Author's Note: Welcome to an outtake of After Time. While writing the story, I got stuck around Robyn's transformation and couldn't seem to figure out how to get from a certain point to another. After writing her transformation chapter, I came back because I needed to know exactly how Peter and Jasper fared while she was changing. I'm sure everyone has wondered what Peter did to Rose when he discovered her and Emmett in Alaska with Garrett. Well, now you get the chance with the outtake that didn't matter to the overall plot of the story. This was something that I needed to know for the boys and how they dealt with Robyn's choice to become a vampire and all the precautions they took. I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Let me know in your reviews if you would like more outtakes and any request. Until I get requests for outtakes, this will be marked complete.

Road Trip


January 2011


The sky above grew darker as Jasper drove through the Canadian roads. Getting past the border security was a lot smoother than we expected. They didn't even bat an eyelash at the papers for Robyn's coffin. I glanced in the rearview mirror toward the back of the truck which was covered. My eyes dimmed at the sight, hoping that Robyn wasn't going through too much pain.

"She's going to be fine, Pete," Jasper said, sliding his hand over the seat toward me.

My lips lifted at his tone. We were both worried about the same thing. He was reassuring me as much as himself. "Let's talk about something else," I insisted, knowing this topic hurt Jasper probably more than me. He was the one that could feel just how much pain she suffered. It hurt me that I couldn't do anything to ease either of their pain.

"Why don't you tell me about the house?" Jasper lifted an eyebrow at me.

A sheepish grin lifted onto my lips as I dragged my feet from the dash. Jasper bugged me most of the trip about the house I purchased in Canada in the Saskatchewan area. I bought the house without either Jasper or Robyn's consent since we were on a time crunch. I knew they would both like it, but I just liked to keep some things a secret. It was the number one reason Garrett had gone ahead of us. He was the only person I told about the house, I even let him see pictures since he was leaving ahead of us. We had to be careful of our precious cargo. Garrett went ahead of us with the rental truck that carried most of the things packed away.

"You'll love it. That's all you need to know," I smirked at him, pulling out my phone.

Garrett hadn't messaged yet, but I knew how that fucker operated. We were probably another day from the house at the rate we were going. Hopefully it would be just a few hours after we arrived that Robyn would wake. Knowing Garrett he probably expected us by now. We would have been there hours ago had we not taken time for ourselves. This would be the only time Jasper and I were ever alone, without Robyn or Garrett, so we were making up for lost time.

"If you don't stop, Peter, we won't make it to the house before Robyn wakes," Jasper growled.

I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye, trying unsuccessfully to hide the smirk on my lips, to see his eyes shifting between butterscotch and onyx.

"Well, we can't have that," I grinned at him, shifting my thoughts.

"We need to think about what comes next when we get there, Peter," Jasper said a few moments later.

The closer we got to the house and the end of Robyn's transformation, the more worry I could see that plagued Jasper. Both of us were excited to have her with us forever, but neither of us were looking forward to her newborn year. It just gave us both bad memories of a time when we suppressed everything for each other. Not to mention the pain, carnage, and chaos that was our life in a newborn army.

Plus for Robyn to have to deal with a Cullen threat on top of the Volturi during that volatile year, wouldn't be the best case scenario. We were worried how well she'd take everything. Though I knew Robyn in a way Jasper didn't. She always managed to surprise me and I knew this would be another one of those times.

"We both know that it's going to take a couple weeks before she's able to really think past the thirst..." I trailed off, not wanting to think about this. That was me being optimistic. Honestly it would probably take months before she could think past the thirst. For the next year, Jasper and I wouldn't have Robyn, we'd have a blood thirsty newborn on our hands.

Jasper clutched my hand in his tighter. I looked over him, he had tears in his eyes that would never fall. He was feeling my emotions and they had ventured down a path I had refused to let myself think about.

"I have faith in her, Peter." Jasper gasped, turning back to the road. "Though I'm not kidding myself in this situation. It's going to be hard, but maybe we can channel her aggression, thirst, into battle. We know it's imminent that either the Cullen's or the Volturi will come after us, after her."

"We protect our own, Jas," I clutched his hand back in my own grip.

