DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon, which is of Nintendo and Game Freak.
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WARNING: Adult themes are commonly depicted within this story, such as profanities, physical or sexual violence. Please refrain if you are susceptible.
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[Date] 22/09/2105
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The Global Federation of the Pure Human Race salutes you, comrade!
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May the blessing of our Heavenly Saviour enlighten you,
The mind is weak, but the flesh is strong:
Work, Wage War, Win!
[End of Content]
[Attached files] Text Document: Document720355/A
[DOCUMENT 720355/A]
An Introduction for the reader
- From the Victorious Scriptures, Genesis I
"(1) In the beginning there was only Chaos. During those nights of terror, people were lost, pitted against a dark world of tremendously powerful, heartless creatures which would listen to no prayers of mercy; people were left alone, their twisted bodies crying, hiding and fleeing, trying to outrun their fate. (2) In vain, as Humanity was the weakest prey of those monsters, not a race of its own right, but an object. A gift from their Evil God, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The whole world was grieving at the sight.
(3) Those wicked fiends attacked, slashed, slayed without effort the heroic men who were protecting their defenceless village and their helpless families. (4) However, one day, humanity's Heavenly Savior came forth! With his powerful roars that caused blinding explosions, the whole ground trembled as He annihilated the savage, cowardly enemy as they ran away. (5) The shining tanks and rifles put order to Chaos, which was no more.
(6) People were humbly thankful, but He told them that there was no need to be, for He gently took the hand of a small child and proclaimed, "(7) Fear not anymore, people of humanity! God has sent a testament for you all, so pray, and have faith in Me! God said that we will be the soldiers of the human race, He said that we will forge a whole new world! [...] (18) This is our life, this is our mission! For the future of our children we will Work, Wage War, and Win against those creations of Evil!"
(19) The voice of God had spoken. People had recognized the divine nature of their Savior and prayed to him, for they were not to fear anymore. No beast would dare to approach His blazing weapons and His majestic forces; (20) the villages would shine in the light of His words forever, and its people would rejoice for eternity."
Everyone has heard thousands of times the official slogan of the GFPHR (Global Federation of the Pure Human Race, or Federation for short) "Work, Wage War, Win!" For those who may come from a future era, if any there will be, know that we are living in grim times: truly, the Victorious Scriptures speak of a future which has never seemed so far away from days like this one, 19th of June 2102.
Strange creatures with even stranger abilities are what we must fight, day after day, fearing for our personal lives and safety, and what will ultimately lead to the demise of us all. They can effortlessly recreate all kinds of both natural and super-natural phenomena – ones humankind had to study for centuries to grasp, from the simplest of combustions to the complete manipulation of the four Aristotelian elements, even going as far as the distortion of space and time themselves, studied by Einstein no sooner than 1905. Their fighting capabilities are far beyond that of humans: they can rip one's body in a single Slash, control one's mind with Hypnosis or directly bash with their skull, drop someone from the sky from kilometers in air, Incinerate them, freeze them in a raging Blizzard, inject a deadly Toxin in their body in a matter of milliseconds, produce Earthquakes, Eruptions, and all kinds of disasters and generally slay, wipe out, and annihilate everyone and everything in the most diverse and gruesome manners. The destructive power they possess is truly unfathomable.
As such, what is left of the human species, of the glorious empires and the civilized nations? People confined in small strongholds and villages throughout the world, all conquered and then governed under the strict dictatorships of the Federation. Or left in the deadliest of anarchies, under God only knows what abysmal conditions.
Every city – it is quite a stretch to call them as such – is ruled a bit differently, which is a must, given that there is no way for different places to send information to one another if not by paper, through a small platoon of loyal soldiers risking their lives to carry the message. Yet, the belief of all the confederates, the thing that binds all of them together, is always the same. Due to this belief, their days are always the same mixture of work, war, and little else; most obediently follow every order, even to engage in battle other people with thin foil armour and perpetually jammed weapons. I believe and I hope that it is the anarchists the Federation commands that we clash against in these instances. Unfortunately, there are no means of looking into the matter and finding out the righteousness of what they command us to do; even if it comes to killing possible allies or friends, we can never think think for ourselves, because the Federation says that, were we to, we would become traitors and do no good, and like that, humanity would never reach happiness.
