Disclaimer: I don't own Cinderella.
Hello everybody! For anyone who's read my other Cinderella story, The Most Comforting Thing, this is the idea I've finally followed up on. I've really enjoyed working on this and I hope you enjoy reading about Kit and Ella =)
The sky was dark with threatening clouds and in the distance a low rumble of thunder sounded. It was late autumn and storms were common these days, though they had been stronger and more frequent than most years.
"Mama, I'm scared!" Rose exclaimed, running into the bedroom where Ella sat a beautifully carved desk. Ella couldn't help but laugh as the little girl fell to her belly and scrambled under her and Kit's bed. Ella put down her quill and stood up, though she knelt by the edge of the bed and lifted up the bed skirt.
"Come out, Rose. I promise nothing will hurt you."
Rose, her eyes wide, shook her head.
"No," she whispered. "I don't like the thunder."
"It can't hurt you," Ella repeated. "It's just noise."
"I don't like it."
Ella sighed.
"You can't hide under Mama and Papa's bed every time you're frightened, Rosie."
"Yes I can."
Her daughter was in a stubborn mood, a trait Kit always said came from Ella but Ella argued came from Kit.
"What can I do to make you less scared?"
"What if we find your sisters and Papa and gather in the sitting room by the fire? It would be cozy."
Rose considered this.
"Can we have hot chocolate with little marshmallows?"
Ella laughed and nodded. Rose considered for a second longer.
"Okay," she finally agreed.
Ella smiled and held out her hand. Rose took it and slid out from under the bed. Even though Rose was five and really getting too big to be carried around, Ella picked her up and pecked her cheek.
"That's my brave girl," she said. "Let's see what your sisters are doing."
An hour later, the storm outside was raging but the royal family was snuggling around a large stone fireplace. Their three eldest daughters – Chloe, Amber, and Rose – were drinking hot chocolate, Charlotte was nestled into Kit's lap, and Ella was cradling infant Katherine.
"Papa," Amber said after taking a drink. Kit couldn't help but chuckle at the brown mustache she now sported. An indignant look crossed her face. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," Kit said, handing her a napkin. "You need to wipe your face."
Amber haphazardly did so and let the napkin fall without a second thought.
"Papa, can you tell us the story of how you and Mama met?"
"You don't want to hear that one again, do you?" Ella asked in a kind voice.
"Oh, yes please!" Amber exclaimed. Chloe, who was drinking her hot chocolate much more carefully than Amber had, nodded in agreement. Rose was too busy trying to get the marshmallows from the bottom of her cup and hadn't heard but both Ella and Kit knew the story to be a favourite of all their daughters.
"Alright," Kit said, shifting Charlotte in his lap. She was nearly asleep, her left thumb lazily stuck between her lips and her right hand tightly grasped around her blanket. It had originally been purple but she carried it everywhere and in the two years she'd had it, it had been washed so many times it was beginning to turn grey.
"Once upon a time," Kit began and Ella smiled, looking down at the baby in her arms. Her mind wandered as Kit continued to tell the story of how he and Ella had met in the forest and the way he arranged the ball so he could meet her again.
A lot had happened in the ten years since they wed. In the month following their wedding, Ella was made Queen of the land and she and Kit were loved by the people whom they cherished so greatly. There was a great deal of excitement when they found out Ella was with child a year later and a royal proclamation had gone out announcing the birth of a beautiful baby girl – a princess for the kingdom to love and adore.
Time had done what Ella knew it did best: it went on. In the years that followed, Ella bore four more daughters, the youngest of who was asleep in her arms. Ella tenderly ran her finger down the baby's cheek.
"Yes?" Ella asked, looking up. Amber and Rose were looking at her expectantly. "I'm sorry, what was the question?"
"Do we have to take our baths tonight?" Amber asked and Ella now understood why it was those two, and not Chloe, looking hopeful at the prospect. Chloe, the shyest of their children, took being well mannered and well-groomed at great value but she maintained her standards with kindness, elegance, and grace – traits Ella's fair stepsisters had lacked considerably.
"Yes," Ella answered. "And don't complain about it, you've already been spoiled today with the hot chocolate and a story."
She peered at the clock on the mantle.
"The poor cook's probably prepared a wonderful supper that we're letting get cold," she said. "Let's not let it go to waste."
The three girls stood up, Amber looking particularly disappointed about having to still take her bath, and Chloe took Charlotte from Kit's arms. The toddler wasn't particularly happy about being moved but snuggled into Chloe's shoulder soon enough as she walked from the room.
Kit stood and held his hand out to Ella.
"My love," he said, kissing her gently once she'd stood up.
"My Kit," Ella said back.
"My princess," Kit added, leaning down to kiss Katherine's forehead. "Shall we?" he asked, offering Ella his arm.