The next couple of hours past in mostly silence. I reached over to check the GPS, more than a little worried we hadn't heard from Garrett. He should have been there by now.

"How far are we?" Jasper asked, rolling the window down as the sun began to rise. The smell of the morning sun along the air eased some of the tension in his shoulders.

"We still have quite a ways. Though," I risked a glance toward Robyn in the back of the truck, "I'm worried about Garrett. He should have arrived by now."

Jasper lifted a brow, reaching into his jeans. "I'll give him a call. He might want to ignore you, but if he ignores me, he knows shit will hit the fan."

I leaned back in the seat as Jasper tried to call Garrett. When he didn't answer the first time, Jasper tried three more times. Now, we were both worried. Double checking the service on our phones, they were both good.

"Maybe he's out of range?" I almost hoped that was the case.

Jasper's eyes were on the verge of black at any moment. If the Major turned up right now, I couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't leave to head for Garrett. Both of us know how important that fucker was to our woman. It was highly unusual for him to not answer.

"I'll give him another hour. If he hasn't called..." Jasper trailed off, his eyes flickering completely black for a second before staying gold.

"He'll call," I reassured him, but I wasn't even if I was trying to convince him or myself.

Drumming my fingers on my knee, I glared at the clock. Garrett had two minutes left before Jasper went all Major on me. I could tell that Jasper was trying to find a place to pull over. We'd have to change who was driving. We changed every time we got gas and after the border. I was the one driving since I knew pretty much everything on the papers I had forged.

Suddenly the phone in my pocket began to buzz just as Jasper pulled onto the side of the road. Retrieving it from my pocket, I breathed a sigh of relief to see the number from Garrett's phone.

"You really know how to cut it close, fucker," I barked at me, relief in my tone.

"Sorry I couldn't answer. Cell service is shit out here. Unfortunately, it wasn't only the damn cell service. We've got a bit of a situation we didn't plan on."

My eyes narrowed for a moment. I risked a look at Jasper, his hands clutched the steering wheel.

"What kind of situation?"

"I might have forgotten to mask my scent after I left Texas. Someone followed me. I can't tell you who until you get here. Just trust me, they aren't a threat. I wouldn't put Sweet Pea in danger if I thought otherwise. Just be prepared for a bit of an altercation when you arrive."

I pulled the phone away, knowing Jasper heard everything. "Jas? What do you want to do?"

He squeezed his eyes shut. I could tell the Major wanted to come out, probably his demon too, they felt a threat to our mate, but he probably felt it against me as well. It was the only reason The God of War would try to come out.

"We're going to the continue the course. We have to get there soon. I can only hold The Major off for so long, Peter." Jasper's voice was a bit strained as he tried with all his strength to hold back his alter ego.

"Garrett, we'll be there in about half a day, if that long. Just promise me, you can take care of yourself. Robyn would never let us live it down if something happened to you."

The fucker had the balls to laugh. "You two need to listen to me more often. I said they aren't a threat and I mean it. It's my decision not to tell you who it is because I know as soon as I do, you'll demand they leave. I'll see ya soon. Keep that girl of ours safe."

The line went dead as Garrett's laughter faded. I ended the call shoving the phone into my pocket.

"Still want to drive?" I asked him, but he merely merged back onto the road. "Okay, then," I mumbled dragging my feet back to the dash. That was the thing about Garrett's call, while it was cryptic as all shit, I haven't received a bad feeling from my knower. If something was wrong, I would have felt it by now.

Jasper, on the other hand, I could tell was having an even harder time keeping the Major at bay.

"Jas?" I said to him dragging my feet back down as I slid over the combined seat toward him. "If it makes you feel better, I don't feel anything. If something bad was going to happen, don't you think I would know it by now? I mean when Robyn and I came to find you, I knew we'd have no problem with you coming with us, but something would go wrong. It was right in the end. We got you, but managed to piss off an entire coven. Trust me when I say, I don't have that feeling this time around. What I do feel is that we should trust Garrett, he's never steered me wrong in the past. A few times he's pissed me off with his carelessness, but we both know after his speech at the house, he'd never allow harm to come to the girl in the back. That also means, either one of us getting hurt because she'd kill if that happened. If you can't trust Garrett right now, trust me."