What is this belief, you ask? The Federation tells us that in a not-so-far away past, everything was different, that there was a time in which those creatures were the ones obeying humans; we gave them orders, and they complied. We have always been a weak and pathetic species in comparison, but they would answer our needs and ease our lives, and they would always protect us against the dangers of the outside world. This is referenced later in the Victorious Scriptures, in the last book of the Revolution which refers to this golden era – this Pure Age of the Human Race which has been lost nowadays, but which will be brought back by humanity's valiant efforts, someday, as the last age of the entire human history. Then those creatures will not be monsters, but tamed forces that we can use to our advantage and bring with us: pocket-monster, or poké-mon. That is indeed the true and only belief of all the confederates or, rather, the hope of everyone, as well as the certainty, the influence and the power that the Federation applies to crush the rebel and to bend the compliant. It is finally the reason for which I will follow the GFPHR to the ends of this godforsaken planet, as much as I've always shrugged off the religious speeches and that ridiculous propaganda of theirs.
Truly, what we see as of today are feral blood-lovers and flesh-eaters with an unconditional desire for carnage. Thus, they must be stopped and enslaved one way or another. One would suspect this couldn't be all there is to these creatures, but the Federation does affirm so, and as such, it stands as an undeniable truth. As to why they were listening to our commands in the past, no one knows, while the higher ranks preach that this is all God's mysterious doing.
What we do know for certain is that a tremendous War between two super-states began several decades ago, and that in this instance, we forced those monsters to fight one another; the Federation believes they must have loved doing so, giving their inclination to kill and the animalistic enjoyment they usually sip from the act. Yet, one day, those creatures fought back. Angrily. "They wanted more," replies the Federation to any suspect of abuse or mistreatment committed by men, affirming that these creatures simply wanted more than the flesh and the blood of each other soaking their furry, thorny or slimy bodies when they formed another faction, far more powerful than the two human forces, and began killing people in tens and hundreds, and that certainly none of that rebellion's fault was caused by our misbehavior.
Regardless of the cause, those enraged, overpowered battle beasts made humanity regress whole centuries in little more than one month, even if they acted chaotically and wildly and not as an organized force. That's when the Federation came, forming from a small right-wing military party of rich people, inside the tiniest of districts of an insignificant city. They had always refused anything to do with those monsters, and they were hiding firepower. A lot of it. First, they stayed out of the War. The second it ended, they were in control of everything. To save everybody, as they proclaim, and equivalently to rule them all.
It should now appear clear enough to the reader that the slogan of the Federation is quite the fitting reminder of what we are today. As a fact:
To Work is a necessity. Often in the middle of the night at freezing temperatures as to avoid the monsters that lurk around during the day, or at least most of them; always wary to pickaxe this or that rock, or to pick those fruits or those other berries, as any or all of them might hide a wild creature, just as every step one makes can wake up one or a dozen of them. People with a sufficient rank in the Army, such as myself, work instead inside the organizations of the single federated cities in which they live as they patrol around and order both troops and citizens during war and peace in the same brash manner, because that is how the Federation wants us to behave.
To Wage War is necessary idiocy, as humanity can't seem to be able to cooperate with itself, nor to act as a single organism. As if those creatures weren't enough we are also killing each other, we are killing others just because they don't belong to our Federation. We don't even know who they are, or what their habits are – if they really live in anarchies, if they slay one another for fun and eat each other's flesh when they are starving, if they swear against our Heavenly Savior, or if they truly are "pokè-lovers". But what am I saying! Of course it must be true, if the Federation says so.
To Win… Now, I fear that is mere propaganda, porcelain cutlery which looks exquisite, but is of no practical usefulness. Then again, the Victorious Scriptures do affirm that we will win; there is no point in denying that.
My dear reader, make no mistake: there is no point in debating any of these things further. There really isn't: the Heavenly Savior comes from God Himself and, as such, it stands that the entire Federation is always right. Ultimately, what I am going to tell you will not be the history of our times; rather, it will be a story, the kind of light-hearted tale you could read in your spare time while enjoying the ever-blaring trumpets of passing platoons outside your ratty house. One devoid of any moral or practical usefulness, one which - why not? - will even heavily feature that mixture of romantic love and action that youngsters always like so much. You shouldn't think much of it: after all, it is proudly stamped in front of every school and military academy of the Federation that
Thought is not a requirement.