Over supper, the storm outside calmed though rain still pelted the windows. Baths were arranged and soon all the princesses were tucked into their beds. Ella and Kit took advantage of the early night – even with help from the nursemaids, they didn't happen terribly often – and crawled into bed together. A warm, crackling fire gave the room a warm glow.
"I do love days like this," Ella sighed happily.
"Rainy ones?" Kit asked.
"Family ones," Ella answered and Kit smiled. "Do you ever get tired of the telling the story of how we met in the forest?"
"I will never grow tired of telling that story," said Kit. "It's the day I met the woman who changed my life."
"I'm serious," Ella complained.
"So am I."
Any annoyance evident on Ella's face immediately melted into her gentle smile.
"What did I do to deserve you?" she asked.
"I could ask the same question."
They were slowly moving towards each other but before their lips could meet, a loud crash of thunder erupted over the palace.
"Uh oh," Ella said.
"How long do you think it will take?" Kit asked.
"Two minutes."
"How many?"
"All of them."
This storm was more violent than the one that afternoon and within thirty seconds, another clap of thunder shook the windows and lightning lit up the sky. Charlotte began to wail from her nursery next door.
"I'll get her," Kit said with a sigh. He left through the connecting door and as soon as the latch had clicked, Ella heard the pitter-pattering of bare feet on the marble floor.
"Come here," she said as Rose flew into the room. The five year old dived into her mother's open arms and Ella squeezed her reassuringly before glancing at the doorway. "You, too," she added and Amber and Chloe sheepishly crossed the room and joined their mother and sister in the big bed.
Kit appeared a moment later with a tear-stained Charlotte, still clutching her blanket but rubbing her eyes tiredly.
"Oh, Lotte," Ella said with a sympathetic smile. Kit got into bed again – there was plenty of room for all of them – and for a while they simply listened to the storm outside. It didn't move on and the thunder continued for quite some time. Miraculously, Katherine slept through it all, content in her basinet by Ella's side of the bed.
Slowly, the fear in the girls' eyes faded as they became sleepier.
"Close your eyes," Ella murmured, noting that Chloe already had. Amber and Rose adjusted the pillow they were sharing.
"Mama, can you sing?" Amber asked.
"Only if you go to sleep," Ella answered. The seven year old nodded and Ella began humming quietly before she started singing the song her mother sang to her.
"Lavender's blue, dilly dilly, Lavender's green, when I am King, dilly dilly, you shall be Queen …"
The song continued and by the end of it Chloe, Amber, and Rose were sound asleep in their parent's bed. Charlotte had taken advantage of the cozy crook Kit's elbow made and was also sleeping, her thumb in her mouth again.
The King and Queen looked at each other.
"Shall I bring them back to their beds?" Kit asked.
"No," Ella said, shaking her head. "Leave them be. Before we know it they'll be too big to do this anymore."
"Don't say that," Kit replied. "I wouldn't give these moments up for all the power in the world."
"Did you have times like these with your parents?"
"No," Kit answered. "At least not that I remember. It became very clear from a young age that I would be king one day and therefore had a great deal to learn. It left very little time for hot chocolate and stories by the fire. Did you?"
"Oh yes," Ella said happily. "My mother loved moments like these. She would have loved them," she added. "I see so much of her in them."
Kit looked down at his daughters lovingly. Nine year old Chloe who worked so hard for everyone's approval as she, much like Kit had at that age, bore the burden of one day inheriting her father's crown; outgoing and spirited seven year old Amber who had no time for fancy dresses or bows in her hair and preferred sport and adventure to tea parties; delicate and kind Rose, who was only five but had suffered so much in her short life already but spread her kindness with admirable generosity; two year old Charlotte who was the brightest, most inquisitive, and happiest little girl in the kingdom; and four month old Katherine who had been such a disappointment to Ella when she was born but Kit had never met a sweeter baby.
"What are you thinking?" Ella asked.
"The stories I would tell the girls if given the chance."
"What sort of stories?"
"Stories about who they are, the moments that have defined them or, rather, the moments they defined themselves."
"Do you have any in mind?"
Kit chuckled.
"I'm sure I could write volumes about our daughters and never cover them all," he said. "But let's see if we can agree on one for each of them."
"Okay," Ella agreed. "Who shall we start with?"
"Chloe," Kit answered. "We'll go in order."
I hope this sounds at least intriguing! The next five chapters will be the stories Kit and Ella would tell their daughters – one for each of them. Reviews are much appreciated, thank you!
Additionally, I'm pleased to announce a new writing initiative! I'm actually trying to schedule writing into my days now and I hope to always update on Friday evening. This doesn't just apply for this story but for all the stories I'm currently working on, including a few Merlin stories and one Harry Potter one – feel free to check them out if these are your fandoms =)