A/N: I finally finished this *sigh of relief* I highly /HIGHLY/ suggest listening to Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic by Sleeping at Last while you read for your ultimate viewing pleasure.

Winter in London is not at all what Emma expected. She expected a chilly damp mess, not a light dusting of snow over everything, and fairy lights hung up everywhere. It's gorgeous. The jet lag isn't as bad as she thought it would be, due to her already messed up sleep schedule. She's actually dealing with it better than Killian is, much to his dismay and Liam's got in Thursday evening and Killian spent the majority of Friday sleeping, leaving Emma awake by herself in Liam's house all day.

She picks up her cup of tea from the table as she moves to the chair by the window to watch the tiny snowflakes dance across the sky. Tucking her legs under her, she holds her mug close to her chest, warming her hands with it.

"Emma, I've been meaning to talk to you about my brother." Liam appears out of thin air, or at least that's what it seems like.

Liam is like Killian. He gets up at an ungodly hour every day but Sunday, and runs to the gym, where he exercises for a few hours. That means that until he gets back at eight, the house is completely quiet.

She looks to the nearest clock. "You weren't supposed to be back for another half hour or so."

"Are you disappointed to spend time with your boyfriend's brother, or simply wanting to avoid this conversation?" He goes into the kitchen and pours himself a cup of tea and then returns, sitting opposite Emma.

"I just like the quiet time. I don't get much of that at home." A fuzzy feeling shoots through her. Home now means the apartment she shares with Killian. All the back and forth between their two apartments was starting to get tiring and the double rent was a lot, so they took their cue from Mrs. Worthington, who would shout that they just needed to 'take the plunge already' every time she passed one of them in the hall.

Liam smiles gently. "I understand that. My brother seems very smitten with you."

Emma quickly looks down at her hands, smiling, a bright blush spreading across her face. "Yes, I think so."

"I think he thinks you're the one." His tone changes from gentle, to wary. "I need to know you think the same. From what he's told me about you, I think you're a flight risk and I can't let you hurt my brother if one day you decide this is moving too fast and you take off. Don't misunderstand. I love you as much as my brother does, and I don't doubt you love him very much as well. I need to make sure you're on the same page as he is."

Her smile slips from her face. In the six months that they've been dating the thought definitely crossed her mind, that they're moving too fast, but each time she was ready to pack up and run for the hills, she remembered the look he gets whenever he wakes up next to her. The same look he gives her every time she walks in the door, or tells her he loves her. It's the same look she has whenever he reaches for her hand, or gets up early to make breakfast for him. There's no way she could hurt him in that way, hurt herself that way because he's made her better and without him, she wouldn't be the same.

"What are you two talking about?" Killian enters the living room.

There's that smile she was talking about.

"The sleeping beauty wakes," Liam teases.

Emma takes a deep breath and stands, nodding once solemnly to Liam, and crosses to Killian, a matching smile now on her face. "We were just talking about how you two are so similar, both very perceptive." She wraps her arms around him.

He kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad you two are getting along. I figured we'd get our sight seeing out of the way on day one."

Emma glares at him.

"Okay, fine. Day two!" He admits. "I've planned it all out already, so you don't have to worry about any of that. Don't worry, no boring museums. I thought we could see the changing of the guards at 11:30, see Big Ben, the Tower of London and London bridge, Hyde park, and then end with a nighttime ride on the London Eye."

"Sounds great!" She steps back and pats his chest. "You should probably change out of your pajamas if we are going to go anywhere."

He rushes back to the bedroom, in a hurry to show Emma around.

There's a few moments with Emma standing in front of the hallway, looking after Killian before Liam comes up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder."You understand me then?"

She pauses, breathing in deeply. "Yes. I do."

Then Killian is running, rather hopping as he tries to pull on his socks, down the hallway towards them. He grabs her hand as soon as he gets his socks on and pulls her towards the door, so they can put their shoes and jackets on.

"Liam, do you want to come with?" Emma asks last minute.

"No, thanks. I've lived here long enough that the sights are boring. Besides, it'll be better if it's just you and Killian." Liam waves to them as Killian pulls her out the door.

The guards at the palace are exactly like everyone says; completely stern and unbreakable. Kind of like Emma, a fact Killian points out several times. She stares at the people doing funny things, trying to make them laugh, and she thinks it's completely ridiculous. Instead, she crosses her arms and stares a guard down, Killian laughing at the pair of them the whole time.

Big Ben and the London Tower are so-so, she's never been one for historical sightseeing. So far Hyde park is her favorite, but they haven't been on the London Eye yet. She loves the carnival type games and ice skating rink, which Killian promised to take her to another time, but they have to get to the Eye now.

The line is long, but not anything she didn't expect.

"I assure you, love, the line will be worth the flight." He guides her forward with a hand pressed to her lower back. "It's a half hour rotation with a 360 degree view of London, and we don't need to buy the guide." He taps his head. "It's all up here."

They're almost at the front now as the next capsule slowly crawls up to the platform and the usher motions for the five people in front of them into it. Emma is about to step in when Killian stops her.

"Hold on. We have the next one."

She furrows her brow, but steps back none the less.

"I bought tickets for a private capsule." He kisses her cheek and wraps his arm around her waist.

She likes the way it feels to have him next to her. To be honest, it doesn't feel any different than it did before physically, except now, mentally, she can relax and not worry about messing up what they have. She likes how he'll press close enough to her that she can feel his heart beating in time with hers against her back. She likes how his hand is always there for her to take.

The London Eye is possibly the slowest moving thing ever because it feels like they've been standing at the front for hours, and waiting in line for ages, even though she knows it hasn't been more than fifteen minutes at the front. She bounces excitedly as their capsule approaches, and Killian pulls her forward with a tug on her hand when she hasn't moved any.

The capsule is bigger than she thought it would be. When Killian said it could hold up to twenty-five people, she didn't realize how big it would have to be to do that.

"At the top of the flight, you can see twenty-four miles in every direction. It's a spectacular view. Especially with all the holiday lights up." Killian walks around the area, watching all of London shrink around them.

It's a few minutes to the top when Emma notices Killian has gotten all fidgety and is pacing somewhat. She walks to the other side of the capsule to where he finally stopped.

"Here's the best spot," he says quietly.

He's right. They're looking down the River Thames and the way the lights bounce off of it is magical. The lights themselves are just tiny dots on the ground, but there are thousands of them flickering back at her. They can't see very far because it's started to snow again, but it only adds another layer of enchantment to their trip.

She leans her head on his shoulder. "You're right. It's gorgeous up here, although I wouldn't have minded sharing this carriage with other people."

"Private ones are far more intimate for things like this." He drops to one knee. "Emma, I've been thinking about how to ask you this since we booked our flight last month. There's no way for me to find the words that describe how I feel about you. You are the best thing to ever happened to me, the only thing I want every second of every day, and the only thing I'll need in all my years to come. You keep me sane, and alive, and I fall more and more in love with you every day. Emma Swan-" he pauses to steady his nerves, "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

A thousand and one things are running through her mind. This is the man she's lived next to and with for the majority of her adult life. The man she was worried about scaring away for the first few months they were friends. This man she was afraid would leave if she so much as moved the wrong way. This is the man who's proved her wrong in everything. He loves her more than she loves herself. She has no doubts about that because she never figured she'd get a proposal, or at least not from someone she truly loved.

She grabs his shirt and pulls him to standing, kissing him senseless as her answer. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring box, breaking from their kiss with a small protest from Emma.

"Is that a yes?" He's already opening up the small black box and taking out the ring, slipping it onto her finger.

"Yes. Yes, Killian. Yes," she breathes out.