though still existing on paper, the Republic of Anea concept starts to collapse and both Emmeria and Nordennavic stop taking steps towards the initiative and aid is ceased towards Estovakia. Aid is later resumed by Emmeria to the Lyes United Front, a faction that had taken control of much of western Estovakia, including its Capital. However, much of the supplies is diverted to either LUF military forces or used to control civilian populations.

May 2007: In Usea, the victorious countries conduct tests with the Erusian designed X-02 Wyvern that had been encountered during Operation Katrina. The test are mainly conducted by lieutenant colonel Issaac Lensen of the Republic of Amber Air Force and of war fame as the 'Ribbon Fighter'.

August 2007: Unknown to the human powers of Strangereal, the Race Conquest Fleet enters the solar system, projected to reach earth in three years' time. The fleet is composed of hundreds of unarmed starships carrying a Conquest Army of nearly 30,000,000, including 14,000,000 infantry soldiers, nearly 900,000 armored vehicles, and almost 120,000 aircraft.

December 2007: A Belkan cargo ship makes port in Eastern Estovakia, controlled by the Eastern Faction- remnants of Estovakia's military before the Ulysses disaster. Aboard are dozens of Belkan scientists and veterans of the 1995 Belkan War, on the run from international authorities and terrorism charges. In exchange for safety, they promise manpower, weapon blueprints, and designs for a Belkan aerial command cruiser and other technology, such as burst missiles. The Eastern Faction accepts their offer.

January 23rd, 2008: Tests conclude with the X-02 Wyvern. The end deduction is that the aircraft is extremely capable, rivaling the best fighter aircraft in Usean arsenals. With focus still on reconstruction, no nation is willing to purchase the aircraft. The design remains in the possession of only two parties- The Erusean Air and Space Administration and the government of the FCU.

May 15th, 2008: Emmeria deploys several units of its Army to its border with Estovakia following several instances of cross-border fire as the Estovakian Civil war continues to escalate. Unknown to either Emmeria or the other factions of the civil war, the Eastern Faction has already began construction of an 'Aerial Fleet' with the help of the defected Belkans, a five ship formation which could project firepower across the entire continent. Completion is not expected for some time though.

August 21st, 2008: The G7 Summit is held above earth in the Arkbird, an orbital ship built jointly by the superpower countries of Osean and Yuktobania for the purpose of clearing space debris from around the planet. The seven countries in attendance include Osea, Yuktobania, the Federation of Central Usea, the Federal Republic of Erusea (still under an interim government), Verusa, Nordlands, and the Republic of Anea.

The purpose of the meeting involves the signing of several demilitarization treaties between Osea and Yuktobania (a continuation of Cold War drawdowns), and plans to construct an international space station with the cooperation of all present states.

August 23rd, 2008: In Southern Belka, a secret meeting is held between the highest members of the Grey Men, a secret militant group comprised of former Belkan soldiers, businessmen, and politicians seeking to return the nation to a position of power. A plan is formed comprising of three main goals: Re-launching of Belka's V-2 WMD program. The growth of the organizations armed wing until to a point it can become the official military of Belka once the time is right. Re-igniting the Cold War between Osea and Yuktobania, with the intention of having both countries eventually go to war and wipe each other out. Plans are made to use assets already within Yuktobania to encourage a coup of the country's current leader in favor of a more war-minded leadership. Further cells planted after the war are contacted within each nation to monitor affairs.

December, 2008: Erusea's interim government is dissolved. In its place, the Erusea Monarchy that was disposed of at the end of the last millennium are restored to power as part of a Parliamentary Monarchy. Part of the population is wary of returning to this system of government, but violent resistance isn't pursued.

January 13th, 2009: As part of the agreed arms reduction, Yuktobania begins to consider decommissioning its two Scinfaxi class submarines- massive ballistic submarine/aircraft carrier hybrids built during the Cold War for attacking Osea. The Grey Men consider intervention, but several members of the Yuktobanian Navy and leadership oppose the plan, and it is disregarded.

January 25th, 2009: The Eastern Faction in Estovakia tests its first burst missile against a rival faction's navy north of Anea. The attack is so effective, the entire fleet is wiped out in the blink of an eye, leaving no clue to either Emmeria or the rival factions what happened. Plans are made to incorporate the technology into the Aerial Fleet project.

The detonation is picked up, however, by a satellite from Yuktobania, the country that seized all Belkan burst missile technology after the Belkan War. Agents are sent in to investigate. Word gets back to the Grey Men, who also send parties to investigate.

March 19th, 2009: At the Basset Space center in Southern Osea, the G7 nations finally begin construction of the International Space Station. Astronauts from all countries sans Estovakia are transferred with a contingent of supplies to the Arkbird, which is meant to be the base for construction of the instillation.

November 24th, 2009: Yuktobania ceases its investigations in Anea after several of its agents are killed during the fighting, having gained no indication the Belkan Government broke the post-war treaty on arms dealing. Grey Men agents learn of the defectors and about the Aerial Fleet project. Two scientists are convinced to return to Belka to help with the V-2 and are smuggled out of the country under the Eastern Faction's nose, inadvertently delaying the Aerial Fleet project.

February 1st, 2010: In a secret coup, Prime Minister Nikanor of Yuktobania is disposed and imprisoned in the country's remote northeast. A cover story of illness is presented to the public while his replacements, hardliners left over from the Cold War, covertly start expanding Yuktobania's military and drawing up invasion plans for Osea.

February 15th: 2010: In yet another meeting, the Grey Men discuss their progress. All members are confident that no further meddling is needed in Yuktobania, and that war is inevitable. Sleeper cells in both the Osean and Yuktobanian militaries are ordered activated in preparation. By this point, the organization has recruited over 9,000 of their fellow countrymen, many of them former soldiers, to form at least a capable secret Air Force and small Army.

Progress of the V2 project, however, has proved slow despite its secret completion over a decade previous, as the original documents were destroyed. A guarantee is made the group will have the weapon by early next year. A platform to launch it has yet to be devised.

February 16th, 2010: Yuktobania secretly approaches Erusea to order 60 X-02s for its Air Force and Navy for a hefty price. The new government proves reluctant, however, due to the fear of upsetting its neighbors. Grunder Industries, a North Osean munitions company secretly headed by a member of the Grey Men group, approaches and offers to act as a middleman, manufacturing the craft and sending them to Yuktobania. All three parties reach an agreement for only 36 X-02s, and the money is used for reconstruction efforts in Erusea.

The next day, Grunder Industries approaches Yuktobania about selling it the blueprints for a 'superplane' developed by the company in secret the 1990s: the ADF-01 FALKEN, equipped with a tactical laser system. For Belka to regain its former position, Osea must be crippled, as it lies on Belka's border and even holds some former Belkan land. The company hopes to arm Yuktobania to easily crush its enemy. Despite lacking the industry to immediately build the craft, Yuktobania purchases the plans for a large sum that finds its way inevitably back to the Grey Men.

With the FALKEN fresh in their minds, the scientists at Grunder decide to re-examine the Zone of Endless program that had accompanied the ADF-01 in the past century. Zone of Endless was an autonomous artificial intelligence designed to control aircraft. A project born out of post-war Belka's depleted manpower pool. Tests had been conducted with the AI on Usean battlefields, but failed. They wonder if a decade of advancements can make it work.

February 27th, 2010: Only months away from earth, the Conquest Fleet begins picking up various signals from their target planet. After some confusion to a course of action, the decision is made to wake up the high ranking members of the Fleet up from cold sleep early. The nations of Strangereal remain unaware.