Here's a brand new story, which is an alternative take on the episode 'Quagmire and Meg'... you remember, the episode where Meg turned 18 and she and Glenn Quagmire had a relationship, and it was an episode where Peter ACTUALLY cared for his daughter (I know, I know, that is just odd, they ignore and bash Meg, yet show concern for her here? GOD, what stupid standards!), and I bet you remember the ending, Peter and Lois saving Meg from making the wrong choice by having sex with Quagmire... well, what if they didn't arrive just at that moment? Actually, let's see what we can do to rectify that. Give this fic a read, and for all Quagmegium fans, enjoy!

Inside the cabin in the woods, Meg and Quagmire were sitting near the fireplace as Meg sighed happily. She knew that thanks to Glenn Quagmire, she and him were going pretty steady... but at the same time, she wasn't stupid. She knew that Quagmire took Meg up into the cabin just to finally do her in... well, not that she minded, but she knew who Quagmire was, what his ambitions are... and she also knew, from what she heard from her father and mother, what Quagmire does for a living. In fact, even before she left, she found a little list that Quagmire prepared for what he wanted to do with her, including have sex with her and leave her in the dust), yet... she wanted to have sex with Quagmire anyway. Not just to stick it to her parents, but to show that she was an independent woman of her own right!

Meg sighed as she turned to Quagmire. "So... tell the truth. Have you ever brought any women up here before?"

"To be honest, only two." Quagmire smiled as Meg looked down. "See, I brought the ashes of my third grade teacher, Mrs. Nicholson, and spread them across the lake per her last request."

Meg wasn't sure whether Quagmire was lying or not, but she went along with it anyway as she gave a smile.

"The other was a skank I met on a dock four miles from here!"

Meg paused. That was more like it, but she faked the surprise anyway. "WHAT?"

"Ehhh! Strike four, Jelly Jealerson, the other was my sister!" Quagmire laughed as Meg laughed along with him.

"...You know, it's so nice up here." Meg said, smiling.

"I know, I love how the fire makes the shadows dance around..." Quagmire smiled as Meg gave a sigh.

"You know, Glenn, you can drop the act anytime. You don't have to hide it anymore." Meg groaned.

Glenn Quagmire blinked in confusion as he turned to Meg. "Whatever do you mean? I don't..."

"Look, I like playing along with you, I love that we have some things in common, but..." Meg sighed. "Let's just be honest with each other, Mr. Quagmire. I know the real you."

"Wh-what?" Quagmire said nervously. "Why, that's ridic-"

Meg, frowning, pulled out a list and handed it to Quagmire. "It's okay, I know what your real plan was for me all along. You never really wanted to be my boyfriend. I was just going to be another one of the girls you have sex with which you're going to toss the next day."

"This old list?" Quagmire said in shock. "I honestly forgot I even had this..."

"So you do admit the truth, huh?" Meg sighed. "I knew this was coming... I wanted to deny it, but you're just the same as always, Mr. Quagmire." Meg frowned as she got up. "I just wanted to ask... did you plan on this from the very beginning, right at my eighteenth birthday, or was it slowly coming together as I aged?"

Quagmire just said nothing. He just stood up and walked out of the room. Meg blinked. "Glenn? Glenn?"

Quagmire sighed as he sat down on the couch. He sighed. He thought he could fool Meg, but he was pretty surprised that Meg was wise to his schemes. Curse his idealistic traits and everyone knowing who he was.

"Glenn? I'm sorry if I struck a..." Meg started to come in.

"No... I'm sorry." Glenn sighed as he gave it some thought. "You were right Meg. Ever since you were born, my first thought was to nail you and add it to my conquest of all the girls I shagged. But I wanted to wait until you were the right age and I've always planned on it. But then, overtime, I watched you grow up to be a fine woman. I always felt bad for you, Meg, bad for you when you always get hurt or insulted by your parents or whatever. The point is, you don't deserve all the crap you've gotten over the past few years. I was the only person who actually showed kindness to you, and overtime... I actually started to feel genuine love for you. But I was afraid of what your parents would say. Heck, I don't think Peter would ever want to be my friend again. But if it meant being with you... I'd sacrifice that friendship..."

