Disclaimer: Death note belongs to Tsugumi Obha and Takeshi Obata.

A/N: So I only recently discovered Death Note (sad, I know..) and this is my first fanfiction. I've been obsessively devouring LxLight stories for the past few weeks so finally I decided to try writing one myself!

Just a warning – I like reading the smutty stuff, so that's what I decided to write. This story is going to get M-rated pretty quickly, so if explicit sexual content bothers you, you may not want to read on.

A few of the lines are lifted or adapted from the anime. I did try to avoid OOC-ness as much as possible, apart from the obvious.

All comments and criticisms are welcome and much appreciated! Anything you think would improve my writing, please let me know :)


"Well, it seems someone has definitely taken an interest in you, Light." Ryuk's hoarse, raspy voice was met only with a controlled silence and alert stiffening of posture in the handsome young man seated in front of him.

"Every room has at least one camera, and there sure are a lot in this one. I counted 64 in total."

Light Yagami felt a cold weight settle in the pit of his stomach as he took in the gravity of his situation. He had suspected someone had been in his room, even that they'd probably installed some form of surveillance, but this? Clearly he had underestimated the level of suspicion he had managed to bring down on himself in such a short time.

It has to be L, Light realized. Who else would go to such extreme lengths without even a shred of evidence? He's the only one who has the resources and impunity to do something like this.

"What I want to know is, how am I supposed to eat apples in here?" Ryuk turned to gaze moodily out the window as he spoke, his sharp teeth glinting in the fading sun.

Obviously that's going to be impossible now, isn't it? Light rolled his eyes inwardly without looking up from his calculus book. For a god, Ryuk could be pretty oblivious at times. If Light were to respond to him, anyone watching the surveillance footage would assume he was talking to himself.

"Oh, right, guess you can't talk in here," the Shinigami realized belatedly.

If not for him, though…

Light had to admit that Ryuk's ability to pinpoint the hidden camera locations without being seen had been incredibly helpful.

Now I just need to use this advantage to deflect suspicion somehow… the teen mused, tapping his pencil lightly against the edge of his desk. His first idea was to feign interest in the dirty magazines he'd hidden around his room after finding the Death Note. He had bought them as a decoy explanation for his obsessive privacy, in case anyone decided to snoop through his things. But if L was really as brilliant as he was said to be, there was a considerable chance he would see through that. The idea that Light's security precautions were meant to conceal something as mundane as an erotic magazine collection was so… well, it was just so obvious.

Light frowned as he proceeded to solve one of the more complicated differentiation problems in front of him as though on autopilot. If L suspected him enough to watch him this closely, he would certainly be aware of Light's own exceptional intelligence, and would surely consider the possibility that Light might become conscious of the surveillance and attempt to throw off the investigation. He was the world's greatest detective, after all.

No. He had to come up with something more believable, more… real.

Of course...

In that instant, Light knew what he had to do. The only way to protect the Death Note and his identity as Kira, future God of the New World, would be to divulge a different secret. He bit back a triumphant smile – it was too perfect!

When Light returned home from school the following day, he felt only a slight twinge of apprehension. Once he reached his bedroom, he set his backpack down next to the bed and allowed himself to fall back onto his teal-blue comforter with an audible sigh.

With his eyes closed, Light contemplated his plan of action. It was genius, really: he only had to allow the officers investigating the Kira case to discover that he was gay.

It wouldn't exactly be a life-altering revelation. Even during puberty, when his body had been flooded with hormones, sex just hadn't held much appeal for him. He'd always kept so busy with school, extracurriculars, and (later on) assisting his father's department with cases that dating just didn't feature highly on his agenda. And truthfully, it was so rare that he met anyone who captured his attention anyway that he was perfectly content with that. However, the occasional attractions the youth had experienced had revealed that he was definitely predisposed toward physical encounters with men.

Since Light had never been the type to let other people's opinions dictate his actions, it was not as though he had intended to hide his inclinations indefinitely. For the time being, however, he had wanted to ensure that the ridiculous prejudices of others didn't interfere with his goal of becoming a world-class detective. And while he was still living at home, Light preferred secrecy to the idea of an awkward personal conversation with his relatively conservative parents. Since he tended to avoid romantic entanglements anyway, there had never been a pressing reason to disclose his sexuality to his family.

Now, however, he knew there was no alternative – his father, chief Soichiro Yagami of the NPA and lead investigator on the Kira case, would inevitably find out his son was gay. There was even a chance he could be watching Light at this very moment, though Light somewhat doubted it.

I wonder how dad is coping with his perfect son being a Kira suspect, Light wondered, not for the first time since discovering the cameras in his home. Learning I'm gay might actually come as a relief to him, considering.

At least it would only be his father and the other agents on the Kira task force who would learn his secret. It's not as if Light had to worry about L outing him to the public.

Steeling his resolve, Light sat up and reached for his backpack. He had taken a lengthy detour on his way home from school that day in order to purchase a different kind of dirty magazine, one that was more in line with his own preferences. Now, he lifted a blue plastic bag from his backpack and slid the magazine out.

The glossy cover depicted a well-muscled man reclining on a grey chaise, wearing nothing but a pair of red and white briefs that left precious little to the imagination. One of his hands was resting close to his cheek, while the other was beginning to venture suggestively beneath the elastic of his briefs.

None of the burly men featured in the magazine were really Light's type (not that he could say with certainty what his type actually was, or whether he even had one), but that hardly mattered. The magazine would leave little doubt as to Light's orientation.

As he lay on his stomach leisurely flipping pages, Light was surprised to feel the hot coil of arousal tightening in his abdomen. Was it possible he had an exhibitionist side secret even to himself? Or perhaps it was simply this intoxicating power he felt – the knowledge that the great detective L was likely watching him right this moment, an unknowing pawn in his clever deception, probably playing right into his hands…

Light felt himself harden at the thought of his mighty adversary brought to his knees, trembling and vulnerable in the face of Kira's power.

Anyone else in my position would probably have slipped up by now, he thought with the barest hint of a smirk. Well, it won't be that easy with me, L…

If not for the possibility that his father could also be watching, Light would have been tempted to put on a show for his rival. His erection was beginning to strain against the fabric of his pants achingly, begging for attention as he imagined the elusive detective watching him voyeuristically from afar. He had no idea what kind of person L was, or even what he looked like, but Light was possessed by a savage desire to conquer him in every sense of the word – mind, body, and spirit.

The youth knew how attractive he was; it wasn't even arrogance, just the simple acknowledgement of a basic fact. Suppressing a vindictive grin, he imagined what L might feel to see him carefully unbuttoning his neatly pressed shirt, trailing his fingers along the smooth skin and toned muscle underneath, unzipping his pants and stroking himself hard and fast as he moaned for the microphones...

Rather than giving himself over to his desires, however, Light sat up and reached for the phone on his nightstand.

Time for phase two.