Jasper let out a sigh, before he nodded. I reached over tracing my finger down his neck. "Has the Major quieted down yet?"

"He probably won't until I see for myself what Garrett's hiding."

"Do you think I could relieve some tension?" I bit my lip, my hardness evident in my jeans.

"Again, Pete?" Jasper asked, smirk on his lips.

I shook my head, "Actually I've never given head while someone was driving before. Could be a new experience."

Jasper gasped as I reached over to palm his erection through his jeans. "Damn Pete." When he didn't stop me, I immediately unbuckled his belt and then his jeans. He was already hard through his boxers which I could tell. Shoving his jeans down from my place on the seat was a little harder, but thankfully I managed.

His painful erection popped right out through the hole in his boxers. Technically Jasper was more of a briefs kind of guy, but I told him to wear some of my boxers for the trip instead. He had given me a few funny looks but since earlier I think he understood the reason for this.

He gasped when I took him in my palm. He was warm to the touch and almost harder than steel. "Someone's happy to see me," I whispered.

"Fuck, yeah," Jasper whispered.

I think I had managed to officially distract his alter as well from our current predicament. A bead of pre-cum slipped from his tip which I quickly leaned forward to taste. Every time I tasted him so far was better than the last. He groaned at the feeling of my tongue on his tip. Once I savored his magnificent taste, I took him into my mouth. It wasn't easy to give head in this position, but I was going to do my damnedest.

I felt Jasper move one hand from the wheel to the back of my head. My tongue swirled over each side of Jasper as I slid even closer to him. Thankfully I didn't have to breathe so I quickly leaned down even further, deep-throating him.

Immediately Jasper moaned. "Damn, Pete!" I felt him began to fuck my throat, making venom slip past my lips. To fuck my mouth/throat in this way would have been hard for anyone else to drive, but apparently not my Jasper. The truck never swerved once as he fucked my throat harder, faster trying to get himself off. I was like steel in my jeans as he used me for his own pleasure which was all I ever wanted.

He could use me for any distraction any time he wanted.

"Peter, I'm comin'!" He yelled before he shot down my throat. I made sure to swallow everything, no gag reflex for me. As I moved up him, I licked up every last bit of cum from his tip. When he slipped from my mouth, I carefully tucked him back into the boxers.

"Damn, Peter," Jasper said staring at me with an exasperated look on his face.

I merely grinned. "You needed a distraction. I'm always at your service."

Jasper just shook his head at me before he stopped in the middle of the road. Thankfully there was no traffic at this time of morning. Once the tires squealed, he grabbed me by the back of my head slamming our lips together.

I guess he liked my form of distraction.


When we finally arrived at the house, it was nearing dark already. The trip had taken all the daylight hours we had. Peter was driving, the closer we got to the house he had to take over since he knew the exact location. Not to mention Peter grew more nervous the closer we got to Garrett. At this point I wasn't sure what to make of Garrett's mysterious phone call.

The Major was still pacing in the back of my mind, but thankfully he hadn't tried to break out of the confines I had him tightly wrapped. I was pretty damn sure it had to do with our girl in the back. If the Major got out, Garrett wouldn't be safe and Robyn would never forgive us.

One look over at Peter and I worried what might happen when we stepped out of the truck. Peter's gift of knowing things hadn't bothered him the entire drive, until now.

"Maybe I should take Robyn inside while you find Garrett?" I offered. Being with her would give the Major something to channel.

Peter looked over at me, guilt flooding me like a ton of bricks. "You have nothing to feel guilty for, Peter. Find Garrett, make sure the house is safe."

I hopped out of the truck just in time to see the house before us. It was a large log style house with at least three floors. I stood there transfixed at the house wondering how in the world Peter managed to find this place. It was large, but beautiful. I could see Robyn spending her newborn year here without problem.

The door of the truck opened and slammed shut. "The lights are on inside. Go, find Garrett. I've got our girl."

I moved to the back of the truck while Peter nodded and ran into the house. Unlocking the end of the truck, I found her coffin wedged between our suitcases to keep it from moving around the bed of the truck.