"Do you really mean it, Glenn?" Meg asked out of curiosity.

"Every word." Glenn sighed.

Meg sighed. "Glenn Quagmire, I'm just going to say one thing... I know what you're going to do, and you know what? That's fine with me."

Quagmire shook his head in shock. "Wait, what? You're... you're actually okay with me just nailing you and ditching you?"

"Well... yeah. I mean, I'm sure my dad told you all about my love life and how 'unsuccessful' it always has been. At least with you, I at least had sex with you. It's okay, Glenn. I know I'm the grossest person." Meg sighed.

"No you're not!" Quagmire frowned as Meg looked at him in shock. "You aren't gross at all, Meg! That's what people kept saying to you to damper your spirits! They don't realize just how beautiful you really are... but I do."

Glenn Quagmire sighed as he got up. "Come on, kiddo, I guess I'll take you back home... but just so you know, I really don't hate you."

Meg looked down in sadness as Glenn sighed as well... Meg paused. "Mr. Quagmire?"

"Yes, Meg?" Glenn Quagmire looked over.

"You really are a sweet person, and... I actually want to go all the way with this." Meg said as she took Quagmire's hand.

"A-are you sure?" Quagmire said in surprise. "You know I could unintentionally give you something?"

Meg cuddled near his chest. "Whatever STD you give me... it'll be worth it because Glenn, I want you..."

Quagmire gave a smile as Meg planted a kiss on his lips. Quagmire looked in surprise, but proceeded to follow as he started to take off his shirt, returning the kiss. As soon as they broke the kiss, Meg and Quagmire laughed as they looked at each other with loving eyes before starting to strip down to their underwear.

"You know, I heard from a lot of women I pass by that a black haired stud has a huge dick." Meg flirted.

"Meg, you dirty girl!" Quagmire smirked as he started to rub her breasts, making her moan.

"Oh, Glenn..." Meg moaned as Quagmire slowly slipped his last garment down, revealing his dick, which happened to be poking her, surprising her. Meg looked down and blushed as she said, "It is big!"

Meg smiled as she bent down and put the dick around her mouth as Glenn started to groan. "Oh yeah, Meg, that's it, that's the stuff..."

Now, Quagmire can admit to having a lot of sex with women, but none of them seem as pleasurable or as sweet as Meg was... it was right there that Quagmire began to reconsider his plan, maybe having Meg for his girlfriend and eventual wife might be a great idea!

Pretty soon, Quagmire took Meg and got her over to the bed as Meg got her bra and underwear stripped off. Quagmire smiled. "Want to cut right to the chase, huh? Well, all right!"

"Take me, Glenn! Please!" Meg begged as Quagmire pinned her down and kissed her.

Quagmire then grabbed his penis and aimed it towards her opening as he quickly inserted himself in easily, which, much to his surprise, he couldn't believe that Meg was used to it.

"So, I take it you did have sex before?" Quagmire asked. Meg looked down as Quagmire smiled. "Hey, nothing to be ashamed of. I just kind of wish I was your first."

Meg gave a smile. "Yeah, Jimmy Fallon was my first. Back when I had my makeover. But let's not dwell on that, I like to pretend this is my TRUE first."

Quagmire smirked as Meg crossed her legs over Quagmire's back as Quagmire started pumping inside her. Meg then gave a crazy smile as she started to feel good about how Quagmire was pumping her up. It was pretty soon that Meg reached an orgasm as she released her liquids from her hole and screamed. Quagmire couldn't tell how long his orgasm was, but knew he reached it around the same time as he released himself inside of Meg. "Giggity! Giggity! Goo!"

Both male and female panted as Quagmire pulled himself out, the bed wet, and Meg happy about the sex.

"You know, I actually liked this... did you?" Quagmire asked.

