A/N: Last chapter everyone! By the way, I'm most likely going to do a sequel to this. I was originally going to do it on wattpad but if you've read my bio, then you know that I said the account isn't active anymore and I had decided to just republish those books on here. So anyway, I have a better plot for the sequel than I did last summer; when I wrote this book). So it shouldn't be long before its out. Anyway, back to the story!
Isla Nublar may be deserted, but it isn't completely abandoned. Sometimes, if you pass by the island, you can hear the roars of ancient beings that once ruled the earth. Of course, after the Indominus Rex break out, tragedies occurred, and many were killed.
Every dinosaur on the island do have hope that one day, just maybe, everything will return to normal, and the tragedies, the grieving, and pain will disappear.
But, just because it disappears, doesn't mean they forget.
Indigo and Owen, may be miles and miles apart from the mysteries of Isla Nublar, but they don't go a day without thinking about their beloved raptors. It's tough for everyone, that's for sure, but Indigo has Owen beside her as well, and both occasionally talk to Claire.
They all have hope they'll see them again someday, and when that day comes- everything will be perfect again.
As of now, Indigo sat on her couch of her two story home, looking out the window, and wondering when that time will come. Owen joins her, and they both share a kiss, before they return to the window, watching the sunrise.
Rexy and Genevieve have each other too, and as the alpha and beta of the island, they lurk around, making sure everything is just the way it should be.
Others don't try to think about the wonders that now occur in the mysteries of Isla Nublar, they deny their existence, their intelligence, and the fact they even survived.
But Fire and Blue did survive. The two legends of their velociraptor pack still live in the lost world of Isla Nublar, recovering. If anyone was to ever travel to the island, it'd be impossible to find them, because they lurk in the most unknown part of the island; you'd have no luck finding them.
The two siblings though, the fact they've lived through one of the worst parts of their lives, is astonishing and shocking. They didn't do it alone though, because they've got each other at their sides. They know they won't ever face anything on their own.
Even now, they're resting with their new pack. Fire's no longer the Beta, or Alpha for that matter, but she's fine with it, because whenever a new problem arises, she'll be fighting alongside her sister and pack.
They do not speak about the past, but they think about it everyday. They know that somewhere in the unknown, their sisters are watching over them, protecting them from the corrupt. It's all history, but the little memories that float around, mean so very much. It's the last thing they have of their sisters, but they're okay with it.
Fire shifts on her side and leans closer in with her mate, Blue doing the same with hers. It's nighttime, and they dream happily. They're the happiest they've been in so long. They dream of Echo, Delta, and Charlie, and it helps them get past it, even if the small chest pains return.
The longer it goes on without them, the more it should hurt, but for them, it's the entire opposite. The more time that passes, the better they learn that they're somewhere better, somewhere happier, and they learn to live without them.
And as dawn arises, and the warm comforting rays of sunlight hit their nests, Fire awakens. Her orange, fiery skin glowing in the light.
She smiles at their new home, their new territory.
She's no longer alone.
She never was, because Blue was always at her side, and Fire always at hers.
A very faint roar erupts through the wind and trees, but only Fire can hear it. She smiles, remembering Rexy and Genevieve.
Blue's the Beta, her mate being the Alpha, yet they both secretly go to Fire when hard decisions are to be made.
The rest of her pack are amazed by how much Fire and Blue have been through. By how intelligent, strong, cunning, and hopeful they are.
Fire knows that even though she's not an official leader of the pack, she's still treated like one, and is the protecter, and guardian, of her family.
She turns over and gazes over her pack. Blue leaning against her mate, Thunder; the hatchlings under their mothers, the fathers curled up against their families defensively, and Fire's mate, Phoenix, shifting gently on his side.
Fire was the first to wake before the others every day, and it would give her the chance to think about everything, and to watch over them until they each woke up.
Fire, the guardian and legend of her pack, turns over, gazing past the trees, where you can see the tiny rays coming from the other side. Happy that they've finally stopped drifting alone in the ocean; happy they've finally hit land.
Everything is just the way it should be.
And as dawn breaks, and the sun begins to reveal itself from under the deep blue ocean, Fire tilts her head back and croons softly.
A new adventure has just begun.