Levi let out a deep, exasperated sigh as he walked through the dimly lit halls of the Survey corps head quarters.
What. a. long. day.
Jaeger had done his cleaning duties, (poorly he might add). Ackerman had scowled at him like she was plotting his murder. Brouse had stolen three sacks of potatoes from the kitchen (and eaten them all). Kirschtein had annoyed him with that shit eating horse face of his, and Hanji had been Hanji. All Levi wanted to do was sit in his office and have a nice cup of tea, but wait... That's right! ERWIN, had giving him a big ass pile of paperwork to do before sunrise, so Levi did not have time to go make tea. He didn't even have time for sleep! Seriously! That was a human need! How could Erwin not give him time for a human need!? He guessed he was kind of sleepy too. Every time Levi looked down at the heavy pile of papers in his arms, he grew more and more frustrated. He was in such a foul mood at the moment that no one even dared getting near him. Nothing was going to lighten his grumpiness. Not today. Not without tea, or prober cleaning, or maybe just some RECOGNITION ! He angrily flung the door to his office open and slammed the paperwork on his desk. The door was slammed shut again, and locked; if anyone disturbed him tonight, they would not feel great for a few days later. Levi's desk was neatly organized so it wasn't hard for him to find a pencil and start the endless hours to come of boring paperwork. He placed the first paper in front of him, when he glimpsed something out of the corner of his eye. Right there, on his coffee table, stood a tray with a tea set on it. He lazily got up from his chair and walked over to the china that wasn't supposed to be there. Heat was slightly emanating from the pot, but he still touched it to be sure. Indeed, it was nice and warm.
Someone had made him tea? Whoever it was had even given him his favorite tea cup. (Yes, Levi had a favorite tea cup!)Why?
"Tch" He absentmindedly uttered by habit and decided to take advantage of the situation and drink every last drop of it. When he lifted the pot, however, he found an envelope under it. He poured himself the first cup of many, took the envelope, and sat back down behind his desk. He stared at the porcelain cup for quite a while, before finally deciding to take a small sip of the golden liquid.
This was just what he needed to clear his head. A nice, prober cup of tea. He took another sip before putting the cup down and look at the envelope.
"Heichou..." It said on the front with cursive letters. Levi slowly opened it and pulled out the letter inside. It was not just a little note. It was a full letter. Taking another sip of his tea, Levi began reading it, his eyes slowly skimming through the pages, taking in every last word to make sure he read everything correctly.
Dear Levi...
I'm not quite sure how to do this, and I realize how violently inappropriate this is, but I need to get a few things off my chest...
Last week, I was the one who locked squad leader Hanji in the supplies closet. You punished Eren and Jean for some reason, but I was the one to blame. She was bugging me with her endless blabbering while I was doing my chores, so I did what I thought was necessary to shut her up. I know all too well that you appreciate a cleaning job well done, and that's why I needed to concentrate on scrubbing the floors. If you were here right now, I know exactly what you would say: "That is NO excuse for disrespecting your squad leader, brat!" Hm... I'm sorry Levi. The reason Hanji never told you the truth is because she was covering for me. You see... She knows what I am about to tell you now...
When you look at me, you always scowl or look otherwise bored or angry...
You keep snarling at me whenever I do something wrong...
And you always talk with a mixture of anger and annoyance in your voice, if you don't sound completely indifferent.
Because you act like this, a lot of the cadets don't like you, and I know for a fact that everyone is slightly afraid or very nervous around you. Of course I'm no exception to the latter... I AM very nervous around you, but here's the thing... There's something else that I am... For a long time I haven't been able to understand what exactly that was, but, now I finally did. I AM slightly different from the others... And here is why:
Because while others cower when you glare at them with those steel gray orbs of yours. My heart inexplicably skips a beat. I feel those damn annoying butterflies roam free in my entire body, reaching all the way to my fingertips.
For some reason, being scolded for doing something wrong, doesn't seem so bad when you do it. Unlike many of the Scouts here, forgive me for saying so, you are not obnoxious...
And lastly...
Whenever you speak to me with that angry and annoyed voice, I can't help but shiver at how low, husky and... Sexy it is too.
So here's my point, Levi...
I don't know how, and I don't know why, but somehow, I have managed to fall
and completely...
In love with you...
Now I know that I am nothing, but a mere cadet, and chances are that you haven't even bothered to know my name. You are the superior, and I, the subordinate, and that is how it must be. I didn't write this letter in hopes of initiating some kind of ridiculous dream relationship with my superior as if this was some kind of stupid love novel for hormonal housewives. I am not in any way at all planning to win you heart.
I just want you to know, that you are the reason I keep fighting...
You are the person who's presence always puts a smile on my face...
It is not an unknown fact that you keep yourself emotionally at a distance from everyone around you, and I get that considering what we do for a living.
But in case you thought otherwise, I want you to know from the bottom of my heart...
The next time you feel upset, and or lonely, I want you to remember this...
No matter how grim the situation might be...
No matter where you are...
Always remember that someone loves you...
Sincerely, your secret admirer...
Oh, and, I knew you were going to be working late in to the night, so I thought that I'd make you some tea...
Levi read the letter again... Then he read it again... And then again, and again until he had memorized every last word on the slightly vanilla scented pages. He didn't quite know what to think about this. He had never actually received a love letter before, and not at all from someone who confessed to being beneath him.
"Someone loves you..." Levi whispered, the three words flying around his head. They had struck him hard, harder than he would ever care to admit. He knew that everyone respected him, but loved him? That was not a feeling anyone had felt towards him since... Since way before even Isabel and Farlan. It was a pleasant, yet disturbing thought that couldn't help but put a slight smile on his face. Levi read through the letter once again, before looking for the list of chores to see who in Hanji's squad had cleaning duty the day she was locked in the closet. Just as he had expected, her name was found immediately:
(First) (Last).