I laid my hand on the coffin and I felt it instantly. The pain of the transformation was still very strong, but I knew she didn't have much longer. Picking up the coffin, I lifted it over my head, closed the trunk, and headed toward the house. Suddenly I felt the swirl of emotions from deep into the house. What surprised me most was there were more emotions than just from Peter and Garrett. Clutching the coffin in my hands, I ran into the house, sat the coffin in the sitting room.

Entering the back deck, I found Peter glaring at Garrett. Yet, they weren't the only ones standing on the deck. I'd know his enormous statue anywhere as well as the blonde at his side. The sneer on her face said she wanted to be anywhere else, but I could feel the bond they shared.

"Em? Rose? What the hell..." I could feel the Major wanting out. The sight of them, any of the Cullens and Robyn was at risk.

Peter was at my side immediately. "They showed up during the time we couldn't get ahold of Garrett."

"Let me explain," Garrett said, holding up at hand. Obviously he knew he was on the safe list, but the two behind him were up for grabs. "They showed up, they want to help."

"One of them wants to help, the other doesn't," I barked, glaring at them over his shoulder.

Garrett sighed, glanced over his shoulder. "Okay, that was too broad. Emmett wants to help, and Rose is here for her mate."

Peter scoffed. "You're either here and against them, or you're not. Plain and simple."

Suddenly Emmett stepped up. "We couldn't go along with what Edward has planned. We all knew what Alice did was wrong, anyone would have protected their mate from a threat."

"As much as I may hate this, I also understood that. Even Carlisle understood that. Carlisle and Esme went with Edward to Voltaire, but they won't participate in the bloodshed," Rosalie confessed. "I may not agree with your method, but you were just trying to protect her. Emmett and I managed to get away during the chaos afterward. It was immediately they started to pack up the house. Carlisle wanted to move, but Edward was distraught. He kept muttering that it wasn't right and that Alice was wrong, he didn't have another, he only cared about her, regardless of what she said. It was as we packed up, that he announced he wanted justice, revenge on killing his mate. Only one group would grant him that. Carlisle agreed to get him passage into Voltaire but would not participate in the bloodshed."

"Yeah," Emmett said, tugging Rose closer. "Esme was a little upset about going to Voltaire in the first place, but Carlisle is her mate. There wasn't much she could do about that. We packed our things separately, they expected us to meet up with them. Rosie here caught me about to leave and she wouldn't have me go alone."

Rose shrugged. "Not that I don't trust Jasper, it's just I couldn't let him go alone. Plus, I don't really trust the Volturi."

I could feel Peter restless besides me. Talk of the Volturi had set us both on alert. "When did they head out?"

"We left the family before the holidays. Carlisle wanted to get into Voltaire during the holiday rush, it's easier to go by unnoticed by most of the humans during airport rush. They've probably been in Voltaire a little bit now. It's a miracle they haven't tried to attack," Rose said. I could tell she was confused why they hadn't. Major was running through scenarios himself trying to figure that out.

Yet it was Peter who though aloud. "Edward told them we were part of a Triad. They won't attack half cocked. They'll do surveillance. That means we've been tracked and followed across the country and border. We just need a bit more time before Robyn wakes."

"Maybe turning her wasn't the best idea," Garrett muttered aloud.

Peter and I glared at him. "That's what she wanted. That's what she got."

"You turned her?!" Rosalie pulled out of Emmett's embrace with a glare. "You couldn't give her the facts about what she was giving up. She's going to wake up blood thirsty. A damn newborn in the middle of a goddamn war. You have no idea what you put her through."

I was too late to grab Peter. I knew on some level Rose didn't really mean what she said, but with Peter, he was overprotective of Robyn. For months he had to be there for her, stick up for her when she needed it. Plus, Robyn didn't have that growing up.

Peter clutched Rose by the throat, her feet dangling. Garrett immediately held Emmett back which in itself was a miracle. Emmett was a strong guy and it took a lot to hold him. Though I knew brother or not if he made a move toward Peter, I couldn't stop either the Major or my demon from bursting forth.

"Blondie, I get you like the attention, you're gorgeous on the outside. Yet, you're black as venom on the inside. Think with the brain god gave you. Being part of a Triad put her at risk, being human during a war was worse than a blood thirsty newborn. She'd be a pawn used against our enemy. You may call her spoiled, but she always gets what she wants, even things she doesn't ask for. We gave her what she asked for, nothing more. You better hope and pray that when Robyn wakes up she doesn't tear you limb from limb." Peter dug his fingers into her neck, breaking through the skin before he dropped her. She fell to her knees coughing.

