Hello lovelies! I hope you like this first chapter! And before you guy start asking, it's a yaoi. I promise it'll get hawt and sweaty soon but first I'm building the story line up! Enjoy! 3

A young man walked down the hallways of the new academy.

"Oh man, this place is fucking huge..."

(I guess that's what's expected of the best military corps academy within wall rose. How am I gonna find the principal's office in such a big establishment?)

"Eren, let's go," his adopted sister Mikasa said. She started walking ahead of him.

"H-how do you know where you're going when it's your first time here?"

"The sign says principal's office, dumbass," she said pointing to a sign up ahead.

Eren's cheeks turned a bright shade of red from embarrassment.

"I-I knew that! Let's go!"

*Time pass*

They walked into an office lined with a large books, awards and medals beyond compare. A desk sat in the middle of the room with a large chair behind it, and two small, wooden chairs in front of it. A bald man sat in the chair behind it.

"Hello, new students. Please have a seat," the man said. Eren and Mikasa walked over to the desk and sat in the two remaining chairs.

"I hope you two didn't have too hard of a time getting here. My name is Dot Pixis. I am your principal."

"Pleased to meet you," Mikasa said.

"I will show you to your rooms. Please follow me," Principal Pixis said.

We followed him around the academy and he showed Mikasa to her dorm room. Her roommate was a blonde girl named Annie. She seemed very reserved. Afterwards, I was taken to the boys dorm rooms. We stopped at a door at the end of a long hallway.

"This will be your dorm room," Principal Pixis said.

"Great!" Eren replied reaching for the door knob. Pixis stopped him.

"I must warn you first, the person assigned to this dorm room along with you is a very rude man. He is also an instructor."

"Oh haha okay an instructor- Wait, WHATTTT!?"

"There were no more rooms left for instructors so he has to share a room with a student, which happens to be you. In you go!", he said opening the door and pushing Eren through it. He fell to the floor with a thud. When he looked up he saw a man sleeping in one of the two beds in the room.

(That must be my new roommate..)

The man tossed and turned on the bed; he seemed to be having a nightmare. Eren picked himself up off the floor and walked over to the man as quietly as he could, trying not to wake him. His face looked older, like he was in his thirties. He was slim, yet muscular, and had jet black hair scattered all over his forehead.

"Kill...them..ki-kill..." the man mumbled in his sleep.

(Kill?! Kill who!? Is this guy a serial killer?!)

"No..we must...kill titans.." Eren had enough of the word 'kill' and decided to wake him up.

"E-excuse me, you shouldn't be sleeping in the middle of the day," Eren said softly. In the blink of an eye, the man pulled Eren towards him by the collar.


"Why the fuck are you in my room, brat?", the man said.

"W-w-we-well I-I'm your new roommate, sir!" the man sighed and pushed Eren off him sending him butt-first onto the floor. "Hey! What'd you do that for?" Eren pouted.

"That damn Pixie, always trying to piss me off."

"His name is Pixis!" Eren shouted back.

"I don't give a shit, I'll call him whatever I want," the man said. He finally took a glance at Eren and his eyes widened.

"W-what is it?" the man didn't pay any mind to Eren in particular. Instead, he scrambled to the floor and ripped Eren's shoes off and set them neatly by the door. He then took a broom and swept up all the dirt left on the floor from his shoes. "Do you have some kind of dirt phobia?" Eren asked him looking at him in astonishment.

"No dirt shall pass that door, got it? I hate people who don't know cleanliness" the man said with the most annoyed expression on his face.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Doesn't matter, go take a bath while I sanitize this whole room, who knows what you've touched with those dirty hands of yours while I was asleep," Eren sighed deeply and stood up. He walked to the only other door there was in the room. When he opened it he saw a bright white bathroom. The toilet, the sink and even the bathtub were pristine. Even the air smelled fresh.

(Fucking clean freak..)

*Time pass*

Eren got out of the bath and went back into the bedroom to find the man sitting on his bed.

"S-sorry I got dirt on the floor earlier, let's just start over. I'm Eren," he held out his hand to the man.

"Levi," he said annoyed and looked away from him. He lay down on his bed with his back to Eren. "Go to bed, brat."

"Fine, fucking asshole."