"I sure did." Meg smiled as she looked up... then sighed. "Well, it was fun while it lasted, didn't it? It's okay, Mr. Quagmire. You don't have to apologize or whatever. I..."

"Wait a minute, Meg." Quagmire said in concern as he put his hand on her shoulder. "Look, what we did... between our ages... I don't know just how odd it is but... I'm actually starting to fall in love with you, like, legit love this time, not the whole fake stories and personas I tried to make up."

"Really?" Meg said in surprise.

"Megan Griffin, I finally realize that... well, you don't deserve any of these prats you call your family. I mean, I love Peter, but even I know he doesn't seem to care for you... I mean, I've noticed he's shown care in you once in a while, especially since me and you were dating, but... he didn't care about you anywhere else." Quagmire sighed.

Meg sighed. "I suppose you got that right..."

"So... how about this? How about a secret relationship? We won't tell your mom or dad or anybody else? We'll meet, have a little date, and..." Quagmire paused before Meg cuddled against him.

"...maybe a little moment of sex or two, like the one we just had?" Meg smirked.

"Ah, you still want it, you little minx?" Quagmire smirked. "I guess we can make it work."

Meg smiled as she looked up at Quagmire. "Did you really mean it when you said I was beautiful?"

"I wouldn't trade your beauty for the world..." Quagmire said as he patted Meg on the back as she hugged him.

As soon as the two walked out of the room to collect clothes, they suddenly heard a car coming in. Quagmire blinked. "What the hell, someone's approaching?"

Quagmire looked out the window for a brief moment and yelped as he saw the Griffin's car pulling in. "Oh no, it's your parents! If they find out we had sex, I think Lois might do something drastic!"

Meg yelped as she grabbed her clothes. "Glenn, put your clothes back on, quick! I got an idea, let's improvise!"

"Come on, Peter!" Lois said angrily as she pulled Peter. "We got to save our daughter!"

"Right behind you, Lois!" Peter said as he and Lois ran up to the door as Peter paused. "Wait, stop. Listen to that."

Lois and Peter stopped as the sound of a loon was heard. Peter smiled. "The sound of a loon. You know, maybe we oughta get a cabin of our own..."

"PETER! We're wasting time! Quagmire's about to have-" Lois started when all of a sudden, they both heard a slap.


Lois groaned. "Oh no, we're too late..."


Lois and Peter looked at the door in shock as Peter whispered, "Maybe not..."

"Come on, Meg, you should know who I am by now..." They heard Quagmire say nervously.

"I DON'T CARE! Look, if you want to have a pleasant conversation with me like we always have sometimes, it's fine, but I am not going to lose MY OWN virginity to someone like you! I am out!" Meg said as she was near the door, fake yelling as Quagmire set himself up to slap himself as he fell down. Meg opened the door as she put on an angry face. "I AM WALKING OUT THIS DOOR AND I'M NEVER LOOKING BACK! I'LL EVEN TELL MY MOM AND MY DAD ABOUT WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO!"

"Meg!" Lois said as Meg turned to her mother and father.

"Well, well, looks like I didn't need to." Meg said darkly before sighing. "I'm sorry, dad, I should have listened to you in the first place. Deep down in my mind, I knew Mr. Quagmire wasn't quite the honest man, but I let my own decisions get the better of me."

"Well, we're just glad you backed out of it in the last second. You go wait in the car." Peter said.

"Yes, daddy." Meg said as she decided to march up to the car. As she did so, she looked back towards the cabin as she gave a secret smile. "I can't believe they actually bought that! I guess that one night of bliss and the future nights of bliss, they'll never truly know what happened..."

As Meg decided to relax in the car, she started to rub her stomach a bit.

Of course, little did she realize that inside her body, a little sperm shaped like Quagmire was already heading towards a small egg as it dove right in and relaxed inside. This was meant to be the beginning... of a new chapter in Meg and Quagmire's life...

All right, there's the first chapter! Hopefully as this goes along, this'll will delve deep into the Quagmire and Meg relationship, as well as a hint of what happened during Quagmire and Meg's first night together... what will happen now? Read and review!