While we didn't need to breathe it was highly uncomfortable. Garrett released Emmett and he comforted Rose immediately. Emmett suddenly turned his gaze on me, the glare strong on his face. "You let him do this to us?! Where the hell did our brother go?!"

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "She just disrespected our mate. Peter was doing what you would have done had he insulted your mate. Robyn has a stronger head on her shoulders than either of you give her credit for. I killed Alice because she threatened Robyn, Peter didn't hurt Rose, just her pride. She better pick it up and stand on her own two feet before Robyn wakes or I pity what may happen."

"There's more than enough room in the house," Peter said, rolling his eyes. "If you can keep your opinions about humanity to yourself, you can stay."

"Also, no contact with anyone else outside of this house. Now, that you're here, you ain't leavin'. Call it what you want, Em, but if you were to leave you'd be a threat to our mate and I can't say one of my alters wouldn't break out to stop you. Though, Rose," I squatted down her to level on the floor. "I'd be thinking of a good apology for when Robyn wakes."

The room Garrett had managed to set up was the master bedroom. I think Peter was scared to have her wake in this room, there were tons of things she could destroy. There wasn't a bed quite yet in any of the rooms, but there was a small rocking chair. Robyn lay on a table we managed to bring in a frilly dress more for show of burial than anything.

She was barefoot with makeup on her face that I knew we'd have to remove eventually. I could hear pacing in the other room, Rose, wearing a line in the carpet. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the sound. She was exuding skepticism and regret. Emmett felt guilty for dragging his mate into something they knew nothing about, but something he felt strongly for. That was the thing about Emmett, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he cared for someone strongly. Maybe Robyn had managed in their short time together to prove her worthiness.

Peter and I both heard the change of pace to the burn inside her.

"It's getting closer," he trailed off from the rocking chair at her side.

I dropped my hand to his shoulder halting his rocking for a moment. "Almost," I agreed, "not quite. We got here early, thank heavens." I paused for a moment, my eyes roaming her rapidly changing skin. My thoughts drifted toward the door where I could still hear Rose's pacing which was grinding on everyone's nerves. "She's going to wake up to more than she bargained for. Let her have a last day of rest. We've got arrangements to make."

Peter sighed, leaned over to take her precious hand into his. I watched him, my heart swelling in size as he pressed a small kiss to her knuckles. "See ya soon, darlin."

Peter took my hand as we walked out of the room. Immediately Garrett met us at the top of the stairs. "Arrangements? Could you clue the rest of us in?"

I turned to Peter who sighed, but grinned. "We need some semblance of a plan before she wakes. Otherwise, I think she might just try to cut our balls off."

"She's the better planner," Garrett muttered. Peter laughed. I lifted an eyebrow.

"Robyn is the one that came up with our plan in Forks. For the most part it worked, at least until we came across each other's scents." Peter smirked at me.

It was then I realized something we hadn't thought about. "What about when she wakes? We haven't thought about the mating..." I risked a look at Peter.

His eyes were immediately wide. "Damn. She might surprise us."

Garrett looked at us both confused. Sometimes it was hard to forget that Garrett didn't have a mate yet. He didn't understand some of the complications.

"They mean that when she wakes, she's going to want to mate them both. Being a newborn, she's going to tear the house apart, if she doesn't want blood first." Rose stood behind us leaning in the doorway of the room she shared with Emmett. "Have you discussed what her diet will be?" her eyebrow lifted.

Immediately Peter moved his eyes aside. Without even my gift he knew the judgement that Rose sent him and Garrett. My eyes were still a beautiful butterscotch and Peter a crimson ruby. I tugged him into my side before turning my eyes onto Rose. "Whatever she chooses she does it of her own free will. Neither she nor Peter have ever made me feel less than an equal being on a different diet. You should learn some respect, Rose. At this point that girl in there is going through the most painful thing in her life, has more of ours than you'll ever have."

Peter and I walked downstairs with Garrett to make arrangements for Robyn's feeding and the war we were about to take.